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Argentina, país productor de alimentos para “el mundo”, se encuentra en una gran paradoja: exporta cada vez más commoditties mientras aumentan los niveles de pobreza e indigencia de su población. En este contexto sumamente crítico, se realizó una experiencia desde la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la UNLP, con pequeños productores viñateros de Berisso (a 70 Km de la ciudad de Buenos Aires), basándonos en la activación de un producto típico de la localidad como es el “vino de la costa de Berisso”.   En este recorrido los productores que participaron del proceso de activación mejorando sus ingresos en 30%; se implementaron 40% más viñedos; se generaron redes y diálogo técnico zonales y extrazonales; se configuró un nuevo actor local: “La cooperativa de la costa de Berisso”, se actualizó la memoria colectiva de los consumidores locales, entre otros aspectos.   ABSTRACT Argentina, a producing country of food-stuffs, is within a big paradox: on the one hand it exports every time more commodities and on the other the levels of poverty and need of its population are increasing. In this highly critical context, an experience has been developed from the Forest and Agrarian Science College together with small vinegrowers from Berisso (70 Km away from the city of Buenos Aires), based on the activation of typical product of the area which is the called “Vino (wine) de la costa de Berisso”.   Through all this the producers that took part in the process of activation improved their incomes 30%, 40% more vineyards were grown, networks of technical dialogue within the area and away from where they were created, a new local entity appeared “la Cooperativa de la Costa de Berisso”, the collective memory of the local consumers was brought up to date, among other things.


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O estudo providencia informação sobre uma experiência do valor do photovoice enquanto metodologia pedagógica na licenciatura de Educação Social. 35 estudantes que frequentaram “Intervenção socioeducativa com crianças e jovens” analisaram temas relacionados com essas populações e 23 estudantes de “Intervenção socioeducativa com pessoas idosas” analisaram temas relacionados com envelhecimento. A análise do photovoice revelou que muitas das fotografias tinham um significado pessoal e demonstraram ter também impacto noutros alunos, denotando benefícios em criar diálogo na turma. Os estudantes enfatizaram que o uso do photovoice permitiu-lhes aumentar a consciência das potencialidades e fragilidades da sua comunidade e promover o diálogo crítico.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia


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Esta investigación de carácter exploratorio, contribuye a explicar cómo afecta al comportamiento innovador de la pyme manufacturera dos filosofías empresariales. En concreto, se estudia el impacto sobre el comportamiento innovador del compromiso por la calidad y del fomento de una cultura emprendedora, bajo un enfoque de dirección participativa. Para ello se establece un modelo estructural con las relaciones entre dichas variables y se analiza con la técnica PLS (Partial Least Squares). Los resultados muestran que tanto una como otra postura afectan al comportamiento innovador de una manera muy similar.


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Introducción: actualmente los trastornos músculo esqueléticos (TME) han sido reconocidos como la principal causa de morbilidad en el trabajo, dado el porcentaje de ausentismo laboral que representa, generando reducción en la productividad de las industrias. Una visión general de la prevalencia en TME puede conducir a métodos de prevención de morbilidad adecuados para cada tipo de proceso, y así proporcionar un ambiente más seguro y confortable. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares y su relación con factores individuales y laborales en personal de una empresa dedicada a prestar servicio de seguridad electrónica en Bogotá, en el 2013. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, desarrollado a partir de fuentes de datos secundarios de una población de 199 trabajadores, con información sociodemográfica y síntomas osteomusculares en los distintos roles laborales (administrativo, soporte y de campo) de una empresa de servicios en seguridad electrónica. Se usaron métodos estadísticos para el cálculo de proporciones, se estimaron las prevalencias osteomusculares globales, realizando comparaciones por rol laboral. La revisión de la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y laborales con síntomas de TME se hizo a través de la prueba Chi2 de asociación o prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: Los segmentos que mostraron la mayor frecuencia en morbilidad de TME fueron espalda, cuello, muñecas y manos. Se encontró asociación entre dolor de hombros y brazos con la edad, OR=0,54 (IC95%=0,30-0,95) y tiempo en el cargo, OR=1,855(IC 95%=1,043-3,297); entre dolor de cuello y edad OR=0,50 (IC95%=0,27-0,90) y entre dolor de muñecas y/o manos con tiempo en el cargo, OR=1,827(IC 95%=1,032-3,235). Conclusión: Se presenta morbilidad por TME en varios segmentos, derivados de factores (individuales y laborales), ratificando la importancia de hacer intervenciones integrales de control de riesgos para su prevención.


