1000 resultados para DISSIPATIVE COLLISIONS


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We calculate and analyze Feshbach resonance spectra for ultracold Yb(1S0)+Yb(3P2) collisions as a function of an interatomic potential scaling factor λ and external magnetic field. We show that, at zero field, the resonances are distributed randomly in λ, but that signatures of quantum chaos emerge as a field is applied. The random zero-field distribution arises from superposition of structured spectra associated with individual total angular momenta. In addition, we show that the resonances with respect to magnetic field in the experimentally accessible range of 400 to 2000 G are chaotically distributed, with strong level repulsion that is characteristic of quantum chaos.


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Ab initio electron scattering calculations using the R -matrix approach have been performed for within a three-state valence configuration-interaction model (VCI). The lowest three electronic target states ( , and the ) of this molecular nitrogen cation are included in the close-coupling method, with each state being represented by a valence CI approximation. From a detailed analysis of the resonance structure found in our work for the symmetries we find four prominent Rydberg series of the type , , , and a interloper resonance. This interloper molecular resonance associated with the B state of is seen to cause distortions of the resulting resonance spectra. A comparison of our total cross sections for the X - B transition shows excellent agreement with the available experimental data.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as underlying infrastructures for new classes of large-scale networked embedded systems. However, WSNs system designers must fulfill the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements imposed by the applications (and users). Very harsh and dynamic physical environments and extremely limited energy/computing/memory/communication node resources are major obstacles for satisfying QoS metrics such as reliability, timeliness, and system lifetime. The limited communication range of WSN nodes, link asymmetry, and the characteristics of the physical environment lead to a major source of QoS degradation in WSNs-the ldquohidden node problem.rdquo In wireless contention-based medium access control (MAC) protocols, when two nodes that are not visible to each other transmit to a third node that is visible to the former, there will be a collision-called hidden-node or blind collision. This problem greatly impacts network throughput, energy-efficiency and message transfer delays, and the problem dramatically increases with the number of nodes. This paper proposes H-NAMe, a very simple yet extremely efficient hidden-node avoidance mechanism for WSNs. H-NAMe relies on a grouping strategy that splits each cluster of a WSN into disjoint groups of non-hidden nodes that scales to multiple clusters via a cluster grouping strategy that guarantees no interference between overlapping clusters. Importantly, H-NAMe is instantiated in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, which currently are the most widespread communication technologies for WSNs, with only minor add-ons and ensuring backward compatibility with their protocols standards. H-NAMe was implemented and exhaustively tested using an experimental test-bed based on ldquooff-the-shelfrdquo technology, showing that it increases network throughput and transmission success probability up to twice the values obtained without H-NAMe. H-NAMe effectiveness was also demonstrated in a target tracking application with mobile robots - over a WSN deployment.


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Les seize détecteurs MPX constituant le réseau ATLAS-MPX ont été placés à différentes positions dans le détecteur ATLAS et sa averne au CERN dans le but de mesurer en emps réel les champs de radiation produits ar des particules primaires (protons des faisceaux) et des particules secondaires (kaons, pions, g, protons) issues des collisions proton-proton. Des films de polyéthylène (PE) et de fluorure de lithium (6LiF) recouvrent les détecteurs afin d’augmenter leur sensibilité aux neutrons produits par les particules primaires et secondaires interagissant avec les matériaux présents dans l’environnement d’ATLAS. La reconnaissance des traces laissées par les particules dans un détecteur ATLAS-MPX se fait à partir des algorithmes du logiciel MAFalda (“Medipix Analysis Framework”) basé sur les librairies et le logiciel d’analyse de données ROOT. Une étude sur le taux d’identifications erronées et le chevauchement d’amas a été faite en reconstruisant les activités des sources 106Ru et 137Cs. L’efficacité de détection des neutrons rapides a été mesurée à l’aide des sources 252Cf et 241AmBe (neutrons d’énergie moyenne de 2.13 et 4.08 MeV respectivement). La moyenne des efficacités de détection mesurées pour les neutrons produits par les sources 252C f et 241AmBe a été calculée pour les convertisseurs 6LiF et PE et donnent (0.8580 ± 0.1490)% et (0.0254 ± 0.0031)% pour LiF et (0.0510 ± 0.0061)% et (0.0591 ± 0.0063)% pour PE à bas et à haut seuil d’énergie respectivement. Une simulation du calcul de l’efficacité de détection des neutrons dans le détecteur MPX a été réalisée avec le logiciel GEANT4. Des données MPX correspondant aux collisions proton-proton à 2.4 TeV et à 7 TeV dans le centre de masse ont été analysées. Les flux détectés d’électrons et de photons sont particulièrement élevés dans les détecteurs MPX01 et MPX14 car ils sont plus près du point de collision. Des flux de neutrons ont été estimés en utilisant les efficacités de détection mesurées. Une corrélation avec la luminosité du LHC a été établie et on prédit que pour les collisions à 14 TeV dans le centre de masse et avec une luminosité de 10^34 cm-1*s-1 il y aura environ 5.1x10^8 ± 1.5x10^7 et 1.6x10^9 ± 6.3x10^7 particules détectées par les détecteurs MPX01 et MPX14 respectivement.


