408 resultados para Flames
Gli ammassi globulari rappresentano i laboratori ideali nei quali studiare la dinamica di sistemi ad N-corpi ed i suoi effetti sull’evoluzione stellare. Infatti, gli ammassi globulari sono gli unici sistemi astrofisici che, entro il tempo scala dell’età dell’Universo, sperimentano quasi tutti i processi di dinamica stellare noti. Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce in un progetto a lungo termine volto a fornire una dettagliata caratterizzazione delle proprietà dinamiche degli ammassi globulari galattici. In questa ricerca, strumenti di fondamentale importanza sono il profilo di dispersione di velocità del sistema e la sua curva di rotazione. Per determinare le componenti radiali di questi profili cinematici in ammassi globulari galattici è necessario misurare la velocità lungo la linea di vista di un ampio campione di stelle membre, a differenti distanze dal centro. Seguendo un approccio multi-strumentale, è possibile campionare l’intera estensione radiale dell’ammasso utilizzando spettrografi multi-oggetto ad alta risoluzione spettrale nelle regioni intermedie/esterne, e spettrografi IFU con ottiche adattive per le regioni centrali (pochi secondi d’arco dal centro). Questo lavoro di tesi è volto a determinare il profilo di dispersione di velocità dell’ammasso globulare 47 Tucanae, campionando un’estensione radiale compresa tra circa 20'' e 13' dal centro. Per questo scopo sono state misurate le velocità radiali di circa un migliaio di stelle nella direzione di 47 Tucanae, utilizzando spettri ad alta risoluzione ottenuti con lo spettrografo multi-oggetto FLAMES montato al Very Large Telescope dell’ESO. Le velocità radiali sono state misurate utilizzando la tecnica di cross-correlazione tra gli spettri osservati e appropriati spettri teorici, e sono state ottenute accuratezze inferiori a 0.5km/s. Il campione così ottenuto (complementare a quello raccolto con strumenti IFU nelle regioni centrali) è fondamentale per costruire il profilo di dispersione di velocità dell’ammasso e la sua eventuale curva di rotazione. Questi dati, combinati col profilo di densità dell’ammasso precedentemente determinato, permetteranno di vincolare opportunamente modelli teorici come quelli di King (1966) o di Wilson (1975), e di arrivare così alla prima solida determinazione dei parametri strutturali e dinamici (raggi di core e di metà massa, tempo di rilassamento, parametro collisionale, etc.) e della massa totale e distribuzione di massa del sistema.
In questo elaborato viene presentata l'analisi cinematica delle regioni centrali di NGC 6441, uno degli ammassi globulari più massivi (M ~10^6 Msol) della nostra Galassia. L'ammasso è stato selezionato, insieme ad altri 18, all'interno dell'ESO Large Program “Unveiling the kinematics in the core of high-density globular clusters with SINFONI" (PI: Ferraro) per cercare evidenze di buchi neri di massa intermedia (IMBH), la cui esistenza è ancora controversa. Poichè la misura della dispersione di velocità da spettri integrati può essere affetta dalla contaminazione di poche stelle brillanti, in questo lavoro si sono misurate le velocità radiali (RV) di stelle individuali, utilizzando lo spettrografo IFU SINFONI dell'ESO, dotato di un sistema di ottiche adattive. Sono state misurate le RV di 709 stelle giganti nei primi 17" dal centro, da cui è stato estratto un sotto-campione di alta qualità di circa 200 stelle. Queste misure sono state poi combinate con un campione di RV nelle regioni più esterne dell'ammasso, ottenute con gli spettrografi multi-oggetto KMOS e FLAMES dell'ESO. Tali dati sono stati utilizzati per il calcolo del profilo di dispersione di velocità e per la ricerca di rotazione lungo l'intera estensione radiale nell'ammasso. I risultati ottenuti sembrano escludere sia l'esistenza di un IMBH, che la presenza di forte rotazione interna. Inoltre hanno evidenziato una significativa decrescita della dispersione di velocita` nelle regioni centrali (parzialmente confermata anche da misure di moti propri ottenute con HST), che potrebbe suggerire la presenza di anisotropia tangenziale nel centro del sistema. Un simile comportamento (sebbene di minore entita`) e’ stato evidenziato in altri ammassi, suggerendo che potrebbe trattarsi di una caratteristica comune in questi sistemi stellari.
