961 resultados para Desempenho em 1990-95
物种形成是生物进化的重要步骤,是进化生物学中的基本问题。研究一些关键地区植物的物种形成,将提高对这些地区植物区系发生与发展的认识,横断山区就是这样一个非常独特与关键的地区。本文通过对主要分布于横断山区的紫乌头A.delavayi复合体进行nrDNA ITS序列、等位酶与RAPD分析,初步探讨了横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的起源与物种形成。同时对使用RAPD与等位酶数据研究群体遗传结构的方法进行了探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. ITS序列研究 对乌头属27个类群的ITS序列进行了简约法与邻接法的研究,两种方法得到的系统发育树基本一致。乌头亚属的蔓乌头系 Ser. Volublia不是一个单系起源的类群,显拄乌头系 Ser. Sstylosa 与兴安乌头系Ser. Ambigua各自作为单系起源也没有得到支持。特产于云南西北部横断山区的一些种之间存在非常近的系统发育关系,说明这些种是近期物种形成的产物。紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的不同类群在系统发育树上被分到不同的分支中,含西南乌头A. episcopale的分支最为独特,处于系统发育树靠近基部的位置;松潘乌头 A.sunpanense与四川西北部的弯喙乌头A.campylorrhynchum组成一个分支,另一个分支含土官村乌头A.tuguancunense、紫乌头A.delavayi、玉龙乌头A.stapfianum与黄草乌A.vilmorinianum; 表明紫乌头A.delavayi复合体有3个独立的起源,因而该复合体在遗传上是不成立的。但是为了讨论与叙述的方便,本研究仍使用紫乌头A.delavayi复合体这个名字。 2. 等位酶研究 用10种酶系统14个位点,对紫乌头A.delavayi分布于云南横断山区的4种8个居群进行了等位酶分析。结果表明横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体居群的遗传多样性明显低于北美和欧洲的乌头属植物。呈垂直替代关系的紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum居群之间出现有规律的遗传多样性变化,表明冰川对横断山区植物的遗传多样性有重大影响。聚类分析的结果与ITS分析的结果基本一致,西南乌头A. episcopale仍然是较为独特的一类;其余3个种的居群聚为一类,紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum之间的遗传一致度非常高,超过0.95。8个居群的主成分分析没有证实西南乌头A. episcopale中存在杂交渗入。Mantel 检验的结果显示8个居群之间的遗传趋异程度与地理距离之间显著相关。基因分化系数GST与近交系数FIS均显示这些居群不是以异交为主。居群间每代迁移个体数Nm显示这些居群间基因流较弱。 3. RAPD研究 用20个随机引物得到117个RAPD位点,对23个居群进行研究。其中19个属于紫乌头A.delavayi复合体,4个属于与之近缘的瓜叶乌头A.hemsleyanum。根据RAPD表型频率与单倍型频率,分别对23个居群进行了聚类分析。结果显示这两种方法所得结果高度一致,而且也与ITS和等位酶的分析结果基本一致。西南乌头A. episco pale仍然是最为独特一个分支,在本文中称为分支1。其余的居群聚成两个关系较近的大分支,一个分支包含所有分布于云南与四川西南部横断山区的居群,称为分支2,另一个包括所有分布于四川西北部与北部横断山区、重庆东北部、湖北西部与陕西的居群。大部分种处于同一分支中,只有弯喙乌头A.campylorrhynchum与瓜叶乌头A.hemsleyanum的居群分别被聚在分支2与分支3中,完全符合居群的地理位置。从3个分支内的聚类关系可以看出居群间遗传趋异等级与地理隔离程度明显相关。在遗传多样性水平上,分支1明显比分支2和分支3低许多,分支2又高于分支3。 在分支2内部,紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum之间的遗传多样性变化与等位酶结果相同。在分支3的松潘乌头 A.sunpanense 5个居群中,横断山区海拔最高的2个居群遗传多样性最低。将23个居群划分成不同等级进行AMOVA分析,结果表明总遗传多样性主要分布于地区间,其次是居群间,居群内遗传多样性所占比例很低。 4.群体遗传结构研究中的数据处理方法 本研究结果表明,在使用RAPD表型数据进行AMOVA分析时,最好采用欧氏距离平方系数。本研究还说明,计算GST的两种不同方法将导致结果不同,而要与Hamrick and Godt(1990)的总结进行对比的话,最好使用他们采用的计算方法。 基于以上研究结果,可得出如下结论:⑴ 紫乌头A.delavayi复合体有3个不同的起源。西南乌头A. episcopale是一个古特有种,其余均为近期物种形成的产物。⑵地理隔离在横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的物种形成过程中影响最大。而地理隔离主要起因于连续分布区的片段化与瓶颈效应,而这两个原因又与横断山区的地质历史与冰川进退密切相关。
The ecological integrity of coral reef ecosystems in the U.S. Caribbean is widely considered to have deteriorated in the last three decades due to a range of threats and stressors from both human and non-human processes Rothenberger 2008, Wilkinson 2008). In response to the threats to Caribbean coral reef ecosystems and other regions around the world, the United States Government authorized the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 to: (1) preserve, sustain, and restore the condition of coral reef ecosystems; (2) promote the wise management and sustainable use of coral reef ecosystems to benefit local communities and the Nation; and (3) develop sound scientific information on the condition of coral reef ecosystems and the threats to such ecosystems. The Act also resulted in the formation of a National Coral Reef Action Strategy and a Coral Reef Conservation Program. The Action Strategy (Goal 2 of Action Theme 1) outlined the importance of monitoring and assessing coral reef health as a mechanism toward reducing many threats to these ecosystems. Monitoring was considered of high importance in addressing impacts from climate change; disease; overfishing; destructive fishing practices; habitat destruction; invasive species; coastal development; coastal pollution; sedimentation/runoff and overuse from tourism. The strategy states that successful coral reef ecosystem conservation requires adaptive management that responds quickly to changing environmental conditions. This, in turn, depends on monitoring programs that track trends in coral reef ecosystem health and reveal patterns in their condition before irreparable harm occurs. As such, monitoring plays a vital role in guiding and supporting the establishment of complex or potentially controversial management strategies such as no-take ecological reserves, fishing gear restrictions, or habitat restoration, by documenting the impacts of gaps in existing management schemes and illustrating the effectiveness of new measures over time. Long-term monitoring is also required to determine the effectiveness of various management strategies to conserve and enhance coral reef ecosystems.
