485 resultados para Fock, Emmi
No presente trabalho, investigamos o transporte eletrônico molecular em dois compostos orgânicos, o Ponceau SS (PSS) e o Oligo-(para)fenileno-vinileno (PPV) através de cálculos ab initio e função de Green de não equilíbrio (FGNE). Estes métodos demonstraram equivalência para a descrição destes dispositivos moleculares. Fizemos cálculos quânticos para o Hamiltoniano derivado de Hartree-Fock (HF) e obtivemos as propriedades de corrente-voltagem (I-V) para as duas estruturas moleculares. Com o método FGNE conseguimos modelar o transporte através de um sistema de multiníveis eletrônicos obtendo a corrente descrevendo as regiões de ressonância e a assimetria do sistema. Como resposta o PSS demonstrou assimetria para polarizações direta e reversa e a ressonância é alcançada mostrando que o dispositivo opere como um transistor molecular bi-direcional. Para o PPV investigamos também as propriedades geométricas através da conexão entre transporte eletrônico e o grau de quiralidade molecular que foi calculado usando o índice quiral que depende apenas das posições atômicas. Obtivemos que moléculas quirais e propriedades estruturais podem induzir uma assimetria no transporte eletrônico, resultando num processo de retificação. Também obtivemos que a resposta elétrica (I-V) e momento de dipolo elétrico são proporcionais ao grau de quiralidade molecular. Estes resultados sugerem que o transporte eletrônico neste sistema pode ser explorado na avaliação do seu grau de quiralidade.
Neste Trabalho é apresentado um estudo teórico da estrutura eletrônica de uma molécula de fulereno C60 com junções em quatro terminais baseados em grupos doadores de elétron – etratiofulvaleno (TTF) – e grupos aceitadores de elétrons – fenilpropanodinila (FPP) e dispositivos moleculares baseados em derivados dos Carotenoides. O mecanismo de transporte investigado para os derivados dos Carotenoides foram utilizados para o melhor entendimento das curvas de Fowler- Nordheim (FN) e Millikan-Lauritsen (ML) para os sistemas baseados em fulereno C60. Em todos os casos foi possível confirmar que a análise empírica de Millikan-Lauritsen (ML) também é suficiente para descrever em todos os aspectos a espectroscopia de voltagem de transição (TVS). Para estudar os sistemas, foram feitas otimizações de geometria sistematicamente e observado uma transferência eletrônica calculada por métodos derivados de Hartree-Fock e Teoria do Funcional Densidade (DFT). Os resultados apresentados mostram um estudo detalhado do rearranjo de carga molecular para a estrutura, que sob a ação de um campo elétrico externo apontou que o transporte de carga está diretamente ligado ao tipo de junção que esse sistema é submetido de forma que a voltagem aplicada é intensa o bastante para criar um potencial de saturação nos sistemas em estudo: fulereno C60 com três terminais de tetratiofulvaleno e um terminal de fenil-propanodinila (C60-(TTF)3-FPP); fulereno C60 com quatros terminais de fenil-propanodinila (C60-(FPP)4). Os resultados mostram que se tem um retificador molecular que pode trabalhar corretamente como um retificador macroscópico.
The pupunha (Guilielma speciosa) is the fruit of a palm tree typical of the Brazilian Northern region, whose stem is used as a source of heart of palm. The fruit, which is about 65% pulp, is a source of oil and carotenes. In the present work, an analysis of the kinetics of supercritical extraction of oil from the pupunha pulp is presented. Carbon dioxide was used as solvent. The extractions were carried out at 25 MPa and 323 K and 30 MPa and 318 K. The chemical composition of the extracts in terms of fatty acids was determined by gas chromatography. The amount of oleic acid, a saturated fatty acid, in the CO2 extracts was larger than that in the extract obtained with hexane. The overall extraction curves were modeled using the single-parameter model proposed in the literature to describe the desorption of toluene from activated coal.