El prólogo de la tragedia despliega dos espacios distintivos: las silvae de Hipólito y el opresivo y lujurioso espacio interior del palacio de Fedra. Cada personaje es definido por las características de los espacios que sus discursos configuran: los castos y salvajes bosques de Hipólito revelarán, bajo su manto de agreste tranquilidad, una violenta y estéril dicción que sugiere una inadecuación del personaje al paradigma de sapiens que parte de la crítica ha visto en él, mientras que el espacio interior de Fedra estará lleno de llamas y vapor, símbolos de su pasión. Ambos mundos conviven a modo de compartimentos estancos: frío y llamas, castidad y libido, nieve y vapor conviven pacíficamente, y en esta convivencia no hay ni catástrofe ni tragedia. Éstas se desarrollan y toman fuerza a medida que Fedra se adentra discursivamente en los dominios de Hipólito y los tiña progresivamente con su discurso, convirtiéndolo finalmente en un locushorridus donde el joven cazador huirá horrorizado como las bestias que solía perseguir. Por lo tanto tragedia y catástrofe ocurren cuando las silvae de Hipólito se convierten en el acechante Nemus habitado por lujuriosas criaturas gracias a la intrusión discursiva que la reina realiza en el áspero paisaje configurado en la monodia inicial del personaje
El prólogo de la tragedia despliega dos espacios distintivos: las silvae de Hipólito y el opresivo y lujurioso espacio interior del palacio de Fedra. Cada personaje es definido por las características de los espacios que sus discursos configuran: los castos y salvajes bosques de Hipólito revelarán, bajo su manto de agreste tranquilidad, una violenta y estéril dicción que sugiere una inadecuación del personaje al paradigma de sapiens que parte de la crítica ha visto en él, mientras que el espacio interior de Fedra estará lleno de llamas y vapor, símbolos de su pasión. Ambos mundos conviven a modo de compartimentos estancos: frío y llamas, castidad y libido, nieve y vapor conviven pacíficamente, y en esta convivencia no hay ni catástrofe ni tragedia. Éstas se desarrollan y toman fuerza a medida que Fedra se adentra discursivamente en los dominios de Hipólito y los tiña progresivamente con su discurso, convirtiéndolo finalmente en un locushorridus donde el joven cazador huirá horrorizado como las bestias que solía perseguir. Por lo tanto tragedia y catástrofe ocurren cuando las silvae de Hipólito se convierten en el acechante Nemus habitado por lujuriosas criaturas gracias a la intrusión discursiva que la reina realiza en el áspero paisaje configurado en la monodia inicial del personaje
El prólogo de la tragedia despliega dos espacios distintivos: las silvae de Hipólito y el opresivo y lujurioso espacio interior del palacio de Fedra. Cada personaje es definido por las características de los espacios que sus discursos configuran: los castos y salvajes bosques de Hipólito revelarán, bajo su manto de agreste tranquilidad, una violenta y estéril dicción que sugiere una inadecuación del personaje al paradigma de sapiens que parte de la crítica ha visto en él, mientras que el espacio interior de Fedra estará lleno de llamas y vapor, símbolos de su pasión. Ambos mundos conviven a modo de compartimentos estancos: frío y llamas, castidad y libido, nieve y vapor conviven pacíficamente, y en esta convivencia no hay ni catástrofe ni tragedia. Éstas se desarrollan y toman fuerza a medida que Fedra se adentra discursivamente en los dominios de Hipólito y los tiña progresivamente con su discurso, convirtiéndolo finalmente en un locushorridus donde el joven cazador huirá horrorizado como las bestias que solía perseguir. Por lo tanto tragedia y catástrofe ocurren cuando las silvae de Hipólito se convierten en el acechante Nemus habitado por lujuriosas criaturas gracias a la intrusión discursiva que la reina realiza en el áspero paisaje configurado en la monodia inicial del personaje
PIV and photographic recording are used to measure the velocity of the fresh gas and the shape of the reaction layer in a region around the tip of a methane-air Bunsen flame attached to a cylindrical burner. The results compare well with numerical simulations carried out with an infinite activation energy reaction model. The experimental and numerical results confirm that the well-known linear relation between flame velocity and flame stretch derived from asymptotic theory for weakly curved and strained flames is valid for small and moderate values of the flame stretch if the modified definition of stretch introduced by Echekki and Mungal (Proc Combust Inst 23:455–461, 1990) and Poinsot et al. (Combust Sci Technol 81:45–73, 1992) is used. However, the relation between flame velocity and modified stretch ceases to be linear and approaches a square root law for large values of the stretch, when the curvature of the flame tip becomes large compared to the inverse of the thickness of a planar flame.
