878 resultados para Federally recognized Indian tribes


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We have addressed the question of whether the massive deficit of 42% in rainfall over the Indian region in June 2014 can be attributed primarily to the El Nino. We have shown that the variation of convection over the Northern part of the Tropical West Pacific (NWTP: 120-150E, 20-30N) plays a major role in determining the all-India rainfall in June with deficit (excess) in rainfall associated with enhancement (suppression) of convection over NWTP. In June 2014, the outgoing long wave radiation (OLR) anomaly over this region was unfavourable, whereas in June 2015, the OLR anomaly over NWTP was favourable and the all-India rainfall was 16% higher than the long-term average. We find that during El Nino, when the convection over the equatorial central Pacific intensifies, there is a high propensity for intensification of convection over NWTP. Thus, El Nino appears to have an impact on the rainfall over the Indian region via its impact on the convection over the West Pacific, particularly over NWTP. This occurred in June 2014, which suggests that the large deficit in June 2014, could be primarily attributed to the El Nino acting via intensification of convection over NWTP.


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Oceanic intraplate earthquakes are known to occur either on active ridge-transform structures or by reactivation of their inactive counterparts, generally referred to as fossil ridges or transforms. The Indian Ocean, one of the most active oceanic intraplate regions, has generated large earthquakes associated with both these types of structures. The moderate earthquake that occurred on 21 May 2014 (M-w 6.1) in the northern Bay of Bengal followed an alternate mechanism, as it showed no clear association either with active or extinct ridge-transform structures. Its focal depth of >50 km is uncommon but not improbable, given the similar to 90 Ma age of the ocean floor with 12-km-thick overlying sediments. No tectonic features have been mapped in the near vicinity of its epicenter, the closest being the 85 degrees E ridge, located similar to 100 km to its west, hitherto regarded as seismically inactive. The few earthquakes that have occurred here in the past are clustered around its southern or northern limits, and a few are located midway, at around 10 degrees N. The 2014 earthquake, sourced close to the northern cluster, seems to be associated with a northwest-southeast-oriented fracture, located on the eastern flanks of the 85 degrees E ridge. If this causal association is possible, we believe that reactivation of fossil hotspot trails could be considered as another mechanism for oceanic intraplate seismicity.


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La introducción de ganado en las áreas tradicionalmente agrícolas en el territorio Miskitu Indian Tasbaiska Kum ha influido en una modificación en su orden territorial para dar cabida a éste nuevo rubro por parte de sus habitantes. Es comúnmente conocido que la ganadería es una de las actividades productivas más incompatiblescon el bosque y la conservación de los elementos dentro de éste último, pero la rotación de las áreas de cultivo y pastoreo, y el uso de sistemas silvopastoriles podría reducir el impacto hacia los ambientes naturales. Con este estudio se plantea determinar la diversidad biológica de avifauna en los sistemas silvopastoriles ubicados en las cercanías de ocho comunidades del territorio Miskitu Indian Tasbaiska Kum, con el fin de determinar su potencial para preservar aves, en especial, aves de importancia para la conservación nacional. Para lograr los objetivos se realizó conteos de aves mediante el uso de puntos de conteo por comunidad, en las áreas donde suele llevarse a pastorear al ganado. En el estudio se invirtieron tres días por comunidad y se realizaron al menos dos observaciones por día, una entre las 06:00-10:00 y otra entre las 16:00 – 18:00. Con los datos obtenidos se calculó diferentes parámetros de diversidad biológica. Como resultado se observó un total de 423 individuos los cuales están agrupados en 67 especies y 27 familias. Las especies de aves más abundantes fueron: Brotogeris jugularis,Ramphocelus passerinii y Amazona auropaliata. Las comunidades Amarrana,Shiminka y Yakalpanani son las que registraron los mayores valores de los parámetros de biodiversidad. Se determinaron 14 especies en algún grado de conservación según la lista de los apéndices de CITES para Nicaragua y las listas del Sistema Nacional de Vedas 2012, entre éstas se incluyen Brotogeris jugularis y Amazona aurapaliata,as cuales resultaron también abundantes. La comunidad que concentró la mayor cantidad de aves en algún estado de con servación fue Yakalpanani. Las especies de plantas asociadas con la mayor diversidad de aves fueron especies de estadíos tempranos de sucesión como:Cecropia peltata ,Inga sp, Guazuma ulmifolia y Muntingia calabura. Aunque Yakalpanani es una de las comunidades más grandes, comparado con Boca de Plis, la ubicación de su área de pastoreo entre masas boscosas conservadas ha garantizado que los parámetros de diversidad biológica hayan resultado significativamente mayores en ésta, dado a una conectividad hasta el momento poco irrumpida.


