1000 resultados para Ecologia marina -- Mediterrània, Mar
Avicennia marina is an important mangrove species with a wide geographical and climatic distribution which suggests that large amounts of genetic diversity are available for conservation and breeding programs. In this study we compare the informativeness of AFLPs and SSRs for assessing genetic diversity within and among individuals, populations and subspecies of A. marina in Australia. Our comparison utilized three SSR loci and three AFLP primer sets that were known to be polymorphic, and could be run in a single analysis on a capillary electrophoresis system, using different-colored fluorescent dyes. A total of 120 individuals representing six populations and three subspecies were samplcd. At the locus level, SSRs were considerably more variable than AFLPs, with a total of 52 alleles and an average heterozygosity of 0.78. Average heterozygosity for AFLPs was 0.193, but all of the 918 bands scored were polymorphic. Thus, AFLPs were considerably more efficient at revealing polymorphic loci than SSRs despite lower average heterozygosities. SSRs detected more genetic differentiation between populations (19 vs 9%) and subspecies (35 vs 11%) than AFLPs. Principal co-ordinate analysis revealed congruent patterns of genetic relationships at the individual, population and subspecific levels for both data sets. Mantel testing confirmed congruence between AFLP and SSR genetic distances among, but not within, population comparisons, indicating that the markers were segregating inde- pendently but that evolutionary groups (populations and subspecies) were similar. Three genetic criteria of importance for defining priorities for ex situ collections or in situ conservation programs (number of alleles, number of locally common alleles and number of private alleles) were correlated between the AFLP and SSR data sets. The congruence between AFLP and SSR data sets suggest that either method, or a combination, is applicable to expanded genetic studies of mangroves. The codominant nature of SSRs makes them ideal for further population-based investigations, such as mating-system analyses, for which the dominant AFLP markers are less well suited. AFLPs may be particularly useful for monitoring propagation programs and identifying duplicates within collections, since a single PCR assay can reveal many loci at once.
Management of coastal environments requires understanding of ecological relationships among different habitats and their biotas. Changes in abundance and distribution of mangroves, like those of other coastal habitats, have generally been interpreted in terms of changes in biodiversity or fisheries resources within individual stands. In several parts of their range, anthropogenically increased inputs of sediment to estuaries have led to the spread of mangroves. There is, however, little information on the relative ecological properties, or conservational values, of stands of different ages. The faunal, floral and sedimentological properties of mangrove (Avicennia marina var. australasica) stands of two different ages in New Zealand has been compared. Older (>60 years) and younger (3-12 years) stands showed clear separation on the basis of environmental characteristics and benthic macrofauna. Numbers of faunal taxa were generally larger at younger sites, and numbers of individuals of several taxa were also larger at these sites. The total number of individuals was not different between the two age-classes, largely due to the presence of large numbers of the surface-living gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum at the older sites. It is hypothesized that as mangrove stands mature, the focus of faunal diversity may shift from the benthos to animals living on the mangrove plants themselves, such as insects and spiders, though these were not included in the present study. Differences in the faunas were coincident with differences in the nature of the sediment. Sediments in older stands were more compacted and contained more organic matter and leaf litter. Measurement of leaf chemistry suggested that mangrove plants in the younger stands were able to take up more N and P than those in the older stands. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This investigation aimed to elucidate the relative roles of putative brevetoxins, reactive oxygen species and free fatty acids as the toxic principle of the raphidophyte Chattonella marina, using damselfish as the bioassay. Our investigations on Australian C. marina demonstrated an absence or only very low concentrations of brevetoxin-like compounds by radio-receptor binding assay and liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy techniques. Chattonella is unique in its ability to produce levels of reactive oxygen species 100 times higher than most other algal species. However, high levels of superoxide on their own were found not to cause fish mortalities. Lipid analysis revealed this raphidophyte to contain high concentrations of the polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 18-23% of fatty acids), which has demonstrated toxic properties to marine organisms. Using damselfish as a model organism, we demonstrated that the free fatty acid (FFA) form of EPA produced a mortality and fish behavioural response similar to fish exposed to C. marina cells. This effect was not apparent when fish were exposed to other lipid fractions including a triglyceride containing fish oil, docosahexaenoate-enriched ethyl ester, or pure brevetoxin standards. The presence of superoxide together with low concentrations of EPA accelerated fish mortality rate threefold. We conclude that the enhancement of ichthyotoxicity of EPA in the presence of superoxide can account for the high C. marina fish killing potential. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
O texto descreve o processo de reorganiza????o e implanta????o de mudan??as na FRONAPE que a levou, em um curto espa??o de tempo, a uma fant??stica revers??o de resultados que vem criando valor e viabilizando o neg??cio de transporte mar??timo dentro do sistema Petrobr??s, se constituindo no fortalecimento e na viabiliza????o da pr??pria marinha mercante brasileira
Art. 1?? Fica Aprovado o Regimento Interno da Funda????o Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica - ENAP, na forma do Anexo a esta Resolu????o. Art. 2?? Esta Resolu????o entra em vigor na data de sua publica????o. Art. 3?? Ficam revogadas a Portaria n??283, de 22 de setembro de 2006 e Resolu????o n?? 01, de 05 de mar??o 2014.
