862 resultados para Daedalus Thematic Mapper
El projecte s’ha desenvolupat, en quatre etapes: a) recollida de dades: competències professionals, característiques de la titulació en diferents universitats i tasses d’èxit avaluacions dels estudiants; b) anàlisi i reflexió sobre la informació recollida; c) realització d’una enquesta als diferents entorns professionals i sobre les millores que, a títol experimental, s’han introduït durant aquest període, en la docència i d) formulació d’una proposta de pla docent. Cal dir que superada la meitat de la durada del projecte, es va fer pública la fitxa corresponent a la titulació i per tant els seus criteris i indicacions ja s’han inclòs en la proposta. Quan als tres primers apartats i com a aspectes mes destacables, s’observa: dificultat per configurar l’ensenyament atesa la seva dualitat individu – aliment, l’existència d’un cert grau de discrepància quant a continguts, entre les propostes del professorat i els interessos analitzats des dels àmbits professionals, en funció de l’àrea de treball. D’altra banda, i ja concretament en relació amb la matèria analitzada (Bromatologia i Tecnologia dels aliments), s’observa una evident inadequació de la distribució de la matèria en assignatures en el vigent pla d’estudis, tant pel que fa a la seva ubicació temporal com d’alguns dels seus continguts. Quan a l’apartat d), es proposen els següents aspectes de tipus general: definir 4 blocs temàtics (química i bioquímica dels aliments, bases de tecnologia dels aliments, control d’aliments, integració i descriptiva d’aliments). Amb aquests blocs, s’haurien de poder configurar alguna/es assignatura/es, fins i tot conjuntament amb blocs generats a partir d’altres mòduls. Es proposen competències a assolir per a cadascun, metodologies docents aplicables i també, el disseny d’activitats de treball individual o en grup. Quant a les pràctiques, s’han de centrar especialment en el bloc corresponent al control de qualitat d’aliments, a un nivell adequat per als objectius de la titulació.
En aquest projecte hem seguit desenvolupant i ampliant els continguts d’una assignatura de caràcter transversal entre Geologia i Arqueologia Prehistòrica aplicada als estudis universitaris. Aquesta ampliació s’ha dut a terme amb la creació d'un recull de fitxes amb les dades més rellevants d’alguns sepulcres megalítics de Catalunya fent especial esment als materials petris utilitzats en la seva construcció de per tal de poder desenvolupar i contextualitzar els resultats que s’assoleixin durant el curs. Cadascuna de les fitxes inclou per cada megàlit: 1) una situació geogràfica, 2) una part de descripció des del punt de vista arqueològic i 3) una part geològica amb la situació, descripció dels elements petris de les lloses tant a visu com al microscopi petrogràfic i una localització probable de l’àrea de procedència de les lloses. Això suposa un aprofundiment i ampliació de l'oferta pedagògica proposada que permet experimentar una metodologia d’ensenyament universitari més pràctica, aplicada i interactiva i s’emmarca en l’eix temàtic al voltant del qual es desenvolupa l’assignatura.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la caracterización de la microcuenca la Jabonera (Estelí, Nicaragua) enfatizando el agua como factor clave que conecta todos los elementos que interaccionan en la microcuenca y que, además delimita el área de estudio. El trabajo de campo ha consistido básicamente en la georeferenciación de los puntos de interés, la realización de encuestas a la población y la evaluación de las fuentes de agua y del agua del río mediante análisis fisicoquímicos. En el procesamiento de la información se ha elaborado cartografía temática mediante la herramienta SIG que ha servido de soporte para la interpretación de los resultados. Las características morfométricas y biofísicas favorecen que el agua precipitada se pierda rápidamente por escorrentía superficial con una tendencia moderada a crecidas e inundaciones. El agua infiltrada circula rápidamente por fracturas del material geológico con tiempos de tránsito cortos, y además, el área de recarga de los nacientes es local por lo que las fuentes son especialmente vulnerables a períodos de sequía y a la contaminación en su entorno cercano. El estudio de usos del suelo junto con la realización de análisis del agua ha permitido determinar que los agroquímicos son la principal fuente potencial de contaminación del agua en la microcuenca. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la necesidad de llevar a cabo una gestión integrada del territorio que garantice un desarrollo socioambiental sostenible.
