890 resultados para Free source software
This paper presents the development history and specification of a 3D game engine titled "Spark Engine". The term "engine" is used to describe a complex graphics software suite that streamlines application development and provides efficient rendering functionality. A game engine specifically provides tools to simplify game development. Spark Engine is fully shader driven and is built on top of Microsoft's XNA Framework. It is a reusable and flexible platform that can be used to build any type of graphics application ranging from gaming to simulation. The engine was released as open source software under the New BSD License with an interest in furthering its development.
Abstract Idea Management Systems are web applications that implement the notion of open innovation though crowdsourcing. Typically, organizations use those kind of systems to connect to large communities in order to gather ideas for improvement of products or services. Originating from simple suggestion boxes, Idea Management Systems advanced beyond collecting ideas and aspire to be a knowledge management solution capable to select best ideas via collaborative as well as expert assessment methods. In practice, however, the contemporary systems still face a number of problems usually related to information overflow and recognizing questionable quality of submissions with reasonable time and effort allocation. This thesis focuses on idea assessment problem area and contributes a number of solutions that allow to filter, compare and evaluate ideas submitted into an Idea Management System. With respect to Idea Management System interoperability the thesis proposes theoretical model of Idea Life Cycle and formalizes it as the Gi2MO ontology which enables to go beyond the boundaries of a single system to compare and assess innovation in an organization wide or market wide context. Furthermore, based on the ontology, the thesis builds a number of solutions for improving idea assessment via: community opinion analysis (MARL), annotation of idea characteristics (Gi2MO Types) and study of idea relationships (Gi2MO Links). The main achievements of the thesis are: application of theoretical innovation models for practice of Idea Management to successfully recognize the differentiation between communities, opinion metrics and their recognition as a new tool for idea assessment, discovery of new relationship types between ideas and their impact on idea clustering. Finally, the thesis outcome is establishment of Gi2MO Project that serves as an incubator for Idea Management solutions and mature open-source software alternatives for the widely available commercial suites. From the academic point of view the project delivers resources to undertake experiments in the Idea Management Systems area and managed to become a forum that gathered a number of academic and industrial partners. Resumen Los Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas son aplicaciones Web que implementan el concepto de innovación abierta con técnicas de crowdsourcing. Típicamente, las organizaciones utilizan ese tipo de sistemas para conectar con comunidades grandes y así recoger ideas sobre cómo mejorar productos o servicios. Los Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas lian avanzado más allá de recoger simplemente ideas de buzones de sugerencias y ahora aspiran ser una solución de gestión de conocimiento capaz de seleccionar las mejores ideas por medio de técnicas colaborativas, así como métodos de evaluación llevados a cabo por expertos. Sin embargo, en la práctica, los sistemas contemporáneos todavía se enfrentan a una serie de problemas, que, por lo general, están relacionados con la sobrecarga de información y el reconocimiento de las ideas de dudosa calidad con la asignación de un tiempo y un esfuerzo razonables. Esta tesis se centra en el área de la evaluación de ideas y aporta una serie de soluciones que permiten filtrar, comparar y evaluar las ideas publicadas en un Sistema de Gestión de Ideas. Con respecto a la interoperabilidad de los Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas, la tesis propone un modelo teórico del Ciclo de Vida de la Idea y lo formaliza como la ontología Gi2MO que permite ir más allá de los límites de un sistema único para comparar y evaluar la innovación en un contexto amplio dentro de cualquier organización o mercado. Por otra parte, basado en la ontología, la tesis desarrolla una serie de soluciones para mejorar la evaluación de las ideas a través de: análisis de las opiniones de la comunidad (MARL), la anotación de las características de las ideas (Gi2MO Types) y el estudio de las relaciones de las ideas (Gi2MO Links). Los logros principales de la tesis son: la aplicación de los modelos teóricos de innovación para la práctica de Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas para reconocer las diferenciasentre comu¬nidades, métricas de opiniones de comunidad y su reconocimiento como una nueva herramienta para la evaluación de ideas, el descubrimiento de nuevos tipos de relaciones entre ideas y su impacto en la agrupación de estas. Por último, el resultado de tesis es el establecimiento de proyecto Gi2MO que sirve como incubadora de soluciones para Gestión de Ideas y herramientas de código abierto ya maduras como alternativas a otros sistemas comerciales. Desde el punto de vista académico, el proyecto ha provisto de recursos a ciertos experimentos en el área de Sistemas de Gestión de Ideas y logró convertirse en un foro que reunión para un número de socios tanto académicos como industriales.
