993 resultados para DIAGENESIS
Middle Miocene to Holocene fine-grained argillaceous sediments (clays, claystones/muds, and mudstones), which volumetrically dominated the sediment recovery in the Woodlark Basin during Leg 180, were chemically analyzed for major elements, trace elements, and some rare earth elements by X-ray fluorescence. Selected samples also underwent X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for mineral determination. The results shed light on sediment provenance when combined with shipboard sediment descriptions, smear slide study, and XRD. The oldest sediments recovered (Site 1108) of middle-late Miocene age include volcanogenic muds with distinctive high MgO and K2O, indicative of a relatively basic calc-alkaline source related to an inferred Miocene forearc succession. The forearc basement, composed of diabase and basalt, was locally exposed (Site 1109) and eroded in the late Miocene (<5.4-9.93 Ma), giving rise to fluvial conglomerates (Sites 1109, 1115, and 1118). Chemically distinctive fine-grained claystones and siltstones (with relatively high Ti, low K) are compatible with derivation from tropically weathered basic igneous rocks, correlated with the Paleogene Papuan ophiolite. Overlying latest Miocene-Pleistocene fine-grained sediments throughout the Woodlark Basin were partly derived from calc-alkaline volcanic sources. However, relatively high abundances of Al2O3 and related element oxides (K2O and Na2O) and trace elements (e.g., Rb and Y) reflect an additional terrigenous input throughout the basin, correlated with pelitic metamorphic rocks exposed on Papua New Guinea and adjacent areas. In addition, sporadic high abundances of Cr and Ni, some other trace metals, and related minerals (talc, crysotile, and chlorite) reflect input from an ophiolitic terrain dominated by ultramafic rocks, correlated with the Paleogene Papuan ophiolite. The source areas possibly included serpentinized ultramafic ophiolitic rocks exposed in the Papua New Guinea interior highlands. Chemical evidence further indicates that fine-grained terrigenous sediment reached the Woodlark Basin throughout its entire late Miocene-Holocene history. Distinctive high-K volcanogenic muds rich in tephra and volcanic ash layers that appear at <2.3 Ma (Sites 1109 and 1115) are indicative of high-K calc-alkaline volcanic centers, possibly located in the Dawson Strait, Moresby Strait, or Dobu Seamount area. Chemical diagenesis of fine-grained sediments within the Woodlark Basin is reflected in clay neomorphism and localized formation of minerals including dolomite, ankerite, and zeolite but has had little effect on the bulk chemical composition of most samples.
Iron speciation was determined in hemiplegic sediments from a high productivity area to investigate systematically the early diagenetic reactivity of Fe. A combination of various leaching agents (1 M HCI, dithionite buffered in citrate/acetic acid, HF/H2SO4, acetic Cr(II)) was applied to sediment and extracted more than 80% of total Fe. Subsequent Fe species determination defined specific mineral fractions that are available for Fe reduction and fractions formed as products of Fe diagenesis. To determine the Fe speciation of (sheet) silicates we explored an extraction procedure (HF/H2SO4) and verified the procedure by application to standard rocks. Variations of Fe speciation of (sheet) silicates reflect the possible formation of Fe-bearing silicates in near surface sediments. The same fraction indicates a change in the primary input at greater depth, which is supported by other parameters. The Fe(II)/ Fe(III) -ratio of total sediment determined by extractions was compared with Mössbauer-spectroscopy ] at room temperature and showed agreement within 10%. M6ssbauer-spectroscopy indicates the occurrence of siderite in the presence of free sulfide and pyrite, supporting the importance of microenvironments during mineral formation. The occurrence of other Fe(II) bearing minerals such as ankerite (Ca-, Fe-, Mg-carbonate) can be presumed but remains speculative.
