999 resultados para Edema de pulmó, Insuficiència respiratoria


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In acute myocardial infarction (AMI), both tissue necrosis and edema are present and both might be implicated in the development of intraventricular dyssynchrony. However, their relative contribution to transient dyssynchrony is not known. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can detect necrosis and edema with high spatial resolution and it can quantify dyssynchrony by tagging techniques. METHODS: Patients with a first AMI underwent percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) of the infarct-related artery within 24 h of onset of chest pain. Within 5-7 days after the event and at 4 months, CMR was performed. The CMR protocol included the evaluation of intraventricular dyssynchrony by applying a novel 3D-tagging sequence to the left ventricle (LV) yielding the CURE index (circumferential uniformity ratio estimate; 1 = complete synchrony). On T2-weighted images, edema was measured as high-signal (>2 SD above remote tissue) along the LV mid-myocardial circumference on 3 short-axis images (% of circumference corresponding to the area-at-risk). In analogy, on late-gadolinium enhancement (LGE) images, necrosis was quantified manually as percentage of LV mid-myocardial circumference on 3 short-axis images. Necrosis was also quantified on LGE images covering the entire LV (expressed as %LV mass). Finally, salvaged myocardium was calculated as the area-at-risk minus necrosis (expressed as % of LV circumference). RESULTS: After successful PCI (n = 22, 2 female, mean age: 57 ± 12y), peak troponin T was 20 ± 36ug/l and the LV ejection fraction on CMR was 41 ± 8%. Necrosis mass was 30 ± 10% and CURE was 0.91 ± 0.05. Edema was measured as 58 ± 14% of the LV circumference. In the acute phase, the extent of edema correlated with dyssynchrony (r2 = -0.63, p < 0.01), while extent of necrosis showed borderline correlation (r2 = -0.19, p = 0.05). PCI resulted in salvaged myocardium of 27 ± 14%. LV dyssynchrony (=CURE) decreased at 4 months from 0.91 ± 0.05 to 0.94 ± 0.03 (p < 0.004, paired t-test). At 4 months, edema was absent and scar %LV slightly shrunk to 23.7 ± 10.0% (p < 0.002 vs baseline). Regression of LV dyssynchrony during the 4 months follow-up period was predicted by both, the extent of edema and its necrosis component in the acute phase. CONCLUSIONS: In the acute phase of infarction, LV dyssynchrony is closely related to the extent of edema, while necrosis is a poor predictor of acute LV dyssynchrony. Conversely, regression of intraventricular LV dyssynchrony during infarct healing is predicted by the extent of necrosis in the acute phase.


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INTRODUCTION Clearance of alveolar oedema depends on active transport of sodium across the alveolar-epithelial barrier. beta-Adrenergic agonists increase clearance of pulmonary oedema, but it has not been established whether beta-agonist stimulation achieves sufficient oedema clearance to improve survival in animals. The objective of this study was to determine whether the increased pulmonary oedema clearance produced by intratracheal dopamine improves the survival of rats after mechanical ventilation with high tidal volume (HVT). METHODS This was a randomized, controlled, experimental study. One hundred and thirty-two Wistar-Kyoto rats, weighing 250 to 300 g, were anaesthetized and cannulated via endotracheal tube. Pulmonary oedema was induced by endotracheal instillation of saline solution and mechanical ventilation with HVT. Two types of experiment were carried out. The first was an analysis of pulmonary oedema conducted in six groups of 10 rats ventilated with low (8 ml/kg) or high (25 ml/kg) tidal volume for 30 or 60 minutes with or without intratracheally instilled dopamine. At the end of the experiment the animals were exsanguinated and pulmonary oedema analysis performed. The second experiment was a survival analysis, which was conducted in two groups of 36 animals ventilated with HVT for 60 minutes with or without intratracheal dopamine; survival of the animals was monitored for up to 7 days after extubation. RESULTS In animals ventilated at HVT with or without intratracheal dopamine, oxygen saturation deteriorated over time and was significantly higher at 30 minutes than at 60 minutes. After 60 minutes, a lower wet weight/dry weight ratio was observed in rats ventilated with HVT and instilled with dopamine than in rats ventilated with HVT without dopamine (3.9 +/- 0.27 versus 4.9 +/- 0.29; P = 0.014). Survival was significantly (P = 0.013) higher in animals receiving intratracheal dopamine and ventilated with HVT, especially at 15 minutes after extubation, when 11 of the 36 animals in the HVT group had died as compared with only one out of the 36 animals in the HVT plus dopamine group. CONCLUSION Intratracheal dopamine instillation increased pulmonary oedema clearance in rats ventilated with HVT, and this greater clearance was associated with improved survival.


