692 resultados para Dialéctica hegeliana
Cannot the education reach the universality? Is the universality the annihilation of the individual? Can the individual have his identity preserved as such in the State? Those questions are answered with the attention returned and led to the education. To Hegel the education universalizes the individual insofar as it introduces him into the life of the State in which the subjectivity and individuality are known in fact, preserved and promoted. In the Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel deals with the realization of freedom in the institution of State and identifies it with the realization of freedom. The aim here is to reflect upon the Hegelian comprehension of State towards education, its meaning, signification to the life of the State and its possible repercussions regarding the figures of the subject and individual also nowadays. To Hegel the education supports the State as such because it is the process of the Sate’s awareness along its formation as a living organism. A State that knows itself is a State that is known by its members who do not reach neither the State’s awareness nor themselves’ without the relation that gathers them together as the substantial universality. The education is the means that brings the individuals to the life of the State. Bringing the individual to the life in the State, the education reveals the individual to himself as well as to his true nature, that is, a being in relation to others who are not but himself. The knowledge of oneself in the education happens also through its formalization regarding the specific contents developed and accumulated throughout the history. Here comes the figure of the formal educator through whom the State aims its process of formation. This way Hegel confirms that nobody learns alone and that the universal is precisely this relation.
The Hegelian philosophy is presented as a progress in relation to other philosophies and it offers to take in itself all the other demonstrations. Thereby, Hegel intends to carry out his philosophical effort towards the establishment of a philosophical system. It is a comprehension recognized and exposed by Hegel in his doctoral thesis, i.e., that philosophy only becomes possible as a system. In this sense, the treatment dispensed to each one of his works necessarily evokes a relationship with all other. An work taken in isolation gets the feeling that something else should be presented, however, every work written by Hegel also contemplates a relation with his other works. In this sense, the objective here is to considerate Hegel’s Philosophy of Law in his philosophical system seeking to explicit its specific place, as well as its transit among the works of the thinker as a whole. The Philosophy of Law finds its particular moment in the ambit of the objective spirit or during the subjective spirit’s effectuation. However, it is assumed here the perspective that the Philosophy of Law represents, as the objective spirit does, a moment of mediation as well as a there-being whereby the absolute spirit’s effectuation would happen. Furthermore, Hegel’s Philosophy represents the presentation of what he considers as extremely important in philosophy, that is precisely, the need to sublate the separation between man and the world. It is not enough for Hegel, the affirmation of the being and the thinking in itself, but it is required to confirm them in their being other that will be evinced being itself. Thus, Philosophy is given as a reconstruction or as the factual knowledge as a science ceasing to be so only love of learning. This means in other words that philosophy deals with the world, in the world and for the world being much more than a speech to the world to be the talk of the world itself. If philosophy is the owl of Minerva who always arrives late, she does it for the reasons of the other to be recognized.
This work aims at the debate about the role of professional public relations practices in the Public Sector Governance, building concepts through policies to encourage public communication. The democratic regime in place in most national states gave up the struggle of social actors in the quest for greater participation and representation in public policy decisions. The communication processes established in the state-society relationship is not limited to the dissemination of information but should lead the public involvement in changing social reality. And public relations are responsible for the mediation in the dialectic of communication between governments and governed
Is there a place inside Marxism for the debate on individuality? Does the historical-critical pedagogy need a theory of individual’s education? The article answers affirmatively to both questions and analyses the pillars of a Marxist theory of human individuals’ education. The start point is the relation between the processes of objectification and appropriation that were originated by the work activity. The relation between objectification and appropriation is analysed from a dialectical materialistic historical perspective. This perspective implies the understanding of the contradiction generates by class struggle that gives to the sociocultural development both the meanings of humanization and alienation. In this sense, individual’s education is understood as part of historical self-building process of humankind. The direction of this movement is from humanity in itself to humanity for itself that means a process that promotes the development of free and universal individuality.
O presente trabalho buscará verificar a noção (ou as noções) de brasilidade no jornalismo de revista nacional - e como essas noções contribuem para a construção (e a reafirmação) de determinados discursos acerca da cultura e da identidade brasileira. Analisaremos os discursos das revistas Veja e Época em textos (veiculados entre novembro de 2013 e novembro de 2014) a respeito da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014. A pesquisa partirá de fundamentos da Análise do Discurso (AD) Francesa e de uma concepção intercultural de sociedade (que enxerga as relações sociais como processos de negociação de conflitos culturais entre os grupos sociais). Pretende-se mostrar de que forma os discursos das revistas repercutiram a noção de brasilidade -se de maneira homogeneizadora, ou se de maneira plural- nos textos a respeito da organização do país para o megaevento, bem como nas reportagens a respeito do desenvolvimento do torneio em si. Indicaremos a influência da ideologia na produção discursiva (textual e imagética) dessas revistas quando abordam aspectos da cultura e da identidade brasileira nos textos sobre o Mundial - especialmente, quando tratam de nossa alteridade, a partir de uma perspectiva hegeliana de inferioridade da cultura latina em relação à cultura europeia. Ademais, indicar-se-ão algumas noções de brasilidade construídas pelos principais nomes da historiografia nacional do século XX - noções, essas, que revivem no discurso jornalístico sobre o Brasil e os brasileiros
We will deal with the Marxian criticism to the Hegelian notion of "being". it will be shown that historicity and objectivity are determinations of this category (and that categories are always.,forms of being, determinations of existence). So, the analogy between the Hegelian logic and the Marxian theory may sometimes, hide essential aspects of the materialist comprehension of history Here, we intend to prove that, by questioning the treatment dispensed to the matter of being by Hegel, Marx criticizes the Hegelian inversion between subject and predicate in a way that, although dialoguing with Hegel, his conception is the exact opposite at the same time.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article discusses the need to deepen Psychology criticism as a science, unveiling its ideological commitment to the demands posed by the capitalism development and, at the same time, develop the critical thinking in Psychology. Taking the dialectical historical materialism as a basis, the main elements which should be contemplated by the critical thinking are presented: the dialectical reflection; the knowledge criticism; the denounce of degradation, alienation and human heteronomy in the conditions posed by capitalism and the possibility of being used as an instrument in the social transformation process. The incorporation of these elements can guide the constitution process of psychological knowledge which will be able to provide more satisfactory answers to questions concerning the dialectical relationship between individuals and society and the possibilities of human emancipation in nowadays society.
