388 resultados para ESR-rahoittajaviranomaiset
There are few professions in which visual acuity is as important as it is to radiologists. The diagnostic decision making process is composed of a number of events (detection or observation, interpretation and reporting), where the detection phase is subject to a number of physical and psychological phenomena that are critical to the process. Visual acuity is one phenomenon that has often been overlooked, and there is very little research assessing the impact of reduced visual acuity on diagnostic performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of reduced visual acuity on an observer’s ability to detect simulated nodules in an anthropomorphic chest phantom.
Kotona Suomessa-hanke (ESR) teetti selvityksen kotoutumista tukevan koulutuksen malleista, joissa pääasiallisena tai yhtenä keskeisenä kohderyhmänä ovat kotona lapsiaan hoitavat maahanmuuttajavanhemmat. Selvityksen tavoitteena oli muodostaa kokonaiskuva Suomessa järjestettävistä lastenhoidon sisältävistä koulutuksista sekä viitoittaa tietä kohti valtakunnallista toimintamallia kotona lasten kanssa olevien vanhempien kotoutumista tukevan koulutuksen osalta. Kotona lapsiaan hoitavien maahanmuuttajavanhempien kotoutumista tukevalla koulutuksella tarkoitetaan tässä selvityksessä sellaista koulutusta, joka mahdollistaa pienten lasten hoitamisen kotona ja kotoutumista tukevaan koulutukseen osallistumisen. Kyseessä on pääasiallisesti kielikoulutus, mutta usein koulutukseen liittyy muita kotoutumisen tukemiseen liittyviä elementtejä. Selvitystä varten tunnistettiin valtakunnallisesti 35 koulutusmallia, joista 9 valittiin tarkempaan tarkasteluun. Koulutusmallit pyrittiin valitsemaan siten, että eri maantieteelliset alueet olivat edustettuina ja että tarkasteltaviin malleihin valikoitui sekä kolmannen sektorin että kuntien järjestämiä koulutuksia. Selvityksessä koulutukset jäsennettiin kahteen kategoriaan eli kielitaidon kehitystä korostaviin ja sosiaalisia tavoitteita korostaviin koulutuksiin. Kielitaidon kehitystä korostavia malleja yhdistää tietynlainen kurssimuotoisuus ja kuntavetoisuus. Sosiaalisia tavoitteita korostavia malleja järjestävät erityisesti järjestöt matalan kynnyksen periaatteella. Kotona lapsiaan hoitaville maahanmuuttajavanhemmille suunnatuille koulutuksille on yhä lisääntyvää kysyntää tulevaisuudessa. Toiminnan kehittämistä ei voida ohjata yhdellä valtakunnallisella ratkaisulla, vaan koulutusten laajentuminen on riippuvaista kuntien aktiivisuudesta. Kuntien tulee oman tilannearvionsa perusteella tehdä ratkaisuja sopivista toimintamalleista. Rahoittamalla ja järjestämällä toimintaa kunta voi vaikuttaa koulutuksen tavoitteisiin, laatuun ja pitkäjänteisyyteen. Matalan kynnyksen toimintamuotojen aktivoiminen ja resursointi puolestaan on helpoin ja nopein tapa lisätä toiminnan volyymia.
Polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitors were introduced to provide an alternative to liquid electrolytic capacitors. Polymer electrolytic capacitor electric parameters of capacitance and ESR are less temperature dependent than those of liquid aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity of the polymer used in these capacitors (poly-3,4ethylenedioxithiophene) is orders of magnitude higher than the electrolytes used in liquid aluminum electrolytic capacitors, resulting in capacitors with much lower equivalent series resistance which are suitable for use in high ripple-current applications. The presence of the moisture-sensitive polymer PEDOT introduces concerns on the reliability of polymer aluminum capacitors in high humidity conditions. Highly accelerated stress testing (or HAST) (110ºC, 85% relative humidity) of polymer aluminum capacitors in which the parts were subjected to unbiased HAST conditions for 700 hours was done to understand the design factors that contribute to the susceptibility to degradation of a polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitor exposed to HAST conditions. A large scale study involving capacitors of different electrical ratings (2.5V – 16V, 100µF – 470 µF), mounting types (surface-mount and through-hole) and manufacturers (6 different manufacturers) was done to determine a relationship between package geometry and reliability in high temperature-humidity conditions. A Geometry-Based HAST test in which the part selection limited variations between capacitor samples to geometric differences only was done to analyze the effect of package geometry on humidity-driven degradation more closely. Raman spectroscopy, x-ray imaging, environmental scanning electron microscopy, and destructive analysis of the capacitors after HAST exposure was done to determine the failure mechanisms of polymer aluminum capacitors under high temperature-humidity conditions.
It seeks to find an alternative to the current tantalum electrolytic capacitors in the market due to its high cost. Niobium is a potential substitute, since both belong to the same group of the periodic table and because of this have many similar physical and chemical properties. Niobium has several technologically important applications, and Brazil has the largest reserves, around 96%. There are including niobium in reserves of tantalite and columbite in Rio Grande do Norte. These electrolytic capacitors have high capacitance specifies, ie they can store high energy in small volumes compared to other types of capacitors. This is the main attraction of this type of capacitor because is growing demand in the production of capacitors with capacitance specifies increasingly high, this because of the miniaturization of various devices such as GPS devices, televisions, computers, phones and many others. The production route of the capacitor was made by powder metallurgy. The initial niobium powder supplied by EEL-USP was first characterized by XRD, SEM, XRF and laser particle size, to then be sieved into three particle size, 200, 400 e 635mesh. The powders were then compacted and sintered at 1350, 1450 and 1550°C using two sintering time 30 and 60min. Sintering is one of the most important parts of the process as it affects properties as porosity and surface cleaning of the samples, which greatly affected the quality of the capacitor. The sintered samples then underwent a process of anodic oxidation, which created a thin film of niobium pentóxido over the whole porous surface of the sample, this film is the dielectric capacitor. The oxidation process variables influence the performance of the film and therefore the capacitor. The samples were characterized by electrical measurements of capacitance, loss factor, ESR, relative density, porosity and surface area. After the characterizations was made an annealing in air ate 260ºC for 60min. After this treatment were made again the electrical measurements. The particle size of powders and sintering affected the porosity and in turn the specific area of the samples. The larger de area of the capacitor, greater is the capacitance. The powder showed the highest capacitance was with the smallest particle size. Higher temperatures and times of sintering caused samples with smaller surface area, but on the other hand the cleaning surface impurities was higher for this cases. So a balance must be made between the gain that is achieved with the cleaning of impurities and the loss with the decreased in specific area. The best results were obtained for the temperature of 1450ºC/60min. The influence of annealing on the loss factor and ESR did not follow a well-defined pattern, because their values increased in some cases and decreased in others. The most interesting results due to heat treatment were with respect to capacitance, which showed an increase for all samples after treatment
Introduction: Early diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease as the most common cause of acquired heart disease in childhood, may significantly improve the prognosis. Diagnosing infantile Kawasaki (younger than a year) is difficult because of obscure symptoms; at the same time they are at the higher risk of coronary abnormalities. Case Presentation: We report three infants with prolonged (more than 5 days) fever and peripheral gangrene without any other clinical manifestations of Kawasaki disease. Kawasaki was diagnosed due to dilation of coronary artery and other aortic branches, thrombocytosis, and rising of ESR and CRP. All patients were treated with high dose aspirin, IVIG and pulse therapy with methylprednisolone. Additionally, cytotoxic drugs or infliximab were used for two of them because of severe aneurysms in the aortic branches. All 3 patients received aspirin with anti-platelet aggregation dose and 2 patients heparin as an anti-coagulant agent for longtime. After adequate treatment, peripheral gangrene, arterial dilations and aneurysms improved, but during 12 months follow-up coronary aneurysms did not improve completely. Conclusions: Peripheral gangrene must be regarded as an important sign of infantile Kawasaki disease early treatment of which can prevent severe permanent coronary involvements and sequels.