Land cover classification is a key research field in remote sensing and land change science as thematic maps derived from remotely sensed data have become the basis for analyzing many socio-ecological issues. However, land cover classification remains a difficult task and it is especially challenging in heterogeneous tropical landscapes where nonetheless such maps are of great importance. The present study aims to establish an efficient classification approach to accurately map all broad land cover classes in a large, heterogeneous tropical area of Bolivia, as a basis for further studies (e.g., land cover-land use change). Specifically, we compare the performance of parametric (maximum likelihood), non-parametric (k-nearest neighbour and four different support vector machines - SVM), and hybrid classifiers, using both hard and soft (fuzzy) accuracy assessments. In addition, we test whether the inclusion of a textural index (homogeneity) in the classifications improves their performance. We classified Landsat imagery for two dates corresponding to dry and wet seasons and found that non-parametric, and particularly SVM classifiers, outperformed both parametric and hybrid classifiers. We also found that the use of the homogeneity index along with reflectance bands significantly increased the overall accuracy of all the classifications, but particularly of SVM algorithms. We observed that improvements in producer’s and user’s accuracies through the inclusion of the homogeneity index were different depending on land cover classes. Earlygrowth/degraded forests, pastures, grasslands and savanna were the classes most improved, especially with the SVM radial basis function and SVM sigmoid classifiers, though with both classifiers all land cover classes were mapped with producer’s and user’s accuracies of around 90%. Our approach seems very well suited to accurately map land cover in tropical regions, thus having the potential to contribute to conservation initiatives, climate change mitigation schemes such as REDD+, and rural development policies.
La beca concedida ha anat destinada a desenvolupar la tesi doctoral que duu per nom "Les ciutats turístiques, les noves ciutats. Anàlisi de l'evolució del model turístic en destinacions de litoral madures a partir de l'anàlisi de paràmetres urbanístics". L’àrea d’estudi comprèn els municipis de Cambrils, Salou i La Pineda (Vila-seca) que conformen la Costa Daurada central, destinació madura de litoral mediterrani, que basa el seu desenvolupament d’acord el model turístic de sol i platja. Arribats en aquest punt de finalització de la beca, cal destacar que s’ha complert amb l'objectiu d'analitzar el procés de transformació de les ciutats turístiques, tot establint com el turisme litoral mediterrani s'ha convertit en un factor de creació de ciutat. Així mateix també s'han complert els objectius específics tals com: analitzar l'evolució de les destinacions turístiques consolidades del litoral mediterrani, recopilar informació per a la creació d'índexs i eines que serveixin per l'anàlisi del procés de tranformació de les ciutats turístiques a ciutats tradicionals a partir del tractament dels plans parcials, recopilar i analitzar les polítiques de planificació que han condicionat l'area d'estudi, modelitzar el procés de construcció de l'espai turístic a partir de l'establiment d'unes unitats bàsiques en la descripció i anàlisi territorial i paisatgístic, i crear un SIG per culminar el procés d'anàlisi tot creant una base de dades i la representació dels resultats en cartogradia temàtica. Pel que fa al disseny i l’execució de la metodologia, es poden considerar dos vessants, una vessant més qualitativa i una altra més quantitativa per al tractament de la informació recopilada. Igualment la generació de cartografia específica completa el procés amb la producció de cartografia específica, tal i com es desenvolupa en la present memòria. La tesi parteix del guió que contempla: un prier capítol d'introducció, un segon dedicat al marc teòric, un tercer apartat on s'exposaran les hipòtesis de les quals es parteix, i un quart dedicat a la metodologia. Pren especial importància l'apartat dedicat a l’ànalisi, així com el dedicat a la discussió dels resultats obtinguts, que es desenvoluparà en el sisè apartat. Per últim resta destacar el setè apartat dedicat a les conclusions a les que s'ha arribat.
