1000 resultados para Energía eléctrica-Plantas-Carga


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This paper proposes a method for the identification of different partial discharges (PDs) sources through the analysis of a collection of PD signals acquired with a PD measurement system. This method, robust and sensitive enough to cope with noisy data and external interferences, combines the characterization of each signal from the collection, with a clustering procedure, the CLARA algorithm. Several features are proposed for the characterization of the signals, being the wavelet variances, the frequency estimated with the Prony method, and the energy, the most relevant for the performance of the clustering procedure. The result of the unsupervised classification is a set of clusters each containing those signals which are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. The analysis of the classification results permits both the identification of different PD sources and the discrimination between original PD signals, reflections, noise and external interferences. The methods and graphical tools detailed in this paper have been coded and published as a contributed package of the R environment under a GNU/GPL license.


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Este Trabajo Fin de Máster surge de la necesidad de evaluar la fiabilidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos de concentración, los cuales han sufrido una evolución importante, pasando de usarse células solares de silicio con un 26% de rendimiento, a células multiunión III-V superando el 43% de rendimiento. Las células solares multinunión, mucho más caras y complejas que las células de silicio, no podrán ser comercializadas hasta que no se demuestre que tienen una fiabilidad comparable a las células de silicio. Con el objetivo de disponer de resultados de fiabilidad en un periodo de tiempo adecuado, se utilizan ensayos acelerados. Los ensayos acelerados en células solares presentan una dificultad añadida, debido a la necesidad de que la célula solar esté funcionando y además sea caracterizada dentro de una cámara climática. Mientras que para realizar ensayos acelerados en otros dispositivos es muy sencillo hacerlos funcionar dentro de la cámara climática, en el caso de las células solares tanto el funcionamiento como la caracterización requieren de iluminación dentro de la cámara climática. Conseguir dicha iluminación es complejo como se comentará en el desarrollo de esta memoria de Trabajo Fin de Máster, así como la solución encontrada. A lo largo de esta memoria se desarrollará una primera parte teórica, comenzando con una breve descripción teórica sobre células solares, aunque el estudio de las mismas no es el objetivo de este proyecto, por lo que se continuará con teoría de fiabilidad. El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es desarrollar un software capaz de realizar ensayos acelerados sobre células solares. El diseño del software desarrollado podría usarse para cualquier tipo de célula solar, u otro dispositivo similar como un LED o un diodo láser. El último capítulo teórico desarrollado en este proyecto es una introducción al lenguaje de programación gráfico, denominado lenguaje G, implementado con Labview, software elegido para el desarrollo del programa. Dado que estará destinado a su uso en otros proyectos, el desarrollo del sistema estará totalmente descrito y el código comentado, para que en un futuro se pueda modificar de forma sencilla. El núcleo de la memoria es el desarrollo del software aunque también se mostrará el desarrollo hardware, que ha sido desarrollado en paralelo en otro Trabajo Fin de Máster y la instalación necesaria para poder llevar a cabo los ensayos. Para finalizar la memoria, se documenta la instalación realizada, mostrando las pruebas realizadas al software y al hardware y la puesta en funcionamiento de los ensayos con sus primeros resultados.


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With the rising prices of the retail electricity and the decreasing cost of the PV technology, grid parity with commercial electricity will soon become a reality in Europe. This fact, together with less attractive PV feed-in-tariffs in the near future and incentives to promote self-consumption suggest, that new operation modes for the PV Distributed Generation should be explored; differently from the traditional approach which is only based on maximizing the exported electricity to the grid. The smart metering is experiencing a growth in Europe and the United States but the possibilities of its use are still uncertain, in our system we propose their use to manage the storage and to allow the user to know their electrical power and energy balances. The ADSM has many benefits studied previously but also it has important challenges, in this paper we can observe and ADSM implementation example where we propose a solution to these challenges. In this paper we study the effects of the Active Demand-Side Management (ADSM) and storage systems in the amount of consumed local electrical energy. It has been developed on a prototype of a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead–acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. We carried out simulations for long-time experiments (yearly studies) and real measures for short and mid-time experiments (daily and weekly studies). Results show the relationship between the electricity flows and the storage capacity, which is not linear and becomes an important design criterion.


