1000 resultados para Escorpião amarelo


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Foram estudadas 18 progênies na geração F5 do híbrido H 419, provenientes do cruzamento entre o Híbrido de Timor (UFV 445-46) e o Catuaí Amarelo IAC 30 (UFV 2143), 5 progênies na geração F5 do híbrido H 516, proveniente do cruzamento entre o Híbrido de Timor (UFV 446-08) e o Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86 (UFV 2154) e como controle o Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44 ( UFV 2144 ) com e sem controle da ferrugem. em relação a produção de café cereja por planta e ao ataque da ferrugem as progênies H419-3-1-1-14 e a H516-2-1-1-18, foram as que apresentaram maiores produtividades e resistência a ferrugem ( nota 1 ), seguidas da H419-6-3-6-12, porém com resistência parcial à ferrugem. Essas progênies também foram as que apresentaram maior comprimento do ramo plagiotrópico, que influenciou em 37,73% (R²) na produção de café cereja por planta. O comprimento do ramo plagiotrópico, diâmetro do tronco e altura das plantas foram os atributos que mais correlacionaram r= 0.5977, r= 0.3316 e r= 0.2848, respectivamente p< 0.01, com as produtividades dessas progênies, concordando com resultados obtidos por Dhaliwal (1968). em relação a resistência ao fungo Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br.,as progênies apresentaram herdabilidade no sentido amplo elevada (h a² = 0,80 entre e h a² = 0,96 entre e dentro das progênies), mostrando variabilidade genética alta para seleção de material resistentes à ferrugem do cafeeiro.


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This study was conducted to study the spatial variability of phosphorus, estimating it through cokriging taking as covariables the size fractions of soil. The study was conducted at the experimental farm INCAPER-ES. The soil was sampled in the canopy projection of culture and depth of 0-0.20 meters in an irregular mesh with 109 points. The data were initially submitted to a descriptive analysis and correlation. Through geostatistics was made the adjustment of the variograms. The P showed significant correlation with the sand and clay fractions indicating that areas with higher concentrations of clay have lower availability of this nutrient. Both fractions have equal performance as co-variable in the estimate of the levels of P in the soil.


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The study of the spatial variability of soil attributes under different crop helps the study of changes due the management. This research was carried out to determine spatial variability the particle-size distribution, using of the classic statistic and geostatistics, of a soil cultivated with pasture and native vegetation. Soil samples were collected in the layer 0-0.20m, at the crossing points of a regular grid with 10m-intervals, summing up 64 samples points in each area. In the pasture area the fractions of coarse and total sand presented larger mean values in relation to the native vegetation, and negative correlation with the altitude of the points samples in the two areas. All of the fractions presented moderate to high spatial dependence in the two areas and with the defined still, with exception of the fine sand and the silt in the pasture. Much of this variability occurs as a function of water erosion.


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This study aimed to quantify the effects of agroforestry systems (AFS), with different periods of adoption, and slash and burn agriculture (SB) on the chemical attributes of an Ultisol in the 'Cerrado' of Piaui State, Brazil. In two distinct climatic seasons (dry and rainy) four systems were studied: AFS with six (AFS6) and thirteen years (AFS13) of adoption, an area under SB and a native forest (NF), as a reference. In the AFS, in all depths, higher reduction in the Al3+ and H+ + Al3+ contents were observed as well as an increase of pH value and contents of nutrients (N, P, Ca, Mg and K) and organic carbon in soil. In the soil under SB, only in superficial layers, the ash deposited on the soil caused an increase in contents of nutrients, except for P, which was higher in all the depths. There was significant seasonal effect in the contents of nutrients, reducing in the rainy season. Agroforestry systems promoted increase in the nutrient contents of an Ultisol and can be considered useful to improve soil chemical quality in areas of 'Cerrado' of Piau State, Brazil.


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A scorpion control program was proposed for the town of Aparecida (SP), an endemic region of Tityus serrulatus. Clusters of scorpions in urban and rural areas, environmental degradation of the town's outskirts and new scorpion procreation and dispersal habitats were studied. In addition, infrastructure problems such as the disposal and collection of residential and municipal refuse, sanitation (sewage and storm sewer), condition of vacant lots and constructions in the urban area were evaluated. After an epidemiological study, educational measures such as the distribution of pamphlets, cleaning group work, visits to residences and cooperation from High School teachers and students were also suggested. Chemical control was indicated in high-risk sites, especially those of near-school buildings. Furthermore, the use of natural predators was also mentioned within the present sanitation regulations for urban areas. The authors assert that these procedures must be integrated and continued uninterruptedly for several years. They also suggest a collaborative work with those responsible for the dengue eradication program, as well as the institution of the scorpion study week, which would greatly contribute to the education of the population, to preventive programs and to scorpion control.