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Mutations in the CACNA1A gene, encoding the α1 subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel Ca(V)2.1 (P/Q-type), have been associated with three neurological phenotypes: familial and sporadic hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM1, SHM1), episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2), and spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6). We report a child with congenital ataxia, abnormal eye movements and developmental delay who presented severe attacks of hemiplegic migraine triggered by minor head traumas and associated with hemispheric swelling and seizures. Progressive cerebellar atrophy was also observed. Remission of the attacks was obtained with acetazolamide. A de novo 3 bp deletion was found in heterozygosity causing loss of a phenylalanine residue at position 1502, in one of the critical transmembrane domains of the protein contributing to the inner part of the pore. We characterized the electrophysiology of this mutant in a Xenopus oocyte in vitro system and showed that it causes gain of function of the channel. The mutant Ca(V)2.1 activates at lower voltage threshold than the wild type. These findings provide further evidence of this molecular mechanism as causative of FHM1 and expand the phenotypic spectrum of CACNA1A mutations with a child exhibiting severe SHM1 and non-episodic ataxia of congenital onset.


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OBJECTIVE Interferon (IFN) signaling plays a crucial role in autoimmunity. Genetic variation in interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), a major regulator of the type I interferon induction, has been associated with risk of developing several autoimmune diseases. In the current study we aimed to evaluate whether three sets of correlated IRF5 genetic variants, independently associated with SLE and with different functional roles, are involved in uveitis susceptibility and its clinical subphenotypes. METHODS Three IRF5 polymorphisms, rs2004640, rs2070197 and rs10954213, representative of each group, were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays in a total of 263 non-anterior uveitis patients and 724 healthy controls of Spanish origin. RESULTS A clear association between two of the three analyzed genetic variants, rs2004640 and rs10954213, and the absence of macular edema was observed in the case/control analysis (P FDR =5.07E-03, OR=1.48, CI 95%=1.14-1.92 and P FDR =3.37E-03, OR=1.54, CI 95%=1.19-2.01, respectively). Consistently, the subphenotype analysis accordingly with the presence/absence of this clinical condition also reached statistical significance (rs2004640: P=0.037, OR=0.69, CI 95%=0.48-0.98; rs10954213: P=0.030, OR=0.67, CI 95%=0.47-0.96), thus suggesting that both IRF5 genetic variants are specifically associated with the lack of macular edema in uveitis patients. CONCLUSION Our results clearly showed for the first time that two functional genetic variants of IRF5 may play a role in the development of macular edema in non-anterior uveitis patients. Identifying genetic markers for macular edema could lead to the possibility of developing novel treatments or preventive therapies.


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Conèixer la qualitat de vida (QV) mitjançant el qüestionari Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLWHFQ) en una població afecta d’insuficiència cardíaca atesa al nivell d’atenció primària mitjançant un estudi descriptiu transversal i observacional. La major part dels pacients són dones d’edat avançada amb disfunció diastòlica, d’etiologia hipertensiva. L’aplicació del MLWHFQ ha presentat puntuacions baixes. S’ha trobat significació estadística amb la classe funcional i el nombre d’ingressos en l’últim any, en malalts amb malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica i insuficiència renal crònica. No s’ha trobat correlació significativa amb la fracció d’ejecció, el tractament, ni amb la causa de la insuficiència cardíaca.


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Objectives. The goal of this study is to evaluate a T2-mapping sequence by: (i) measuring the reproducibility intra- and inter-observer variability in healthy volunteers in two separate scanning session with a T2 reference phantom; (2) measuring the mean T2 relaxation times by T2-mapping in infarcted myocardium in patients with subacute MI and compare it with patient's the gold standard X-ray coronary angiography and healthy volunteers results. Background. Myocardial edema is a consequence of an inflammation of the tissue, as seen in myocardial infarct (MI). It can be visualized by cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging using the T2 relaxation time. T2-mapping is a quantitative methodology that has the potential to address the limitation of the conventional T2-weighted (T2W) imaging. Methods. The T2-mapping protocol used for all MRI scans consisted in a radial gradient echo acquisition with a lung-liver navigator for free-breathing acquisition and affine image registration. Mid-basal short axis slices were acquired.T2-maps analyses: 2 observers semi- automatically segmented the left ventricle in 6 segments accordingly to the AHA standards. 8 healthy volunteers (age: 27 ± 4 years; 62.5% male) were scanned in 2 separate sessions. 17 patients (age : 61.9 ± 13.9 years; 82.4% male) with subacute STEMI (70.6%) and NSTEMI underwent a T2-mapping scanning session. Results. In healthy volunteers, the mean inter- and intra-observer variability over the entire short axis slice (segment 1 to 6) was 0.1 ms (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.4 to 0.5, p = 0.62) and 0.2 ms (95% CI: -2.8 to 3.2, p = 0.94, respectively. T2 relaxation time measurements with and without the correction of the phantom yielded an average difference of 3.0 ± 1.1 % and 3.1 ± 2.1 % (p = 0.828), respectively. In patients, the inter-observer variability in the entire short axis slice (S1-S6), was 0.3 ms (95% CI: -1.8 to 2.4, p = 0.85). Edema location as determined through the T2-mapping and the coronary artery occlusion as determined on X-ray coronary angiography correlated in 78.6%, but only in 60% in apical infarcts. All except one of the maximal T2 values in infarct patients were greater than the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for normal myocardium. Conclusions. The T2-mapping methodology is accurate in detecting infarcted, i.e. edematous tissue in patients with subacute infarcts. This study further demonstrated that this T2-mapping technique is reproducible and robust enough to be used on a segmental basis for edema detection without the need of a phantom to yield a T2 correction factor. This new quantitative T2-mapping technique is promising and is likely to allow for serial follow-up studies in patients to improve our knowledge on infarct pathophysiology, on infarct healing, and for the assessment of novel treatment strategies for acute infarctions.


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Introducció. Les concentracions plasmàtiques dels pèptids natriürètics són biomarcadors útils en el diagnòstic i en el maneig de la insuficiència cardíaca (IC). L’objectiu de l’estudi va consistir en avaluar un nou biomarcador, la vasopressina, per predir la mortalitat i el reingrés a mig termini dels pacients que ingressen per IC aguda. Mètodes. Des del novembre de 2004 fins setembre de 2010 s’estudien de forma prospectiva el pacients que ingressen al Servei de Cardiologia per IC aguda i es distribueixen en dos grups: grup 1, pacients amb nivells baixos de vasopressina ( ≤ 2’9 pg/mL) i grup 2, pacients amb nivells alts de vasopressina (  2’9 pg/mL). Es realitza una anàlisi multivariada de Cox i es construeixen corbes de Kaplan-Meier. Resultats. S’inclouen 322 pacients, amb una mediana de seguiment de 14,6 mesos. Els pacients del grup 1 presenten una major supervivència als 12 i 24 mesos del 93% i 72% respecte els pacients del grup 2 que és del 75% i 61% amb una HR 2.90 (IC 95%: 1.47-5.75, p=0.002), respectivament. Tanmateix s’aprecia una major supervivència cardiovascular en els pacients del grup 1 (97% vs. 87% al 12 mesos i de 87% vs. 75% als 24 mesos) amb HR 2.72 (IC 95%: 1.97 – 6.73, p&0.031). Un 56% i 29% dels pacients del grup 1 estaven lliures de reingrés als 12 i 24 mesos, respectivament, versus el 49% i el 21% del grup 2 amb una HR 1.48 (IC 95%: 1.04 – 2.11, p&0.02). Igualment pel primer reingrés per IC , el 71% i 46% del grup 1 respecte del 60% i 39% del grup 2 als 12 i 24 mesos, respectivament (HR 1.57 (IC 95%: 1.03 – 2.41, p&0.038). Conclusions. Els nivells alts de vasopressina en pacients amb insuficiència cardíaca aguda estabilitzats són un predictor independent de mortalitat i de reingressos als 12 i 24 mesos de seguiment.


