983 resultados para Flynn, Chris


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1969-71 Brock Generals Hockey team. Members from left to right - Back row: Tom Kearney (Trainer), Al Kellogg (Coach), John Hull, Craig Morrison, Gregg Law, Frank Mucci, Dale Andreas, Eric Stevens, Serge Girrard, John Clarey, Wayne Kenyon, Reg Egilsson, Dusty Papke, Randy Oiling (Manager). Front row: Ron Powel, Barry Hopkins, Bruce Wormald, Miller Hicks, Fred Carter, Mike Nicholson, Dick Overholt, Chris Shott. Missing: John O'Brien, Barry Elliot.


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Back Row: J.B. Owens, Ross Smith (Head Coach), Adam Frost, Derrick Harwood, Dave DeRose, Bill Arniel, Danny Mazor, Alan Ross, Randy McKeller, Pete McDougall, Ray D'Archi, Kelvin Oda, Mark Pelletier, Eric Thompson, Marty Houston, Ken White (Asst. Coach) Front Row: Peter Love, Chris Peskett, Duff Porteous, Bart Ward, Dave Sohmer, Gary Gautier, Ken Murray, Dave Tamowski, Steve Shaughnessy, Jeff Wood Absent: Alfred Esmaily, Luc Gignac, Fred Kovacs, Andrew Norman


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Pictured here are Ken Thorup (#5) and Chris Hayes (#9). #14 is unknown. Brock won 15/13, 14/16, 15/13, 4/15, 15/12.


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Aggressive behaviours within the sport of hockey appear to be increasing in both prevalence and consequence (Biasca, Wirth, & Tegner, 2002). Accordingly, this area of inquiry is currently garnering a considerable amount of attention from society and academics alike. The problem however, is that our current understanding of these behaviours has been deemed both incomplete and unreliable. The inconsistencies inherent within this body of knowledge have been traced back to a variety of methodological shortcomings. The purpose of this investigation was to assess hostile aggression using a more ecologically valid and comprehensive research design. Ten Junior B hockey games were tapped and subsequently coded by three independent observers, using a validated operational list. Two hundred and fifty-nine behaviours were extrapolated and examined according to the score differential, period, position of the aggressor, status of the aggressor's team, and whether the aggressor was a member of the home or visiting team. It was concluded that the frequency of aggressive behaviours significantly differed according to the score differential, and status of the aggressor's team (p < .01). However, these hostile acts did not differ according the aggressor's position, period, and the home versus away status of the aggressor's team (p > .01). It was also determined that the majority of aggressive acts (69.1 1%) across these ten games went unsanctioned. This highlights the profound influence that "positive misses" have on penalty measures of aggression, while concurrently highlighting the ecological validity present with observational designs. Consequently, by assessing aggressive behaviour in a more inclusive and ecologically valid manner, a more accurate picture of the frequency and distribution of hostile aggression may be provided.


