876 resultados para Ethanol Sensitivity
Excessive alcohol consumption represents a major risk factor for morbidity and mortality. It is therefore indispensable to be able to detect at-risk drinking. Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a specific marker of alcohol consumption. The determination of ethyl glucuronide in urine or blood can be used to prove recent driving under the influence of alcohol, even if ethanol is no longer detectable. The commercialization of an EtG specific immunological assay now allows to obtain preliminary results rapidly and easily with satisfying sensitivity. Moreover, the detection of ethyl glucuronide in hair offers the opportunity to evaluate an alcohol consumption over a long period. The EtG concentration in hair is in correlation with the amount of ingested alcohol. Thus, the analysis of ethyl glucuronide can be used to monitor abstinence, to detect alcohol relapse and to identify at-risk drinkers. However, a cut off allowing to detect chronic alcohol abuser reliably still does not exist. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the analysis of ethyl glucuronide in complement to the existing blood markers. A study financed by the Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research is actually conducted by the West Switzerland University Center of Legal Medicine in order to establish an objective cut-off.
The 24-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS, version 4.0) enables the rater to measure psychopathology severity. Still, little is known about the BPRS's reliability and validity outside of the psychosis spectrum. The aim of this study was to examine the factorial structure and sensitivity to change of the BPRS in patients with unipolar depression. Two hundred and forty outpatients with unipolar depression were administered the 24-item BPRS. Assessments were conducted at intake and at post-treatment in a Crisis Intervention Centre. An exploratory factor analysis of the 24-item BPRS produced a six-factor solution labelled "Mood disturbance", "Reality distortion", "Activation", "Apathy", "Disorganization", and "Somatization". The reduction of the total BPRS score and dimensional scores, except for "Activation", indicates that the 24-item BPRS is sensitive to change as shown in patients that appeared to have benefited from crisis treatment. The findings suggest that the 24-item BPRS could be a useful instrument to measure symptom severity and change in symptom status in outpatients presenting with unipolar depression.
PURPOSE: To assess the usefulness of combining hyperthermia with a DNA repair inhibitor (double-strand break bait [Dbait]) and its potential application to radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in a preclinical model of human colorectal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The local ethics committee of animal experimentation approved all investigations. First, the relevance was assessed by studying the survival of four human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell cultures after 1 hour of hyperthermia at 41°C or 43°C with or without Dbait. Human colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) were grafted subcutaneously into nude mice (n = 111). When tumors reached approximately 500 mm(3), mice were treated with Dbait alone (n = 20), sublethal RFA (n = 21), three different Dbait schemes and sublethal RFA (n = 52), or a sham treatment (n = 18). RFA was performed to ablate the tumor center alone. To elucidate antitumor mechanisms, 39 mice were sacrificed for blinded pathologic analysis, including assessment of DNA damage, cell proliferation, and tumor necrosis. Others were monitored for tumor growth and survival. Analyses of variance and log-rank tests were used to evaluate differences. RESULTS: When associated with mild hyperthermia, Dbait induced cytotoxicity in all tested colon cancer cell lines. Sublethal RFA or Dbait treatment alone moderately improved survival (median, 40 days vs 28 days for control; P = .0005) but combination treatment significantly improved survival (median, 84 days vs 40 days for RFA alone, P = .0004), with approximately half of the animals showing complete tumor responses. Pathologic studies showed that the Dbait and RFA combination strongly enhances DNA damage and coagulation areas in tumors. CONCLUSION: Combining Dbait with RFA sensitizes the tumor periphery to mild hyperthermia and increases RFA antitumor efficacy.