The identification of malnourished children living under extreme poverty conditions in isolated areas is crucial to trigger urgent interventions like supplementary or therapeutic feeding. This work aims to strengthen the task of following-up malnourished maternal-child population in rural areas of developing countries like Nicaragua. The solution facilitates low-cost health nutritional remote monitoring to support rural communities at the point of care. Thus, the system allows medical staff to communicate with brigades, who transmit anthropometric measurements, such as weight and height of the children, from communities which are sited about 12 km. far away. A hybrid WiMAX/WiFi architecture was deployed to provide affordable communications between the isolated communities and the health center. Furthermore, a free PBX software and an open information system, installed at the health center, support WiFi based mobile communications and information management to support the care needs of maternal-child population at risk.
Safety is one of the most important feature in the aviation industry, and this involves too many factors. One of these is the aircraft maintenance. Over time, the procedures have been changing, and improving themselves. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) appeared in the late 19th century as a great option, because it enabled to inspect any structure without damaging it. Nowadays, there are several kinds of NDT, but ultrasound is one of the most widely used. This Master Thesis is devoted to an innovative ultrasound technique for crack detection. A technique, whose main aim lies in getting a good location of defects from a few measures, breaking with the currently widespread methods, as phased array. It is not necessary to use trains of waves, only discrete excitations, which means a great saving of time and energy. This work is divided into two steps: the first is to develop a multiphysics simulator, which is able to solve linear elasticity 3D problems (via Finite Element Method, FEM). This simulator allows to obtain in a computationally efficient way the displacement field for different frequencies and excitations. The solution of this elastic problem is needed to be used in the second step, which consists of generating a code that implements a mathematical tool named topological derivative, allowing to locate defects in the studied domain. In this work, the domain is a plate, and the defect is a hidden spherical void. The simulator has been developed using open source software (Elmer, Gmsh, ...), achieving a highly versatile simulator, which allows to change the configuration easily: domain size and shape, number and position of transducers, etc. Just one comercial software is used, Matlab. It is used to implement the topological derivative. In this work, the performance of the method is tested in several examples comparing the results when one or more frequencies are considered for different configurations of emisors/receptors.
The use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Learning Environment allows achieving the maximum interaction between Teachers and Students.The Virtual Learning Environments are computer programs that benefit the learning facilitating the communication between users. Open Source software allow to create the own online modular learning environment with a fast placed in service. In the present paper the use of a Learning Management Systems (LMS) as continuous education tool is proposed.