The 51st ERSA Conference held in Barcelona in 2011 was one of the largest ever. Here, by examining the characteristics of the conference, this paper identifies the main trends in Regional Science at a moment in which the discipline is renewing its efforts to provide responses in a complex, globalised world in which cities and regions are acquiring greater and greater importance. This paper follows in the tradition of a long list of studies that have examined the nature of the field of Regional Science and draws on a broad array of sources of information: the delegates’ demographic details, the conference program itself, a satisfaction survey conducted among delegates, a quality survey addressed to those chairing the sessions and, finally, a bibliometric database including each author signing a paper presented at the conference. With this information we describe the ERSA delegates: their relative youthfulness; the areas in which women are taking on a more important role; the countries and regions of the world that have the most dominant profile in Regional Science today; the thematic areas that are being driven by professionals as opposed to academics; the relevance of regional economic growth and innovation as trending topics in the field; the growing frequency of co-authorship and, consequently, of scientific collaboration; and, finally, and perhaps most importantly, the continuous enhancement of the quality of the work being undertaken in the discipline. Indeed, following on from this description, the results of the regression analysis conducted show that for ERSA delegates what matters most is quality, and this must be the direction that future conferences should move toward. Ultimately, therefore, ERSA conferences are comprehensive, all-embracing occasions, representing an ideal opportunity for regional scientists to present their work to each other and to network.
Healthy Ireland is a new national framework for action to improve the health and wellbeing of our country over the coming generation. Based on international evidence, it outlines a new commitment to public health with a considerable emphasis on prevention, while at the same time advocating for stronger health systems. It provides for new arrangements to ensure effective co-operation between the health sector and other areas of Government and public services, concerned with social protection, children, business, food safety, education, housing, transport and the environment. It also invites the private and voluntary sector to participate through well-supported and mutually beneficial partnerships. It sets out four central goals and outlines actions under 6 thematic areas, in which all people and all parts of society can participate to achieve these goals. Click here to download PDF 4.72MB
The authors present 10 grids which are widely used in Health Sciences for the assessment of quality in research. They proceed through a comparative thematic analysis of these grids and show which points of view are preferred. They insist on the issues that differentiate these grids from each other and suggest the analysis of their differences by distinguishing the theoretical perspectives that underpin each one of these grids. Whilst the authors of the assessment grids rarely refer to the implicit theoretical backgrounds that guide their work, findings show that these grids convey varied epistemologies and research models. This gap renders the comparison of quality assessment in qualitative research a very difficult task, unless we shift our focus on the relationship between the grids, their theoretical backgrounds and their specific research subjects.
