969 resultados para Cytotoxic T cells


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The specific mechanisms underlying the varied susceptibility of HIV-infected (HIV+) individuals to opportunistic infections (OI) are still incompletely understood. One hypothesis is that quantitative differences in specific T cell responses to a colonizing organism determine the development of an AIDS-defining OI. We evaluated this hypothesis for herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, a common OI in HIV+ patients. Using limiting dilution analyses, the frequency of HSV-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (pCTL) and proliferative precursors were quantitated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 20 patients coinfected with HIV and HSV-2. The frequency of HSV-specific CD8+ pCTL in HSV+HIV+ individuals was significantly lower than in HSV+HIV− individuals (1 in 77,000 vs. 1 in 6,000, P = .0005) and was not different than in HSV-HIV− individuals (1 in 100,000, P = .24). HIV+ patients who suffered more severe genital herpes recurrences had significantly lower HSV-specific CD8+ pCTL frequencies than those patients with mild recurrences (1 in 170,000 vs. 1 in 26,000, P = .03). In contrast, no significant difference was seen in proliferative precursor frequencies between those patients with mild vs. severe genital herpes (1 in 3,800 vs. 1 in 6,600, P > .5). Quantitative differences in pCTL frequency to HSV appear to be the most important host factor influencing the frequency and severity of HSV reactivation in HIV+ patients. Studies to reconstitute such immunity, especially in people with acyclovir-resistant HSV, appear warranted.


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Increasing evidence suggests that HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are a key host immune response to HIV-1 infection. Generation of CTL responses for prevention or therapy of HIV-1 infection has several intrinsic technical barriers such as antigen expression and presentation, the varying HLA restrictions between different individuals, and the potential for viral escape by sequence variation or surface molecule alteration on infected cells. A strategy to circumvent these limitations is the construction of a chimeric T cell receptor containing human CD4 or HIV-1-specific Ig sequences linked to the signaling domain of the T cell receptor ζ chain (universal T cell receptor). CD8+ CTLs transduced with this universal receptor can then bind and lyse infected cells that express surface HIV-1 gp120. We evaluated the ability of universal-receptor-bearing CD8+ cells from a seronegative donor to lyse acutely infected cells and inhibit HIV-1 replication in vitro. The kinetics of lysis and efficiency of inhibition were comparable to that of naturally occurring HIV-1-specific CTL clones isolated from infected individuals. Further study will be required to determine the utility of these cells as a therapeutic strategy in vivo.


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Cells with impaired transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) function express low levels of cell surface major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, and are generally resistant to lysis by MHC class I restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Here we report the generation of MHC class I restricted CD8+ CTLs that surprisingly require target cell TAP deficiency for efficient recognition. C57BL/6 (B6) mice immunized with syngenic B7–1 (CD80) expressing TAP-deficient cells generated a potent CTL response against both TAP-deficient RMA-S tumor cells and TAP-deficient Con A blasts, whereas the corresponding TAP-expressing target cells were considerably less susceptible or resistant to lysis. The CTL epitopes recognized were expressed also by the human TAP-deficient cell line T2, transfected with appropriate MHC class I molecules. B6 mice immunized with B7–1-transfected TAP-deficient RMA-S cells were protected from outgrowth of a subsequent RMA-S tumor challenge. These findings are discussed in relation to the biochemical nature of MHC class I dependent CTL epitopes associated with impaired TAP function, as well as implications for immunotherapy and autoimmunity.


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We conducted a Phase I clinical trial investigating the biologic activity of vaccination with irradiated autologous melanoma cells engineered to secrete human granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor in patients with metastatic melanoma. Immunization sites were intensely infiltrated with T lymphocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages, and eosinophils in all 21 evaluable patients. Although metastatic lesions resected before vaccination were minimally infiltrated with cells of the immune system in all patients, metastatic lesions resected after vaccination were densely infiltrated with T lymphocytes and plasma cells and showed extensive tumor destruction (at least 80%), fibrosis, and edema in 11 of 16 patients examined. Antimelanoma cytotoxic T cell and antibody responses were associated with tumor destruction. These results demonstrate that vaccination with irradiated autologous melanoma cells engineered to secrete granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulates potent antitumor immunity in humans with metastatic melanoma.