El objetivo del proyecto es implantar un sistema de monitorización, con la peculiaridad de encontrarse en alta disponibilidad, esto es, que el servicio (la monitorización de una infraestructura) se preste forma continua y no se vea interrumpido. Dado que el propósito del sistema es monitorizar activamente una infraestructura, ha sido necesario desplegar una infraestructura, además del sistema de monitorización. La infraestructura en cuestión está compuesta por un servidor de documentación, un servidor de base de datos, un servidor de aplicaciones y un servidor web. El sistema de monitorización se ha desplegado en la misma red de área local de esta infraestructura y monitoriza que los servicios prestados por los componentes de esta infraestructura se encuentren operativos y funcionando adecuadamente. Así pues, se tendría un sistema de monitorización local funcional. No obstante, el proyecto plantea un sistema escalable, que esté preparado para el crecimiento de la infraestructura y continúe siendo eficiente. Para ello, sistema de monitorización se encuentre dividido por dos componentes: Sonda delegada: monitoriza localmente los activos de la infraestructura a monitorizar, es el escenario anteriormente descrito. Sonda maestra: recibe los resultados de la monitorización realizada, este sistema puede estar desplegado en otra red distinta a la sonda delegada. Este enfoque no solo es escalable, sino también es fiel a la realidad, pues puede darse el caso de que las sondas pertenezcan a distintas infraestructuras e inclusive, distintas organizaciones, y se comuniquen a través de internet, mediante un mecanismo confiable a ser posible. El proyecto plantea que ambas sondas se encuentren en alta disponibilidad (en adelante HA, referente a high availability), y que cada sonda está compuesta por dos equipos (nodos, en adelante). Como se analizará en posteriores capítulos, existen diversas configuraciones que permiten implantar un sistema en HA, la configuración escogida para el proyecto es Activo – Pasivo(los detalles de esta configuración también se explican en posteriores capítulos). Para finalizar, se estudiara la posibilidad de ofrecer respuestas activas en ciertas situaciones y configuraciones adicionales sobre el sistema de monitorización base. Por otro lado, para la implantación del proyecto se ha usado software de código abierto para la virtualización de la infraestructura (Virtual Box y GNS3), los sistemas operativos base (Linux), el sistema de monitorización(Nagios Core) así como el software que implementa la HA (corosync y pacemaker).---ABSTRACT---The aim of the Project is to implement a monitoring system, with the peculiarity of being deployed in high availability, what it is that the service (monitoring infrastructure) is provided continuously and not interrupted. As the purpose of the system is monitoring infrastructure actively, an infrastructure has been deployed, and also the monitoring system. The infrastructure monitored is composed of a documentation server, a server database, an application server and a Web server. The monitoring system has been also deployed on the same LAN of this infrastructure and monitors the services provided by the components of this infrastructure are operational and working as expected. This is a local monitoring system functional. However, the project also proposes a scalable system that is ready for growth of infrastructure and efficient. This is the reason of divide the system in two components: Slave Component: monitors locally the infrastructure assets to be monitored, this is the scenario described above. Master Component: get the results from the monitoring, provided by the Slave Component. This system can be deployed in a different network than the slave component. This approach is not only scalable but also a real scenario, as may be the case that the Components belongs to different infrastructures and even, different organizations, also this components can communicate over the Internet, through a reliable mechanism if possible. The project proposes that both Components are deployed in high availability (HA onwards concerning high availability), each Component is composed of two servers (nodes, hereafter). As will be discussed in later chapters, there are several settings available to deploy a system in HA, the configuration chosen for the project is Active - Passive (details of this configuration are also explained in later chapters). Finally the possibility of offering active responses in certain situations and additional settings on the monitoring system will be discussed. On the other hand, for the implementation of the project, open source software has been used, for virtualization infrastructure (Virtual Box and GNS3), code-based operating systems (Linux), the monitoring system (Nagios core), as well as the software that implements the HA (corosync and pacemaker).
En el departamento de Ocio Digital de bq se desarrollan multitud de proyectos con diferentes modelos de negocio y diferentes stack tecnológicos. Para llevar a cabo todos estos proyectos, es necesario tener un ecosistema de desarrollo lo más unificado y centralizado posible. Por eso, en el departamento existe una plataforma genérica de servicios REST sobre la que se apoyan todos los aplicativos desarrollados. Para agilizar y facilitar la integración de los aplicativos con la plataforma de servicios,se desarrolla este SDK (Software Development Kit) basado en JavaScript llamado corbel-js. Este SDK ha de funcionar tanto en aplicaciones web, como en un middleware basado en node.js desarrollado también en la organización, por lo que el SDK se ha desarrollado de forma híbrida, siendo capaz de ejecutarse tanto en en el lado del cliente, como en el lado del servidor. Además, como parte de la filosofía del departamento, el desarrollo del SDK está basado en tecnologías Open Source, usando metodologías ágiles de desarrollo y un sistema de integración continua y revisión de código, garantizando la calidad del mismo. ABSTRACT A lot of different kinds of software projects are developed in the digital department of bq. To easily develop all of these projects, each one with its own business model and technology stack, it is necessary to have an unique software ecosystem. Because of that, in the software department a generic service REST platform has been developed. To support an easy integration of the applications with the service platform of the organization, this SDK(Software Development Kit) has been developed in JavaScript. As the SDK has to run under a web application and under a software middleware based in node.js, also developed in the organization, the SDK is hybrid, being capable of run inside a web client application or inside a node.js application server. As a part of the software philosophy of the department, the development of the SDK is made with a whole open source software stack, using agile software methodologies.