Background/Purpose: Since the end of 2009, an ultrasound scoring call SONAR has been implemented for RA patients as a routine tool in the SCQM registry (Swiss Clinical Quality Management registry for rheumatic diseases). A cross-sectional evaluation of patients with active disease and clinical remission according to the DAS28ESR and the novel ACR/EULAR remission criteria from 2010 clearly indicated a good correlational external validity of synovial pathologies with clinical disease activity in RA (2012 EULAR meeting. Objective: of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity to change of B-mode and Power-Doppler scores in a longitudinal perspective along with the changes in DAS28ESR in two consecutive visits among the patients included in the SCQM registry Methods: All patients who had at least two SONAR scores and simultaneous DAS28ESR evaluations between December 2009 and June 2012 were included in this study. The data came from 20 different operators working mostly in hospitals but also in private practices, who had received a previous teaching over 3 days in a reference center. The SONAR score includes a semi-quantitative B mode and Power-Doppler evaluation of 22 joints from 0 to 3, maximum 66 points for each score. The selection of these 22 joints was done in analogy to a 28 joint count and further restricted to joint regions with published standard ultrasound images. Both elbows and wrist joints were dynamically scanned from the dorsal and the knee joints from a longitudinal suprapatellar view in flexion and in joint extension. The bilateral evaluation of the second to fifth metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints was done from a palmar view in full extension, and the Power-Doppler scoring from a dorsal view with hand and finger position in best relaxation. Results: From the 657 RA patients with at least one score performed, 128 RA patients with 2 or more consultations of DAS28ESR, and a complete SONAR data set could be included. The mean (SD) time between the two evaluations was 9.6 months (54). The mean (SD) DAS28ESR was: 3.5 (1.3) at the first visit and was significantly lower (mean 3.0, SD.2.0, p:_0.0001) at the second visit. The mean (SD) of the total B mode was 12 (9.5) at baseline and 9.6 (7.6) at follow-up (p_0.0004). The Power-Doppler score at entry was 2.9 (5.7) and 1.9 (3.6), at the second visit, p _0.0001. The Pearson r correlation between change in DAS28ESR and the B mode was 0.44 (95% CI: 0.29, 0.57, p_ 0.0001),and 0.35 (95% CI: 0.16, 0.50, p _ 0.0002) for the Power-Doppler score,. Clinical relevant change in DAS (_1.1) was associated with a change of total B mode score _3 in 23/32 patients and a change a Doppler score _0.5 in 19/26. Conclusion: This study confirms that the SONAR score is sensitive to change and provides a complementary method of assessing RA disease activity to the DAS that could be very useful in daily practice.
BACKGROUND: High fructose consumption is suspected to be causally linked to the epidemics of obesity and metabolic disorders. In rodents, fructose leads to insulin resistance and ectopic lipid deposition. In humans, the effects of fructose on insulin sensitivity remain debated, whereas its effect on ectopic lipids has never been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of moderate fructose supplementation on insulin sensitivity (IS) and ectopic lipids in healthy male volunteers (n = 7). DESIGN: IS, intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured before and after 1 and 4 wk of a high-fructose diet containing 1.5 g fructose . kg body wt(-1) . d(-1). Adipose tissue IS was evaluated from nonesterified fatty acid suppression, hepatic IS from suppression of hepatic glucose output (6,6-2H2-glucose), and muscle IS from the whole-body glucose disposal rate during a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. IHCL and IMCL were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Fructose caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in fasting plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol (36%), VLDL-triacylglycerol (72%), lactate (49%), glucose (5.5%), and leptin (48%) without any significant changes in body weight, IHCL, IMCL, or IS. IHCL were negatively correlated with triacylglycerol after 4 wk of the high-fructose diet (r = -0.78, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Moderate fructose supplementation over 4 wk increases plasma triacylglycerol and glucose concentrations without causing ectopic lipid deposition or insulin resistance in healthy humans.