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Studies in melanoma patients have revealed that self proteins can function as targets for tumor-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). One group of self proteins MAGE, BAGE, and GAGE are normally only expressed in testis and placenta, whilst another group of CTL recognized proteins are melanocyte-specific differentiation antigens. In this study we have investigated whether CTL can be raised against a ubiquitously expressed self protein, mdm-2, which is frequently overexpressed in tumors. The observation that T-cell tolerance is self major histocompatibility complex-restricted was exploited to generate CTL specific for an mdm-2 derived peptide presented by nonself major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Thus, the allo-restricted T-cell repertoire of H-2d mice was used to isolate CTL specific for the mdm100 peptide presented by allogeneic H-2Kb class I molecules. In vitro, these CTL discriminated between transformed and normal cells, killing specifically Kb-positive melanoma and lymphoma tumors but not Kb-expressing dendritic cells. In vivo, the CTL showed antitumor activity and delayed the growth of melanoma as well as lymphoma tumors in H-2b recipient mice. These experiments show that it is possible to circumvent T-cell tolerance to ubiquitously expressed self antigens, and to target CTL responses against tumors expressing elevated levels of structurally unaltered proteins.


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Cancer vaccines used to generate specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes are not effective against tumor cells that have lost or suppressed expression of their class I major histocompatibility complex proteins. This loss is common in some cancers and particularly in metastatic lesions. We show that β2-microglobulin-deficient class I-negative melanoma variants derived from patients undergoing specific T cell therapy are lysed by heterologous as well as autologous natural killer (NK) lines and clones, but not by specific T cells. Moreover, the minor NK cell fraction but not the major T cell fraction derived from heterologous lymphokine activated killer cells kills those tumor cell lines. ICAM-1 expression by the different class I protein deficient tumors was correlated with their sensitivity to lysis by NK cells. Adoptive autologous NK therapy may be an important supplement to consider in the design of new cancer immunotherapies.


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Protein kinase A type I plays a key role in neoplastic transformation, conveying mitogenic signals of different growth factors and oncogenes. Inhibition of protein kinase A type I by antisense oligonucleotides targeting its RIα regulatory subunit results in cancer cell growth inhibition in vitro and in vivo. A novel mixed backbone oligonucleotide HYB 190 and its mismatched control HYB 239 were tested on soft agar growth of several human cancer cell types. HYB 190 demonstrated a dose-dependent inhibition of colony formation in all cell lines whereas the HYB 239 at the same doses caused a modest or no growth inhibition. A noninhibitory dose of each mixed backbone oligonucleotide was used in OVCAR-3 ovarian and GEO colon cancer cells to study whether any cooperative effect may occur between the antisense and a series of cytotoxic drugs acting by different mechanisms. Treatment with HYB 190 resulted in an additive growth inhibitory effect with several cytotoxic drugs when measured by soft agar colony formation. A synergistic growth inhibition, which correlated with increased apoptosis, was observed when HYB 190 was added to cancer cells treated with taxanes, platinum-based compounds, and topoisomerase II selective drugs. This synergistic effect was also observed in breast cancer cells and was obtained with other related drugs such as docetaxel and carboplatin. Combination of HYB 190 and paclitaxel resulted in an accumulation of cells in late S-G2 phases of cell cycle and marked induction of apoptosis. A cooperative effect of HYB 190 and paclitaxel was also obtained in vivo in nude mice bearing human GEO colon cancer xenografts. These results are the first report of a cooperative growth inhibitory effect obtained in a variety of human cancer cell lines by antisense mixed backbone oligonucleotide targeting protein kinase A type I-mediated mitogenic signals and specific cytotoxic drugs.


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Vaccines harboring genes that encode functional oncoproteins are intrinsically hazardous, as their application may lead to introduction of these genes into normal cells and thereby to tumorigenesis. On the other hand, oncoproteins are especially attractive targets for immunotherapy of cancer, as their expression is generally required for tumor growth, making the arisal of tumor variants lacking these antigens unlikely. Using murine tumor models, we investigated the efficacy of polyepitope recombinant adenovirus (rAd) vaccines, which encode only the immunogenic T cell epitopes derived from several oncogenes, for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity. We chose to employ rAd, as these are safe vectors that do not induce the side effects associated with, for example, vaccinia virus vaccines. A single polyepitope rAd was shown to give rise to presentation of both H-2 and human leukocyte antigen-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. Moreover, vaccination with a rAd encoding H-2-restricted CTL epitopes, derived from human adenovirus type 5 early region 1 and human papilloma virus type 16-induced tumors, elicited strong tumor-reactive CTL and protected the vaccinated animals against an otherwise lethal challenge with either of these tumors. The protection induced was superior compared with that obtained by vaccination with irradiated tumor cells. Thus, vaccination with polyepitope rAd is a powerful approach for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity that allows simultaneous immunization against multiple tumor-associated T cell epitopes, restricted by various major histocompatibility complex haplotypes.


