809 resultados para Duty of Care


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Despite recent medical progresses in patient support, the mortality of sepsis remains high. Recently, new supporting strategies were proposed to improve outcome. Whereas such strategies are currently considered as standard of care, their real impact on mortality, morbidity, length of stay, and hence, health care resources utilization has been only weakly evaluated so far. Obviously, there is a critical need for epidemiologic surveys of sepsis to better address these major issues. The Lausanne Cohort of septic patients aims at building a large clinical, biological and microbiological database that will be used as a multidisciplinary research platform to study the various pathogenic mechanisms of sepsis in collaboration with the various specialists. This could be an opportunity to strengthen the collaboration within the Swiss Latin network of Intensive Care Medicine.


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This paper investigates the prevalence of incapacity in performing daily activities and the associations between household composition and availability of family members and receipt of care among older adults with functioning problems in Spain, England and the United States of America (USA). We examine how living arrangements, marital status, child availability, limitations in functioning ability, age and gender affect the probability of receiving formal care and informal care from household members and from others in three countries with different family structures, living arrangements and policies supporting care of the incapacitated. Data sources include the 2006 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe for Spain, the third wave of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2006), and the eighth wave of the USA Health and Retirement Study (2006). Logistic and multinomial logistic regressions are used to estimate the probability of receiving care and the sources of care among persons age 50 and older. The percentage of people with functional limitations receiving care is higher in Spain. More care comes from outside the household in the USA and England than in Spain. The use of formal care among the incapacitated is lowest in the USA and highest in Spain.


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Abstract Objectives: In Germany since 2007 patients with advanced life-limiting diseases are eligible for Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care (SOPC). To provide this service, SOPC teams have been established as a new facility in the health care system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of one of the first SOPC teams based at the Munich University Hospital. Methods: All patients treated by the SOPC team and their primary caregivers were eligible for this prospective nonrandomized study. The main topics of the surveys before and after involvement of the SOPC team were: for patients, the assessment of symptom burden (Minimal Documentation System for Palliative Medicine, MIDOS), satisfaction with quality of palliative care (Palliative Outcome Scale, POS), and quality of life (McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire, MQOL); for caregivers, burden of care (Häusliche Pflegeskala, home care scale, HPS), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS), and quality of life (Quality of Life in Life-Threatening Illness-Family Carer Version, QOLLTI-F). Results: Of 100 patients treated between April and November 2011, 60 were included in the study (median age 67.5 years, 55% male, 87% oncological diseases). In 23 of 60 patients, only caregivers could be interviewed. The median interval between the first and second interview was 2.5 weeks. Quality of life increased significantly in patients (p<0.05) and caregivers (p<0.001), as did the patients' perception of quality of palliative care (POS, p<0.001), while the caregivers' psychological distress and burden of care significantly decreased (HADS, p<0.001; HPS, p<0.001). Conclusions: The involvement of an SOPC team leads to a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients and caregivers and can lower the burden of home care for the caregivers of severely ill patients.