In a multicenter study a new, fully automated Roche Diagnostics Elecsys HBsAg II screening assay with improved sensitivity to HBsAg mutant detection was compared to well-established HBsAg tests: AxSYM HBsAg V2 (Abbott), Architect HBsAg (Abbott), Advia Centaur HBsAg (Bayer) Enzygnost HBsAg 5.0 (Dade-Behring), and Vitros Eci HBsAg (Ortho). A total of 16 seroconversion panels, samples of 60 HBsAg native mutants, and 31 HBsAg recombinant mutants, dilution series of NIBSC and PEI standards, 156 HBV positive samples comprising genotypes A to G, 686 preselected HBsAg positive samples from different stages of infection, 3,593 samples from daily routine, and 6,360 unselected blood donations were tested to evaluate the analytical and clinical sensitivity, the detection of mutants, and the specificity of the new assay. Elecsys HBsAg II showed a statistically significant better sensitivity in seroconversion panels to the compared tests. Fifty-seven out of 60 native mutants and all recombinant mutants were found positive. Among 156 HBV samples with different genotypes and 696 preselected HBsAg positive samples Elecsys HBsAg II achieved a sensitivity of 100%. The lower detection limit for NIBSC standard was calculated to be 0.025 IU/ml and for the PEI standards ad and ay it was <0.001 and <0.005 U/ml, respectively. Within 2,724 daily routine specimens and 6.360 unselected blood donations Elecsys HBsAg II showed a specificity of 99.97 and 99.88%, respectively. In conclusion the new Elecsys HBsAg II shows a high sensitivity for the detection of all stages of HBV infection and HBsAg mutants paired together with a high specificity in blood donors, daily routine samples, and potentially interfering sera.
Cilengitide is a cyclic peptide antagonist of integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 that is currently being evaluated as a novel therapeutic agent for recurrent and newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Its mode of action is thought to be mainly antiangiogenic but may include direct effects on tumor cells, notably on attachment, migration, invasion, and viability. In this study we found that, at clinically relevant concentrations, cilengitide (1-100 microM) induces detachment in some but not all glioma cell lines, while the effect on cell viability is modest. Detachment induced by cilengitide could not be predicted by the level of expression of the cilengitide target molecules, alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5, at the cell surface. Glioma cell death induced by cilengitide was associated with the generation of caspase activity, but caspase activity was not required for cell death since ectopic expression of cytokine response modifier (crm)-A or coexposure to the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk was not protective. Moreover, forced expression of the antiapoptotic protein marker Bcl-X(L) or altering the p53 status did not modulate cilengitide-induced cell death. No consistent effects of cilengitide on glioma cell migration or invasiveness were observed in vitro. Preliminary clinical results indicate a preferential benefit from cilengitide added to temozolomide-based radiochemotherapy in patients with O(6)-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter methylation. Accordingly, we also examined whether the MGMT status determines glioma cell responses to cilengitide alone or in combination with temozolomide. Neither ectopic expression of MGMT in MGMT-negative cells nor silencing the MGMT gene in MGMT-positive cells altered glioma cell responses to cilengitide alone or to cilengitide in combination with temozolomide. These data suggest that the beneficial clinical effects derived from cilengitide in vivo may arise from altered perfusion, which promotes temozolomide delivery to glioma cells.
Behavioral and physiological responses to unpredictable changes in environmental conditions are, in part, mediated by glucocorticoids (corticosterone in birds). In polymorphic species, individuals of the same sex and age display different heritable melanin-based color morphs, associated with physiological and reproductive parameters and possibly alternative strategies to cope with variation in environmental conditions. We examined whether the role of corticosterone in resolving the trade-off between self-maintenance and reproductive activities covaries with the size of melanin-based spots displayed on the ventral body side of male barn owls. Administration of corticosterone to simulate physiological stress in males revealed pronounced changes in their food-provisioning rates to nestlings compared to control males. Corticosterone-treated males with small eumelanic spots reduced nestling provisioning rates as compared to controls, and also to a greater degree than did corticosterone-treated males with large spots. Large-spotted males generally exhibited lower parental provisioning and appear insensitive to exogenous corticosterone suggesting that the size of the black spots on the breast feathers predicts the ability to cope with stressful situations. The reduced provisioning rate of corticosterone-treated males caused a temporary reduction in nestling growth rates but, did not affect fledgling success. This suggests that moderately elevated corticosterone levels are not inhibitory to current reproduction but rather trigger behavioral responses to maximize lifetime reproductive success.