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This study examines coverage of lane-Finch in popular Canadian newspapers in 2007. It explores the often-negative representations of the community through conceptual frameworks based on the work of Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes and Edward Said. The question it attempts to answer is: What knowledge and power relationships are embedded within depictions of lane-Finch in popular Canadian newspapers in 2007? The methodology is a version of critical discourse analysis based on Foucault's The Archaeology of Knowledge. It finds that predominantly-negative connotations of the neighbourhood are reinforced through the perpetuation of dominant discourses, the use of "expert" knowledge sources, and the discounting of subjugated knowledges or livedexperiences of residents. The study concludes by suggesting where further research within the realm of popular culture and community identity can be directed.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate some open problems in the area of combinatorial number theory referred to as zero-sum theory. A zero-sequence in a finite cyclic group G is said to have the basic property if it is equivalent under group automorphism to one which has sum precisely IGI when this sum is viewed as an integer. This thesis investigates two major problems, the first of which is referred to as the basic pair problem. This problem seeks to determine conditions for which every zero-sequence of a given length in a finite abelian group has the basic property. We resolve an open problem regarding basic pairs in cyclic groups by demonstrating that every sequence of length four in Zp has the basic property, and we conjecture on the complete solution of this problem. The second problem is a 1988 conjecture of Kleitman and Lemke, part of which claims that every sequence of length n in Zn has a subsequence with the basic property. If one considers the special case where n is an odd integer we believe this conjecture to hold true. We verify this is the case for all prime integers less than 40, and all odd integers less than 26. In addition, we resolve the Kleitman-Lemke conjecture for general n in the negative. That is, we demonstrate a sequence in any finite abelian group isomorphic to Z2p (for p ~ 11 a prime) containing no subsequence with the basic property. These results, as well as the results found along the way, contribute to many other problems in zero-sum theory.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Port Colborne and Grantham Township. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Basin, Guard Lock, Two Lock Tender Houses, Lock House Lot, Collectors Office House, Towing Path, North and South Back Ditches, and land reserved for future improvemnt of basin. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink as well as pencil. Local area landmarks dentified include Bridge, Rail Road Swing Bridge, Spoil Bank, Water Tank, Frazer Street Railway Station, Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail Road, Welland Rail Road, and land reserved for "Gardens for Lock Tenders". Local businesses identified include A.K Scholfield Store House Lot and Wharf, two stores and a tavern. Roads running parallel to Canal include King St., "present Travel Road", and the Southern Road Allowance. Roads running perpendicular to Canal include Kent St., Charlotte St., Clarence St., Princess St., Elgin St., George St., Frazer St., Alma St., Eastern Road Allowance. Properties and property owners are also identified and include P. White, John Flynn, George McMicking, Charles Carter, William H. Merritt, A.K. Scholfield, F. Gallgher, Ed McCabe, M. Smith, E. Lawder, J. Hanley, J. Harris, P. Gibbons, M. McGoveran, M. Madden, J. Hardison, T. Nihan, D. Gibbons, J. Cross, William Mellanby, Elis Gordon, Jane McCardy, L.G. Carter, T. Greenwood, C. Armstrong, J. McGillivray, T. Schofield, Mrs. Lanue, D. Mc_______, K. Minor, J. Manly and John McRae.


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In social Hymenoptera, the division of labour is a major step in the evolution of sociality. Bees, which express many different kinds of sociality, can be classified according to how individuals share or do not share foraging and reproductive activities (Michener, 1974). The large carpenter bee, Xylocopa virginica, lives in populations with both solitary and social nests. In social nests, reproduction is controlled by the dominant female, who does all of her own foraging and egg-laying, while the subordinates guard the nest only. This study examined foraging behaviour as a way to classify the social hierarchy. Individual females were marked, measured and intensely observed for the foraging season. It was found that a large number of subordinates forage and likely obtain more reproductive fitness than previously thought. The dominance hierarchy is very likely a social queue, in which bees take turns foraging and egg-laying.


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Each person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) comes with unique characteristics (idiosyncratic) that give clues to the world they know (Connolly, 2008). It is through their body that they (a) know the world they are experiencing, (b) make meaning, and (c) express certain behaviours. I used Laban’s Movement Analysis (LMA) to practice an attuned and appreciative approach to describing and understanding the body movement in one severe manifestation of autism in an adolescent male. LMA observes human movement across many disciplines and can be applied in many contexts providing a body honoring discourse for description (Connolly, 2008). The framework examines movement in body, space, quality, and relation. Each theme provides a detailed description of the individual’s movement, thus, giving us a richer understanding of patterns and possible triggers to self-injurious behaviours (SIB). During the summer of August 2013, I participated in Brock University’s annual Autism Camp and worked with a 15 year old male named “Aaron” who manifests with low functioning autism. The purpose of my research project was to code and analyze a series of photos taken to help gain insight into movement patterns associated with stressed embodiment and self-injury in “Aaron”. As I understood more about these embodied expressions, I uncovered valuable information on how to read patterns and discover what triggers these events, thus providing strategies on how to help people do more refined observations and make meaning of the behaviour. Laban’s movement analysis provided a sensitized discourse appropriate to the embodied expressions depicted in the photos.