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Introduction The population of elderly persons is increasing andnegative outcomes due to polymedication are frequent. Discrepanciesin information about medication are frequent when older persons aretransitioning from hospital to home, increasing the risk of hospitalreadmission. The aims of this study were a) to determine discrepanciesin medical regimen indicated in two official discharge documents(DS = discharge summary, DP=discharge prescription); b) to characterizethe pharmacotherapy prescribed in older patients dischargedfrom a geriatric service.Materials & Methods Elderly patients (N=230) discharged from thegeriatric service (CHUV, Lausanne) over a 6-month period (January toJune 2009) were selected. Community pharmacists compared DS andDP to identify discrepancies including (a) drugs' name; (b) schedule ofadministration, dosage, frequency, prn prescription, treatment durationand galenic formulation. Beers' criteria were applied to identifypotentially inappropriate drugs and a descriptive analysis of drug costs,prescription profiles and generics were also performed.Results On average, patients were 82 ± 7 years old and stayed23.0 ± 11.6 days in the geriatric service. The delay between the datesof patient's discharge with the DP and the sending of the DS to hisgeneral physician averaged 14.0 ± 7.5 days (range 1-55). The DPhad an average of 10.0 ± 3.3 drugs (range 2-19). 77% of patients hadat least one discrepancy. A drug was missing on the DS in 57.8% ofpatients and 19.6% had a missing prn prescription. Among the 2312drugs prescribed, 3% belonged to Beers' list. They were prescribed to61 patients (26.5%), with 6 patients cumulating two Beers' potentiallyinappropriate drugs in their treatment. Analgesics (85% of thepatients), anticoagulants (80%), mineral supplements (77%), laxatives(52%) and antihypertensives (46%) were the drug classes most frequentlyprescribed. Mean costs of treatment as per DP was160.4 ± 179.4 Euros. Generic prescription represented more than 5%of the costs for 3 therapeutic classes (cholesterol-lowering agents(64%), antihypertensives (50%) and antidepressants (47%)).Discussion & Conclusion The high discrepancy rate between medicationlisted in the DP and the DS highlights a need for safetyimprovement. Potential benefits are expected from reinforced pharmacist-physician collaboration in transition from hospital to primarycare. In addition, even though Beers' criteria are questionable, thedrugs prescribed in this already fragile population, and the potentialopportunities of economical optimizations, are advocating thedevelopment and the scientific evaluation of a structured advancedcollaborative pharmacy practice service. This foresees improvedeffectiveness, safety and efficiency in the medication management ofelderly persons.


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A variety of technologies have been developed to assist decision-making during the management of patients with acute brain injury who require intensive care. A large body of research has been generated describing these various technologies. The Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) in collaboration with the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), the Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), and the Latin America Brain Injury Consortium (LABIC) organized an international, multidisciplinary consensus conference to perform a systematic review of the published literature to help develop evidence-based practice recommendations on bedside physiologic monitoring. This supplement contains a Consensus Summary Statement with recommendations and individual topic reviews on physiologic processes important in the care of acute brain injury. In this article we provide the evidentiary tables for select topics including systemic hemodynamics, intracranial pressure, brain and systemic oxygenation, EEG, brain metabolism, biomarkers, processes of care and monitoring in emerging economies to provide the clinician ready access to evidence that supports recommendations about neuromonitoring.


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BACKGROUND: Diabetes represents an increasing health burden worldwide. In 2010, the Public Health Department of the canton of Vaud (Switzerland) launched a regional diabetes programme entitled "Programme cantonal Diabète" (PcD), with the objectives to both decrease the incidence of diabetes and improve care for patients with diabetes. The cohort entitled CoDiab-VD emerged from that programme. It specifically aimed at following quality of diabetes care over time, at evaluating the coverage of the PcD within this canton and at assessing the impact of the PcD on care of patients with diabetes. METHODS/DESIGN: The cohort CoDiab-VD is a prospective population-based cohort study. Patients with diabetes were recruited in two waves (autumn 2011--summer 2012) through community pharmacies. Eligible participants were non-institutionalised adult patients (≥ 18 years) with diabetes diagnosed for at least one year, residing in the canton of Vaud and coming to a participating pharmacy with a diabetes-related prescription. Women with gestational diabetes, people with obvious cognitive impairment or insufficient command of French were not eligible. Self-reported data collected, included the following primary outcomes: processes-of-care indicators (annual checks) and outcomes of care such as HbA1C, (health-related) quality of life measures (Short Form-12 Health Survey--SF-12, Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life 19--ADDQoL) and Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC). Data on diabetes, health status, healthcare utilisation, health behaviour, self-management activities and support, knowledge of, or participation to, campaigns/activities proposed by the PcD, and socio-demographics were also obtained. For consenting participants, physicians provided few additional pieces of information about processes and laboratory results. Participants will be followed once a year, via a mailed self-report questionnaire. The core of the follow-up questionnaires will be similar to the baseline one, with the addition of thematic modules adapting to the development of the PcD. Physicians will be contacted every 2 years. DISCUSSION: CoDiab-VD will allow obtaining a broad picture of the care of patients with diabetes, as well as their needs regarding their chronic condition. The data will be used to evaluate the PcD and help prioritise targeted actions. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT01902043, July 9, 2013.