To estimate the possible direct effect of birth weight on blood pressure, it is conventional to condition on the mediator, current weight. Such conditioning can induce bias. Our aim was to assess the potential biasing effect of U, an unmeasured common cause of current weight and blood pressure, on the estimate of the controlled direct effect of birth weight on blood pressure, with the help of sensitivity analyses. We used data from a school-based study conducted in Switzerland in 2005-2006 (n = 3,762; mean age = 12.3 years). A small negative association was observed between birth weight and systolic blood pressure (linear regression coefficient βbw = -0.3 mmHg/kg, 95% confidence interval: -0.9, 0.3). The association was strengthened upon adjustment for current weight (βbw|C = -1.5 mmHg/kg, 95% confidence interval: -2.1, -0.9). Sensitivity analyses revealed that the negative conditional association was explained by U only if U was relatively strongly associated with blood pressure and if there was a large difference in the prevalence of U between low-birth weight and normal-birth weight children. This weakens the hypothesis that the negative relationship between birth weight and blood pressure arises only from collider-stratification bias induced by conditioning on current weight.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between clinical measures of disease activity and a ultrasound (US) scoring system for synovitis applied by many different ultrasonographers in a daily routine care setting within the Swiss registry for RA (SCQM) and further to determine the sensitivity to change of this US Score. METHODS: One hundred and eight Swiss rheumatologists were trained in performing the Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism (SONAR) score. US B-mode and Power Doppler (PwD) scores were correlated with DAS28 and compared between the clinical categories in a cross-sectional cohort of patients. In patients with a second US (longitudinal cohort), we investigated if change in US score correlated with change in DAS and evaluated the responsiveness of both methods. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional cohort with 536 patients, correlation between the B-mode score and DAS28 was significant but modest (Pearson coefficient r=0.41, P<0.0001). The same was true for the PwD score (r=0.41, P<0.0001). In the longitudinal cohort with 183 patients we also found a significant correlation between change in B-mode and in PwD score with change in DAS28 (r=0.54, P<0.0001 and r=0.46, P<0.0001, respectively). Both methods of evaluation (DAS and US) showed similar responsiveness according to standardized response mean (SRM). CONCLUSIONS: The SONAR Score is practicable and was applied by many rheumatologists in daily routine care after initial training. It demonstrates significant correlations with the degree of as well as change in disease activity as measured by DAS. On the level of the individual, the US score shows many discrepancies and overlapping results exist.
Pavements are subjected to different stresses during their design lives. A properly designed pavement will perform adequately during its design life, and the distresses will not exceed the allowable limits; however, there are several factors that can lead to premature pavement failure. One such factor is moisture sensitivity. AASHTO T 283 is the standard test used in the moisture susceptibility evaluation of asphalt mixtures, but the results of the test are not very representative of the expected behavior of asphalt mixtures. The dynamic modulus test measures a fundamental property of the mixture. The results of the dynamic modulus test can be used directly in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) and are considered a very good representation of the expected field performance of the mixture. Further research is still needed to study how the dynamic modulus results are affected by moisture. The flow number test was studied in previous research as a candidate test for moisture-susceptibility evaluation, but the results of that research were not favorable. This research has four main objectives. The first objective of this research is to evaluate the usefulness of the dynamic modulus and flow number tests in moisture-susceptibility evaluation. The second objective is to compare the results to those achieved using the AASHTO T 283 test. The third objective is to study the effect of different methods of sample conditioning and testing conditions. The fourth objective of the research is to study the variability in the test results.