Particle flux in the ocean reflects ongoing biological and geological processes operating under the influence of the local environment. Estimation of this particle flux through sediment trap deployment is constrained by sampler accuracy, particle preservation, and swimmer distortion. Interpretation of specific particle flux is further constrained by indeterminate particle dispersion and the absence of a clear understanding of the sedimentary consequences of ecosystem activity. Nevertheless, the continuous and integrative properties of the particle trap measure, along with the logistic advantage of a long-term moored sampler, provide a set of strategic advantages that appear analogous to those underlying conventional oceanographic survey programs. Emboldened by this perception, several stations along the coast of Southern California and Mexico have been targeted as coastal ocean flux sites (COFS).
An estimation of the total industrial catch of the shallow water shrimp by-catch for the period 1986-1990 is presented. By-catch species compositions based on landings and onboard samples at ex-Emopesca/Beira (Marbeira) and Pescamar are also presented. The by-catch is essentially composed by 2nd and 3rd commercial fish categories, other crustaceans and cephalopods appearing in varying proportions in the catch. The total catch of shrimp by-catch estimated for the period is approximately 17 to 25 thousand tons per year.
The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The analyses for abundance estimation from the 1991-1994 surveys are presented in this report.
This report presents the information obtained during catch assessment surveys made by the ADP Fishery Survey of Lake Kyoga and Lake Kwania between August 1990 and July 1991. It supersedes previous interim reports on these surveys. The Kyoga lakes had not been surveyed in a long time. Information on the state of the stocks was largely confined conclusions drawn from data collected along the southern shore of L.Kyoga proper. The effect of harmful/illegal gear types on the stocks was not documented. Part I provides a description of the survey. Part II comprises a review of the fishing strategies. Parts III and IV present the principal results obtained on L.Kyoga and L.Kwania. Part V presents a discussion of the main conclusions.
Experimental trawling during the period 1981/86 and analysis of past commercial catch landings, mainly in the northern portion of Lake Victoria have indicated that the standing stocks and therefore, the estimates of sustainable yields of the most important fish species have unquestionably changed since the 1969/71 comprehensive lake-wide stock assessment survey. Lake Victoria which was originally a multi-species fishery now relies on two introduced species (Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus) and one indigenous cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea). Most of the traditional fish species, including the once dominant haplochromines, have either declined or disappeared. The catch rates in the experimental trawl catches declined from 797 kg/hr in 1969/71 to 575 kg/hr in 1981 and 166 kg/hr in 1985. The contribution of L. niloticus in the trawl catch increased from 0.9% in 1981 to 95.6% in 1985 while the contribution of the haplochromines decreased from about 91% to about 1% over the same period. The mean size of the individual fish caught (particularly the Nile perch) was also on the decline. Similar trends were also observed in the commercial fishery. However, recent observations in the Lake Kyoga commercial fishery that O. niloticus has now surpassed L.niloticus in importance may create more uncertainty regarding the future trends of the fish stocks of Lake Victoria. Inspite of the above situation, developments to increasingly exploit the fish stocks of the lake for export continue to take place. A number of fish processing and/or handling plants have been established in the Jinja, Kampala and Entebbe areas of the lake. Each of these plants is capable of handling upwards of 10 tons of fish a day, the target fish being L. niloticus and O. niloticus.