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«Construire hors limite: collisions fantastiques entre corps et machines dans la littérature fin-de-siècle française et anglaise» explore un ensemble de textes qui ont surgi à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle en réponse et en réaction à la fulgurante évolution de l’environnement scientifique et technologique, et qui considèrent la relation entre l’homme et la machine en fantasmant sur la zone grise où ils s’intersectent. Les principaux textes étudiés comprennent L’Ève future de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Le Surmâle d’Alfred Jarry, Trilby de George Du Maurier, Le Château des Carpathes de Jules Verne, ainsi qu’une sélection de contes dont nous pouvons qualifier de «contes à appareils», notamment «La Machine à parler» de Marcel Schwob. Utilisant la théorie des systèmes comme base méthodologique, cette dissertation cherche à réinterpréter les textes de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle qui naviguent les limites de l’humain et du mécanique et les surfaces sensibles où ils se touchent et interagissent en les réinscrivant dans un projet plus vaste de construction d’identité qui défie le temps chronologique et les échelles mathématiques. Le lien entre la théorie des systèmes et l’architecture – comme méthode d’organisation d’espace blanc en espace habitable – est exploré dans le but de comprendre la manière dont nous façonnons et interprétons le néant à l’origine de l’identité individuelle, et par association collective, en pratiquant littéralement la schématisation et la construction du corps. Des auteurs tels Villiers et Jarry imaginent la construction du corps comme une entreprise scientifique nécessairement fondée et réalisée avec les matériaux et les technologies disponibles, pour ensuite démanteler cette proposition en condamnant le corps technologique à la destruction. La construction d’une identité amplifiée par la technologie prend donc des proportions prométhéennes perpétuellement redessinées dans des actes cycliques de rasage (destruction) et d’érection (édification), et reflétées dans l’écriture palimpsestique du texte. L’intégrité du corps organique étant mis en question, le noyau même de ce que signifie l’être (dans son sens de verbe infinitif) humain pourrait bien s’avérer, si l’on considère la correspondance entre perte de voix et état pathologique dans les textes de Du Maurier, Verne et Schwob, être une structure des plus précaires, distinctement hors sens (unsound).


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Context and objectives. While 11% of all drivers are aged between 16 and 24, they represent 20% of all fatally injured drivers on the road network of the Province of Quebec. In collaboration with the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), this study seeks to: (1) offer a detailed description of the process (script) leading to fatal collisions involving young drivers; and (2) to recommend prevention measures. Methodology. The script perspective was used to relate the process leading to a fatal collision. The script perspective accounts for all steps that lead to the collision by focusing on: (1) all parties (the driver, friends, parents) and their actions; (2) contexts; and (3) environments. Data were collected from collision and investigation files (n=179). Descriptive and comparative analyses were then conducted to construct the script(s). Results. Results show that fatal collision scripts for 16-29 are different from scripts involving drivers of other age categories (30-59 year-old and 60 year-old and over). The typical script involves a young driver using his car to take part in leisure or festive activities. The latest often occur in a private residence, a bar or a restaurant. On site, young drivers frequently consume psychoactive substances (between 21 and 63.5% of them according to the scene of the script) and are accompanied by friends (between 18.4 and 73.9% according to the scene of the script). Friends often encourage drivers to have alcohol and/or drugs, and to adopt reckless behaviours (speeding and drinking-and-driving are respectively involved in 29.9 and 28.6% of fatal collisions). Conclusion and implications for prevention. Results suggest that fatal collisions involving young drivers could be avoided by encouraging prevention measures aimed at: (1) separating drinking and driving; (2) limiting access to alcohol and peer pressure; (3) raising awareness among potential guardians (e.g. responsible waiters, friends); and (4) increasing arrest risk.


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It has become clear over the last few years that many deterministic dynamical systems described by simple but nonlinear equations with only a few variables can behave in an irregular or random fashion. This phenomenon, commonly called deterministic chaos, is essentially due to the fact that we cannot deal with infinitely precise numbers. In these systems trajectories emerging from nearby initial conditions diverge exponentially as time evolves)and therefore)any small error in the initial measurement spreads with time considerably, leading to unpredictable and chaotic behaviour The thesis work is mainly centered on the asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear and nonintegrable dissipative dynamical systems. It is found that completely deterministic nonlinear differential equations describing such systems can exhibit random or chaotic behaviour. Theoretical studies on this chaotic behaviour can enhance our understanding of various phenomena such as turbulence, nonlinear electronic circuits, erratic behaviour of heart and brain, fundamental molecular reactions involving DNA, meteorological phenomena, fluctuations in the cost of materials and so on. Chaos is studied mainly under two different approaches - the nature of the onset of chaos and the statistical description of the chaotic state.


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Within the independent particle model we solve the time-dependent single-particle equation using ab initio SCF-DIRAC-FOCK-SLATER wavefunctions as a basis. To reinstate the many-particle aspect of the collision system we use the inclusive probability formalism to answer experimental questions. As an example we show an application to the case of S{^15+} on Ar where experimental data on the K-K charge transfer are available for a wide range of impact energies from 4.7 to 90 MeV. Our molecular adiabatic calculations and the evaluation using the inclusive probability formalism show good results in the low energy range from 4.7 to 16 MeV impact energy.


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The modification of the two center screened electronic Coulomb potential due to relativistic kinematical effects is investigated in the Coulomb gauge. Both nuclear and electronic charges were approximated by Gaussian distributions. For ion velocities v/c =0.1 the effect may roughly be approximated by a 0.1% increase in the effective strength for the monopole term of the two center potential. Thus for ion kinetic energies not exceeding a few MeV/nucleon this relativistic contribution induces small effects on the binding energy of the 1 \omega-electrons except for super critical charges.


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Ab initio self-consistent DFS calculations are performed for five different symmetric atomic systems from Ar-Ar to Pb-Pb. The level structure for the {2p_\pi}-{2p_\sigma} crossing as function of the united atomic charge Z_u is studied and interpreted. Manybody effects, spin-orbit splitting, direct relativistic effects as well as indirect relativistic effects are differently important for different Z_u. For the I-I system a comparison with other calculations is given.