It was important to us to engage with as many students as possible throughout the process of developing a new name for the reformed junior cycle. In this vein, we used a wide variety of methods to engage with students in order to capture as many ideas as possible; text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, email and consultation sessions. We circulated posters to all schools via post and/or email, and contacted schools in catchment areas for the consultation sessions by phone. In our consultation sessions, we had discussions with the participating students about what the new junior cycle would be, closely guided by the content of “Towards a Framework for Junior Cycle” from the National Council for Curriculum and assessment. In these sessions, students then gave feedback on what they thought of the reformed junior cycle, developed their own ideas, and identified what they thought should be reflected in the name of the reformed junior cycle
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) jointly developed European Union Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ESTC) aimed at providing European Union (EU)-tailored standards for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis (TB). The International Standards for TB Care (ISTC) were developed in the global context and are not always adapted to the EU setting and practices. The majority of EU countries have the resources and capacity to implement higher standards to further secure quality TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention. On this basis, the ESTC were developed as standards specifically tailored to the EU setting. A panel of 30 international experts, led by a writing group and the ERS and ECDC, identified and developed the 21 ESTC in the areas of diagnosis, treatment, HIV and comorbid conditions, and public health and prevention. The ISTCs formed the basis for the 21 standards, upon which additional EU adaptations and supplements were developed. These patient-centred standards are targeted to clinicians and public health workers, providing an easy-to-use resource, guiding through all required activities to ensure optimal diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB. These will support EU health programmes to identify and develop optimal procedures for TB care, control and elimination.
El primer objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar els motius pels quals les heroïnes malcasades d'Anna Karènina, Madame Bovary i La Regenta, acaben sent adúlteres, i el segon objectiu és intentar reflectir la personalitat de cadascuna de les protagonistes d'aquestes tres novel·les a través dels ulls d'altres personatges o dels seus propis ulls, influïts tots per una societat on predomina la hipocresia i l'autoritat de l'home.
Del 19 al 23 de setembre de 1995 es va celebrar a Jaca (Osca) el III Curs Internacional de Defensa, amb el títol específic “ El Mediterrani en el Diàleg Nord Sud”, organitzat per la Càtedra Miguel de Cervantes de l’Acadèmia General Militar i la Universitat de Saragossa. Els objectius assenyalats pels organitzadors es van centrar a potenciar l’intercanvi d’opinions entre especialistes i representants de les institucions sobre aspectes polítics, socials, econòmics i de defensa que afecten l’espai geopolític de les dues riberes del Mediterrani, i a analitzar els mecanismes de cooperació que actuen a l’àrea i la política de la Unió Europea a la zona
Resum de la V Trobada dels tallers per a l’aplicació del Conveni europeu del paisatge, què va tenir lloc a Girona al setembre de 2006
Aquest projecte ha estat creat per a la presentació a un concurs públic de licitació de disseny i implementació d'una base de dades per al control de la generació, transport i consum de l'energia elèctrica dins el marc de la Unió Europea.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud