822 resultados para EXPANDING UNIVERSES


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La present recerca té per objecte l’estudi de la utilització dels sistemes de control electrònic monitorat a la població penada a Catalunya. La finalitat principal del projecte és la d’analitzar l’adequació d’aquests sistemes als fins que la llei penal, processal i penitenciària els encomana i valorar la viabilitat d’ampliació de la utilització d’aquests sistemes. L’interès en la realització d’aquest estudi deriva de la constatació, per una banda, de l’existència d’una àmplia oferta de sistemes tecnològics, en constant desenvolupament i millora, que permeten un seguiment i control dels individus en la comunitat, i per altra banda, de la progressiva incorporació d’aquestes tecnologies en la legislació penal i penitenciària. La recerca parteix de la base que en l’actual context de presons superpoblades, de creixent volum de la població interna en centres penitenciaris i de recerca de mesures de major control del risc, l’anàlisi de l’ús que s’ha donat a aquest recurs legal i la valoració que de la seva utilització en fan els subjectes involucrats en la seva aplicació pot resultar cabdal per al disseny de noves polítiques penitenciàries. A més, la recerca hauria de permetre plantejar l’eventual extensió d’aquests sistemes a un major nombre de supòsits en el mateix context del tercer grau penitenciari o bé fins i tot plantejar la seva utilització en la llibertat condicional o en altres àmbits de l’execució penal.


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The laboratory and field observations summarized in this paper on visceral leishmaniasis ecology in the State of Bahia, Brazil are based on the author's observations over the past 35 years in a number of state's foci, public health records and literature citations. The disease is endemic with epidemic outbreaks occurring every ten years and its geographical distribution is expanding rapidly in the last years. Leishmania chagasi is the main ethiologic agent of the visceral leishmaniasis but Le. amazonensis s. lato was the only leishmania isolated by other authors from some visceral leishmaniasis human cases in the state. Lutzomyia longipalpis (with one or two spots on tergites III and IV and two sized different populations) was epidemiologically incriminated as the main vector. It was found naturally infected with promastigotes, and it was infected with four species of leishmanias in the laboratory. Although the experimental transmission of Le. amazonensis by the bite of Lu. longipalpis to hamsters was performed, the author was not successful in transmitting Le. chagasi in the same way. The dog is the most important domestic source for infection of the vector, however it is not a primary reservoir. The opossum Didelphis albiventris was found naturally infected with Le. chagasi but its role as reservoir is unknown. Foxes and rodents were not found infected with leishmanias in Bahia.


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Des que es va concedir l’ajut (juliol 2006) fins a dia d’avui (desembre 2007) l’equip que porta endavant el projecte Àrab en línia (http://www.ub.edu/luga/AeL) ha estat desenvolupant el projecte Àrab en línia (2). A més a més, s’ha constituït en Grup Luga d’Innovació Docent de la UB (http://www.ub.edu/luga), ja que hi ha la ferma voluntat de seguir treballant en la mateixa direcció, des de la convicció que és una iniciativa que dóna resultats a mitjà i llarg termini. Els objectius que es varen proposar (elaborar paquets d’exercicis de llengua àrab adreçats al 2n nivell; produir materials compatibles amb els crèdits europeus i les assignatures semipresencials; i dissenyar unes pràctiques homogènies per al primer i segon nivell de llengua àrab) han estat plenament assolits. Seguint la dinàmica prevista, primer es va estudiar el material didàctic que s’havia adquirit i es varen dissenyar nous exercicis. D’altra banda, es va començar a fer una primera anàlisi dels exercicis que ja estaven penjats a la xarxa, tot i que aquest aspecte es va considerar millorable, ja que no es va aconseguir establir un sistema d’enquestes, sinó que els usuaris es van posar en contacte amb l’equip de manera espontània. Gràcies al servei analític de la pàgina web es va detectar que moltes de les visites procedien d’arreu del món, de manera que es va tornar a dissenyar la pàgina per tal d’adaptar-la als nous continguts, però de la mateixa manera es volia que la interfície estigués disponible, igualment, en altres idiomes. D’aquesta manera, ha passat a ser un autèntic portal d’aprenentatge de la llengua àrab, més si es té en compte que, a més a més del que s’havia previst, s’han inclòs materials que comencen des de la lecto-escriptura, així com també una part teòrica que l’estudiant pot d’utilitzar abans de fer les pràctiques.