Sedimentary d15N records are valuable archives of ocean history but they are often modified during early diagenesis. Here we quantify the effect of early diagenetic enrichment on sedimentary N-isotope composition in order to obtain the pristine signal of reactive N assimilated in the euphotic zone. This is possible by using paired data of d15N and amino acid composition of sediment samples, which can be applied to estimate the degree of organic matter degradation. We determined d15N and amino acid composition in coeval sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 772 B in the central Arabian Sea and from Hole 724 C situated on the Oman Margin in the western Arabian Sea coastal upwelling area. The records span the last 130 kyr and include two glacial-interglacial cycles. These new data are used in conjunction with data available for surface sediments that cover a wide range of organic matter degradation states, and with other cores from the northern and eastern Arabian Sea to explore spatial variations in the isotopic signal. In order to reconstruct pristine N values we apply the relationship between organic matter degradation and 15N enrichment in surface sediments to correct the core records for early diagenetic enrichment. Reconstructed d15N values suggest a significant role of N2-fixation during glacial stages. An evaluation of two preservation indices based on amino acid composition (Reactivity Index, RI; Jennerjahn and Ittekkot, 1997; and the Degradation Index, DI; Dauwe et al., 1999) in both recent sediments and core samples suggests that the RI is more suitable than the DI in correcting Arabian Sea d15N records for early diagenetic enrichment.
The first experimentally determined temperature dependent oxygen-18 fractionation factor between dolomite and water at low temperatures [Vasconcelos et al. 1995 doi:10.1130/G20992.1] allows now the precise calculation of temperatures during early diagenetic dolomite precipitation. We use d18O values of early diagenetic dolomite beds sampled during ODP Legs 112 and 201 on the Peru continental margin (Sites 1227, 1228 and 1229) [Meister et al. 2007, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00870.x] to calculate paleo-porewater temperatures at the time of dolomite precipitation. We assumed unaltered seawater d18O values in the porewater, which is supported by d18O values of the modern porewater presented in this study. The dolomite layers in the Pleistocene part of the sedimentary columns showed oxygen isotope temperatures up to 5 °C lower than today. Since Sites 1228 and 1229 are located at 150 and 250 m below sealevel, respectively, their paleo-porewater temperatures would be influenced by considerably colder surface water during glacial sealevel lowstands. Thus, Pleistocene dolomite layers in the Peru Continental margin probably formed during glacial times. This finding is consistent with a model for dolomite precipitation in the Peru Margin recently discussed by Meister et al. [Meister et al. 2007, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00870.x], where dolomite forms episodically at the sulphate methane interface. It was shown that the sulphate methane interface migrates upwards and downwards within the sedimentary column, but dolomite layers may only form when the sulphate-methane interface stays at a fixed depth for a sufficient amount of time. We hypothesize that the sulphate-methane interface persists within TOC-rich interglacial sediments, while this zone is buried by TOC-poor sedimentation during glacial times. Thus, the presented oxygen isotope data provide additional information on the timing of early diagenetic dolomite formation and a possible link between episodicity in dolomite formation and sealevel variations. A similar link between early diagenesis and oceanography may also explain spacing of dolomite layers in a Milankovitch type pattern observed in the geological record, such as in the Miocene Monterey Formation.
Early diagenesis in Leg 126 forearc and backarc sands/sandstones is characterized by the dissolution of intermediate to mafic brown glass, the alteration of colorless rhyolitic glass to clay minerals, precipitation of thin clay-mineral rim cements, and minor precipitation of clinoptilolite cements. Later, more intense diagenesis is restricted to Oligocene forearc basin sediments at Sites 787,792, and 793. In these sections, the effects of early diagenesis have been intensified and overprinted by later diagenetic effects including (1) large-scale dissolution of feldspar and pyroxene crystals, (2) further dissolution of vitric components, (3) precipitation of minor carbonate cements, and (4) pervasive, multiple-staged zeolite cementation. Zeolite minerals present include analcite, mordenite, natrolite, heulandite, wairakite, chabazite, erionite, herschelite, and phillipsite. The latest diagenetic events appear to be the minor dissolution of zeolite cements and the precipitation of minor carbonate and potassium feldspar(?) cements. Observed porosity types include primary interparticles; primary intraparticles in vesicular glass and foraminifers; primary interparticles reduced by compaction and cementation; secondary intraparticles produced by dissolution of feldspar, nonopaque heavy minerals, volcanic glass, and foraminifer tests; and secondary interparticles produced by the dissolution of zeolite cements. Within forearc Oligocene sections at Sites 787 and 792, diagenetic effects appear to decrease with depth in the Oligocene section; however, at Site 793 the majority of samples are intensely altered.
