909 resultados para Evolutionary Information Behaviour
Background - Problems of quality and safety persist in health systems worldwide. We conducted a large research programme to examine culture and behaviour in the English National Health Service (NHS). Methods - Mixed-methods study involving collection and triangulation of data from multiple sources, including interviews, surveys, ethnographic case studies, board minutes and publicly available datasets. We narratively synthesised data across the studies to produce a holistic picture and in this paper present a highlevel summary. Results - We found an almost universal desire to provide the best quality of care. We identified many 'bright spots' of excellent caring and practice and high-quality innovation across the NHS, but also considerable inconsistency. Consistent achievement of high-quality care was challenged by unclear goals, overlapping priorities that distracted attention, and compliance-oriented bureaucratised management. The institutional and regulatory environment was populated by multiple external bodies serving different but overlapping functions. Some organisations found it difficult to obtain valid insights into the quality of the care they provided. Poor organisational and information systems sometimes left staff struggling to deliver care effectively and disempowered them from initiating improvement. Good staff support and management were also highly variable, though they were fundamental to culture and were directly related to patient experience, safety and quality of care. Conclusions - Our results highlight the importance of clear, challenging goals for high-quality care. Organisations need to put the patient at the centre of all they do, get smart intelligence, focus on improving organisational systems, and nurture caring cultures by ensuring that staff feel valued, respected, engaged and supported.
Two studies aiming to identify the nature and extent of problems that people have when completing theory of planned behaviour (TPB) questionnaires, using a cognitive interviewing approach are reported. Both studies required participants to 'think aloud' as they completed TPB questionnaires about: (a) increasing physical activity (six general public participants); and (b) binge drinking (13 students). Most people had no identifiable problems with the majority of questions. However, there were problems common to both studies, relating to information retrieval and to participants answering different questions from those intended by researchers. Questions about normative influence were particularly problematic. The standard procedure for developing TPB questionnaires may systematically produce problematic questions. Suggestions are made for improving this procedure. Copyright © 2007 SAGE Publications.
Markets are useful mechanisms for performing resource al- location in fully decentralised computational and other systems, since they can possess a range of desirable properties, such as efficiency, decentralisation, robustness and scalability. In this paper we investigate the behaviour of co-evolving evolutionary market agents as adaptive offer generators for sellers in a multi-attribute posted-offer market. We demonstrate that the evolutionary approach enables sellers to automatically position themselves in market niches, created by heterogeneous buyers. We find that a trade-off exists for the evolutionary sellers between maintaining high population diversity to facilitate movement between niches and low diversity to exploit the current niche and maximise cumulative payoff. We characterise the trade-off from the perspective of the system as a whole, and subsequently from that of an individual seller. Our results highlight a decision on risk aversion for resource providers, but crucially we show that rational self-interested sellers would not adopt the behaviour likely to lead to the ideal result from the system point of view.
In future massively distributed service-based computational systems, resources will span many locations, organisations and platforms. In such systems, the ability to allocate resources in a desired configuration, in a scalable and robust manner, will be essential.We build upon a previous evolutionary market-based approach to achieving resource allocation in decentralised systems, by considering heterogeneous providers. In such scenarios, providers may be said to value their resources differently. We demonstrate how, given such valuations, the outcome allocation may be predicted. Furthermore, we describe how the approach may be used to achieve a stable, uneven load-balance of our choosing. We analyse the system's expected behaviour, and validate our predictions in simulation. Our approach is fully decentralised; no part of the system is weaker than any other. No cooperation between nodes is assumed; only self-interest is relied upon. A particular desired allocation is achieved transparently to users, as no modification to the buyers is required.
We introduce self-interested evolutionary market agents, which act on behalf of service providers in a large decentralised system, to adaptively price their resources over time. Our agents competitively co-evolve in the live market, driving it towards the Bertrand equilibrium, the non-cooperative Nash equilibrium, at which all sellers charge their reserve price and share the market equally. We demonstrate that this outcome results in even load-balancing between the service providers. Our contribution in this paper is twofold; the use of on-line competitive co-evolution of self-interested service providers to drive a decentralised market towards equilibrium, and a demonstration that load-balancing behaviour emerges under the assumptions we describe. Unlike previous studies on this topic, all our agents are entirely self-interested; no cooperation is assumed. This makes our problem a non-trivial and more realistic one.