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Recurrent chromosomal translocations associated to peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL) are rare. Here, we report a case of PTCL, not otherwise specified (NOS) with the karyotype 46,Y,add(X)(p22),t(6;14)(p25;q11) and FISH-proved breakpoints in the IRF4 and TCRAD loci, leading to juxtaposition of both genes. A 64-year-old male patient presented with mild cytopenias and massive splenomegaly. Splenectomy showed diffuse red pulp involvement by a pleomorphic medium- to large-cell T-cell lymphoma with a CD2+ CD3+ CD5- CD7- CD4+ CD8+/- CD30- TCRbeta-F1+ immunophenotype, an activated cytotoxic profile, and strong MUM1 expression. The clinical course was marked by disease progression in the bone marrow under treatment and death at 4 months. In contrast with two t(6;14)(p25;q11.2)-positive lymphomas previously reported to be cytotoxic PTCL, NOS with bone marrow and skin involvement, this case was manifested by massive splenomegaly, expanding the clinical spectrum of PTCLs harboring t(6;14)(p25;q11.2) and supporting consideration of this translocation as a marker of biological aggressiveness.


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Aquest memòria explica el desenvolupament d’un projecte per ampliar l’eina de Help Desk ServiceTonic perquè accedeixi a fonts de dades de tipus LDAP i a bases de dades externes a la pròpia, per realitzar l’autentificació dels usuaris i extreure la informació dels contactes, també permetre l’accés d’usuaris ja autentificats externament sense que tornin a introduir les seves dades d’accés (Single Sign On). La realització del projecte ha suposat un increment en la capacitat d’integració de ServiceTonic amb fonts de dades externes, ampliant el mercat de clients a empreses que ja tenen les dades estructurades.


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Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a type of adult stem cells that can be easily isolated from various tissues and expanded in vitro. Many reports on their pluripotency and possible clinical applications have raised hopes and interest in MSCs. In an attempt to unify the terminology and the criteria to label a cell as MSC, in 2006 the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) proposed a standard set of rules to define the identity of these cells. However, MSCs are still extracted from different tissues, by diverse isolation protocols, are cultured and expanded in different media and conditions. All these variables may have profound effects on the selection of cell types and the composition of heterogeneous subpopulations, on the selective expansion of specific cell populations with totally different potentials and ergo, on the long-term fate of the cells upon in vitro culture. Therefore, specific molecular and cellular markers that identify MSCs subsets as well as standardization of expansion protocols for these cells are urgently needed. Here, we briefly discuss new useful markers and recent data supporting the rapidly emerging concept that many different types of progenitor cells are found in close association with blood vessels. This knowledge may promote the necessary technical improvements required to reduce variability and promote higher efficacy and safety when isolating and expanding these cells for therapeutic use. In the light of the discussed data, particularly the identification of new markers, and advances in the understanding of fundamental MSC biology, we also suggest a revision of the 2006 ISCT criteria.