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar, de maneira participativa com o uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade, a qualidade dos solos de seis propriedades familiares de produção de hortaliaças no Distrito Federal.


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A organização de sistemas municipais de coleta seletiva, com a inclusão de catadores(as) tem se ampliado, nas últimas décadas. Na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, BR, a coleta seletiva tem apoiadores, mas há muito a realizar com as equipes técnicas de governo e, imprescindivelmente para a gestão participativa, com os catadores(as), seu fortalecimento, qualificação e “empoderamento”. O objetivo desta pesquisa participativa, desenvolvida no interior do Projeto Gestão Participativa de Resíduos Sólidos (PGPRS- convênio inter universidades - Brasil. Canadá) prevê ações educativas, a sistematização e análise dessas ações, com o pressuposto básico do cooperativismo, visando ampliar a autonomia, a identidade ética, saúde, auto estima e a busca de soluções concretas para a comercialização em rede dos resíduos e a inclusão dos catadores(as) nas políticas públicas. A pesquisa enfrenta desafios, pois os envolvidos são pessoas extremamente sofridas, da camada mais espoliada da pirâmide social, que têm como modelo (valores e relações interpessoais) do modo capitalista de produção, onde a hierarquia e a competição predominam, antagonicamente ao cooperativismo, exigência fundamental na construção de outra lógica. A preocupação atual do Projeto é o entendimento da Nova Lei da Coleta Seletiva, aprovada em 2010.


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O estudo traz experiências de pesquisa, educação e gestão ambiental com populações caiçaras que habitam as ilhas protegidas do Arquipélago de Ilhabela, e contribui com abordagem acadêmica dos processos participativos para envolvimento de populações tradicionais no planejamento e gestão de áreas protegidas. Utiliza-se referenciais teóricos da geografia e antropologia marítima, planejamento e ordenamento territorial, políticas de áreas protegidas e inserção social; discute-se a metodologia de pesquisa-ação-participativa relacionada à educação popular, e apresenta-se abordagens e ferramentas de pesquisa participativa para o pesquisador trabalhar com comunidades tradicionais. As informações sobre as comunidades estudadas contribuem com a construção da gestão do Parque Estadual de Ilhabela e demonstram que com esse tipo de abordagem é possível obter informações necessárias para discutir temática comunidades tradicionais e unidades de conservação, para pensar o ordenamento ambiental e territorial, além de se configurar como uma maneira de aproximação e troca de informações, que levam à apropriação do conhecimento e inserção social. Porém, o processo de envolvimento de populações locais na gestão de seus lugares ainda é um desafio, exigindo trabalhos complementares que fomentem a participação.


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RESUMO: A avaliação participativa permite inferir se os sistemas agrícolas necessitam de melhorias e quais conhecimentos podem promover incrementos. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar diferentes sistemas de produção na Comunidade Pé de Serra Cedro, Sobral-CE, utilizando metodologia participativa com agricultores locais através de indicadores de qualidade do solo e sanidade dos cultivos. Os sistemas de produção avaliados foram quatro, com as seguintes descrições: sistema tradicional: plantio de culturas anuais, com queima da área a 3 anos; sistema tradicional + esterco; sistema tradicional + esterco + leucena; e sistema roçado agroecológico. A inserção de práticas edáficas como aplicação de estercos e implantação de leguminosas incrementaram sistemas de produção tradicionais no semiárido cearense, mesmo em curto prazo de avaliação. A utilização de roçados agroecológicos diferenciou-se para indicadores do solo e sanidade dos cultivos em relação aos manejos tradicionais, com indicador médio para atributos do solo de 8,6 e para sanidade de cultivos em 8,4. [Participatory evaluation indicators of soil and crop shealth in production systems in comunity Pé de Serra Cedro in brazilian semi-arid]. Abstract: Participatory evaluation allows us to infer that the agricultural systems need to be improved and what knowledge can promote increments, thus aimed to evaluate different production systems in the Community Pé de Serra Cedro, Sobral, state of Ceará, Brazil, using participatory methodology with local farmers on soil properties and health of crops. The production systems evaluated were four, with the following descriptions: traditional system: planting annual crops, with burning area to 3 years; traditional system + manure; traditional system + manure + Leucaena leucocephala; and scuffed agroecological system. Inserting soil practices such as manure application and implementation of incresead legumes traditional production systems in semiarid region, even in short-term assessment. The use of agroecological scuffed differed for soil propertie sand health of crops over traditional managements with value 8.6 and 8.4 to soil and plant indicators, respectively.