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Ipê amarelo Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. Ex DC.) Standl. is a native forest species that presents heavy and durable wood: it is common to be used for urban arborization. The species is latte secondary and heliophyta. Occurs from Espirito Santo State until Santa Catarina in the Pluvial Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica). The seedling production is hard because their seeds have short longevity after dispersion, and so due to the difficulty to harvest winged seeds that are quickly dispersed by the wind. The present study was carried out to evaluate the physiological maturity of Ipê Amarelo seeds, to establish the best moment to harvest them. The study was to accompany the maturation of 100 fruits in just beginning development, from eleven different trees. Morphological characteristic measures were made weekly, with fruits still on trees, starting from the second week development when fruits presented the following averages: 6.3 cm length, 0.71 cm thickness, and 0.82 cm width. From the sixth week of fruit development we harvest them to proceed the germination test, water content rate, and electric conductivity test. The germination has begun by the seventh week development with 28% of germinated seedlings. The highest germination rate happened by the eighth week development, with 74.5% of germinated seedlings and on the ninth week the rate decrease to 65.5%, when the seeds were already in dispersion. Through the electric conductivity test the highest value obtained was 378.06 μS.g -1.cm -1 on the seventh week development and the lowest one was 183.28 μpS.g -1.cm -1 on eighth week. These results support those obtained in the germination test, because as higher is the electric conductivity of seeds, as higher is their deterioration level. Finally, the study allows concluding that the physiological maturation of ipê amarelo seeds has occurred before dispersion close to the eighth week development when fruits presented the following averages: 22.2 cm length, 1.37 cm width, and 1.05 cm thickness; water content rate was 61.8% and electric conductivity was 183.28 μS.g -1.cm -1. In that moment, the fruits presented greened brown coloration and started to show fissures.


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This study presents the results obtained in a field experiment carried out at Glicério, Northwest of São Paulo state, Brazil, whose objective was to analyze changes of selected soil physical properties and water infiltration rates on a Yellow-Red Latosol, under three different management conditions. The experimental design was arranged as completely randomized split-block with twelve treatments, which corresponded to four depths (0-0.05 m; 0.05-0.10 m; 0.10-0.20 m and 0.20-0.40 m) and three conditions of soil use and management with four replications. The soil surface conditions were: conventional tillage (one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow), nine months before starting filed experiences; recent conventional tillage (also one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow) and native forest. The conventional tillage areas were cropped for about fifteen years with annual cultures. The considered soil general physical properties were: macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, bulk density, soil moisture and penetration resistance and, in addition; soil water infiltration rates were also recorded. According to our results, differences on general soil physical properties and infiltration rates appeared when both tilled sub-treatments and native forest were compared. Both, plots recently prepared by conventional tillage and those prepared by tillage but left nine months in rest, presented a statistically significant decrease of constant (final) water infiltration rates of 92.72% and 91.91% when compared with native forest plots.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse from May 1 to July 31, 2008, in Areia county, Paraiba State, PB, Brazil, in order to evaluate the effects of irrigation water salinity on initial growth of the passionfruit seedlings in non-saline substrate with and without bovine biofertilizer. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three replications and twelve plants per plots, in a factorial arrangement 5 × 2 × 2, corresponding the former to the levels of salinity in the irrigation water: 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 dS m-1, in soils with and without bovine biofertilizer applied at two moments (25 and 65 days after seedling emergence). The growth of the seedlings and the soil electrical conductivity were evaluated at the end of the experiment. The biofertilizer was diluted in a low saline water at a 1:1 ratio and was applied once two days before sowing, corresponding to 10% of the substrates volume. The increase in water salinity inhibited the growth in height of plants, leaf area and root length, but always to a lesser extent in the treatments with bovine biofertilizer. The increase in electrical conductivity of the irrigation water elevated the soil salinity, independently of the addition of biofertilizer.


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Aiming to evaluate the effect of cover plants over soil chemical attributes in the region of Balsas - Maranhão, samples of Oxisol under plant cover of millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke], brachiaria (Brachiaria ruziziensis) and native Cerrado (mid-sized), were collected in three depths (0-0.10; 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m). Plant cover of millet and brachiaria promoted an increase in soil pH and reductions in amounts of Al3+ and in saturation by Al3+, in relation to the area with native Cerrado. Major amounts of residue were verified on soil surface under native cerrado, due to greater input of plant residue and lower decomposition rate. Amounts of nutrients and levels of organic matter were higher in areas under millet and brachiaria cover, mainly in 0-0.10 e 0.10-0.20 m. depths. Brachiaria and millet cover plants were similar in relation to alterations promoted in chemical attributes of soil.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effects of liming and phosphate fertilizer for the production of sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth.) seedlings without thorns under a greenhouse. Seedlings 10 days old were transferred to plastic bags containing 2.0 kg of psamitic Dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (Typic Haplustox) collected from 40 to 70 cm layer. The experiment was carried out in Teresina county, Piauí state, Brazil, from July to October of 2008. Two liming doses (with and without liming) and five phosphorus doses combined in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme were used. The experimental design used was the randomized blocks with four replications having each plot three seedlings. The calculated lime amount was enough to elevate the base saturation to 50 % and the phosphorus doses were: 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 mg kg-1 of soil. One seedling per pot was cultivated and the pot dimension was 10 by 23 cm. The evaluated variables were height, diameter, leaves number, leaf area, and shoot and roots dry matter. For the studied soil condition, the liming is not necessary to produce 'Sabiá' seedlings. The application, on average, from 72 to 107 mg kg-1 of P promote, respectively, from 90 to100 % of maximum values of height, diameter, leaf area and shoots and roots biomass.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)