849 resultados para Fiestas religiosas-Benilloba-Historia-S. XVIII


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During the 18th Century, the northeast of the Amazonian region, especially the jurisdiction of Quixos, was one of the most ignored regions of South America. Its dominions, dependents in part to the Real Audiencia of Quito, did not enjoy sufficient attention from the monarchial administration; therefore, the territorial domination and its natives did not take shape in absolute terms given the difficulties of indigenous resistance against strategies to slowly subordinate and eventually dismantle the Spanish politics of border territories.


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Este trabajo es un intento por observar la Historia del Reino de Quito en la América Meridional, escrita por el jesuita Juan de Velasco y culminada en 1789, desde una perspectiva de discusión y comparación con distintos discursos elaborados en la época de la conquista y la Colonia. Concretamente, este estudio se propone entender cuáles fueron las formas de representación sobre el indígena americano durante la conquista y la Colonia y compararlas con la imagen elaborada por Velasco. Para lograr esto, el trabajo se divide en dos partes. El primer capítulo está centrado en la comprensión de varios aspectos del contexto histórico, político e ideológico de América y de Europa entre los siglos XVI y XVIII, en que se escribieron cartas e informes sobre los recursos, la naturaleza y los habitantes del Nuevo Mundo. En este periodo se analizan extractos de cronistas y propuestas teórico-críticas contemporáneas que hablan de una representación del indígena conformes a la colonización y al dominio. El segundo capítulo consiste en analizar la representación de Velasco como una nueva forma de expresión y asimilación del mundo indígena, contraria a la imagen degradada de los cronistas europeos. Aquí se intentará sobre todo ubicar la Historia del Reino de Quito dentro de una corriente estética que es propia de un marco cultural y de un pensamiento específicos: la Ilustración americana. En esta obra conviven una serie de textos que conforman un pasado indígena heroico, desarrollado en una geografía fértil y generosa que demuestra los ideales de la sociedad hispanoamericana de la época de Velasco. Así, estudiar la imagen del indígena permitió, entre otros aspectos, entender cómo la memoria y la representación histórica se pueden traducir en proyectos y en sentidos simbólicos que son trascendentales para una cultura.


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The issues surrounding the religious have been given greater importance in scientific discussions and the media. Discussions on religion and religiosity have become widespread as a means for construction of social representations, both as individual levels, in addition, in the collectivity. This work deals with the construction of the order of Jesus, missionaries and settlers of the projects that marked the presence of the Jesuit missionaries, from colonization to the religious restructuring imposed after the expulsion of the Jesuit Order in Sergipe. Expulsion is what happened in the midst of political and administrative changes made by the Portuguese government in the mid-eighteenth century, which had representation at the Marquis of Pombal its creator. Understanding the religious and social restructuring, designed here in the practices and representations of popular and official. This restructuring has had on the religious brotherhoods, religious orders and other representations, an important symbolic presence in the spaces sociorreligiosos linked to Catholic practices in Sergipe. Representation such that officially came into the vicars pasted their legal representatives, in the maintenance of religious practices in the boroughs and cities Sergipe


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The abandonment of newborn children is a reality nowadays. This reality enables us to discuss this issue in other temporalities, in all kinds of societies. Thus, this work aims to demonstrate how the population that lived at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação, a civil parish at a Rio Grande do Norte captaincy, socially placed the abandoned newborn during in the eighteenth century. These newborn were called exposed ones at the time and were inserted in a regional Exposed Circle. The research also discussed how the local Council assembly sheltered these newborn. For research development the following manuscript documents were used: baptism, wedding and demise documents at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação as well as the first Book of Records if the matrix church at this civil parish. The research also considered the terms of the Council assembly. Some printed documents were used such as Philippine Ordainments, the First Constitutions of the Archbishop in 1707 including the Lunario contents as well as texts from André João Antonil and Henry Koster. In the analysis reference work related to Social History was used. Thus, it is possible confirm that there was construction of socially accepted places for these exposed on behalf of the colonist at the region


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This paper discusses aspects of the slavery and emancipations in the village of Arez between the last quarter of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth century. It seeks to identify the profile of the slaves and the emancipation possibilities in a peripheral region with few commercial activities, given that the most of the approaches about manumission consider towns and cities where the economic dynamics ware more pronounced, as places of higher possibilities of slaves working in diverse activities that allowed them to accumulate a reserve fund and thus buy their freedom. Therefore it was necessary to raise evidences of slavery in the case study, which was based on surveys of the eighteenth century, and the first decades of the nineteenth century and some population maps and civil records related to the early nineteenth century. The information about the manumission acts were analyzed based on writs of freedom registered in the village of Arez between 1774 and 1827 due to the absence of other documents about it. The registry books include all the documents of the Arez community; so, it was possible to observe what happened in rural localities, in the town, in the headquarters of the district and in the village of Goianinha. Based on information from the documents, it was possible to address some aspects of slavery like the predominant types of groups, the possible activities in which slaves were inserted and the profile of the freed slaves, the emancipation modes and, therefore, discuss the possible relations ship between the colonial space and manumissions and between masters and slaves


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Ao inventariarmos as grandes celebrações da monarquia portuguesa, encontraremos algumas que são cerimoniais eminentemente religiosos. Dentre eles, há a procissão do Anjo da Guarda do Reino de Portugal (no terceiro domingo de julho), instituída no século XVI como celebração da realeza, das quais toda a Corte participava e eram realizadas por todo o reino português. Também as aclamações de Da. Maria I (1777) e D. João VI (1818) utilizam elementos de caráter religioso (símbolos e idéias). Estas celebrações colocam-nos a hipótese de uma série de articulações entre os procedimentos religiosos e o poder real. em função do exame daquelas procissões e destes cerimoniais, procuramos esboçar uma imagem do rei português: um rei-protetor, detentor de um poder de salvação.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Daniel Precioso aborda nesta obra os mecanismos e as artimanhas forjados pelos pardos da Capitania de Minas Gerais, ou mais precisamente da Vila Rica do final do século XVIII, para serem visto como iguais aos membros considerados cidadãos naquela sociedade que emergiu abrupta e violentamente das riquezas do ouro e tentou conservar os critérios de hierarquização da sociedade colonial ibérica. Segundo Precioso, em especial em Vila Rica, conviveram pessoas de costumes, valores e crenças distintas, e os processos múltiplos de miscigenação, hibridação e mestiçagem, não apenas do ponto de vista biológico, mas também cultural, engendraram uma sociedade complexa e multifacetada, cuja ampla camada de forros e mulatos fez-se presente desde cedo. O autor busca analisar de que maneira os homens pardos da Confraria de São José de Vila Rica procuraram distinguir-se socialmente dos demais homens livres não brancos naquele período, por meio do desempenho de atividades religiosas, militares, artísticas e artesanais. Foca também as penosas negociações dos pardos com as autoridades locais e ultramarinas para um melhor arranjo do grupo na escala social.