INTRODUCCION Dado que la artritis reumatoide es la artropatía inflamatoria más frecuente en el mundo, siendo altamente discapacitante y causando gran impacto de alto costo, se busca ofrecer al paciente opciones terapéuticas y calidad de vida a través del establecimiento de un tratamiento oportuno y eficaz, teniendo presentes aquellos predictores de respuesta previo a instaurar determinada terapia. Existen pocos estudios que permitan establecer aquellos factores de adecuada respuesta para inicio de terapia biológica con abatacept, por lo cual en este estudio se busca determinar cuáles son esos posibles factores. METODOLOGIA Estudio analítico de tipo corte transversal de 94 pacientes con diagnóstico de AR, evaluados para determinar las posibles variables que influyen en la respuesta a terapia biológica con abatacept. Se incluyeron 67 de los 94 pacientes al modelo de regresión logística, que son aquellos pacientes en que fue posible medir la respuesta al tratamiento (respuesta EULAR) a través de la determinación del DAS 28 y así discriminar en dos grupos de comparación (respuesta y no respuesta). DISCUSION DE RESULTADOS La presencia de alta actividad de la enfermedad al inicio de la terapia biológica, aumenta la probabilidad de respuesta al tratamiento respecto al grupo con baja/moderada actividad de la enfermedad; OR 4,19 - IC 95%(1,18 – 14.9), (p 0,027). La ausencia de erosiones óseas aumenta la probabilidad de presentar adecuada respuesta a la terapia biológica respecto aquellos con erosiones, con un OR 3,1 (1,01-9,55), (p 0,048). Niveles de VSG y presencia de manifestaciones extra-articulares son otros datos de interés encontrados en el análisis bivariado. Respecto a las variables o características como predictores de respuesta al tratamiento con abatacept, se encuentran estudios que corroboran los hallazgos de este estudio, respecto al alto puntaje del DAS 28 al inicio de la terapia (9, 12). CONCLUSIONES Existen distintas variables que determinan la respuesta a los diferentes biológicos para manejo de AR. Es imprescindible evaluar dichos factores de manera individual con el fin de lograr de manera efectiva el control de la enfermedad y así mejorar la calidad de vida del individuo (medicina personalizada). Existen variables tales como la alta actividad de la enfermedad y la ausencia de erosiones como predictores de respuesta en la terapia con abatacept.
L’attività svolta durante il dottorato è stata incentrata su due tematiche riguardanti: (i) la modifica della composizione chimica delle classiche leghe di alluminio da fonderia per incrementarne la resistenza e stabilità termica; (ii) lo studio del comportamento a fatica di acciai innovativi alto-resistenziali, allo scopo di valutarne il loro utilizzo per la produzione di alberi motore e distribuzione in sostituzione dei tradizionali acciai utilizzati dopo bonifica e trattamento superficiale di nitrurazione. La messa a punto di una lega di alluminio da fonderia con elevata resistenza in temperatura ha richiesto, oltre all’individuazione della composizione chimica, l’ottimizzazione del trattamento termico e una completa caratterizzazione meccanica statica a fatica sia a temperatura ambiente sia a 200°C. L’attività ha permesso di sviluppare una lega, ottenuta aggiungendo 1,3% in peso di rame alla classica lega A357 (Al-Si-Mg), cha ha mostrato avere proprietà meccaniche superiori a quelle delle tradizionali leghe Al-Si-Mg-Cu quali la A354 e C355 sia a temperatura ambiente che a 200 °C dopo lunga esposizione in temperatura. Per quanto riguarda gli acciai innovativi, dopo una preliminare analisi di mercato per individuare quali acciai potessero essere oggetto di studio, è stato valutato come migliorarne le prestazioni a fatica, anche in presenza d’intaglio, attraverso la scelta del trattamento termico più opportuno e del processo di pallinatura. I risultati delle caratterizzazioni microstrutturale e meccanica svolte hanno permesso di individuare due acciai (nomi commerciali K890 e ASP2017) ottenuti per metallurgia delle polveri, ad oggi utilizzati solo per la produzione di stampi e/o utensili, in grado di sostituire gli acciai con cui vengono oggi realizzati i componenti, senza la necessità di eseguire il trattamento di nitrurazione