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Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) cells often harbor one of two unique chromosomal translocations, either t(2;13)(q35;q14) or t(1;13)(p36;q14). The chimeric proteins expressed from these rearrangements, PAX3-FKHR and PAX7-FKHR, respectively, are potent transcriptional activators. In an effort to exploit these unique cancer-specific molecules to achieve ARMS-specific expression of therapeutic genes, we have studied the expression of a minimal promoter linked to six copies of a PAX3 DNA binding site, prs-9. In transient transfections, expression of the prs-9-regulated reporter genes was ≈250-fold higher than expression of genes lacking the prs-9 sequences in cell lines derived from ARMS, but remained at or below baseline levels in other cells. High expression of these prs-9-regulated genes was also observed in a cancer cell line that lacks t(2;13) but was stably transfected with a plasmid expressing PAX3-FKHR. Transfection of a plasmid containing the diphtheria toxin A chain gene regulated by prs-9 sequences (pA3–6PED) was selectively cytotoxic for PAX3-FKHR-expressing cells. This was shown by inhibition of gene expression from cotransfected plasmids and by direct cytotoxicity after transfected cells were isolated by cell sorting. Gene transfer of pA3–6PED may thus be useful as a cancer-specific treatment strategy for t(2;13)- or t(1;13)-positive ARMS. Furthermore, gene transfer of fusion protein-regulated toxin genes might also be applied to the treatment of other cancers that harbor cancer-specific chromosomal translocations involving transcription factors.


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Endothelial barrier function is regulated at the cellular level by cytoskeletal-dependent anchoring and retracting forces. In the present study we have examined the signal transduction pathways underlying agonist-stimulated reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Receptor activation by thrombin, or the thrombin receptor (proteinase-activated receptor 1) agonist peptide, leads to an early increase in stress fiber formation followed by cortical actin accumulation and cell rounding. Selective inhibition of thrombin-stimulated signaling systems, including Gi/o (pertussis toxin sensitive), p42/p44, and p38 MAP kinase cascades, Src family kinases, PI-3 kinase, or S6 kinase pathways had no effect on the thrombin response. In contrast, staurosporine and KT5926, an inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase, effectively blocked thrombin-induced cell rounding and retraction. The contribution of Rho to these effects was analyzed by using bacterial toxins that either activate or inhibit the GTPase. Escherichia coli cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, an activator of Rho, induced the appearance of dense actin cables across cells without perturbing monolayer integrity. Accordingly, lysophosphatidic acid, an activator of Rho-dependent stress fiber formation in fibroblasts, led to reorganization of polymerized actin into stress fibers but failed to induce cell rounding. Inhibition of Rho with Clostridium botulinum exoenzyme C3 fused to the B fragment of diphtheria toxin caused loss of stress fibers with only partial attenuation of thrombin-induced cell rounding. The implication of Rac and Cdc42 was analyzed in transient transfection experiments using either constitutively active (V12) or dominant-interfering (N17) mutants. Expression of RacV12 mimicked the effect of thrombin on cell rounding, and RacN17 blocked the response to thrombin, whereas Cdc42 mutants were without effect. These observations suggest that Rho is involved in the maintenance of endothelial barrier function and Rac participates in cytoskeletal remodeling by thrombin in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.


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β2-Microglobulin-deficient (β2m−) mice generate a CD4+ major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response following infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus (LCMV). We have determined the cytotoxic mechanism used by these CD4+ CTLs and have examined the role of this cytotoxic activity in pathogenesis of LCM disease in β2m− mice. Lysis of LCMV-infected target cells by CTLs from β2m− mice is inhibited by addition of soluble Fas-Ig fusion proteins or by pretreatment of the CTLs with the protein synthesis inhibitor emetine. In addition, LCMV-infected cell lines that are resistant to anti-Fas-induced apoptosis are refractory to lysis by these virus-specific CD4+ CTLs. These data indicate that LCMV-specific CD4+ CTLs from β2m− mice use a Fas-dependent lytic mechanism. Intracranial (i.c.) infection of β2m− mice with LCMV results in loss of body weight. Fas-deficient β2m−.lpr mice develop a similar wasting disease following i.c. infection. This suggests that Fas-dependent cytotoxicity is not required for LCMV-induced weight loss. A potential mediator of this chronic wasting disease is tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, which is produced by LCMV-specific CD4+ CTLs. In contrast to LCMV-induced weight loss, lethal LCM disease in β2m− mice is dependent on Fas-mediated cytotoxicity. Transfer of immune splenocytes from LCMV-infected β2m− mice into irradiated infected β2m− mice results in death of recipient animals. In contrast, transfer of these splenocytes into irradiated infected β2m−.lpr mice does not cause death. Thus a role for CD4+ T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity in virus-induced immunopathology has now been demonstrated.