Na medicina popular brasileira, sementes de gergelim preto (Sesamum indicum L) é um dos mais importantes ingrediente presentes em um chá usado para tratar vítimas de acidente vascular encefálico (AVE). Porém, o isolamento de extratos de gergelim preto para fins medicinais usando a tecnologia do fluido supercrítico não foi realizado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar algumas variáveis de processo da extração com fluido supercrítico em sementes de gergelim preto para gerar extratos aplicáveis a pesquisa do AVE isquêmico focal. Duas isotermas (40 e 60 ºC) foram exploradas, combinadas com pressões de 200-400 bar, em vazão mássica de CO2 constante de 5,9 x 10-5 kg/s. Os rendimentos globais foram de 37-53% em base seca. O maior rendimento foi obtido em 60 ºC e 400 bar. A composição de ácidos graxos mostrou uma elevada razão de insaturados/ saturados. A análise de conteúdo de fitosteróis no extrato de maior rendimento revelou maiores quantidades de β-sitosterol + sitostanol, colesterol, campesterol + campestanol + 24-metileno colesterol, Δ-5 avenasterol and estigmasterol, enquanto que menores níveis de Δ-5,24 estigmastadienol, brassicasterol, clerosterol + Δ-5-23 estigmastadienol, Δ-7 avenasterol, eritrodiol and Δ-7 estigmastenol foram observados. As curvas de extração das extrações com fluido supercrítico no menor e maior rendimento mássico (200 e 400 bar a 60 ºC) foram ajustadas pelos modelos de Tan e Liou (1989), Martinez et al. (2003), Esquível et al. (1999), Goto et al. (1993) e Sovová (1994 e 2012). Os modelos de Tan e Liou (1989), Goto et al. (1993) e Sovová (1994 e 2012) apresentaram as melhores valores nominais de somas residuais dos quadrados. Experimentos pilotos sugerem que o extrato obtido via fluido supercrítico de gergelim preto é neuroprotetor em relação a isquemia focal por endotelina-1 no córtex motor de ratos machos adultos, observada a redução da área de infarto isquêmico.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
The electronic, structural properties and elastic constants of the wurtzite phase of zinc oxide, ZnO, was investigated using computer simulation at Density Functional Theory level, with B3LYP hybrid functional and Hartree-Fock methodology. The electronic properties as well the band energy was investigated through the analysis of the band structures and density of states (DOS), and the mechanical properties was studied through the calculus of the elastic constants C11, C33, C44, C12 e C13. The results are in good agreement with experimental data found in the literature and in accordance with results obtained by another theoretical methodology
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The optimized delta-expansion is a nonperturbative approach for field theoretic models which combines the techniques of perturbation theory and the variational principle. This technique is discussed in the lambda phi(4) model and then implemented in the Walecka model for the equation of state of nuclear matter. The results obtained with the delta expansion are compared with those obtained with the traditional mean field, relativistic Hartree and Hartree-Fock approximations.
The development of nanostructured materials have aroused great interest of the industries all over the country, since they enable the development of devices that can be used as gate insulators on silicon transistors, electrochromic devices, solid electrolyte oxygen sensors and as a photoluminescent materials . In this project, it is proposed to investigate the optical properties of CeO2 modified with rare earth Er processed in hydrothermal-microwave. The synthesis of one-dimensional nanostructures (1D) was measured from dilute aqueous solutions of acids and salts of starting reagents in the presence of chemical basis, after these aqueous solutions were processed on hydrothermal-microwave to particle growth. The particles obtained after processing were characterized by X-ray Diffraction, Rietveld Analysis and Raman Spectroscopy. The particle morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun. The synthesis of 1D nanostructures are evaluated for different surfactants and starting precursors (ceria different salts), pH, temperature and pressure which can modify the morphology of the nanostructures. Combining laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations it was desired to understand the organization of the nanoparticles and their resulting structure. Strict control of chemical homogeneity, crystal structure, microstructure and interaction of the CeO2 cluster with different surfactants using the Hartree-Fock method, was intended to obtain properties compatible with their use in catalysts and optical devices. The use of mineralizer agent KOH and 8 minutes of processing time synthesis conditions were chosen to evaluate the effect of Er dopant. It has been proved that this doping with rare earth increases the photoluminescent properties of the compound obtained without change the structural and morphological propreties of ceria
The development of nanostructured materials have aroused great interest of the industries all over the country, since they enable the development of devices that can be used as gate insulators on silicon transistors, electrochromic devices, solid electrolyte oxygen sensors and as a photoluminescent materials . In this project, it is proposed to investigate the optical properties of CeO2 modified with rare earth Er processed in hydrothermal-microwave. The synthesis of one-dimensional nanostructures (1D) was measured from dilute aqueous solutions of acids and salts of starting reagents in the presence of chemical basis, after these aqueous solutions were processed on hydrothermal-microwave to particle growth. The particles obtained after processing were characterized by X-ray Diffraction, Rietveld Analysis and Raman Spectroscopy. The particle morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun. The synthesis of 1D nanostructures are evaluated for different surfactants and starting precursors (ceria different salts), pH, temperature and pressure which can modify the morphology of the nanostructures. Combining laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations it was desired to understand the organization of the nanoparticles and their resulting structure. Strict control of chemical homogeneity, crystal structure, microstructure and interaction of the CeO2 cluster with different surfactants using the Hartree-Fock method, was intended to obtain properties compatible with their use in catalysts and optical devices. The use of mineralizer agent KOH and 8 minutes of processing time synthesis conditions were chosen to evaluate the effect of Er dopant. It has been proved that this doping with rare earth increases the photoluminescent properties of the compound obtained without change the structural and morphological propreties of ceria
We define the Virasoro algebra action on imaginary Verma modules for affine and construct an analogue of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation in the operator form. Both these results are based on a realization of imaginary Verma modules in terms of sums of partial differential operators.
We have investigated optical and transport properties of the molecular structure 2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl-1-phenylethynyl-cyclopenta-2,4-dienol experimentally and theoretically. The optical spectrum was calculated using Hartree-Fock-intermediate neglect of differential overlap-configuration interaction model. The experimental photoluminescence spectrum showed a peak around 470nm which was very well described by the modeling. Electronic transport measurements showed a diode-like effect with a strong current rectification. A phenomenological microscopic model based on non-equilibrium Green's function technique was proposed and a very good description electronic transport was obtained. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4767457]