This study investigates the impact of poverty and social exclusion on the food, diet and nutrition of people out-of-home in Dublin. The research involved a food frequency survey carried out with 75 people out of home, qualitative interviews with 12 individuals as well as a self-completion questionnaire administered to 18 food service providers in Dublin city. One of the main findings from the study was that the extent and experience of food poverty among homeless people was not only conditioned by income inadequacy and other socio-economic and cultural determinants, but particularly, by access to accommodation, as well as the quality of that accommodation. The report makes a number of practice and policy recommendations to tackle food poverty and homelessness. The qualitative approaches to food poverty employed for use with this sample of people out-of-home aimed to deal in depth with issues around food consumption. Through drawing a sub-sample from those who participated in the survey research (a process of recapture), the authors sought to expand on the survey questionnaire information on food issues. The themes for the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) emerged from the analysis of the survey questionnaires and 4 key thematic areas were selected. i) Access to cooking, preparation and storage facilities ii) Access, choice and constraints in food purchase and consumption iii) Access to information about healthy diet, food preparation and storage iv) Expectations, cultures, values and choice concerning eating The qualitative aspect of the research enquiry eventually generated one FGD and seven semi-structured interviews representing the views of a total of 12 persons all of whom had completed the initial survey questionnaire.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
With contributions from leading authors in the most important areas of current research, this book provides insight into the streams that are driving leadership theory and practice today. The Nature of Leadership, Second Edition provides students with an updated and complete yet concise handbook that solidifies and integrates the vast and disparate leadership literature.Key Features of the Second Edition· Provides contributions from twenty-three subject-matter experts-ranging from the eminent to the up-and-coming-giving students an unsurpassed breadth of knowledge and perspective· Organizes the material into the three key thematic areas of Leadership-Science, Nature, and Nurture; the Major Schools of Leadership; and Leadership and Special Domains· Includes nine brand new chapters that provide students with the state-of-the-art of leadership theory and practice such as evolutionary and biological perspectives, individual differences, and shared leadership· Updates the content of seven retained chapters, with reference to recent research and developments in the field· Adds pedagogical features, including discussion questions, a list of practice-focused supplemental readings, and references to case studies
Prevalence surveys in Ireland indicate an increased trend of youth drug use with rural areas reporting comparable drug availability and prevalence of use in urban settings (Currie, C., Nic Gabhainn, S., Godeau, E., Roberts, C., Smith, R., & Currie, D. (Eds.). (2008). Inequalities in young people's health: HBSC international report from the 2005/2006 survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe). Few studies have explored the contexts and meaning of drug use on rural youth transitions in terms of increased drug prevalence, recent influx of rural drug activity, normative tolerance of recreational drug consumption and fragmentation of traditional rural communities. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 220 young people (15–17 years), and 78 service providers in a rural area of Ireland, in order to yield contextualized narratives of their experiences of drug use and achieve a wider exploration of processes, drug transitions and realities of rural youth. The thematic analysis of the research described varied pathways, attitudes and typologies of rural youth drug use, ranging from abstinent, recreational and moderated to maturing out. The research suggests support for a ‘differentiated’ normalization theory (Shildrick, T. (2002). Young people, illicit drug use and the question of normalisation theory. Journal of Youth Studies, 5, 35–48) in terms of consumerist and normative rural youth drug use transitions in their negotiation of risk within integrating rural and urban dichotomies. In conclusion, it is recommended that drug education programmes need to situate localized rural drug taking behaviours within a wider understanding of rural community life.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
BACKGROUND: Several studies suggest a high prevalence of cannabis use before and during imprisonment, but subjective perspectives of detainees and staff towards its use in prison are lacking. This issue was explored in the framework of an observational study addressing tobacco use in three Swiss prisons in 2009 and 2010 that involved multiple strands (quantitative and qualitative components). This article presents qualitative data on cannabis use collected in one of the settings. METHODS: We used in-depth semi-structured interviews with both detainees and staff to explore their attitudes towards cannabis in one post-trial male Swiss prison. We performed specific coding and thematic analysis for cannabis with the support of ATLAS.ti, compared detainees' and staff's opinions, and considered the results with regard to drug policy in prison in general. RESULTS: 58 participants (31 male offenders, mean age 35 years, and 27 prison staff, mean age 46 years, 33% female) were interviewed. Detainees estimated the current use of cannabis use to be as high as 80%, and staff 50%. Participants showed similar opinions on effects of cannabis use that were described both at individual and institutional levels: analgesic, calming, self-help to go through the prison experience, relieve stress, facilitate sleep, prevent violence, and social pacifier. They also mentioned negative consequences of cannabis use (sleepiness, decreased perception of danger and social isolation), and dissatisfaction regarding the ongoing ambiguous situation where cannabis is forbidden but detection in the urine was not sanctioned. However, the introduction of a more restrictive regulation induced fear of violence, increased trafficking and a shift to other drug use. CONCLUSION: Although illegal, cannabis use is clearly involved in daily life in prison. A clearer and comprehensive policy addressing cannabis is needed, including appropriate measures tailored to individual users. To sustain a calm and safe environment in prison, means other than substance or medication use are required.