Multibody System Dynamics has been responsible for revolutionizing Mechanical Engineering Design by using mathematical models to simulate and optimize the dynamic behavior of a wide range of mechanical systems. These mathematical models not only can provide valuable informations about a system that could otherwise be obtained only by experiments with prototypes, but also have been responsible for the development of many model-based control systems. This work represents a contribution for dynamic modeling of multibody mechanical systems by developing a novel recursive modular methodology that unifies the main contributions of several Classical Mechanics formalisms. The reason for proposing such a methodology is to motivate the implementation of computational routines for modeling complex multibody mechanical systems without being dependent on closed source software and, consequently, to contribute for the teaching of Multibody System Dynamics in undergraduate and graduate levels. All the theoretical developments are based on and motivated by a critical literature review, leading to a general matrix form of the dynamic equations of motion of a multibody mechanical system (that can be expressed in terms of any set of variables adopted for the description of motions performed by the system, even if such a set includes redundant variables) and to a general recursive methodology for obtaining mathematical models of complex systems given a set of equations describing the dynamics of each of its uncoupled subsystems and another set describing the constraints among these subsystems in the assembled system. This work also includes some discussions on the description of motion (using any possible set of motion variables and admitting any kind of constraint that can be expressed by an invariant), and on the conditions for solving forward and inverse dynamics problems given a mathematical model of a multibody system. Finally, some examples of computational packages based on the novel methodology, along with some case studies, are presented, highlighting the contributions that can be achieved by using the proposed methodology.
In this paper we try to present the main trends of evolution of the ICT sector. Its dynamics, supported by a constant technical progress in ICs, compounded with “non convexities” such as network effects and high sunk costs, may either lead to a Schumpeter Mark I or Schumpeter Mark II competition regime. This means that in some segments, the market will be more competitive (Mark I), while in other it will be more monopolistic (Mark II). But a key trend is also the so called “convergence”. But digitization makes it cost effective to integrate different communications, information processing and entertainment systems and devices. Hence, Schumpeter Mark II grows at the core where software production dominates, while Schumpeter Mark I is established at the periphery. In this context, the European ICT industry is potentially smashed between two forces: the cost advantages of Asian countries on one hand, the inventiveness and dynamism of the US industry on the other hand. The way out of this very difficult situation is to create in Europe the conditions of restoring knowledge accumulation in a key sub-sector of ICT, that is software production. To do this, Europe can rely on its tradition of cooperation and knowledge sharing and on a set of institutions that have shown their ability to stimulate inter-regional cooperation. By concentrating on an ambitious project of open source software production in embarked systems and domestic networks, Europe could reach several objectives: to make freely accessible an essential facility, to stimulate competition, to help reaching the Lisbon objectives and to restore the European competitiveness in ICT.
Subtype polymorphism is a cornerstone of object-oriented programming. By hiding variability in behavior behind a uniform interface, polymorphism decouples clients from providers and thus enables genericity, modularity and extensi- bility. At the same time, however, it scatters the implementation of the behavior over multiple classes thus potentially hampering program comprehension. The extent to which polymorphism is used in real programs and the impact of polymorphism on program comprehension are not very well understood. We report on a preliminary study of the prevalence of polymorphism in several hundred open source software systems written in Smalltalk, one of the oldest object-oriented programming languages, and in Java, one of the most widespread ones. Although a large portion of the call sites in these systems are polymorphic, a majority have a small number of potential candidates. Smalltalk uses polymorphism to a much greater extent than Java. We discuss how these findings can be used as input for more detailed studies in program comprehension and for better developer support in the IDE.