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OBJECTIVES: Assess the benefit of temporary caval stenting for remote venous drainage during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). METHODS: Temporary caval stenting was realized in bovine experiments (65+/-6 kg) by the means of self-expanding (18F for insertion, 36F in situ) venous cannulas (Smartcanula LLC, Lausanne, Switzerland) with various lengths: 43 cm, 53 cm, 63 cm vs. a standard 28F wire armed cannula in trans-jugular fashion. Maximal blood flows were assessed for 20, 25 and 30 mmHg of driving pressure with a motorized table height adjustment system. In addition, the inferior caval diameters (just above its bifurcation) were measured in real time with intra-vascular ultrasound (IVUS). RESULTS: Venous drainage (flow in l/min) at 20 mmHg, 25 mmHg, and 30 mmHg drainage load was 3.5+/-0.5, 3.7+/-0.7 and 4.0+/-0.6 for the 28F standard vs. 4.1+/-0.7, 4.0+/-1.3 and 3.9+/-1.1 for the 36F smart 43 cm, vs. 5.0+/-0.7, 5.3+/-1.3 and 5.4+/-1.4 for the 36F smart 53 cm, vs. 5.2+/-0.5*, 5.6+/-1.1* and 5.8+/-1.0* for the 36F smart 63 cm. The inferior vena caval diameters at 30 mmHg were 13.5+/-4.8 mm for 28F standard, 11.1+/-3.6 for 36F smart 43 cm, 11.3+/-3.2 for 36F 53 cm, and 17.0+/-0.1* for 36F 63 cm (*P<0.05 for 28F standard vs. 36F smart 63 cm long) CONCLUSIONS: The 43 cm self-expanding 36F smartcanula outperforms the 28F standard wire armed cannula at low drainage pressures and without augmentation. Temporary caval stenting with long self-expanding venous cannulas provides even better drainage (+51%).


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Summary (in English) Computer simulations provide a practical way to address scientific questions that would be otherwise intractable. In evolutionary biology, and in population genetics in particular, the investigation of evolutionary processes frequently involves the implementation of complex models, making simulations a particularly valuable tool in the area. In this thesis work, I explored three questions involving the geographical range expansion of populations, taking advantage of spatially explicit simulations coupled with approximate Bayesian computation. First, the neutral evolutionary history of the human spread around the world was investigated, leading to a surprisingly simple model: A straightforward diffusion process of migrations from east Africa throughout a world map with homogeneous landmasses replicated to very large extent the complex patterns observed in real human populations, suggesting a more continuous (as opposed to structured) view of the distribution of modern human genetic diversity, which may play a better role as a base model for further studies. Second, the postglacial evolution of the European barn owl, with the formation of a remarkable coat-color cline, was inspected with two rounds of simulations: (i) determine the demographic background history and (ii) test the probability of a phenotypic cline, like the one observed in the natural populations, to appear without natural selection. We verified that the modern barn owl population originated from a single Iberian refugium and that they formed their color cline, not due to neutral evolution, but with the necessary participation of selection. The third and last part of this thesis refers to a simulation-only study inspired by the barn owl case above. In this chapter, we showed that selection is, indeed, effective during range expansions and that it leaves a distinguished signature, which can then be used to detect and measure natural selection in range-expanding populations. Résumé (en français) Les simulations fournissent un moyen pratique pour répondre à des questions scientifiques qui seraient inabordable autrement. En génétique des populations, l'étude des processus évolutifs implique souvent la mise en oeuvre de modèles complexes, et les simulations sont un outil particulièrement précieux dans ce domaine. Dans cette thèse, j'ai exploré trois questions en utilisant des simulations spatialement explicites dans un cadre de calculs Bayésiens approximés (approximate Bayesian computation : ABC). Tout d'abord, l'histoire de la colonisation humaine mondiale et de l'évolution de parties neutres du génome a été étudiée grâce à un modèle étonnement simple. Un processus de diffusion des migrants de l'Afrique orientale à travers un monde avec des masses terrestres homogènes a reproduit, dans une très large mesure, les signatures génétiques complexes observées dans les populations humaines réelles. Un tel modèle continu (opposé à un modèle structuré en populations) pourrait être très utile comme modèle de base dans l'étude de génétique humaine à l'avenir. Deuxièmement, l'évolution postglaciaire d'un gradient de couleur chez l'Effraie des clocher (Tyto alba) Européenne, a été examiné avec deux séries de simulations pour : (i) déterminer l'histoire démographique de base et (ii) tester la probabilité qu'un gradient phénotypique, tel qu'observé dans les populations naturelles puisse apparaître sans sélection naturelle. Nous avons montré que la population actuelle des chouettes est sortie d'un unique refuge ibérique et que le gradient de couleur ne peux pas s'être formé de manière neutre (sans l'action de la sélection naturelle). La troisième partie de cette thèse se réfère à une étude par simulations inspirée par l'étude de l'Effraie. Dans ce dernier chapitre, nous avons montré que la sélection est, en effet, aussi efficace dans les cas d'expansion d'aire de distribution et qu'elle laisse une signature unique, qui peut être utilisée pour la détecter et estimer sa force.