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El presente estudio fue realizado en El Territorio ―Miskitu Indian Tasbaika Kum‖ (MITK), ubicada en la zona núcleo de la Reserva de Biosfera Bosawás (RBB). El propósito del mismo consistió en evaluar el Instrumento Metodológico de evaluación de la efectividad de manejo de la Reserva de Biosfera Bosawas considerando las prácticas, costumbres y tradiciones del Territorio. Para identificar el nivel de conocimiento sobre el instrumento, formas de manejo de los RRNN, alcance de su gestión local y administrativa, su cosmovisión y cultura indígenas del mismo, se implementó la siguiente metodología: (1) Aplicación de entrevista dirigida a un promedio de 25 líderes pre seleccionados en las comunidades del territorio y a 14 estudiantes del territorio que cursan carreras en la UNA; (2) implementación de 3 talleres locales y 1 en las instalaciones de la UNA para la revisión del instrumento (ámbitos, criterios e indicadores) y su posible modificación; (3) Análisis de los resultados: de las entrevistas, de los talleres y de los aportes o comentarios recabados, para estimar el estado de los recursos naturales, del nivel de conocimiento y evaluación de la efectividad de manejo de sus potenciales naturales a partir de la implementación del instrumento. Del total de participantes, en los diferentes encuentros con los líderes asistieron un promedio de 9 mujeres, y en el encuentro con los estudiantes solamente asistió una mujer. Del total de participantes, el 93.3 % desconoce de la existencia del instrumento; solamente el 6.7 %, tiene conocimiento respecto del instrumento metodológico de la efectividad de manejo de RBB, dado que algunos de ellos participaron de su construcción, pero no lo divulgaron en las asambleas del territorio. La evaluación del Instrumento metodológico por los líderes indígenas es considerada en un nivel del cumplimiento del 56 %, en cambio los estudiantes indígenas la evalúan con el 47.2%; significa que para los participantes los Recursos Naturales del territorio se manejan con una efectividad entre la condición de Aceptable y Regular, respectivamente. Lo que significa que hay deficiencia en el cumpliendo de las gestiones administrativas tanto del Gobierno Territorial Indígena (GTI) como de los habitantes indígenas del territorio. A partir de su aplicación, los participantes coinciden en que el instrumento es una vía importante que necesitan divulgar y manejar en los territorios para el desarrollo de capacidades de autogestiones locales en el manejo satisfactorio para sus pueblos.


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In the area of this investigation a partial inventory was made of the estimated 2,000 existing wells to obtain information on location, depth, and yield of representative wells. Also, data were obtained on the quality of water from the various aquifers, and on the fluctuation of water levels in certain wells in the Floridan aquifer. The hydraulic characteristics of the Floridan aquifer at several sites were determined by means of pumping tests. (PDF has 80 pages.)


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This is the proceedings of the Indian Ocean Conference "Forging Unity: Coastal Communities and the Indian Ocean's Future". It contains papers, presentations and vision statement of the conference.


