954 resultados para Electron Microscope
Optical filters composed of Ag, Al2O3, and ZnSe films were prepared on BK7 substrates by evaporation. By employing spectrophotometer, microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and energy dispersive spectrum (EDS) analysis, the moisture-dependent stability of the samples was tested. The experimental results revealed that filter failure often occurs initially at defect sites. Small sputtering particles and pinhole are found to be two types of defects that induced the optical coating filter failure. The mechanisms of the defect-induced failure of the filters also are discussed in the article. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) TiO2/SiO2 high reflector (HR) at 1064 nm is deposited by e-beam evaporation. The HR is characterized by optical properties, surface, and cross section structure. LIDT is tested at 1064 nm with a 12 ns laser pulse in the one-on-one mode. Raman technique and scanning electron Microscope are used to analyze the laser-induced modification of HR. The possible damage mechanism is discussed. It is found that the LIDT of HR is influenced by the nanometer precursor in the surface, the intrinsic absorption of film material, the compactness of the cross section and surface structure, and the homogeneity of TiO2 layer. Three typical damage morphologies such as flat-bottom pit, delamination, and plasma scald determine well the nanometer defect initiation mechanism. The laser-induced crystallization consists well with the thermal damage nature of HR. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
A discriminação de fases que são praticamente indistinguíveis ao microscópio ótico de luz refletida ou ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV) é um dos problemas clássicos da microscopia de minérios. Com o objetivo de resolver este problema vem sendo recentemente empregada a técnica de microscopia colocalizada, que consiste na junção de duas modalidades de microscopia, microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O objetivo da técnica é fornecer uma imagem de microscopia multimodal, tornando possível a identificação, em amostras de minerais, de fases que não seriam distinguíveis com o uso de uma única modalidade, superando assim as limitações individuais dos dois sistemas. O método de registro até então disponível na literatura para a fusão das imagens de microscopia ótica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura é um procedimento trabalhoso e extremamente dependente da interação do operador, uma vez que envolve a calibração do sistema com uma malha padrão a cada rotina de aquisição de imagens. Por esse motivo a técnica existente não é prática. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para automatizar o processo de registro de imagens de microscopia ótica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura de maneira a aperfeiçoar e simplificar o uso da técnica de microscopia colocalizada. O método proposto pode ser subdividido em dois procedimentos: obtenção da transformação e registro das imagens com uso desta transformação. A obtenção da transformação envolve, primeiramente, o pré-processamento dos pares de forma a executar um registro grosseiro entre as imagens de cada par. Em seguida, são obtidos pontos homólogos, nas imagens óticas e de MEV. Para tal, foram utilizados dois métodos, o primeiro desenvolvido com base no algoritmo SIFT e o segundo definido a partir da varredura pelo máximo valor do coeficiente de correlação. Na etapa seguinte é calculada a transformação. Foram empregadas duas abordagens distintas: a média ponderada local (LWM) e os mínimos quadrados ponderados com polinômios ortogonais (MQPPO). O LWM recebe como entradas os chamados pseudo-homólogos, pontos que são forçadamente distribuídos de forma regular na imagem de referência, e que revelam, na imagem a ser registrada, os deslocamentos locais relativos entre as imagens. Tais pseudo-homólogos podem ser obtidos tanto pelo SIFT como pelo método do coeficiente de correlação. Por outro lado, o MQPPO recebe um conjunto de pontos com a distribuição natural. A análise dos registro de imagens obtidos empregou como métrica o valor da correlação entre as imagens obtidas. Observou-se que com o uso das variantes propostas SIFT-LWM e SIFT-Correlação foram obtidos resultados ligeiramente superiores aos do método com a malha padrão e LWM. Assim, a proposta, além de reduzir drasticamente a intervenção do operador, ainda possibilitou resultados mais precisos. Por outro lado, o método baseado na transformação fornecida pelos mínimos quadrados ponderados com polinômios ortogonais mostrou resultados inferiores aos produzidos pelo método que faz uso da malha padrão.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resistência de união a microtração de cimentos resinosos autoadesivos a cerâmicas de zircônia policristalina. Dezoito blocos cerâmicos de zircônia 3Y-TZP (9 LAVA e 9 LAVA Plus) foram jateados com partículas de 50 m de Al2O3por 20 s com pressão de 28 psi a uma distância de 10 mm. Os blocos cerâmicos foram duplicados em resina composta (Point 4, Kerr) por moldagem com silicone. Os blocos de resina composta foram cimentados à superfície jateada da zircônia usando três diferentes cimentos resinosos autoadesivos: (1) RelyX Unicem 2 (3M ESPE); (2) SmartCem 2 (Dentsply); (3) Speedcem (Ivoclar Vivadent). Após 24 h imersos em água destilada a 37oC, os blocos cimentados foram cortados em palitos para testes de microtração,com área da interface adesiva de 1 mm2 0,2 mm, e tensionados até a fratura. Os resultados foram analisados pelo teste de análise de variância de dois fatores e pelo teste de comparações múltiplas LSD (α=0.05). As amostras fraturadas foram analisadas com microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e o modo de falha foi registrado. A topografia das superfícies cerâmicas antes e após o jateamento foi comparada por microscopia de força atômica (AFM). A resistência de união do cimento Speedcem à zircônia foi estatisticamente superior àquela reportada pelos cimentos RelyX Unicem 2 e SmartCem 2, independentemente da cerâmica usada (p<0,05). O fator cerâmica não teve influência estatística na resistência de união. A interação entre os dois fatores se mostrou significativa (p<0,05). O modo de fratura associado ao SmartCem 2 foi quase exclusivamente adesiva, enquanto oRelyX Unicem 2e o Speedcem exibiram um maior percentual de falhas mistas. Não foram observadas falhas coesivas. O AFM não revelou diferença no padrão de topografia de superfície entre as duas cerâmicas antes ou após o jateamento. Concluiu-se que o cimento Speedcem foi superior na adesão a cerâmicas de zircônia policristalina.
Rubiaceae Juss. é a quarta família em número de espécies entre as Angiospermas no Mundo e no Neotrópico, apresentando grande diversidade de espécies com representantes na maioria dos biomas. No Brasil são registrados 124 gêneros e 1.395 espécies sendo considerada uma das principais famílias da flora brasileira. O presente trabalho trata do estudo palinológico de 61 espécies da família Rubiaceae subordinadas às tribos Coussareeae Benth. & Hook.f e Psychotrieae Cham. & Schltdl. ocorrentes no Sudeste do Brasil, com a finalidade de descrever a morfologia polínica e estabelecer atributos polínicos úteis à taxonomia do grupo. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido de exsicatas depositadas nos herbários nacionais (BHCB, GUA, HB, R, RB e SP). Os grãos de pólen foram tratados pelo método acetolítico e ou pelo método de acetólise láctica, sendo posteriormente mensurados, descritos e fotomicrografados em microscopia de luz. Para análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), as anteras foram rompidas e os grãos de pólen, não acetolisados, espalhados sobre uma fita de carbono. Foram caracterizados quanto à forma, ao tamanho, ao tipo de abertura, à polaridade e à ornamentação da sexina. Os grãos de pólen das espécies estudadas variaram de médios a grandes, apolares ou isopolares, oblato-esferoidais a subprolatos; em relação à abertura foram encontrados grãos de pólen inaperturados, quando encontrada, apresentaram colpos, cólporos ou poros e o número de aberturas variou de 2-3-4 a aperturados a pantoaperturados. A ornamentação da sexina variou entre rugulada, microrreticulada e reticulada. Coussareeae se caracterizou por apresentar grãos de pólen tricolporados ou 2-3-4-porados, enquanto Psychotrieae, inaperturados, 3-4-colpados ou pantoporados. Pelos resultados obtidos pode-se constatar que as características polínicas são importantes para a identificação das espécies e circunscrição genérica, sendo a família considerada euripolínica, A palinologia é, portanto, um forte caráter taxonômico, uma vez que as tribos, os gêneros e as espécies são distintas palinologicamente
We synthesize Co nanorod filled inside multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) and utilize off-axis electron holography to observe the remanent states of the filled metal nanorod inside MWCNTs at room. The MWCNTs grew up to 100-110 nm in diameter and 1.5-1.7 μm in length. The typical bright-field transmission electron microscope (TEM) images revealed both Co/Pd multisegment nanorod and Co nanorod filled inside MWCNTs on the same substrate. We have also performed energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) measurements to characterize the composition of metal filled inside MWCNTs. Based on high-resolution TEM measurements, we observed the face-centered-cubic (fcc) Co filled inside MWCNT. The component of magnetic induction was then measured to be 1.2±0.1 T, which is lower than the expected saturation magnetization of fcc Co of 1.7 T. The partial oxidation of the ferromagnetic metal during the process and the magnetization direction may play an important role in the determination of the quality of the remanent states. © 2008 IEEE.