What is the place of theory in the field of communication? From this epistemological inquiry, this paper examines the tensions and connections between theory and practice in the discipline of Communication. It discusses the segmentation of Undergraduate courses of Communication in Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, and Radio and the emphasis on technical and vocational training that occurs in the communicator’s education. It discusses some components of the new curriculum guidelines of the course of Journalism and articulates this segmentation with the Postgraduate area. The paper also discusses the deduction and induction movements in the construction of the area’s knowledge and advocates a dialectical examination of the relationship between science and experience, theory and practice, leading to a praxis of communication.
Considering that Cultural-Historical theory has been gaining importance within Brazilian Psychology in the last decades, this essay aims at contributing to understanding its ontological and epistemological foundations, introducing the concepts of singularity, particularity and universality of the dialectics that exists between them. The analysis looks to explore the implications to Psychology, both as a science and as a professional practice, of the lukacsian indication about the need to apprehend the connections between singularity, particularity and universality as a condition for understanding the essence of phenomena. In that sense, this analysis brings light to the individual/society dynamics unity affirmed by historical-dialectical materialism, which contributes to overcoming of the dichotomies usually established between the poles of this relationship.
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender as potencialidades e limitações do processo de trabalho da enfermagem de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde para o reconhecimento das necessidades de saúde da população. A vertente metodológica utilizada foi a pesquisa social, na perspectiva qualitativa, tendo como base de análise dos discursos a hermêutica-dialética, e como alicerce a Teoria da Interpretação Práxica da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. Os dados foram coletados por meio da entrevista semiestruturada e os processos de trabalho das equipes foram analisados através do Fluxograma Analisador do Modelo de Atenção de um Serviço de Saúde. Concluiu-se que há limitações no cotidiano do processo de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem à medida em que o reconhecimento e enfrentamento das necessidades de saúde perpassavam pela identificação de agravos instalados, deixando em segundo plano os determinantes sociais das más condições de vida associadas ao processo saúde-doença.
Trata-se de discutir as críticas a conceitos insuficientes de liberdade, tais como elas aparecem na Filosofia do direito, de Hegel. Com isto, espera-se expor os verdadeiros problemas que a teoria hegeliana do Estado procura resolver. Tais problemas permitem lançar novas luzes em alguns aspectos decisivos da teoria hegeliana do reconhecimento.
Programa de doctorado [de] Lengua Española y Lingüística General.
La transición a la democracia iniciada en Paraguay en 1989 abrió lentamente lo que el régimen stroesnista (1954 – 1989) había oclusado largamente: la lucha política por el poder con reglas democráticas y lógica inclusiva, a pesar de la persistencia de viejos ardides autoritarios que se habían vuelto pauta cultural en la que se socializaron varias generaciones. En este trabajo nos propusimos conocer la articulación pasado/presente en un contexto de cambio socio-histórico en las pautas de cultura política de una sociedad determinada, enfocando el análisis en la experiencia de la Comisión de Verdad y Justicia del Paraguay CVJ (203 – 208) en tanto organismo emblemático tanto, del cambio político en general como, de las condiciones de instalación de un régimen democrático en el Cono Sur. La pertinencia teórica de esta investigación antropológica se sustenta en nuestro enfoque comprensivo que tiene a la complejidad y la analogía como dimensiones de la perspectiva analítica. Su relevancia social puede ubicarse en la contribución que con ela pretendemos hacer al análisis crítico de los organismos que, como sociedad global, creamos y recreamos para abordar la problemática de la memoria, la verdad y la justicia cuando de crímenes de Estado se trata. En este sentido, la pregunta subyacente en esta investigación se realiza desde un planteo teleológico, cuya finalidad no es solo construir una respuesta verdadera, en términos positvistas, sino contribuir a la creación de un conocimiento científico que permita revisar aquelos aspectos disfuncionales de los procesos de verdad y justicia transicional. Partimos de la hipótesis general de que existe una doble relación dialéctica: entre la función que cumple una Comisión de Verdad y la capacidad de resistencia del sistema político que se intenta abandonar por un lado y; entre dicha comisión y las condiciones generales del sistema político, social y económico que permite su instalación y funcionamiento durante la transición democrática. A lo largo de este trabajo hemos analizado en profundidad las características que adquirió la CVJ en comparación con otras 43 comisiones de verdad que funcionaron en distintos puntos del planeta, en el supuesto de que el funcionamiento y la dinámica de una organización revelan las condiciones generales del sistema democrático en que se inserta. Aribamos a la conclusión de que la reconcilación social tiene como pre-condición tres movimientos complementarios: la reparación del silencio mediante la revelación pública de la violencia de Estado; la reparación material y simbólica a las víctimas (desagravio individual, familar y colectivo) como política de Estado en el nuevo contrato democrático, y; una clara búsqueda de Justicia que alcance a todos los niveles de responsabildad de los perpetradores de los Hechos Violatorios a los Derechos Humanos.