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Este artigo parte de nossa reflexão, sobre os elementos da educação ambiental (EA) como mediação educativa. A EA vem sendo incorporada como uma prática inovadora em diferentes âmbitos, políticas públicas de educação e de meio ambiente a nível nacional são discutidas, fortalecendo a proposta da EA nas escolas públicas, a presença, em todas as práticas educativas, da reflexão sobre as relações dos seres entre si, do ser humano com ele mesmo e do ser humano com seus semelhantes são elementos imprescindíveis para que a EA ocorra. A escola, no entanto, não raramente atua como mantenedora e reprodutora de uma cultura que é predatória ao ambiente. Nesse caso, as reflexões que subsidiam a EA devem contemplar aspectos que não apenas possam gerar alternativas para a superação desse quadro, mas que o invertam, de modo a produzir conseqüências benéficas, contemplando aspectos locais que promovam uma contínua reflexão para compreensão de um ambiente equilibrado.


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The aim of this dissertation was to examine the determinants of severe back disorders leading to hospital admission in Finland. First, back-related hospitalisations were considered from the perspective of socioeconomic status, occupation, and industry. Secondly, the significance of psychosocial factors at work, sleep disturbances, and such lifestyle factors as smoking and overweight was studied as predictors of hospitalisation due to back disorders. Two sets of data were used: 1) the population-based data comprised all occupationally active Finns aged 25-64, and included hospitalisations due to back disorders in 1996 and 2) a cohort of employees followed up from 1973 to 2000 having been hospitalised due to back disorders. The results of the population-based study showed that people in physically strenuous industries and occupations, such as agriculture and manufacturing, were at an increased risk of being hospitalised for back disorders. The lowest hospitalisation rates were found in sedentary occupations. Occupational class and the level of formal education were independently associated with hospitalisation for back disorders. This stratification was fairly consistent across age-groups and genders. Men had a slightly higher risk of becoming hospitalised compared with women, and the risk increased with age among both genders. The results of the prospective cohort study showed that psychosocial factors at work such as low job control and low supervisor support predicted subsequent hospitalisation for back disorders even when adjustments were made for occupational class and physical workload history. However, psychosocial factors did not predict hospital admissions due to intervertebral disc disorders; only admissions due to other back disorders. Smoking and overweight predicted, instead, only hospitalisation for intervertebral disc disorders. These results suggest that the etiological factors of disc disorders and other back disorders differ from each other. The study concerning the association of sleep disturbances and other distress symptoms with hospitalisation for back disorders revealed that sleep disturbances predicted subsequent hospitalisation for all back disorders after adjustment for chronic back disorders and recurrent back symptoms at baseline, as well as for work-related load and lifestyle factors. Other distress symptoms were not predictive of hospitalisation.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a common, multifactorial disease with strong familial clustering. In Finland, the incidence of T1D among children aged 14 years or under is the highest in the world. The increase in incidence has been approximately 2.4% per year. Although most new T1D cases are sporadic the first-degree relatives are at an increased risk of developing the same disease. This study was designed to examine the familial aggregation of T1D and one of its serious complications, diabetic nephropathy (DN). More specifically the study aimed (1) to determine the concordance rates of T1D in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins and to estimate the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to the variability in liability to T1D as well as to study the age at onset of diabetes in twins; (2) to obtain long-term empirical estimates of the risk of T1D among siblings of T1D patients and the factors related to this risk, especially the effect of age at onset of diabetes in the proband and the birth cohort effect; (3) to establish if DN is aggregating in a Finnish population-based cohort of families with multiple cases of T1D, and to assess its magnitude and particularly to find out whether the risk of DN in siblings is varying according to the severity of DN in the proband and/or the age at onset of T1D: (4) to assess the recurrence risk of T1D in the offspring of a Finnish population-based cohort of patients with childhood onset T1D, and to investigate potential sex-related effects in the transmission of T1D from the diabetic parents to their offspring as well as to study whether there is a temporal trend in the incidence. The study population comprised of the Finnish Young Twin Cohort (22,650 twin pairs), a population-based cohort of patients with T1D diagnosed at the age of 17 years or earlier between 1965 and 1979 (n=5,144) and all their siblings (n=10,168) and offspring (n=5,291). A polygenic, multifactorial liability model was fitted to the twin data. Kaplan-Meier analyses were used to provide the cumulative incidence for the development of T1D and DN. Cox s proportional hazards models were fitted to the data. Poisson regression analysis was used to evaluate temporal trends in incidence. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) between the first-degree relatives of T1D patients and background population were determined. The twin study showed that the vast majority of affected MZ twin pairs remained discordant. Pairwise concordance for T1D was 27.3% in MZ and 3.8% in DZ twins. The probandwise concordance estimates were 42.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The model with additive genetic and individual environmental effects was the best-fitting liability model to T1D, with 88% of the phenotypic variance due to genetic factors. The second paper showed that the 50-year cumulative incidence of T1D in the siblings of diabetic probands was 6.9%. A young age at diagnosis in the probands considerably increased the risk. If the proband was diagnosed at the age of 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15 or more, the corresponding 40-year cumulative risks were 13.2%, 7.8%, 4.7% and 3.4%. The cumulative incidence increased with increasing birth year. However, SIR among children aged 14 years or under was approximately 12 throughout the follow-up. The third paper showed that diabetic siblings of the probands with nephropathy had a 2.3 times higher risk of DN compared with siblings of probands free of nephropathy. The presence of end stage renal disease (ESRD) in the proband increases the risk three-fold for diabetic siblings. Being diagnosed with diabetes during puberty (10-14) or a few years before (5-9) increased the susceptibility for DN in the siblings. The fourth paper revealed that of the offspring of male probands, 7.8% were affected by the age of 20 compared with 5.3% of the offspring of female probands. Offspring of fathers with T1D have 1.7 times greater risk to be affected with T1D than the offspring of mothers with T1D. The excess risk in the offspring of male fathers manifested itself through the higher risk the younger the father was when diagnosed with T1D. Young age at onset of diabetes in fathers increased the risk of T1D greatly in the offspring, but no such pattern was seen in the offspring of diabetic mothers. The SIR among offspring aged 14 years or under remained fairly constant throughout the follow-up, approximately 10. The present study has provided new knowledge on T1D recurrence risk in the first-degree relatives and the risk factors modifying the risk. Twin data demonstrated high genetic liability for T1D and increased heritability. The vast majority of affected MZ twin pairs, however, remain discordant for T1D. This study confirmed the drastic impact of the young age at onset of diabetes in the probands on the increased risk of T1D in the first-degree relatives. The only exception was the absence of this pattern in the offspring of T1D mothers. Both the sibling and the offspring recurrence risk studies revealed dynamic changes in the cumulative incidence of T1D in the first-degree relatives. SIRs among the first-degree relatives of T1D patients seems to remain fairly constant. The study demonstrates that the penetrance of the susceptibility genes for T1D may be low, although strongly influenced by the environmental factors. Presence of familial aggregation of DN was confirmed for the first time in a population-based study. Although the majority of the sibling pairs with T1D were discordant for DN, its presence in one sibling doubles and presence of ESRD triples the risk of DN in the other diabetic sibling. An encouraging observation was that although the proportion of children to be diagnosed with T1D at the age of 4 or under is increasing, they seem to have a decreased risk of DN or at least delayed onset.