Oxygen and carbon isotopic variability of the dominant (<38 µm) carbonate fraction within bedded, organic-carbon rich Lower Cretaceous sediment intervals from various DSDP sites are closely correlated with preservational changes in the carbonates. Isotopic fluctuations are absent where carbonate contents vary little and where the carbonate fraction is dominated by biogenic phytoplankton remains. Within each of the studied intervals oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios become increasingly more negative in samples with carbonate contents higher than about 60% in which the proportion of diagenetic microcarbonate increases rapidly. Carbon isotopic ratios show a trend towards positive values in samples with carbonate contents of less than 40% and strong signs of dissolution. The taxonomic composition of nannofossil assemblages varies little within single intervals, despite significant differential diagenesis among individual beds; this points towards ecological stability of oceanic surface waters during the deposition of alternating beds. Bedding is, however, closely related to changing bioturbation intensity, indicating repeated fluctuations of the deep-water renewal rates and oxygen supply. Various microbial decomposition processes of organic matter leading to bed-specific differential carbonate diagenesis resulted in an amplification of primary bedding features and are considered responsible for most of the observed fluctuations in the stable isotopic ratios and carbonate contents.
Leg 101 of the Ocean Drilling Program drilled 19 holes at 11 sites to investigate the geology of the Straits of Florida and the northern Bahamas. Drilling at Site 626 indicated that the Gulf Stream has had significant flow through the Straits of Florida for at least the last 24 million years. Winnowed, foraminiferal grainstones and packstones with sparse nannofossil assemblages and the reworking of older nannofossils suggest strong bottom-current activity throughout this interval. Drilling north of Little Bahama Bank and in Exuma Sound documents the growth of platform slopes during the late Cenozoic. Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the upper Cenozoic sediments from the Little Bahama Bank and Exuma Sound slope transects indicates relatively continuous deposition, with only short breaks in the periplatform ooze and/or calciturbidite accumulation during the late Pliocene. These unconformities may be linked to sea-level lowstands. Nannofossil assemblages are generally poorly preserved owing to accelerated diagenesis caused by high aragonite and high magnesium calcite contents of bank-derived material. High rates of influx of bank-derived materials appear to coincide with highstands of sea level. Periplatform sediments are largely limited to the upper Cenozoic at Little Bahama Bank. Pelagic and/or hemipelagic conditions existed during the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene. A relatively complete, continuous section of Oligocene is present in the Little Bahama Bank area, although the rest of the Paleogene is thin. Paleogene material is also present in Northeast Providence Channel, although its thickness is uncertain. A thick upper Campanian chalk sequence with abundant, moderately to well-preserved nannofossils occurs in the Little Bahama Bank area. Hemipelagic nannofossil marls and marly chalks at Little Bahama Bank contain an excellent nannofossil record, which indicates a continuous lowermost to middle Cenomanian sequence overlying the upper Albian drowned platform. These hemipelagic sediments are significantly younger than the organic-rich, middle Albian limestones in Northeast Providence Channel. The latter indicate that a deep-water channel was already well established by the middle Albian.
Temporal changes in d15N values of sinking particles collected with sediment traps in the Benguela upwelling regime off southwest Africa mirrored variations in the input of inorganic nitrogen to the surface water. Reductions in d15N (to as low as 2.5 per mil) corresponded to low sea surface temperatures during austral spring and late austral autumn/early winter, indicating increased nitrate availability due to the presence of recently upwelled water. High particulate fluxes accompanied the low d15N values and sea surface temperatures, reflecting increased productivity, fueled by the upwelled nutrients. High d15N values (up to 13.1 per mil) coincided with high sea surface temperatures and low particle fluxes. In this area, the seaward extension of upwelling filaments, which usually occurs twice yearly, brings nutrient-rich water to the euphotic zone and leads to elevated productivity and relatively lower d15N values of the particulate nitrogen. Satellite images of ocean chlorophyll show that productivity variations coincide with d15N changes. The observed isotopic pattern does not appear to have been caused by variations in the species composition of the phytoplankton assemblage. Calculations based on d15N of the sinking particulate nitrogen show that the surface nitrate pool was more depleted during late austral summer/early fall and mid-winter and that supply exceeded demand during the intense spring bloom and in late austral fall. The main uncertainty associated with these estimates is the effect of diagenesis on d15N and possible variability in preservation of the isotope signal between periods of high and low particle flux.