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La gestion des risques est souvent appréhendée par l'utilisation de méthodes linéaires mettant l'accent sur des raisonnements de positionnement et de type causal : à tel événement correspond tel risque et telle conséquence. Une prise en compte des interrelations entre risques est souvent occultée et les risques sont rarement analysés dans leurs dynamiques et composantes non linéaires. Ce travail présente ce que les méthodes systémiques et notamment l'étude des systèmes complexes sont susceptibles d'apporter en matière de compréhension, de management et d'anticipation et de gestion des risques d'entreprise, tant sur le plan conceptuel que de matière appliquée. En partant des définitions relatives aux notions de systèmes et de risques dans différents domaines, ainsi que des méthodes qui sont utilisées pour maîtriser les risques, ce travail confronte cet ensemble à ce qu'apportent les approches d'analyse systémique et de modélisation des systèmes complexes. En mettant en évidence les effets parfois réducteurs des méthodes de prise en compte des risques en entreprise ainsi que les limitations des univers de risques dues, notamment, à des définitions mal adaptées, ce travail propose également, pour la Direction d'entreprise, une palette des outils et approches différentes, qui tiennent mieux compte de la complexité, pour gérer les risques, pour aligner stratégie et management des risques, ainsi que des méthodes d'analyse du niveau de maturité de l'entreprise en matière de gestion des risques. - Risk management is often assessed through linear methods which stress positioning and causal logical frameworks: to such events correspond such consequences and such risks accordingly. Consideration of the interrelationships between risks is often overlooked and risks are rarely analyzed in their dynamic and nonlinear components. This work shows what systemic methods, including the study of complex systems, are likely to bring to knowledge, management, anticipation of business risks, both on the conceptual and the practical sides. Based on the definitions of systems and risks in various areas, as well as methods used to manage risk, this work confronts these concepts with approaches of complex systems analysis and modeling. This work highlights the reducing effects of some business risk analysis methods as well as limitations of risk universes caused in particular by unsuitable definitions. As a result this work also provides chief officers with a range of different tools and approaches which allows them a better understanding of complexity and as such a gain in efficiency in their risk management practices. It results in a better fit between strategy and risk management. Ultimately the firm gains in its maturity of risk management.


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Neuroimaging techniques provide valuable tools for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease (AD), monitoring disease progression and evaluating responses to treatment. There is currently a wide array of techniques available including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and, for recording electrical brain activity, electroencephalography (EEG). The choice of technique depends on the contrast between tissues of interest, spatial resolution, temporal resolution, requirements for functional data and the probable number of scans required. For example, while PET, CT and MRI can be used to differentiate between AD and other dementias, MRI is safer and provides better contrast of soft tissues. Neuroimaging is a technique spanning many disciplines and requires effective communication between doctors requesting a scan of a patient or group of patients and those with technical expertise. Consideration and discussion of the most suitable type of scan and the necessary settings to achieve the best results will help ensure appropriate techniques are chosen and used effectively. Neuroimaging techniques are currently expanding understanding of the structural and functional changes that occur in dementia. Further research may allow identification of early neurological signs ofAD, before clinical symptoms are evident, providing the opportunity to test preventative therapies. CombiningMRI and machine learning techniques may be a powerful approach to improve diagnosis ofAD and to predict clinical outcomes.