A PIV-based system has been set-up for the simultaneous measurement of the local burning velocity of premixed flames and the flame stretch due to the flame front curvature and the incoming flow strain rate. For moderately short jet flames, these measurements allow an indirect determination of the Markstein length, according to Clavin and Joulin (C–J) theory. For tall flames, the flame curvature becomes relatively large in a region around the tip where the C–J theory breaks down. However, our experiments confirm the appearance of a new linear relation between burning velocity and curvature at the flame tip. This relation defines a new proportionality factor which is probably associated to the evolution from rounded tips to slender tips when the jet velocity is increased.
PIV and photographic recording are used to measure the velocity of the fresh gas and the shape of the reaction layer in a region around the tip of a methane- air Bunsen flame attached to a cylindrical burner. The results compare well with numerical simulations carried out with an infinite activation energy reaction model. The experimental and numerical results confirm that the well-known linear relation between flame velocity and flame stretch derived from asymptotic theory for weakly curved and strained flames is valid for small and moderate values of the flame stretch if the modified definition of stretch introduced by Echekki and Mungal (Proc Combust Inst 23:455–461,1990) and Poinsot et al. (Combust Sci Technol 81:45–73,1992) is used. However, the relation between flame velocity and modified stretch ceases to be linear and approaches a square root law for large values of the stretch, when the curvature of the flame tip becomes large compared to the inverse of the thickness of a planar flame
A research programme is being carried out at the Institute Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial of Spain, on several aspects of the formation of nitrogen oxides in continuous flow combustion systems, considering hydrogen and hydrocarbons as fuels. The research programme is fundamentally oriented on the basic aspects of the problem, although it also includes the study of the influence on the formation process of several operational and design variables of the combusters, such as type of fuels, fuel/air ratio, degree of mixing in premixed type flames, existence of droplets as compared with homogeneous combustion.This problem of nitrogen oxides formation is receiving lately great attention, specially in connection with automobile reciprocating engines and aircraft gas turbines. This is due to the fact of the increasing frequency and intensity of photochemical hazes or smog, typical of urban areas submitted to strong solar radiation, which are originated by the action on organic compounds of the oxidants resulting from the photochemical decomposition of nitrogen dioxide N02. In the combustion process almost all nitrogen oxides are in form of NO. This nitric oxide reacts with the oxygen of the air and forms N02, this reaction only taking place in or near the exhaust of tne motors, since the N0-02 reaction becomes frozen for the concentration existing in the atmosphere.
Sign. : A-S4
It has been reasoned that the structures of strongly cellular flames in very lean mixtures approach an array of flame balls, each burning as if it were isolated, thereby indicating a connection between the critical conditions required for existence of steady flame balls and those necessary for occurrence of self-sustained premixed combustion. This is the starting assumption of the present study, in which structures of near-limit steady sphericosym-metrical flame balls are investigated with the objective of providing analytic expressions for critical combustion conditions in ultra-lean hydrogen-oxygen mixtures diluted with N2 and water vapor. If attention were restricted to planar premixed flames, then the lean-limit mole fraction of H2 would be found to be roughly ten percent, more than twice the observed flammability limits, thereby emphasizing the relevance of the flame-ball phenomena. Numerical integrations using detailed models for chemistry and radiation show that a onestep chemical-kinetic reduced mechanism based on steady-state assumptions for all chemical intermediates, together with a simple, optically thin approximation for water-vapor radiation, can be used to compute near-limit fuel-lean flame balls with excellent accuracy. The previously developed one-step reaction rate includes a crossover temperature that determines in the first approximation a chemical-kinetic lean limit below which combustión cannot occur, with critical conditions achieved when the diffusion-controlled radiation-free peak temperature, computed with account taken of hydrogen Soret diffusion, is equal to the crossover temperature. First-order corrections are found by activation-energy asymptotics in a solution that involves a near-field radiation-free zone surrounding a spherical flame sheet, together with a far-field radiation-conduction balance for the temperature profile. Different scalings are found depending on whether or not the surrounding atmosphere contains wáter vapor, leading to different analytic expressions for the critical conditions for flame-ball existence, which give results in very good agreement with those obtained by detailed numerical computations.