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Data are urgently needed to better understand processes of care in Swiss primary care (PC). A total of 2027 PC physicians, stratified by canton, were invited to participate in the Swiss Primary care Active Monitoring network, of whom 200 accepted to join. There were no significant differences between participants and a random sample drawn from the same physician databases based on sex, year of obtaining medical school diploma, or location. The Swiss Primary care Active Monitoring network represents the first large-scale, nationally representative practice-based research network in Switzerland and will provide a unique opportunity to better understand the functioning of Swiss PC.


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INTRODUCTION: With the ageing of the population and the general improvement of care, an increasing number of people are living with multiple chronic health conditions or 'multimorbidity'. Multimorbidity often implies multiple medical treatments. As a consequence, the risk of adverse events and the time spent by patients for their treatments increase exponentially. In many cases, treatment guidelines traditionally defined for single conditions are not easily applicable. Primary care for individuals with multimorbidity requires complex patient-centred care and good communication between the patient and the general practitioner (GP). This often includes prioritising among the different chronic conditions. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The main objectives of this study are to describe the burden related to multimorbidity (disease-related burden and burden of treatment) in primary care and to identify the factors influencing it. Other objectives include evaluating patients' perception of treatment burden and quality of life, assessing factors influencing that perception, and investigating prioritisation in the management of multimorbidity from the perspectives of GPs and patients. For this cross-sectional study, patient enrolment will take place in GP's private practices across Switzerland. A convenient sample of 100 GPs will participate; overall, 1000 patients with at least three chronic health conditions will be enrolled. Data will be collected as paper-based questionnaires for GPs and delayed telephone interview questionnaires for patients. GPs will provide demographic and practice-related data. In addition, each GP will complete a paper-based questionnaire for each patient that they enrol. Each patient will complete a telephone interview questionnaire. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study has been approved by the research ethics committee of Canton Vaud, Switzerland (Protocol 315/14). The results of the study will be reported in international peer-reviewed journals.


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Pensions together with savings and investments during active life are key elements of retirement planning. Motivation for personal choices about the standard of living, bequest and the replacement ratio of pension with respect to last salary income must be considered. This research contributes to the financial planning by helping to quantify long-term care economic needs. We estimate life expectancy from retirement age onwards. The economic cost of care per unit of service is linked to the expected time of needed care and the intensity of required services. The expected individual cost of long-term care from an onset of dependence is estimated separately for men and women. Assumptions on the mortality of the dependent people compared to the general population are introduced. Parameters defining eligibility for various forms of coverage by the universal public social care of the welfare system are addressed. The impact of the intensity of social services on individual predictions is assessed, and a partial coverage by standard private insurance products is also explored. Data were collected by the Spanish Institute of Statistics in two surveys conducted on the general Spanish population in 1999 and in 2008. Official mortality records and life table trends were used to create realistic scenarios for longevity. We find empirical evidence that the public long-term care system in Spain effectively mitigates the risk of incurring huge lifetime costs. We also find that the most vulnerable categories are citizens with moderate disabilities that do not qualify to obtain public social care support. In the Spanish case, the trends between 1999 and 2008 need to be further explored.


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AIM: To present a protocol for a multi-phase study about the current practice of end-of-life care in paediatric settings in Switzerland. BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, paediatric palliative care is usually provided by teams, who may not necessarily have specific training. There is a lack of systematic data about specific aspects of care at the end of a child's life, such as symptom management, involvement of parents in decision-making and family-centred care and experiences and needs of parents, and perspectives of healthcare professionals. DESIGN: This retrospective nationwide multicentre study, Paediatric End-of-LIfe CAre Needs in Switzerland (PELICAN), combines quantitative and qualitative methods of enquiry. METHODS: The PELICAN study consists of three observational parts, PELICAN I describes practices of end-of-life care (defined as the last 4 weeks of life) in the hospital and home care setting of children (0-18 years) who died in the years 2011-2012 due to a cardiac, neurological or oncological disease, or who died in the neonatal period. PELICAN II assesses the experiences and needs of parents during the end-of-life phase of their child. PELICAN III focuses on healthcare professionals and explores their perspectives concerning the provision of end-of-life care. CONCLUSION: This first study across Switzerland will provide comprehensive insight into the current end-of-life care in children with distinct diagnoses and the perspectives of affected parents and health professionals. The results may facilitate the development and implementation of programmes for end-of-life care in children across Switzerland, building on real experiences and needs. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01983852.


