920 resultados para Ergonomic Concepts


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It has been recognised that formal methods are useful as a modelling tool in requirements engineering. Specification languages such as Z permit the precise and unambiguous modelling of system properties and behaviour. However some system problems, particularly those drawn from the information systems problem domain, may be difficult to model in crisp or precise terms. It may also be desirable that formal modelling should commence as early as possible, even when our understanding of parts of the problem domain is only approximate. This thesis suggests fuzzy set theory as a possible representation scheme for this imprecision or approximation. A fuzzy logic toolkit that defines the operators, measures and modifiers necessary for the manipulation of fuzzy sets and relations is developed. The toolkit contains a detailed set of laws that demonstrate the properties of the definitions when applied to partial set membership. It also provides a set of laws that establishes an isomorphism between the toolkit notation and that of conventional Z when applied to boolean sets and relations. The thesis also illustrates how the fuzzy logic toolkit can be applied in the problem domains of interest. Several examples are presented and discussed including the representation of imprecise concepts as fuzzy sets and relations, system requirements as a series of linguistically quantified propositions, the modelling of conflict and agreement in terms of fuzzy sets and the partial specification of a fuzzy expert system. The thesis concludes with a consideration of potential areas for future research arising from the work presented here.


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Early Childhood Educators have an important role to fulfil in aiding children's development and understandings in the science curriculum. There are many different views and opinions on how science can be taught in an Early Childhood environment, it is therefore our aim to investigate how teachers feel about teaching science concepts and promoting science in the early childhood centre. We aim to discover how everyday activities relate to the nature of science within our everyday lives. The science curriculum is important in Early Childhood settings as it provides children with various opportunities to explore the natural world. We are hoping to gain a deeper understanding of how teachers are guiding and encouraging children to make sense of their experiences. It is also important that we explore how Early Childhood Educators understand their own practice in teaching science concepts in their curriculum.

Description of project: We will be completing a small inquiry based task which will require us to compile data collected from interviews, recordings from teachers in long day and kindergarten settings around the Geelong region.

Methodology: ln order to undertake this research we will be using a socio cultural framework, focusing on language in the social environment and play (basing our ideas on the theories of Vygotsky). We will be undertaking narrative accounts to obtain data which will be collated from three different sources.

Ethical implications of projects: We do not foresee any significant risks to any participant in this study. The topic of the research is uncontroversial, and we will be taking measures to ensure anonymity or confidentiality where appropriate.


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This study examines several specific fields of activity of Australia and Japan in the areas of security, production, finance, development assistance, information, education and regional organization. Using the concept of structural power, it observes the sources of Australian and Japanese strenght in the region, the growing imbalance in the bilateral Australia-Japan relationship, and also the coexistence of affinities and differences in the development opportunities opened to the South Pacific Island Countries.


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This theoretically innovative anthology investigates the problematic linkages between conserving cultural heritage, maintaining cultural diversity, defining and establishing cultural citizenship, and enforcing human rights.

It is the first publication to address the notions of cultural diversity, cultural heritage and human rights in one volume. Heritage provides the basis of humanity’s rich cultural diversity. While there is a considerable literature dealing separately with cultural diversity, cultural heritage and human rights, this book is distinctive and has contemporary relevance in focusing on the intersection between the three concepts. Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights establishes a fresh approach that will interest students and practitioners alike and on which future work in the heritage field might proceed.


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The SIMERR project Mathematical Thinking of Pre-school Children in Rural and Regional Australia: Research and Practice included a review of relevant research literature with the aim of making this accessible to researchers as well as early childhood teachers and educators. This paper introduces the methods used in the project and provides a brief summary of the literature pertaining to the development of mathematical concepts.


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In response to recent criticisms of business and accounting education, a team of educators introduced a new course in social and critical perspectives on accounting. The course sought to integrate sociological concepts into the study of accounting, with key themes of social construction and social power forming a core of the course. The express intention was to raise student awareness of the nature and functions of accounting in contemporary society. The core teaching strategy involved team teaching, which was used to enhance learning and develop higher order generic skills. Feedback from two diverse cohorts of students vindicated the approach undertaken and reinforced the importance of linking teaching and research in accounting programs. Change in accounting education can be directed towards regaining and rebuilding social relevance for a discipline too often associated with a narrow economic imperative rather than the broader public interest.


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Children's body image was examined in relation to both sociocultural influences and physical self-concepts, which included sporting ability. Findings showed that physical self-concepts more stongly predicted boys' body image, while girls' body image was more strongly predicted by media pressures. Femininity predicted physical self-concepts among both boys and girls.


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This article discusses a major dilemma faced by social marketers: the conflict between implementing social marketing programs aimed at developing material wellbeing and the increased use of resources as a result of these changes. Social marketers aim to make social changes positively however the social‐environmental cost benefit is seldom a consideration. It is suggested that many changes are ‘unsustainable’ in their current format. Social marketers will need to become involved in the tradeoffs between material wellbeing and sustainability of the environment. This important issue is of direct relevance to a large section of those involved in social change creation. The consideration of sustainability is an important issue for social marketers. Implications and further research are proposed.


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As a small island country, Mauritius is relying on its human capital and innovative hi-tech industry to ensure future economic viability in the global market. As such, Mauritian education authorities are seeking ways to raise educational standards. One idea being canvassed is that Total Quality Management (TQM) could provide the framework for Mauritian school leaders to deliver imperatives for change and improvement and to achieve the aim of ‘world- class quality education.’ This paper reports the findings of a research into Mauritian principals’ current practices in line with TQM tenets and their perceptions about the usefulness or otherwise of ideas implicit in TQM. The findings indicate that whilst principals agree with current progressive notions and thinking compatible with the TQM philosophy, they have not fully translated them into their practice. The paper identifies challenges and opportunities worthy of discussion for school improvement in twenty-first century Mauritius with its high-tech, world-class ambitions.