Background: A form of education called Interprofessional Education (IPE) occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other. The purpose of IPE is to improve collaboration and the quality of care. Today, IPE is considered as a key educational approach for students in the health professions. IPE is highly effective when delivered in active patient care, such as in clinical placements. General internal medicine (GIM) is a core discipline where hospital-based clinical placements are mandatory for students in many health professions. However, few interprofessional (IP) clinical placements in GIM have been implemented. We designed such a placement. Placement design: The placement took place in the Department of Internal Medicine at the CHUV. It involved students from nursing, physiotherapy and medicine. The students were in their last year before graduation. Students formed teams consisting of one student from each profession. Each team worked in the same unit and had to take care of the same patient. The placement lasted three weeks. It included formal IP sessions, the most important being facilitated discussions or "briefings" (3x/w) during which the students discussed patient care and management. Four teams of students eventually took part in this project. Method: We performed a type of evaluation research called formative evaluation. This aimed at (1) understanding the educational experience and (2) assessing the impact of the placement on student learning. We collected quantitative data with pre-post clerkship questionnaires. We also collected qualitative data with two Focus Groups (FG) discussions at the end of the placement. The FG were audiotaped and transcribed. A thematic analysis was then performed. Results: We focused on the qualitative data, since the quantitative data lacked of statistical power due to the small numbers of students (N = 11). Five themes emerged from the FG analysis: (1) Learning of others' roles, (2) Learning collaborative competences, (3) Striking a balance between acquiring one's own professional competences and interprofessional competences, (4) Barriers to apply learnt IP competences in the future and (5) Advantages and disadvantages of IP briefings. Conclusions: Our IP clinical placement in GIM appeared to help students learn other professionals' roles and collaborative skills. Some challenges (e.g. finding the same patient for each team) were identified and will require adjustments.
In November 2008, Professor Sir Michael Marmot was asked to advise the Secretary of State for Health on the future development of a health inequalities strategy in England post-2010. The consultation relates to the first phase of the review and is based on submissions from nine task groups, who considered the evidence base across the social determinants of health. This document discusses issues raised during this first phase of the review and identifies key questions for respondents. The consultation document is set out in the following sections: Section 1 The Review Consultation: Aims and consultation questions Section 2 The Strategic Review of Health inequalities: The Background to the Review, the remit, structure, context and the social determinants approach to health inequalities. Section 3 Key Strategic Themes: A summary of a thematic analysis of proposals made by the Review task groups. Each task group was asked to assess national and international evidence about interventions and policies from within their policy area, which would likely lead to reductions in health inequalities. Section 4 Cross-Cutting Challenges for the Review: A summary of challenges currently under consideration by the Review.
Introduction: Consultations with patients suffering from chronic pain without objective findings represent a challenge fo r family doctors (FDs). A mutual lack of understanding may arise, which threatens the doctor-patient relationship and may lead to dissatisfaction of both patient and doctor and to a breakdown of the therapeutic alliance. Objectives: This study aims to investigate FDs' potential protective practices to preserve the doctor-patient relationship during this type of consultation. Method: In the first step of this qualitative research, I carried out a range of 10 se- mi-structured interviews with FDs to explore their reported practices and repre- sentations during consultations with people suffering from chronic pain without objective findings. The interviews' transcripts were integrally analysed with computer-assisted thematic content analysis (QSR NVivo ® ) to highlight the main themes related to the topic in the participants' talk. Results: At this point of the research, two types of FDs' protective practices can be identified: first the use of complementary sources of knowledge in addition to the medical model to provide explanations to patients, second the collaboration with multidisciplinary teams or support gr oups that allow them to share profes- sional expertise and emotional experiences. Conclusion: The findings could be useful to develop ways to improve the follow- up of patients suffering from chronic pain without objective findings and conse- quently the FDs' work satisfaction.