Glycerol ether lipids have been detected in the bitumen of DSDP sediments from Sites 467, 440B and 380 and from the Green River Shale. The alkyl side groups of these ethers were determined by conversion into deuteroalkanes. The presence of glycerol ethers produced by methanogenic bacteria was indicated in the DSDP bitumens by the formation of monodeuterated phytane and dideuterated biphytane. Other ethers were found with novel non-isoprenoidal side groups which may belong to sulfate-reducing or other, probably anaerobic, bacteria. Kerogen-bound alkoxy groups were determined using hydrogen iodide cleavage of the ether link followed by conversion of the iodoalkanes into corresponding deuteroalkanes. For this reaction, the kerogen was not isolated from the rock matrix. The structures so produced were found to include alkyl groups which have known bacterial precursors as well as others that are presently unknown in organisms. The Green River ether biomarker profile is interpreted as possibly indicative of bacterial diagenesis exclusive of biomethanogenesis.
Whole-core (WC) measurements of low-field magnetic susceptibility (MS) provide an extremely simple, rapid, and nondestructive technique for high-resolution core logging and lithostratigraphic correlation between subsidiary holes at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites. This is particularly useful for reconstructing composite, stratigraphically continuous sequences for individual ODP sites by splicing the uninterrupted records obtained from subsections of offset cores recovered from adjacent holes. Correlation between the WCMS profiles of holes drilled at different sites is also possible in some instances, especially when lithologic variations at each site are controlled by regional paleoceanographic or global (i.e., orbitally forced) paleoclimatic changes. In such circumstances, WCMS may also be used as a proxy paleoclimatic indicator, duly assisting climatostratigraphic zonation of the recovered sequence by more conventional microfossil and isotopic techniques. High-resolution WCMS profiles are also useful in detecting intervals of the recovered sequence affected by drilling disturbance, in the form of contamination by pipe rust or similar metallic artifacts as well as discontinuities related to repenetration of the corer or loss of material between successively cored intervals. Stratigraphic intervals that have been affected by early (suboxic) diagenesis resulting from a high initial organic matter content of the sediment are also readily identified by WCMS logging. The MS signal of horizons affected by suboxic diagensis is typically degraded in proportion to the duration and intensity (related to initial Corg concentration) of organic matter remineralization. The lowering of MS values during suboxic diagenesis results from "dissolution" (bacterially mediated ionic dissociation) of magnetic iron and manganese oxides and oxyhydroxides in the sediment. It is to be hoped that, on future ODP (or similar) cruises, WCMS logging will cease to be regarded as a mere adjunct to paleomagnetic measurements, but rather as a simple, yet powerful, lithostratigraphic tool, directly analogous to downhole geophysical logging tools, and complimentary to shipboard techniques for whole-core measurements of physical properties (e.g., P-wave logging, GRAPE, etc.).
Eocene-Oligocene metalliferous sediments and associated lithologies from the central equatorial Pacific are described in detail. Geochemical analyses of 54 sediment and 2 basalt samples are presented for 34 elements. Detailed stratigraphic and statistical analyses of these data, combined with mineralogic studies, indicate the presence of volcanic glass and seven main mineral phases: biogenic calcite and opal, Fe smectite, goethite, dMnO2, carbonate fluorapatite, and barite. Fe smectite formed by reactions between Fe oxyhydroxides and biogenic opal, causing the dissolution of calcite and the precipitation of barite. Diagenesis was oxic. Sediments have rare earth element distributions similar to those in seawater. The metal content of the sediments is related to competition between the supply rates of hydrothermal and biogenic particles, but has been enhanced by early diagenetic processes. Eocene-Oligocene metalliferous sediments compare closely to those currently being deposited in the Bauer Basin and on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise. There is, however, no evidence that they were deposited in close proximity to an active hydrothermal system.