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BACKGROUND: Patient-centered care (PCC) has been recognized as a marker of quality in health service delivery. In policy documents, PCC is often used interchangeably with other models of care. There is a wide literature about PCC, but there is a lack of evidence about which model is the most appropriate for maternity services specifically. AIM: We sought to identify and critically appraise the literature to identify which definition of PCC is most relevant for maternity services. METHODS: The four-step approach used to identify definitions of PCC was to 1) search electronic databases using key terms (1995-2011), 2) cross-reference key papers, 3) search of specific journals, and 4) search the grey literature. Four papers and two books met our inclusion criteria. ANALYSIS: A four-criteria critical appraisal tool developed for the review was used to appraise the papers and books. MAIN RESULTS: From the six identified definitions, the Shaller's definition met the majority of the four criteria outlined and seems to be the most relevant to maternity services because it includes physiologic conditions as well as pathology, psychological aspects, a nonmedical approach to care, the greater involvement of family and friends, and strategies to implement PCC. CONCLUSION: This review highlights Shaller's definitions of PCC as the one that would be the most inclusive of all women using maternity services. Future research should concentrate on evaluating programs that support PCC in maternity services, and testing/validating this model of care.


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Les voies veineuses centrales (VVC) sont essentielles pour l'administration de la nutrition parentérale. Le risque de complications est dépendant de la qualité des soins apportés à la VVC qui influence de ce fait la qualité de vie des patients et le coût des soins. Beaucoup de complications des VVC, infectieuses ou non, peuvent être prévenues par l'existence de protocoles de soins appropriés et standardisés. L'information sur les soins des VVC et les éventuelles complications est essentielle pour le dépistage et le traitement précoce de ces complications ; elle doit faire l'objet de protocoles partagés entre les patients et les soignants. Cet article décrit une évaluation des pratiques professionnelles sous la forme d'un audit clinique destiné à améliorer la qualité de soins des patients en nutrition parentérale porteurs de VVC. Central venous access devices (CVAD) are essential for the administration of parenteral nutrition. The quality of the care of CVAD influences the risk of complications and so the quality of life of the patients and the costs of care. Numerous infectious or non-infectious complications of CVAD can be prevented by appropriate, standardized protocols of care. Information about the care of CVAD and complications is essential for the early recognition and treatment of complications and should be shared between patients and caregivers. This article describes an audit for CAVD care that can be used to improve quality of care in a professional practice evaluation program.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.


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INTRODUCTION: This article is part of a research study on the organization of primary health care (PHC) for mental health in two of Quebec's remote regions. It introduces a methodological approach based on information found in health records, for assessing the quality of PHC offered to people suffering from depression or anxiety disorders. METHODS: Quality indicators were identified from evidence and case studies were reconstructed using data collected in health records over a 2-year observation period. Data collection was developed using a three-step iterative process: (1) feasibility analysis, (2) development of a data collection tool, and (3) application of the data collection method. The adaptation of quality-of-care indicators to remote regions was appraised according to their relevance, measurability and construct validity in this context. RESULTS: As a result of this process, 18 quality indicators were shown to be relevant, measurable and valid for establishing a critical quality appraisal of four recommended dimensions of PHC clinical processes: recognition, assessment, treatment and follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: There is not only an interest in the use of health records to assess the quality of PHC for mental health in remote regions but also a scientific value for the rigorous and meticulous methodological approach developed in this study. From the perspective of stakeholders in the PHC system of care in remote areas, quality indicators are credible and provide potential for transferability to other contexts. This study brings information that has the potential to identify gaps in and implement solutions adapted to the context.