Fica institu??do o Conselho Acad??mico da ENAP, de car??ter consultivo, com a finalidade de qualificar o desenvolvimento das atividades de ensino e pesquisa da Escola, bem como aprimorar sua capacidade para responder a problemas estrat??gicos de gest??o p??blica.
A Resolu????o n?? 6, de 21 de junho de 2012 estabelece os crit??rios e procedimentos espec??ficos de avalia????o de desempenho individual e institucional e de atribui????o da Gratifica????o de Desempenho do Plano Geral de Cargos do Poder Executivo (GDPGPE).
Bethylidae specimens from the Reserve were studied in its ecological and faunistic aspects. The material was collected by Malaise and Window traps simultaneously in ten different areas of the Reserve during four years. The total number of genera and specimens were analyzed. Indices of diversity and evenness were used for characterizing the community ecology. Clustering analysis of localities and genera were provided. Nine genera of Bethylidae were found in the Reserve, being Pseudisobrachium Kieffer, 1904 and Apenesia Westwood, 1874 the most common ones. Window trap was more efficient than Malaise trap in terms of genus diversity.
A Reserva Extrativista Marinha (RESEXMAR) do Corumbau foi criada no ano de 2000, a partir de uma ação coletiva, iniciada em 1997 por meio das lideranças de pescadores locais, na busca de instrumento jurídico que garantisse o acesso exclusivo dos recursos pesqueiros contra a atividade da pesca comercial de camarão sete-barbas que se instalou na década de 1980. Durante o processo de criação da RESEXMAR do Corumbau, os pescadores obtiveram apoio de órgãos governamentais, como a Coordenação Nacional de Populações Tradicionais (CNPT) e de entidades ambientalistas do terceiro setor – Associação Pradense de Proteção Ambiental (APPA), e posteriormente a Conservation International do Brasil (CI-Brasil). Entretanto, após a criação da RESEXMAR do Corumbau – entre os anos 2000 e 2002 – foi elaborado o Plano de Manejo que orientaria a gestão da Unidade de Conservação (UC). O documento foi capitaneado pela equipe técnica e científica vinculada à CI-Brasil, tendo como ponto de destaque a criação de áreas de exclusão total da atividade da pesca, por meio da Zona de Proteção Marinha (ZPM). A ideia de uma ZPM, para a CI-Brasil, era que de forma indireta e em médio e longo prazo, os pescadores se beneficiariam com o possível aumento de produção de pescado, contanto que 30% de cobertura de recifes tivesse algum tipo de proteção dos processos ecológicos, tais como reprodução e crescimento de espécies. Durante as discussões do Plano de Manejo e atualmente uma parcela de pescadores locais contestaram os limites da ZPM, pois iria restringir o acesso aos recursos pesqueiros. No entanto, tal contestação foi suprimida pelas relações não formais que os membros da CI-Brasil possuíam com o núcleo familiar principal da Vila do Corumbau, forçando os demais em um acordo formal temporário. Tal questionamento evidenciou um conflito de conjunto de normas distintas entre pescadores artesanais em relação à CI-Brasil e IBAMA: a pesca artesanal ‒ um tipo de ação que segue normas específicas das quais elementos humanos e não humanos interagem conjuntamente, evidenciando um conhecimento prático e corporizado constituindo um modelo compreensivo de mundo e de natureza; conceitos modernos e globalizantes de uma natureza totalmente desvinculada das práticas locais artesanais, com forte articulação de uma entidade ambientalista de alcance internacional, guiada pela emergência das questões ambientais, imprimindo no local (o lugar da prática da pesca tradicional) a ideia de um espaço (Áreas Marinhas Protegidas), desencaixado de formas específicas de natureza/culturas.
O artigo procura analisar e identificar o conjunto de forças que contribuíram, decisivamente, no alargamento do mar territorial brasileiro para 200 milhas marítimas, em março de 1970. Procura, ainda, demonstrar a estratégia empreendida pela política externa brasileira, em defesa de seu mar territorial de 200 milhas, durante o período que compreende a extensão marítima, em 1970, até a conclusão dos trabalhos da III Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, em 1982, avaliando a Conferência e seus resultados principais no âmbito dos interesses brasileiros.
O presente estudo analisa a submissão do Brasil a uma plataforma continental estendida formulada à Comissão de Limites da Plataforma Continental (CLPC). Primeiramente, o trabalho apresenta a evolução dos limites marítimos brasileiros ao longo de sua formação histórica até o momento atual. Posteriormente, examina o conceito jurídico de plataforma continental elaborado pela Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (CNUDM) e a atuação da CLPC na fixação dos limites exteriores desse espaço do mar. Na parte final, destaca as implicações das recomendações "definitivas e obrigatórias" dessa instituição internacional sobre os interesses brasileiros na plataforma continental estendida.