Sediments in Santa Barbara Basin contain microfossil and sedimentological information that allows reconstruction of major features of the California Current such as water temperature, strength of upwelling, and productivity. ... Until now, investigations of Santa Barbara Basin sediments have utilized analytical techniques that could not resolve seasonal laminae, permitting annual resolution of variations in sediment composition and structure only. ... Based on a successful technique for preparation of epoxy-embedded and highly polished thin-sections that permit economical optical and electron microscope evaluation of laminated sequences, it is our long-term goal to reconstruct, with unprecedented detail, the history of sedimentation processes in the Santa Barbara Basin by developing ultra-high-resolution time series of biotic and detrital proxies.
A digital minicomputer has been interfaced with a scanning electron microscope, and programmed to control the excitations of the objective lens and the stigmator of the microscope. The electron beam is scanned by a digital scan generator and the digitised video signal is used for computations. To focus the microscope, a parameter related to the 'sharpness' of the image is maximised, and to set the stigmator, the directional information in the above- and below-focus images is used. | A digital minicomputer has been interfaced with a scanning electron microscope, and programmed to control the excitations of the objective lens and the stigmator of the microscope. The electron beam is scanned by a digital scan generator and the digitized video signal is used for computations. To focus the microscope, a parameter related to the 'sharpness' of the image is maximized, and to set the stigmator, the directional information in the above and below-focus images is used.
A Gram-positive bacterium, designated strain CW 7(T), was isolated from forest soil in Anhui Province, south-east China. Cells were strictly aerobic, motile with peritrichous flagella and rod-shaped. The strain grew optimally at 30-37 degrees C and pH 7.0-8.0. The major fatty acids of strain CW 7(T) were anteiso-C-15:0, iso-C-15:0 and anteiso-C-17:0. The predominant menaquinone was MK-7. The cell-wall peptidoglycan contained meso-diaminopimelic acid. The G + C content of the genomic DNA was 42.3 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that strain CW 7(T) belonged to a monophyletic cluster within the genus Bacillus and showed 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of less than 96.5% to recognized species of the genus Bacillus. The results of the polyphasic taxonomic study, including phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic analyses, showed that strain CW 7(T) represents a novel species of the genus Bacillus, for which the name Bacillus pallidus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CW 7(T) (=KCTC 13200(T)=CCTCC AB 207188(T)=LMG 24451(T)).
In the present study, EA-CATH1 and EA-CATH2 were identified from a constructed lung cDNA library of donkey (Equus asinus) as members of cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptides, using a nested PCR-based cloning strategy. Composed of 25 and 26 residues, respectively, EA-CATH1 and EA-CATH2 are smaller than most other cathelicidins and have no sequence homology to other cathelicidins identified to date. Chemically synthesized EA-CATH1 exerted potent antimicrobial activity against most of the 32 strains of bacteria and fungi tested, especially the clinically isolated drug-resistant strains, and minimal inhibitory concentration values against Gram-positive bacteria were mostly in the range of 0.3-2.4 mu g center dot mL-1. EA-CATH1 showed an extraordinary serum stability and no haemolytic activity against human erythrocytes in a dose up to 20 mu g center dot mL-1. CD spectra showed that EA-CATH1 mainly adopts an alpha-helical conformation in a 50% trifluoroethanol/water solution, but a random coil in aqueous solution. Scanning electron microscope observations of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC2592) treated with EA-CATH1 demonstrated that EA-CATH could cause rapid disruption of the bacterial membrane, and in turn lead to cell lysis. This might explain the much faster killing kinetics of EA-CATH1 than conventional antibiotics revealed by killing kinetics data. In the presence of CaCl2, EA-CATH1 exerted haemagglutination activity, which might potentiate an inhibition against the bacterial polyprotein interaction with the host erythrocyte surface, thereby possibly restricting bacterial colonization and spread.