A mathematical model for the group combustion of pulverized coal particles was developed in a previous work. It includes the Lagrangian description of the dehumidification, devolatilization and char gasification reactions of the coal particles in the homogenized gaseous environment resulting from the three fuels, CO, H2 and volatiles, supplied by the gasification of the particles and their simultaneous group combustion by the gas phase oxidation reactions, which are considered to be very fast. This model is complemented here with an analysis of the particle dynamics, determined principally by the effects of aerodynamic drag and gravity, and its dispersion based on a stochastic model. It is also extended to include two other simpler models for the gasification of the particles: the first one for particles small enough to extinguish the surrounding diffusion flames, and a second one for particles with small ash content when the porous shell of ashes remaining after gasification of the char, non structurally stable, is disrupted. As an example of the applicability of the models, they are used in the numerical simulation of an experiment of a non-swirling pulverized coal jet with a nearly stagnant air at ambient temperature, with an initial region of interaction with a small annular methane flame. Computational algorithms for solving the different stages undergone by a coal particle during its combustion are proposed. For the partial differential equations modeling the gas phase, a second order finite element method combined with a semi-Lagrangian characteristics method are used. The results obtained with the three versions of the model are compared among them and show how the first of the simpler models fits better the experimental results.
Liquid-fueled burners are used in a number of propulsion devices ranging from internal combustion engines to gas turbines. The structure of spray flames is quite complex and involves a wide range of time and spatial scales in both premixed and non-premixed modes (Williams 1965; Luo et al. 2011). A number of spray-combustion regimes can be observed experimentally in canonical scenarios of practical relevance such as counterflow diffusion flames (Li 1997), as sketched in figure 1, and for which different microscalemodelling strategies are needed. In this study, source terms for the conservation equations are calculated for heating, vaporizing and burning sprays in the single-droplet combustion regime. The present analysis provides extended formulation for source terms, which include non-unity Lewis numbers and variable thermal conductivities.
In typical liquid-fueled burners the fuel is injected as a high-velocity liquid jet that breaks up to form the spray. The initial heating and vaporization of the liquid fuel rely on the relatively large temperatures of the sourrounding gas, which may include hot combustion products and preheated air. The heat exchange between the liquid and the gas phases is enhanced by droplet dispersion arising from the turbulent motion. Chemical reaction takes place once molecular mixing between the fuel vapor and the oxidizer has occurred in mixing layers separating the spray flow from the hot air stream. Since in most applications the injection velocities are much larger than the premixed-flame propagation velocity, combustion stabilization relies on autoignition of the fuel-oxygen mixture, with the combustion stand-off distance being controlled by the interaction of turbulent transport, droplet heating and vaporization, and gas-phase chemical reactions. In this study, conditions are identified under which analyses of laminar flamelets canshed light on aspects of turbulent spray ignition. This study extends earlier fundamental work by Liñan & Crespo (1976) on ignition in gaseous mixing layers to ignition of sprays. Studies of laminar mixing layers have been found to be instrumental in developing un-derstanding of turbulent combustion (Peters 2000), including the ignition of turbulent gaseous diffusion flames (Mastorakos 2009). For the spray problem at hand, the configuration selected, shown in Figure 1, involves a coflow mixing layer formed between a stream of hot air moving at velocity UA and a monodisperse spray moving at velocity USUA. The boundary-layer approximation will be used below to describe the resulting sl ender flow, which exhibits different igniting behaviors depending on the characteristics of t he fuel. In this approximation, consideration of the case U A = U S enables laminar ignition distances to be related to ignition times of unstrained spray flamelets, thereby pro viding quantitative information of direct applicability in regions of low scala r dissipation-rate in turbulent reactive flows (see the discussion in pp. 181–186 of Peters (2000)) . This report is organized as follows. Effects of droplet dispersion dynamics on ignition of sprays in turbulent mixing layers are discussed in Section 2. The formulation f or ignition in laminar mixing layers is outlined in Sections 3 and 4. The results are presented in Section 5. In Section 6, the mixture-fraction field and associated scalar dissipat ion rates for spray ignition are discussed. Finally, some brief conclusions are drawn in Section 7.