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Realizado estudo prospectivo em um grupo de 21 pacientes portadores de insuficiência renal crônica que apresentavam hipotensão arterial no decorrer da hemodiálise. Avaliada a pressão arterial durante duas sessões com dialisato a 35(9)C e duas a 37°C, observou-se que as pressões sistólica e diastólica, nas temperaturas estudadas, mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quando comparadas aos valores iniciais pré-diálise, queda progressiva das pressões com prevalência de episódios hipotensivos na 3(5) e 4(5) horas de tratamento em ambas temperaturas, diminuição de 7,69% das hipotensões com dialisato a 35ºC e importante queixa de sensação de frio, tornando o tratamento desconfortável.


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Procurou-se compreender o cotidiano da vida de doentes com insuficiência renal crônica em hemodiálise sob a visão do referencial teórico-metodológico do materialismo histórico e dialético. As entrevistas realizadas com 18 doentes foram submetidas ao procedimento de análise de discurso, revelando temas da realidade social da vida cotidiana destes doentes. Estes temas foram, então, analisados frente às categorias: processo saúde-doença; possibilidade x realidade e necessidade x casualidade. Para estes doentes o tratamento hemodialítico é inevitável e o transplante é casual e, entre esta relação dialética está a enfermagem que precisa ampliar sua compreensão sobre a árdua, triste, difícil e monótona realidade e suas possibilidades de transformação.