Epinephelus coioides (family serranidae) is protogynous. This species is one of the most important fishes in food chain of marine proteins of persian Gulf. Therefore knowing about the reproductive biology and physiology of this species is an important role on aquaculture procedures. Monthly samples of Epinephelus coioides were obtained in khozestan Bahrekan province from 2001 to 2002 for annual variation of base line of reproductive hormone. The hormones such as: 17-B estradiol, Testosteron, Progesterone, Gonadotropin I ,II GTHI, II) and cortisol have assayed and also different stages of gonads from the histological point of view were studied by light and electron microscope. Aditional to morphometric and fecundity measurements, the important factors such as : Gonadosomatic index (GSI) Hepatosomotic index (HSI) and Condition factor (KF) were also studied. Environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, photoperiod and pH were analyzed for the determination of effective factors responsible for the changes of reproductive cycles. The flactmation of estroid hormones and gonadotropines show a significant variation in different stages of maturation, e.g 17-B estradiol's concentration in the third stages, GTH II in fourth stages of sexual maturation or final oocyte maturation, plasma Testosteron in post ovulation and Progesterone during maturation indicates the highest levels of above mentioned hormones. The total calcium concentration was high in all year. calcium concentration was correlated with GTH II synthesis and increases with GTH II in June. 17-B estradiol concentration was also correlated with GSI. The high concentration of cortisol throughout the year was an index of stress and development of ovary maturational processes. This species was protogynous synchronous hermaphrodites , and belongs to annual spawning species, being monandric. The sexual transition was found to occure in individuals of 51.2- 105 cm in length. GSI and HSI level confirms the time of spawning period is in April- June. Electrone microscopic studies of gonad tissues showed some changes in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in the post ovulation, maturation and post spawning periods. During the monthly sampling the biochemistry of tissues variations indicated decrease in protein and lipid content, but an increase in water content of spawning fishes which was correlated to the maturation of Epinephelus coioides . sex ratio indicative of higher frequences of females to males during monthly sampling periods. The females were smaller than males in sizes, therefore the females lived in 8-15m depth, but males were living in upper limits of depth. The results indicated that the temperature was the most effective parameter in reproductive cycle of Epinephelus coioides and the mean 24°c was a convenient temperature for spawning. Photoperiod was the second effective. factor on the reproductive cycle for this species. It seemed that the increase in the photoperiod between January to May caused a development of the oocyte. Regarding to the results of this research, it seems that the period of spawning in Epinephelus coioides is in May- June and the aquaculture procedure of Epinephelus coioides could be performed in the above mentioned periods.
Transmission imaging with an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) (Wet STEM) is a recent development in the field of electron microscopy, combining the simple preparation inherent to ESEM work with an alternate form of contrast available through a STEM detector. Because the technique is relatively new, there is little information available on how best to apply this technique and which samples it is best suited for. This work is a description of the sample preparation and microscopy employed by the authors for imaging bacteria with Wet STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy). Three different bacterial samples will be presented in this study: first, used as a model system, is Escherichia coli for which the contrast mechanisms of STEM are demonstrated along with the visual effects of a dehydration-induced collapse. This collapse, although clearly in some sense artifactual, is thought to lead to structurally meaningful morphological information. Second, Wet STEM is applied to two distinct bacterial systems to demonstrate the novel types of information accessible by this approach: the plastic-producing Cupriavidus necator along with wild-type and ΔmreC knockout mutants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Cupriavidus necator is shown to exhibit clear internal differences between bacteria with and without plastic granules, while the ΔmreC mutant of S. Typhimurium has an internal morphology distinct from that of the wild type.
Angular field emission (FE) properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays have been measured on samples grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and characterized by scanning electron microscope and I-V measurements. These properties determine the angular divergence of electron beams, a crucial parameter in order to obtain high brilliance FE based cathodes. From angular distributions of the electron beam transmitted through extraction grids of different mesh size and by using ray-tracing simulations, the maximum emission angle from carbon nanotube tips has been determined to be about ± 30 around the tube main axis. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.