The paper suggests a classification of dynamic rule-based systems. For each class of systems, limit behavior is studied. Systems with stabilizing limit states or stabilizing limit trajectories are identified, and such states and trajectories are found. The structure of the set of limit states and trajectories is investigated.
In this paper the technique of shorter route determination of fire engine to the fire place on time minimization criterion with the use of evolutionary modeling is offered. The algorithm of its realization on the base of complete and optimized space of search of possible decisions is explored. The aspects of goal function forming and program realization of method having a special purpose are considered. Experimental verification is executed and the results of comparative analysis with the expert conclusions are considered.
We consider a model of overall telecommunication network with virtual circuits switching, in stationary state, with Poisson input flow, repeated calls, limited number of homogeneous terminals and 8 types of losses. One of the main problems of network dimensioning/redimensioning is estimation of traffic offered in network because it reflects on finding of necessary number of circuit switching lines on the basis of the consideration of detailed users manners and target Quality of Service (QoS). In this paper we investigate the behaviour of the traffic offered in a network regarding QoS variables: “probability of blocked switching” and “probability of finding B-terminals busy”. Numerical dependencies are shown graphically. A network dimensioning task (NDT) is formulated, solvability of the NDT and the necessary conditions for analytical solution are researched as well. International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge" Vol.2 / 2008 174 The received results make the network dimensioning/redimensioning, based on QoS requirements easily, due to clearer understanding of important variables behaviour. The described approach is applicable directly for every (virtual) circuit switching telecommunication system e.g. GSM, PSTN, ISDN and BISDN. For packet - switching networks, at various layers, proposed approach may be used as a comparison basis and when they work in circuit switching mode (e.g. VoIP).
It is unquestioned that the importance of IP network will further increase and that it will serve as a platform for more and more services, requiring different types and degrees of service quality. Modern architectures and protocols are being standardized, which aims at guaranteeing the quality of service delivered to users. In this paper, we investigate the queueing behaviour found in IP output buffers. This queueing increases because multiple streams of packets with different length are being multiplexed together. We develop balance equations for the state of the system, from which we derive packet loss and delay results. To analyze these types of behaviour, we study the discrete-time version of the “classical” queue model M/M/1/k called Geo/Gx/1/k, where Gx denotes a different packet length distribution defined on a range between a minimum and maximum value.
The aim of this paper is to be determined the network capacity (number of necessary internal switching lines) based on detailed users’ behaviour and demanded quality of service parameters in an overall telecommunication system. We consider detailed conceptual and its corresponded analytical traffic model of telecommunication system with (virtual) circuit switching, in stationary state with generalized input flow, repeated calls, limited number of homogeneous terminals and losses due to abandoned and interrupted dialing, blocked and interrupted switching, not available intent terminal, blocked and abandoned ringing (absent called user) and abandoned conversation. We propose an analytical - numerical solution for finding the number of internal switching lines and values of the some basic traffic parameters as a function of telecommunication system state. These parameters are requisite for maintenance demand level of network quality of service (QoS). Dependencies, based on the numericalanalytical results are shown graphically. For proposed conceptual and its corresponding analytical model a network dimensioning task (NDT) is formulated, solvability of the NDT and the necessary conditions for analytical solution are researched as well. It is proposed a rule (algorithm) and computer program for calculation of the corresponded number of the internal switching lines, as well as corresponded values of traffic parameters, making the management of QoS easily.
This paper presents the application of Networks of Evolutionary Processors to Decision Support Systems, precisely Knowledge-Driven DSS. Symbolic information and rule-based behavior in Networks of Evolutionary Processors turn out to be a great tool to obtain decisions based on objects present in the network. The non-deterministic and massive parallel way of operation results in NP-problem solving in linear time. A working NEP example is shown.
This paper is focused on a parallel JAVA implementation of a processor defined in a Network of Evolutionary Processors. Processor description is based on JDom, which provides a complete, Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data from Java code. Communication among different processor to obtain a fully functional simulation of a Network of Evolutionary Processors will be treated in future. A safe-thread model of processors performs all parallel operations such as rules and filters. A non-deterministic behavior of processors is achieved with a thread for each rule and for each filter (input and output). Different results of a processor evolution are shown.
In a paper the method of complex systems and processes clustering based use of genetic algorithm is offered. The aspects of its realization and shaping of fitness-function are considered. The solution of clustering task of Ukraine areas on socio-economic indexes is represented and comparative analysis with outcomes of classical methods is realized.