El agotamiento, la ausencia o, simplemente, la incertidumbre sobre la cantidad de las reservas de combustibles fósiles se añaden a la variabilidad de los precios y a la creciente inestabilidad en la cadena de aprovisionamiento para crear fuertes incentivos para el desarrollo de fuentes y vectores energéticos alternativos. El atractivo de hidrógeno como vector energético es muy alto en un contexto que abarca, además, fuertes inquietudes por parte de la población sobre la contaminación y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Debido a su excelente impacto ambiental, la aceptación pública del nuevo vector energético dependería, a priori, del control de los riesgos asociados su manipulación y almacenamiento. Entre estos, la existencia de un innegable riesgo de explosión aparece como el principal inconveniente de este combustible alternativo. Esta tesis investiga la modelización numérica de explosiones en grandes volúmenes, centrándose en la simulación de la combustión turbulenta en grandes dominios de cálculo en los que la resolución que es alcanzable está fuertemente limitada. En la introducción, se aborda una descripción general de los procesos de explosión. Se concluye que las restricciones en la resolución de los cálculos hacen necesario el modelado de los procesos de turbulencia y de combustión. Posteriormente, se realiza una revisión crítica de las metodologías disponibles tanto para turbulencia como para combustión, que se lleva a cabo señalando las fortalezas, deficiencias e idoneidad de cada una de las metodologías. Como conclusión de esta investigación, se obtiene que la única estrategia viable para el modelado de la combustión, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones existentes, es la utilización de una expresión que describa la velocidad de combustión turbulenta en función de distintos parámetros. Este tipo de modelos se denominan Modelos de velocidad de llama turbulenta y permiten cerrar una ecuación de balance para la variable de progreso de combustión. Como conclusión también se ha obtenido, que la solución más adecuada para la simulación de la turbulencia es la utilización de diferentes metodologías para la simulación de la turbulencia, LES o RANS, en función de la geometría y de las restricciones en la resolución de cada problema particular. Sobre la base de estos hallazgos, el crea de un modelo de combustión en el marco de los modelos de velocidad de la llama turbulenta. La metodología propuesta es capaz de superar las deficiencias existentes en los modelos disponibles para aquellos problemas en los que se precisa realizar cálculos con una resolución moderada o baja. Particularmente, el modelo utiliza un algoritmo heurístico para impedir el crecimiento del espesor de la llama, una deficiencia que lastraba el célebre modelo de Zimont. Bajo este enfoque, el énfasis del análisis se centra en la determinación de la velocidad de combustión, tanto laminar como turbulenta. La velocidad de combustión laminar se determina a través de una nueva formulación capaz de tener en cuenta la influencia simultánea en la velocidad de combustión laminar de la relación de equivalencia, la temperatura, la presión y la dilución con vapor de agua. La formulación obtenida es válida para un dominio de temperaturas, presiones y dilución con vapor de agua más extenso de cualquiera de las formulaciones previamente disponibles. Por otra parte, el cálculo de la velocidad de combustión turbulenta puede ser abordado mediante el uso de correlaciones que permiten el la determinación de esta magnitud en función de distintos parámetros. Con el objetivo de seleccionar la formulación más adecuada, se ha realizado una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos con diversas expresiones y los resultados obtenidos en los experimentos. Se concluye que la ecuación debida a Schmidt es la más adecuada teniendo en cuenta las condiciones del estudio. A continuación, se analiza la importancia de las inestabilidades de la llama en la propagación de los frentes de combustión. Su relevancia resulta significativa para mezclas pobres en combustible en las que la intensidad de la turbulencia permanece moderada. Estas condiciones son importantes dado que son habituales en los accidentes que ocurren en las centrales nucleares. Por ello, se lleva a cabo la creación de un modelo que permita estimar el efecto de las inestabilidades, y en concreto de la inestabilidad acústica-paramétrica, en la velocidad de propagación de llama. El modelado incluye la derivación matemática de la formulación heurística de Bauwebs et al. para el cálculo de la incremento de la velocidad de combustión debido a las inestabilidades de la llama, así como el análisis de la estabilidad de las llamas con respecto a una perturbación cíclica. Por último, los resultados se combinan para concluir el modelado de la inestabilidad acústica-paramétrica. Tras finalizar esta fase, la investigación se centro en la aplicación del modelo desarrollado en varios problemas de importancia para la seguridad industrial y el posterior análisis de los resultados y la comparación de los mismos con los datos experimentales correspondientes. Concretamente, se abordo la simulación de explosiones en túneles y en contenedores, con y sin gradiente de concentración y ventilación. Como resultados generales, se logra validar el modelo confirmando su idoneidad para estos problemas. Como última tarea, se ha realizado un analisis en profundidad de la catástrofe de Fukushima-Daiichi. El objetivo del análisis es determinar la cantidad de hidrógeno que explotó en el reactor número uno, en contraste con los otros estudios sobre el tema que se han centrado en la determinación de la cantidad de hidrógeno generado durante el accidente. Como resultado de la investigación, se determinó que la cantidad más