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Much attention has been given to financial conflicts of interest (COI) in bioscience research. Yet to date, surprisingly little attention has focused on other COIs that arise in supervisor-student relations. We examine a spectrum of related situations, ranging from standard graduate supervision through to dual relationships sometimes found in research with commercial potential. We illustrate some of the less-obvious factors that can bias supervisory judgment, and situate financial COI along a spectrum of forces that are deserving of recognition. We conclude by providing two sets of recommendations: one for individual supervisors, and the other for institutions and policy-makers.


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Abstract Discussions of conflict of interest (COI) in the university have tended to focus on financial interests in the context of medical research; much less attention has been given to COI in general or to the policies that seek to manage COI. Are university COI policies accessible and understandable? To whom are these policies addressed (faculty, staff, students)? Is COI clearly defined in these policies and are procedures laid out for avoiding or remedying such situations? To begin tackling these important ethical and governance questions, our study examines the COI policies at the Group of Thirteen (G13) leading Canadian research universities. Using automated readability analysis tools and an ethical content analysis, we begin the task of comparing the strengths and weaknesses of these documents, paying particular attention to their clarity, readability, and utility in explaining and managing COI.


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Au regard des restrictions à l’incarcération introduites par l’adoption de la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents (LSJPA), au Centre jeunesse de Montréal - Institut universitaire (CJM-IU), s’est amorcée en 2005 la mise sur pied du programme de suivis intensifs différenciés (SID) dans la communauté. Notre stage de maitrise en intervention clinique avait comme objectifs : de participer à la mise en œuvre transversale du programme SID, de contribuer à son intégrité, de supporter les intervenants y étant associés ainsi que de bonifier le processus de référence de ce programme en développant un outil d’évaluation. Suite à cette expérience, il nous semblait nécessaire d’entreprendre une réflexion sur la situation d’implantation du programme SID, plus précisément de faire une évaluation de type formatif et constructif du niveau de concordance entre son modèle théorique et son application au quotidien ainsi que des obstacles rencontrés. Une méthodologie qualitative est apparue appropriée pour produire le matériel. Deux techniques ont été utilisées, l’observation participante sur le terrain et l’analyse du contenu de documents écrits (procès-verbaux rédigés après certains comités). Pour structurer l’ensemble du présent rapport de stage, nous avons retenu le concept de plan d’action d’un programme proposé par Chen, dont les six composantes servent de grille à l’évaluation et aident à avoir une vue globale de son implantation, ainsi que le modèle de changement de programme de la TCU (pour Texas Christian University), qui inclut les principaux stades de changement et les facteurs, aux niveaux individuel, organisationnel et du programme en soi, favorisant ou entravant la mise en œuvre d’innovations avec succès. À la lumière de notre analyse, nous considérons qu’il serait possible de surmonter ce qui gêne l’application du programme SID et qu’il ne serait pas obligatoire de faire des changements majeurs à sa théorie. Nous nous sommes permis de suggérer des ajustements qui pourraient être apportés au processus d’implantation de ce programme. En conclusion, nous estimons que la mise en œuvre du programme SID pourrait être réussie seulement si les conditions propices étaient réunies. Toutefois, selon nous, il y aura toujours certaines contraintes avec lesquelles il faudra composer.


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Ce mémoire portera sur le réemploi d’images dans le cinéma politique d’une manière générale dans un premier temps, puis plus spécifiquement dans l’oeuvre du cinéaste québécois Pierre Falardeau. Il s’agit donc d’abord de regarder comment, d’un point de vue historique, l’image fut réemployée dans le cinéma documentaire classique. Il sera ensuite question de la réutilisation de l’image à des fins politiques dans le cinéma expérimental à travers une analyse du found footage film. Dans un deuxième temps, nous verrons le réemploi d’images dans le cinéma militant, engagé politiquement (voire révolutionnaire) dans le cinéma d’Amérique latine (Santiago Alvarez, Fernando Solanas et Octavio Getino) et en France (Guy Debord, Chris Marker et Jean-Luc Godard). Par la suite, nous verrons comment Pierre Falardeau recyclera des images principalement dans trois de ses documentaires : Pea Soup, Speak White et Le temps des bouffons. Nous allons voir où il se situe dans les différentes traditions de réemploi d’images que nous avons vu précédemment et comment il se rapprochait et se distinguait de ses prédécesseurs.