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Abstract to Part I

The inverse problem of seismic wave attenuation is solved by an iterative back-projection method. The seismic wave quality factor, Q, can be estimated approximately by inverting the S-to-P amplitude ratios. Effects of various uncertain ties in the method are tested and the attenuation tomography is shown to be useful in solving for the spatial variations in attenuation structure and in estimating the effective seismic quality factor of attenuating anomalies.

Back-projection attenuation tomography is applied to two cases in southern California: Imperial Valley and the Coso-Indian Wells region. In the Coso-Indian Wells region, a highly attenuating body (S-wave quality factor (Q_β ≈ 30) coincides with a slow P-wave anomaly mapped by Walck and Clayton (1987). This coincidence suggests the presence of a magmatic or hydrothermal body 3 to 5 km deep in the Indian Wells region. In the Imperial Valley, slow P-wave travel-time anomalies and highly attenuating S-wave anomalies were found in the Brawley seismic zone at a depth of 8 to 12 km. The effective S-wave quality factor is very low (Q_β ≈ 20) and the P-wave velocity is 10% slower than the surrounding areas. These results suggest either magmatic or hydrothermal intrusions, or fractures at depth, possibly related to active shear in the Brawley seismic zone.

No-block inversion is a generalized tomographic method utilizing the continuous form of an inverse problem. The inverse problem of attenuation can be posed in a continuous form , and the no-block inversion technique is applied to the same data set used in the back-projection tomography. A relatively small data set with little redundancy enables us to apply both techniques to a similar degree of resolution. The results obtained by the two methods are very similar. By applying the two methods to the same data set, formal errors and resolution can be directly computed for the final model, and the objectivity of the final result can be enhanced.

Both methods of attenuation tomography are applied to a data set of local earthquakes in Kilauea, Hawaii, to solve for the attenuation structure under Kilauea and the East Rift Zone. The shallow Kilauea magma chamber, East Rift Zone and the Mauna Loa magma chamber are delineated as attenuating anomalies. Detailed inversion reveals shallow secondary magma reservoirs at Mauna Ulu and Puu Oo, the present sites of volcanic eruptions. The Hilina Fault zone is highly attenuating, dominating the attenuating anomalies at shallow depths. The magma conduit system along the summit and the East Rift Zone of Kilauea shows up as a continuous supply channel extending down to a depth of approximately 6 km. The Southwest Rift Zone, on the other hand, is not delineated by attenuating anomalies, except at a depth of 8-12 km, where an attenuating anomaly is imaged west of Puu Kou. The Ylauna Loa chamber is seated at a deeper level (about 6-10 km) than the Kilauea magma chamber. Resolution in the Mauna Loa area is not as good as in the Kilauea area, and there is a trade-off between the depth extent of the magma chamber imaged under Mauna Loa and the error that is due to poor ray coverage. Kilauea magma chamber, on the other hand, is well resolved, according to a resolution test done at the location of the magma chamber.

Abstract to Part II

Long period seismograms recorded at Pasadena of earthquakes occurring along a profile to Imperial Valley are studied in terms of source phenomena (e.g., source mechanisms and depths) versus path effects. Some of the events have known source parameters, determined by teleseismic or near-field studies, and are used as master events in a forward modeling exercise to derive the Green's functions (SH displacements at Pasadena that are due to a pure strike-slip or dip-slip mechanism) that describe the propagation effects along the profile. Both timing and waveforms of records are matched by synthetics calculated from 2-dimensional velocity models. The best 2-dimensional section begins at Imperial Valley with a thin crust containing the basin structure and thickens towards Pasadena. The detailed nature of the transition zone at the base of the crust controls the early arriving shorter periods (strong motions), while the edge of the basin controls the scattered longer period surface waves. From the waveform characteristics alone, shallow events in the basin are easily distinguished from deep events, and the amount of strike-slip versus dip-slip motion is also easily determined. Those events rupturing the sediments, such as the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake, can be recognized easily by a late-arriving scattered Love wave that has been delayed by the very slow path across the shallow valley structure.