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Objective and background. Tobacco smoking, pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus are the only known causes of pancreatic cancer, leaving ample room for yet unidentified determinants. This is an empirical study on a Finnish data on occupational exposures and pancreatic cancer risk, and a non-Bayesian and a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis of data on occupational factors and pancreatic cancer. Methods. The case-control study analyzed 595 incident cases of pancreatic cancer and 1,622 controls of stomach, colon, and rectum cancer, diagnosed 1984-1987 and known to be dead by 1990 in Finland. The next-of-kin responded to a mail questionnaire on job and medical histories and lifestyles. Meta-analysis of occupational risk factors of pancreatic cancer started off with 1,903 identified studies. The analyses were based on different subsets of that database. Five epidemiologists examined the reports and extracted the pertinent data using a standardized extraction form that covered 20 study descriptors and the relevant relative risk estimates. Random effects meta-analyses were applied for 23 chemical agents. In addition, hierarchical Bayesian models for meta-analysis were applied to the occupational data of 27 job titles using job exposure matrix as a link matrix and estimating the relative risks of pancreatic cancer associated with nine occupational agents. Results. In the case-control study, logistic regressions revealed excess risks of pancreatic cancer associated with occupational exposures to ionizing radiation, nonchlorinated solvents, and pesticides. Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and related compounds, used mainly in metal degreasing and dry cleaning, are emerging as likely risk factors of pancreatic cancer in the non-Bayesian and the hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis. Consistent excess risk was found for insecticides, and a high excess for nickel and nickel compounds in the random effects meta-analysis but not in the hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis. Conclusions. In this study occupational exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and related compounds and insecticides increase risk of pancreatic cancer. Hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis is applicable when studies addressing the agent(s) under study are lacking or very few, but several studies address job titles with potential exposure to these agents. A job-exposure matrix or a formal expert assessment system is necessary in this situation.