Cardiovascular diseases are the principal cause of death in women in developed countries and are importantly promoted by hypertension. The salt sensitivity of blood pressure (BP) is considered as an important cardiovascular risk factor at any BP level. Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy that arises as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. This study measured the salt sensitivity of BP in women with a severe preeclampsia compared with women with no pregnancy hypertensive complications. Forty premenopausal women were recruited 10 years after delivery in a case-control study. Salt sensitivity was defined as an increase of >4 mm Hg in 24-hour ambulatory BP on a high-sodium diet. The ambulatory BP response to salt was significantly increased in women with a history of preeclampsia compared with that of controls. The mean (95% confidence interval) daytime systolic/diastolic BP increased significantly from 115 (109-118)/79 (76-82) mm Hg on low-salt diet to 123 (116-130)/80 (76-84) on a high-salt diet in women with preeclampsia, but not in the control group (from 111 [104-119]/77 [72-82] to 111 [106-116]/75 [72-79], respectively, P<0.05). The sodium sensitivity index (SSI=Δmean arterial pressure/Δurinary Na excretion×1000) was 51.2 (19.1-66.2) in women with preeclampsia and 6.6 (5.8-18.1) mm Hg/mol per day in controls (P=0.015). The nocturnal dip was blunted on a high-salt diet in women with preeclampsia. Our study shows that women who have developed preeclampsia are salt sensitive before their menopause, a finding that may contribute to their increased cardiovascular risk. Women with a history of severe preeclampsia should be targeted at an early stage for preventive measures of cardiovascular diseases.
This publication was prepared to describe how the Iowa State University distillery has been operating, including information on distillery size, equipment, tanks, condenser, heat exchanger, pumps and the process. Photos and diagrams are also included.
Endurance training improves exercise performance and insulin sensitivity, and these effects may be in part mediated by an enhanced fat oxidation. Since n-3 and n-9 unsaturated fatty acids may also increase fat oxidation, we hypothesised that a diet enriched in these fatty acids may enhance the effects of endurance training on exercise performance, insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation. To assess this hypothesis, sixteen normal-weight sedentary male subjects were randomly assigned to an isoenergetic diet enriched with fish and olive oils (unsaturated fatty acid group (UFA): 52 % carbohydrates, 34 % fat (12 % SFA, 12 % MUFA, 5 % PUFA), 14 % protein), or a control diet (control group (CON): 62 % carbohydrates, 24 % fat (12 % SFA, 6 % MUFA, 2 % PUFA), 14 % protein) and underwent a 10 d gradual endurance training protocol. Exercise performance was evaluated by measuring VO2max and the time to exhaustion during a cycling exercise at 80 % VO2max; glucose homeostasis was assessed after ingestion of a test meal. Fat oxidation was assessed by indirect calorimetry at rest and during an exercise at 50 % VO2max. Training significantly increased time to exhaustion, but not VO2max, and lowered incremental insulin area under the curve after the test meal, indicating improved insulin sensitivity. Those effects were, however, of similar magnitude in UFA and CON. Fat oxidation tended to increase in UFA, but not in CON. This difference was, however, not significant. It is concluded that a diet enriched with fish- and olive oil does not substantially enhance the effects of a short-term endurance training protocol in healthy young subjects.
The objective of this work was to assess the effects of Aspidosperma pyrifolium ethanol extracts on cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella) larvae. The ethanol extracts of the stem bark, fruits and roots of A. pyrifolium were obtained by classical phytochemical methods, and the resulting subfractions were tested on P. xylostella, using 4 and 5 mg L-1. The crude ethanol extract of the stem bark was more lethal. The alkaloid-rich aqueous subfraction derived from the stem bark extract caused 100% larval mortality at 4 mg L-1. Insecticidal activity was associated with the presence of the monoterpenoid indole alkaloids aspidofractinine, 15-demethoxypyrifoline, and N-formylaspidofractinine. These alkaloids presented excellent insecticidal properties against P. xylostella.