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To understand the role of the immune system in limiting HIV type 1 replication, it is critical to know to what extent the rapid turnover of productively infected cells is caused by viral cytopathicity or by immune-mediated lysis. We show that uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells of many patients contain cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that lyse target cells—at plausible peripheral blood mononuclear cell-to-target ratios—with half-lives of less than 1 day. In 23 patients with CD4 counts ranging from 10 to 900 per μl, the average rate of CTL-mediated lysis corresponds to a target cell half-life of 0.7 day. We develop mathematical models to calculate the turnover rate of infected cells subjected to immune-mediated lysis and viral cytopathicity and to estimate the fraction of cells that are killed by CTL as opposed to virus. The models provide new interpretations of drug treatment dynamics and explain why the observed rate of virus decline is roughly constant for different patients. We conclude that in HIV type 1 infection, CTL-mediated lysis can reduce virus load by limiting virus production, with small effects on the half-life of infected cells.


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Double transgenic mice [rat insulin promoter (RIP)-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and RIP-CD80] whose pancreatic β cells release TNF and bear CD80 all develop an acute early (6 wk) and lethal diabetes mediated by CD8 T cells. The first ultrastructural changes observed in β cells, so far unreported, are focal lesions of endoplasmic reticulum swelling at the points of contact with islet-infiltrating lymphoblasts, followed by cytoplasmic, but not nuclear, apoptosis. Such double transgenic mice were made defective in either the perforin, Fas, or TNF pathways. Remarkably, diabetes was found to be totally independent of perforin and Fas. Mice lacking TNF receptor (TNFR) II had no or late diabetes, but only a minority had severe insulitis. Mice lacking the TNF-lymphotoxin (LTα) locus (whose sole source of TNF are the β cells) all had insulitis comparable to that of nondefective mice, but no diabetes or a retarded and milder form, with lesions suggesting different mechanisms of injury. Because both TNFR II and TNF-LTα mutations have complex effects on the immune system, these data do not formally incriminate membrane TNF as the major T cell mediator of this acute autoimmune diabetes; nevertheless, in the absence of involvement of the perforin or Fas cytotoxic pathways, membrane TNF appears to be the likeliest candidate.


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DNA vaccines express antigens intracellularly and effectively induce cellular immune responses. Because only chimpanzees can be used to model human hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, we developed a small-animal model using HLA-A2.1-transgenic mice to test induction of HLA-A2.1-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and protection against recombinant vaccinia expressing HCV-core. A plasmid encoding the HCV-core antigen induced CD8+ CTLs specific for three conserved endogenously expressed core peptides presented by human HLA-A2.1. When challenged, DNA-immunized mice showed a substantial (5–12 log10) reduction in vaccinia virus titer compared with mock-immunized controls. This protection, lasting at least 14 mo, was shown to be mediated by CD8+ cells. Thus, a DNA vaccine expressing HCV-core is a potential candidate for a prophylactic vaccine for HLA-A2.1+ humans.


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The human Melan-A/MART-1 gene encodes an HLA-A2-restricted peptide epitope recognized by melanoma-reactive CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here we report that this gene also encodes at least one HLA-DR4-presented peptide recognized by CD4+ T cells. The Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide was able to induce the in vitro expansion of specific CD4+ T cells derived from normal DR4+ donors or from DR4+ patients with melanoma when pulsed onto autologous dendritic cells. CD4+ responder T cells specifically produced IFN-γ in response to, and also lysed, T2.DR4 cells pulsed with the Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide and DR4+ melanoma target cells naturally expressing the Melan-A/MART-1 gene product. Interestingly, CD4+ T cell immunoreactivity against the Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide typically coexisted with a high frequency of anti-Melan-A/MART-127–35 reactive CD8+ T cells in freshly isolated blood harvested from HLA-A2+/DR4+ patients with melanoma. Taken together, these data support the use of this Melan-A/MART-1 DR4-restricted melanoma epitope in future immunotherapeutic trials designed to generate, augment, and quantitate specific CD4+ T cell responses against melanoma in vivo.