O trabalho proposto é a montar um projeto exploratório funcional que parta da cartografia cognitiva, que é definida como a arte, teoria e técnica de construir mapas do conhecimento, visando com esta cartografia a sua aplicabilidade na estruturação de um conjunto de cursos/saberes da área da Comunicação. Assemelhado ao conceito de mapas conceituais, ou cognitivos, representam o conhecimento organizado e são compostos por conceitos. Este mapas foram desenvolvido a partir da década de setenta por vários pesquisadores. A tese experimento foi montada tendo como base os softwares de relacionamento por temas e interesses dentro de um ambiente de interatividade tridimensional , montado no conceito de arvore do conhecimento relacional. Esta experiência é construída em ambiente tridimensional com uso de softwares 3D que rodam como aplicativos de engines de vídeo games, que são motores gráficos. A base de dados e a interatividade de textos e tarefas é realizada sob a plataforma do MediaWiki, que é o software aberto que roda a Wikipédia. A plataforma de mapas roda dentro de um software MindJet MindManager e do CMAPS. As vídeo conferências são administradas pelo FlashMeeting, de Web conferência. A maioria deles são softwares abertos. Todos operando em sistemas presenciais ou de modulação EAD. A base conceitual está estruturada dentro de uma visão de educação disruptiva, que lança um novo modelo educacional baseado em mapas, visto dentro de uma abordagem de um mundo de múltiplas telas, um mundo da era hiper, um mundo hipermoderno, que tem como base uma cultura da era tecnológica, numa renovação dos conceitos de Cultura, agora revigorados à luz das novas tecnologias e da nova sociedade interligada em rede.
We report statistical time-series analysis tools providing improvements in the rapid, precision extraction of discrete state dynamics from time traces of experimental observations of molecular machines. By building physical knowledge and statistical innovations into analysis tools, we provide techniques for estimating discrete state transitions buried in highly correlated molecular noise. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on simulated and real examples of steplike rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor and the F1-ATPase enzyme. We show that our method can clearly identify molecular steps, periodicities and cascaded processes that are too weak for existing algorithms to detect, and can do so much faster than existing algorithms. Our techniques represent a step in the direction toward automated analysis of high-sample-rate, molecular-machine dynamics. Modular, open-source software that implements these techniques is provided.
Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май 2011 г.
The paper presents in brief the Bulgarian Digital Mathematical Library BulDML and the Czech Digital Mathematical Library DML-CZ. Both libraries use the open source software DSpace and both are partners in the European Digital Mathematics Library EuDML. We describe their content and metadata schemas; outline the architecture system and overview the statistics of its use.
La organización del conocimiento en el contexto de las Ciencias de la Información tiene como esencia la información y el conocimiento debidamente documentado o registrado. La organización del conocimiento como proceso, envuelve tanto la descripción física como de los contenidos de los objetos informacionales. Y el producto de ese proceso descriptivo es la representación de los atributos de un objeto o conjunto de objetos. Las representaciones son construidas por lenguajes elaborados específicamente para los objetivos de la organización en los sistemas de información. Lenguajes que se subdividen en lenguajes que describen el documento (el soporte físico del objeto) y lenguajes que describen la información (los contenidos).A partir de esta premisa la siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo general analizarlos sistemas de Gestión de Información y Conocimiento Institucional principalmente los que proponen utilizar el Currículum Vitae del profesor como única fuente de información, medición y representación de la información y el conocimiento de una organización. Dentro delos principales resultados se muestra la importancia de usar el currículo personal como fuente de información confiable y normalizada; una síntesis de los principales sistemas curriculares que existen a nivel internacional y regional; así como el gráfico del modelo de datos del caso de estudio; y por último, la propuesta del uso de las ontologías como principal herramienta para la organización semántica de la información en un sistema de gestión de información y conocimiento.