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Purpose: Crosslinking of corneal collagen with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A irradiation (CXL) induces crosslinks within and between collagen fibers. CXL increases corneal biomechanical and biochemical stability and is currently used clinically to treat keratectasia. CXL also significantly reduces the stromal swelling capacity. We investigated whether a modified CXL treatment protocol would be beneficial in early Fuchs' dystrophy with various degrees of corneal edema and diurnal variations in visual acuity. Methods: CXL was performed as published previously with the following modification: in cases where the stroma was thicker than 450 µm after abrasion and 30 minutes of instillation of isoosmolar riboflavin solution, glycerol 70% solution was applied every 5 seconds for two minutes, and central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured using ultrasound pachymetry. Glycerol 70% solution was administered repeatedly until the target corneal thickness of 370-430 µm was reached. During irradiation, CCT was monitored by ultrasound pachymetry every five minutes and glycerol 70% solution was applied, if necessary. Results: Three eyes in two patients were treated using the modified CXL protocol. Representative case: a 50-year-old woman with Fuchs' dystrophy and a history of 3 years of diurnal visual fluctuations was referred to us in March 2008. Preoperative best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) was 20/50. We performed modified CXL in the left eye. At one month after CXL, Scheimpflug analysis of CCT showed a reduction of more than 100 µm, and the Corneal Thickness Spatial Profile (CTSP) and Percentage of Increase in Thickness (PIT) showed a regularization of the "flattening" typical for Fuchs' dystrophy. Accordingly, diurnal analysis of corneal thickness showed a distinct postoperative reduction in CCT at all time points measured. At one month after CXL, the patient reported a reduction of diurnal visual fluctuations and we measured an increase in BSCVA to 20/32. The patient showed stable topographical and visual acuity at the three months follow-up. Conclusions: We saw a distinct reduction in CCT, an improvement of the corneal thickness spatial profile (CTSP) and an increase in BSCVA at one month after treatment, which remained stable at the three months follow-up. Patients with early Fuchs' dystrophy and disturbing diurnal visual fluctuations represent a novel application for CXL. Although CXL may not prevent the outcome of the dystrophy, it may increase the patients' visual comfort until keratoplasty becomes necessary.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar perfil sociodemográfico e clínico, história de hospitalizações por Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) e seguimento (consultas regulares, tratamento medicamentoso, fatores facilitadores e dificultadores do seguimento) do paciente internado por quadro de descompensação clínica. Foram entrevistados 61 pacientes com idade média de 58,1 (± 15,9) anos, 3,5 (± 4,4) anos de estudo e renda individual de 1,3 (± 2,4) salários-mínimos. A maioria dos sujeitos se encontrava em classe funcional III ou IV da New York Heart Association, tendo como causa mais freqüente de hospitalização, os sinais/sintomas da forma congestiva da IC. 75,4% dos sujeitos relataram acompanhamento clínico, porém de periodicidade irregular. Constatou-se utilização de terapêutica medicamentosa em proporção inferior à recomendada pela literatura. Os achados devem auxiliar a identificação dos pacientes com maior risco de descompensação da IC e assim, desenhar e implementar intervenções específicas visando a redução das re-hospitalizações por IC.


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O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o padrão de sono em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) e analisar associações do sono com as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade, fadiga, fadiga ao esforço, atividade física, classe funcional, terapia medicamentosa, dispneia e índice de massa corporal. A amostra não probabilística foi de 400 pacientes (idade média 57,8 anos; 64,8% eram homens; escolaridade média de 6,1 anos; 82,5% em classe funcional II ou III). A prevalência de maus dormidores foi de 68,5% e 46,5% classificou o sono como ruim ou muito ruim. Escores que sugerem categoria de mau dormidor foram associados a: sexo feminino, não empregados, fadiga, fadiga ao esforço, dispneia e classes funcionais mais elevadas da IC. A proporção de maus dormidores entre os pacientes com IC está entre as mais altas nas doenças crônicas. Dispneia e fadiga, sintomas comuns a essa enfermidade, aumentam significativamente a chance de ser mau dormidor.


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VEGF is considered as an important factor in the pathogenesis of macular edema. VEGF induces the rupture of the blood retinal barrier and may also influence the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) outer retinal barrier. The aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the VEGF receptor pathways in the modulation of the RPE barrier breakdown in vitro and in vivo. The ARPE19 human junctions in culture are modulated by VEGF through VEGFR-1 but not through VEGFR-2. PlGF-1, that is a pure agonist of VEGFR-1, is produced in ARPE-19 cells under hypoxic conditions and mimics VEGF effects on the external retinal barrier as measured by TER and inulin flux. In vivo, the intravitreous injection of PlGF-1 induces a rupture of the external retinal barrier together with a retinal edema. This effect is reversible within 4 days. VEGF-E, that is a pure agonist of VEGFR-2, does not induce any acute effect on the RPE barrier. These results demonstrate that PlGF-1 can reproduce alterations of the RPE barrier occurring during diabetic retinopathy.


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In the new book series 'ESASO Course Series', the essentials of the courses of the European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) are made available to interested ophthalmologists, optometrists, technicians and residents all over the world. In this volume, the seminars on surgical retina presented by renowned experts during ESASO's activities are collected. Many specialists have contributed their knowledge to make this volume a device to give practical support. The topics range from prevention to state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and the latest surgical treatment options for many eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. This publication provides the ophthalmologist with the main aspects of surgical retina in a simple and practical update.


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