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Uranium mines are the - often forgotten - source of nuclear power. The promotion of nuclear energy as a clean alternative and the projected increase of electricity demand in countries such as China and India, have led to a global “uranium rush”, unseen since the peak of the Cold War. This article studies the formation of the expanding nuclear frontier looking at the interaction between the global uranium metabolism, industrial dynamics and local ecologies of resistance using Namibia as a case-study. Namibia, the world´s fourth largest producer of uranium, stands at the frontier of this rush with sixty-six recently granted prospecting licenses that could turn into mines, compared to only three currently operating mines. We focus on three generic attributes that help to explain the emergence and intensity of resistance by local communities to uranium mining: the ecology and geography of the resource; the degree and type of political and economic marginalization of the community; and crucially, the connection and integration of local concerns with broader social movements and political demands. We show with the use of empirical material how these factors play out differently in five Namibian communities that have been, or stand to be, affected by uranium mining, and explain how local ecologies of resistance shape the global uranium rush.


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The All-Ireland Health Data Inventory. Part 1 is a catalogue of key sources of health data in the Republic and Northern Ireland. It includes relevant datasets from the major information reviews, conducted in the North and South, in the past few years. Information is essential for informed decision making and service provision. This inventory draws together information sources to facilitate such decision making. The inventory is intended as a resource for health professionals, researchers and the general public, providing the first phase of a ‘one-stop’ catalogue of health data. The datasets have been catalogued using an expanding numbering system which will allow for the inclusion of future resources. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is in the process of expanding the Inventory to include further data sources.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la National University of Singapore Singapur, entre juliol i octubre del 2007. Donada l'explosió de la música a l'internet i la ràpida expansió de les col•leccions de música digital, un repte clau en l'àrea de la informació musical és el desenvolupament de sistemes de processament musical eficients i confiables. L'objectiu de la investigació proposada ha estat treballar en diferents aspectes de l'extracció, modelatge i processat del contingut musical. En particular, s’ha treballat en l'extracció, l'anàlisi i la manipulació de descriptors d'àudio de baix nivell, el modelatge de processos musicals, l'estudi i desenvolupament de tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic per a processar àudio, i la identificació i extracció d'atributs musicals d'alt nivell. S’han revisat i millorat alguns components d'anàlisis d'àudio i revisat components per a l'extracció de descriptors inter-nota i intra-nota en enregistraments monofónics d'àudio. S’ha aplicat treball previ en Tempo a la formalització de diferents tasques musicals. Finalment, s’ha investigat el processat d'alt nivell de música basandonos en el seu contingut. Com exemple d'això, s’ha investigat com músics professionals expressen i comuniquen la seva interpretació del contingut musical i emocional de peces musicals, i hem usat aquesta informació per a identificar automàticament intèrprets. S’han estudiat les desviacions en paràmetres com to, temps, amplitud i timbre a nivell inter-nota i intra-nota.


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From August 1999 to January 2000, samples of house dust were collected from 160 domiciles in the city of Juiz de Fora, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In 36 of these domiciles kitchen samples were obtained. Prevalence rate was 77.5%, varying according to the geographical sector. There were found 2,278 specimens of mites, with 1,530 (67.2%) in the adult stage and 748 (32.8%) in immature forms. The main species found were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, D. farinae, Euroglyphus maynei, Blomia tropicalis and Tyrophagus putrescentiae. In a minor incidence we found Lepidoglyphus destructor, Suidasia pontificiae, Chortoglyphus arcuatus, Cheyletus malaccensis, C. fortis, Ker bakeri, Cheletonella vespertilionis, C. caucasica and others. C. vespertilionis and C. caucasica were identified for the first time in the domiciliary ecosystem and in Brazil. The abundance rate and the infestation intensity were analyzed. There was a varied correlation between climatic conditions and positive domiciles and number of mites. The difference between the number of positive domiciles in the urban area and in the expanding urban area was significant and so was the difference between samples from the domiciles compared to those from the kitchens.


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We study whether there is scope for using subsidies to smooth out barriers to R&D performance and expand the share of R&D firms in Spain. We consider a dynamic model with sunk entry costs in which firms’ optimal participation strategy is defined in terms of two subsidy thresholds that characterise entry and continuation. We compute the subsidy thresholds from the estimates of a dynamic panel data type-2 tobit model for an unbalanced panel of about 2,000 Spanish manufacturing firms. The results suggest that “extensive” subsidies are a feasible and efficient tool for expanding the share of R&D firms.