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Photovoltaic modules based on thin film technology are gaining importance in the photovoltaic market, and module installers and plant owners have increasingly begun to request methods of performing module quality control. These modules pose additional problems for measuring power under standard test conditions (STC), beyond problems caused by the temperature of the module and the ambient variables. The main difficulty is that the modules’ power rates may vary depending both on the amount of time they have been exposed to the sun during recent hours and on their history of sunlight exposure. In order to assess the current state of the module, it is necessary to know its sunlight exposure history. Thus, an easily accomplishable testing method that ensures the repeatability of the measurements of the power generated is needed. This paper examines different tests performed on commercial thin film PV modules of CIS, a-Si and CdTe technologies in order to find the best way to obtain measurements. A method for obtaining indoor measurements of these technologies that takes into account periods of sunlight exposure is proposed. Special attention is paid to CdTe as a fast growing technology in the market.


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Debido a las limitaciones de las técnicas de optimización convencionales, en el siguiente trabajo se presenta una metaheurística basada en un algoritmo genético (AG), para resolver problemas de programación de tipo flow shop, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de finalización de todos los trabajos, más conocido como makespan. Este problema, considerado de difícil solución, es típico de la optimización combinatoria y se presenta en talleres con tecnología de maquinado, donde existen máquinas-herramientas convencionales y se fabrican diferentes tipos de piezas que tienen en común una misma ruta tecnológica (orden del proceso). La solución propuesta se probó con problemas clásicos publicados por otros autores, obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a la calidad de las soluciones encontradas y el tiempo de cómputo empleado.


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Young trees transplanted from nursery into open field require a minimum amount of soil moisture to successfully root in their new location, especially in dry-climate areas. One possibility is to obtain the required water from air moisture. This can be achieved by reducing the temperature of a surface below the air dew point temperature, inducing water vapor condensation on the surface. The temperature of a surface can be reduced by applying the thermoelectric effect, with Peltier modules powered by electricity. Here, we present a system that generates electricity with a solar photovoltaic module, stores it in a battery, and finally, it uses the electricity at the moment in which air humidity and temperature are optima to maximize water condensation while minimizing energy consumption. Also, a method to reduce the evaporation of the condensed water is proposed. The objective of the system, rather than irrigating young plants in such a degree as to boost their growth, is to maintain them alive in the dryer periods.


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The crop diseases sometimes are related to the irradiance that the crop receives. When an experiment requires the measurement of the irradiance, usually it results in an expensive data acquisition system. If it is necessary to check many test points, the use of traditional sensors will increase the cost of the experiment. By using low cost sensors based in the photovoltaic effect, it is possible to perform a precise test of irradiance with a reduced price. This work presents an experiment performed in Ademuz (Valencia, Spain) during September of 2011 to check the validity of low cost sensors based on solar cells.


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The use of photovoltaic experimental plants in engineering educational buildings contributes to an increase in acceptance of this technology by future engineers. There are some photovoltaic (PV) systems in educational buildings in Spain, but they are usually limited to buildings in relation to electrical technologies or research areas. They are not common in other educational or official buildings. This paper presents the project of a grid-connected solar plant with two main objectives. First, different PV module technologies will be compared. Second, an emphasis on agronomical areas in educational settings will be reviewed in an attempt to facilitate student engagement in the use of the power plant. The system is grid-connected in order to pay-back the investment in the plant. In fact the electricity generated by the plant will be used by the installations of the building, as it is the closest consumer. This work intends to approximate photovoltaic technology to university degrees not directly related with it and at the same time research in comparison of systems with different technologies. This is a good example of an solar plant for both optimum production and educational purposes.


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During the last 10 years the Spanish photovoltaic market has experienced one of the most important increases worldwide. The continuous raise on the price of the electricity in Spain, as in other European countries, USA and Japan, as well as the decrease of the cost of solar photovoltaic systems along this decade is opening a new way to reach grid parity point in some particular scenarios. A new Spanish legislation is being performed toward selfconsumption, and it is in this new context where the grid parity in a wide sense could be achieved. This work will study different cases in Spain, in order to determine whether grid parity would be possible along 2012. Keywords: grid parity, self-consumption, photovoltaic, net-metering


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El proyecto surge de la necesidad de ahorro energético mundial, debido a la contaminación producida por las distintas formas de generación de electricidad. Mejorar la eficiencia energética suele ser la forma más barata, rápida y respetuosa del medio ambiente para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas del mundo. En España la Certificación Energética de Edificios es obligatorio, por lo que surge la necesidad analizar las distintas formas y en que ámbito legal pueden ser utilizadas. Se desarrolla la necesidad de otorgar una etiqueta de eficiencia energética de la letra A a la G, siendo la A la más eficiente y la G la menos eficiente. Para saber cuál es la letra que asignamos al edificio en proceso de Certificación, se ha de usar una opción de las que se nos ofrece.