Near-surface sediments from the equatorial east Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea exhibit pronounced shear strength maxima in profiles from the peak Holocene and Pleistocene. These semi-indurated layers start to occur at 8-102 cm below the sediment surface and can be explained neither by the modal composition nor by the effective overburden pressure of the sediments. However, scanning electron microscope and microprobe data exhibit micritic crusts and crystal carpets, which are clearly restricted to (undisturbed) samples from indurated layers and form a manifest explanation for their origin. The minerals precipitated comprise calcite, aragonite, and in samples more proximal to the African continent SiO2 needles, and needles of as yet unidentified K-Mg-Fe-Al silicates, crusts of which dominate the indurated layers in the Norwegian Sea. By their stratigraphic position in deep-sea sediments the carbonate-based shear strength maxima are tentatively ascribed to dissolved adjacent pteropod layers from the early Holocene and hence to short-lived no-analogue events of early diagenesis. Possibly, they have been controlled by a reduced organic carbon flux, leading to increased aragonite preservation in the deep sea.
Exotic limestone masses with silicified fossils, enclosed within deep-water marine siliciclastic sediments of the Early to Middle Miocene Astoria Formation, are exposed along the north shore of the Columbia River in southwestern Washington, USA. Samples from four localities were studied to clarify the origin and diagenesis of these limestone deposits. The bioturbated and reworked limestones contain a faunal assemblage resembling that of modern and Cenozoic deep-water methane-seeps. Five phases make up the paragenetic sequence: (1) micrite and microspar; (2) fibrous, banded and botryoidal aragonite cement, partially replaced by silica or recrystallized to calcite; (3) yellow calcite; (4) quartz replacing carbonate phases and quartz cement; and (5) equant calcite spar and pseudospar. Layers of pyrite frequently separate different carbonate phases and generations, indicating periods of corrosion. Negative d13Ccarbonate values as low as -37.6 per mill V-PDB reveal an uptake of methane-derived carbon. In other cases, d13Ccarbonate values as high as 7.1 per mill point to a residual, 13C-enriched carbon pool affected by methanogenesis. Lipid biomarkers include 13C-depleted, archaeal 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethylicosane (PMI; d13C: -128 per mill), crocetane and phytane, as well as various iso- and anteiso-carbon chains, most likely derived from sulphate-reducing bacteria. The biomarker inventory proves that the majority of the carbonates formed as a consequence of sulphate-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane. Silicification of fossils and early diagenetic carbonate cements as well as the precipitation of quartz cement - also observed in other methane-seep limestones enclosed in sediments with abundant diatoms or radiolarians - is a consequence of a preceding increase of alkalinity due to anaerobic oxidation of methane, inducing the dissolution of silica skeletons. Once anaerobic oxidation of methane has ceased, the pH drops again and silica phases can precipitate.
Authigenic carbonates forming at an active methane-seep on the Makran accretionary prism mainly consist of aragonite in the form of microcrystalline, cryptocrystalline, and botryoidal phases. The d13Ccarbonate values are very negative (-49.0 to -44.0 per mill V-PDB), agreeing with microbial methane as dominant carbon source. The d18Ocarbonate values are exclusively positive (+ 3.0 to + 4.5 per mill V-PDB) and indicate precipitation in equilibrium with seawater at bottom water temperatures. The content of rare earth elements and yttrium (REE + Y) determined by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and solution ICP-MS varies for each aragonite variety, with early microcrystalline aragonite yielding the highest, cryptocrystalline aragonite intermediate, and later botryoidal aragonite the lowest REE + Y concentrations. Shale-normalised REE + Y patterns of different types of authigenic carbonate reflect distinct pore fluid compositions during precipitation: Microcrystalline aragonite shows high contents of middle rare earth elements (MREE), reflecting REE patterns ascribed to anoxic pore water. Cryptocrystalline aragonite exhibits a seawater-like REE + Y pattern at elevated total REE + Y concentrations, indicating higher concentrations of REEs in pore waters, which were influenced by seawater. Botryoidal aragonite is characterised by seawater-like REE + Y patterns at initial growth stages followed by an increase of light rare earth elements (LREE) with advancing crystal growth, reflecting changing pore fluid composition during precipitation of this cement. Conventional sample preparation involving micro-drilling of carbonate phases and subsequent solution ICP-MS does not allow to recognise such subtle changes in the REE + Y composition of individual carbonate phases. To be able to reconstruct the evolution of pore water composition during early diagenesis, an analytical approach is required that allows to track the changing elemental composition in a paragenetic sequence as well as in individual phases. High-resolution analysis of seep carbonates from the Makran accretionary prism by LA-ICP-MS reveals that pore fluid composition not only evolved in the course of the formation of different phases, but also changed during the precipitation of individual phases.