probable de hidrogeno que fue consumida durante la explosión fue de 130 kg. Es un hecho notable el que la combustión de una relativamente pequeña cantidad de hidrogeno pueda causar un daño tan significativo. Esta es una muestra de la importancia de este tipo de investigaciones. Las ramas de la industria para las que el modelo desarrollado será de interés abarca la totalidad de la futura economía de hidrógeno (pilas de combustible, vehículos, almacenamiento energético, etc) con un impacto especial en los sectores del transporte y la energía nuclear, tanto para las tecnologías de fisión y fusión. ABSTRACT The exhaustion, absolute absence or simply the uncertainty on the amount of the reserves of fossil fuels sources added to the variability of their prices and the increasing instability and difficulties on the supply chain are strong incentives for the development of alternative energy sources and carriers. The attractiveness of hydrogen in a context that additionally comprehends concerns on pollution and emissions is very high. Due to its excellent environmental impact, the public acceptance of the new energetic vector will depend on the risk associated to its handling and storage. Fromthese, the danger of a severe explosion appears as the major drawback of this alternative fuel. This thesis investigates the numerical modeling of large scale explosions, focusing on the simulation of turbulent combustion in large domains where the resolution achievable is forcefully limited. In the introduction, a general description of explosion process is undertaken. It is concluded that the restrictions of resolution makes necessary the modeling of the turbulence and combustion processes. Subsequently, a critical review of the available methodologies for both turbulence and combustion is carried out pointing out their strengths and deficiencies. As a conclusion of this investigation, it appears clear that the only viable methodology for combustion modeling is the utilization of an expression for the turbulent burning velocity to close a balance equation for the combustion progress variable, a model of the Turbulent flame velocity kind. Also, that depending on the particular resolution restriction of each problem and on its geometry the utilization of different simulation methodologies, LES or RANS, is the most adequate solution for modeling the turbulence. Based on these findings, the candidate undertakes the creation of a combustion model in the framework of turbulent flame speed methodology which is able to overcome the deficiencies of the available ones for low resolution problems. Particularly, the model utilizes a heuristic algorithm to maintain the thickness of the flame brush under control, a serious deficiency of the Zimont model. Under the approach utilized by the candidate, the emphasis of the analysis lays on the accurate determination of the burning velocity, both laminar and turbulent. On one side, the laminar burning velocity is determined through a newly developed correlation which is able to describe the simultaneous influence of the equivalence ratio, temperature, steam dilution and pressure on the laminar burning velocity. The formulation obtained is valid for a larger domain of temperature, steam dilution and pressure than any of the previously available formulations. On the other side, a certain number of turbulent burning velocity correlations are available in the literature. For the selection of the most suitable, they have been compared with experiments and ranked, with the outcome that the formulation due to Schmidt was the most adequate for the conditions studied. Subsequently, the role of the flame instabilities on the development of explosions is assessed. Their significance appears to be of importance for lean mixtures in which the turbulence intensity remains moderate. These are important conditions which are typical for accidents on Nuclear Power Plants. Therefore, the creation of a model to account for the instabilities, and concretely, the acoustic parametric instability is undertaken. This encloses the mathematical derivation of the heuristic formulation of Bauwebs et al. for the calculation of the burning velocity enhancement due to flame instabilities as well as the analysis of the stability of flames with respect to a cyclic velocity perturbation. The results are combined to build a model of the acoustic-parametric instability. The following task in this research has been to apply the model developed to several problems significant for the industrial safety and the subsequent analysis of the results and comparison with the corresponding experimental data was performed. As a part of such task simulations of explosions in a tunnel and explosions in large containers, with and without gradient of concentration and venting have been carried out. As a general outcome, the validation of the model is achieved, confirming its suitability for the problems addressed. As a last and final undertaking, a thorough study of the Fukushima-Daiichi catastrophe has been carried out. The analysis performed aims at the determination of the amount of hydrogen participating on the explosion that happened in the reactor one, in contrast with other analysis centered on the amount of hydrogen generated during the accident. As an outcome of the research, it was determined that the most probable amount of hydrogen exploding during the catastrophe was 130 kg. It is remarkable that the combustion of such a small quantity of material can cause tremendous damage. This is an indication of the importance of these types of investigations. The industrial branches that can benefit from the applications of the model developed in this thesis include the whole future hydrogen economy, as well as nuclear safety both in fusion and fission technology.