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El presente proyecto se entra en el diseño de una planta termosolar de 50MW de potencia utilizando colectores cilindro parabólicos (CCPs). Para ello, se parte de una parcela disponible de hasta 197 ha situada en la Región de Murcia, España. Se van a tratar aspectos como el diseño de la planta solar, que implica el dimensionamiento de los espejos de los CCPs, las estructuras de soporte, la elección del fluido conductor de calor (sales fundidas o aceite sintético), así como una determinación de los principales parámetros y equipos utilizados en la central eléctrica que acompaña a la planta termosolar. Para determinar la viabilidad del proyecto se abordarán aspectos económicos y de rentabilidad del proyecto como inversión necesaria y periodo de retorno teniendo en cuenta la legislación actual.


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In October 2002, under the auspices of Spanish Cooperation, a pilot electrification project put into operation two centralised PV-diesel hybrid systems in two different Moroccan villages. These systems currently provide a full-time energy service and supply electricity to more than a hundred of families, six community buildings, street lighting and one running water system. The appearance of the electricity service is very similar to an urban one: one phase AC supply (230V/50Hz) distributed up to each dwelling using a low-voltage mini-grid, which has been designed to be fully compatible with a future arrival of the utility grid. The management of this electricity service is based on a “fee-for-service” scheme agreed between a local NGO, partner of the project, and electricity associations created in each village, which are in charge of, among other tasks, recording the daily energy production of systems and the monthly energy consumption of each house. This register of data allows a systematic evaluation of both the system performance and the energy consumption of users. Now, after four years of operation, this paper presents the experience of this pilot electrification project and draws lessons that can be useful for designing, managing and sizing this type of small village PV-hybrid system


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Active learning is one of the most efficient mechanisms for learning, according to the psychology of learning. When students act as teachers for other students, the communication is more fluent and knowledge is transferred easier than in a traditional classroom. This teaching method is referred to in the literature as reciprocal peer teaching. In this study, the method is applied to laboratory sessions of a higher education institution course, and the students who act as teachers are referred to as ‘‘laboratory monitors.’’ A particular way to select the monitors and its impact in the final marks is proposed. A total of 181 students participated in the experiment, experiences with laboratory monitors are discussed, and methods for motivating and training laboratory monitors and regular students are proposed. The types of laboratory sessions that can be led by classmates are discussed. This work is related to the changes in teaching methods in the Spanish higher education system, prompted by the Bologna Process for the construction of the European Higher Education Area


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El proyecto se centra en el cálculo de las emisiones de CO2 en una empresa, agrupando estas emisiones en los alcances 1 y 2 partiendo del consumo de combustibles fósiles y energía eléctrica respectivamente. Analizar los resultados y elaborar un plan con una serie de medidas generales para reducir las emisiones.


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es la generación de energía eléctrica a partir de energía solar. Por ello se pretende realizar el pre-diseño de una instalación solar fotovoltaica de 200 kW de potencia conectada a la red nacional en la localidad de Trigueros (Huelva). El proyecto define las condiciones técnicas de la instalación a partir de la radiación solar registrada en la localización elegida. Además de incluir el estudio económico que indica la viabilidad del mismo. Como puntos a destacar en el proyecto, se puede tomar los datos obtenidos de generación eléctrica, los costes de ejecución de obra y por último la rentabilidad a medio plazo. Es necesaria una inversión inicial. Es importante la realización de este tipo de proyectos si queremos conseguir un sistema energético sostenible. Así como políticas que promuevan la eficiencia y el ahorro energético. No obstante, se debe seguir investigando para mejorar el aprovechamiento de la energía solar y del resto de energías renovables.