984 resultados para Curve of accumulation
The quantitative analysis of receptor-mediated effect is based on experimental concentration-response data in which the independent variable, the concentration of a receptor ligand, is linked with a dependent variable, the biological response. The steps between the drug–receptor interaction and the subsequent biological effect are to some extent unknown. The shape of the fitting curve of the experimental data may give some in-sights into the nature of the concentration–receptor–response (C-R-R) mechanism. It can be evaluated by non-linear regression analysis of the experimental data points of the independent and dependent variables, which could be considered as a history of the interaction between the drug and receptors. However, this information is not enough to evaluate such important parameters of the mechanism as the dissociation constant (affinity) and efficacy. There are two ways to provide more detailed information about the C-R-R mechanism: (i) an experimental way for obtaining data with new or
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60G55; secondary 60G25.
The relationship between sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome (SAHS) severity and the regularity of nocturnal oxygen saturation (SaO2) recordings was analysed. Three different methods were proposed to quantify regularity: approximate entropy (AEn), sample entropy (SEn) and kernel entropy (KEn). A total of 240 subjects suspected of suffering from SAHS took part in the study. They were randomly divided into a training set (96 subjects) and a test set (144 subjects) for the adjustment and assessment of the proposed methods, respectively. According to the measurements provided by AEn, SEn and KEn, higher irregularity of oximetry signals is associated with SAHS-positive patients. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and Pearson correlation analyses showed that KEn was the most reliable predictor of SAHS. It provided an area under the ROC curve of 0.91 in two-class classification of subjects as SAHS-negative or SAHS-positive. Moreover, KEn measurements from oximetry data exhibited a linear dependence on the apnoea–hypopnoea index, as shown by a correlation coefficient of 0.87. Therefore, these measurements could be used for the development of simplified diagnostic techniques in order to reduce the demand for polysomnographies. Furthermore, KEn represents a convincing alternative to AEn and SEn for the diagnostic analysis of noisy biomedical signals.
This paper provides a discussion on future direct current (DC) network development in terms of system protection under DC-side fault scenarios. The argument between appropriate DC circuit breaker and new DC fault-tolerant converters is discussed after a review on DC technology development and bottleneck issues that require proper solutions. The overcurrent/cost curve of power-electronic DC circuit breakers (CB) superimposed to voltage-source converter (VSC) systems is derived and compared with other possible fault-tolerant power conversion options. This in-advance planning of protection capability is essential for the future development of DC networks.
Examined area can be found at Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary). 5 sample areas were examined in Badacsonytördemic: 1: 32 hectare under-grazed pasture, 2: 38 hectare overgrazed pasture, 3: 34 hectare hayfield, 4: trampled area, 5: beaten track. Livestock population was 118 in the monitored pastures. Sampling was executed along five 52m long circular transects, within 5cm × 5cm interlocking quadrates. Based on the data we can state that the curve of the drinking area was the highest of speciesarea examinations however weed appeared because of degradation which provided more species. According to species-area examinations overgrazed areas were richer in species then other examined areas. Based on diversity data drinking area considered degraded, while meadow and overgrazed areas was considered as proper state. Diversity of meadow was larger, but dominance of economically useful species was smaller. The amount of less valuable species – Carex hirta – increased.
A variety of world-class mineral deposits occur in Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks of the Guerrero terrane. New Pb isotope analyses of various crustal units and ores from distinct subterranes of the Guerrero terrane are presented to trace metal sources in these deposits and infer source reservoirs. New Sr and Nd isotope results are provided to gain insight into the provenance of the crustal rocks from the Guerrero terrane. Triassic schist samples from the Arteaga Complex and Triassic-Jurassic phyllite and slate samples from the Tejupilco metamorphic suite contain radiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb = 18.701–19.256) relative to bulk earth models. Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Zihuatanejo Sequence are more radiogenic (206Pb/204Pb = 18.763–19.437) than samples from the Huetamo Sequence (206Pb/204Pb = 18.630–18.998). Tertiary intrusive rocks from La Verde, Inguaran, La Esmeralda, and El Malacate plot to the right of the average Pb crust evolution curve of Stacey and Kramers (206Pb/204Pb = 18.705–19.033). Ores from the La Verde and La Esmeralda porphyry copper deposits yield isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.678–18.723) that are generally less radiogenic than the host igneous rocks, but plot within the field defined by the sedimentary rocks from the Huetamo Sequence. Tertiary intrusive rocks from the Zimapan and La Negra districts in the Sierra Madre terrane plot above and to the right of the Stacey-Kramers reference line (206Pb/204Pb = 18.804–18.972). Lead isotope ratios of ore minerals from the Zimapan and La Negra skarn mines ( 206Pb/204Pb = 18.775–18.975) resemble those of the associated igneous rocks, implying a magmatic Pb input in the skarn deposits. New Sr and Nd isotope data on metamorphic rocks (87Sr/ 86Sr = 0.707757–0.726494 and 143Nd/144 Nd = 0.512109–0.512653) suggest that the basement of the Guerrero terrane originated from sources that had been derived from an old cratonic area. The narrow ranges and generally low 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.704860–0.705755) and 143Nd/144Nd values (0.512765–0.512772) above that of bulk earth for igneous rocks from Inguaran, El Malacate, and La Esmeralda suggest a relatively low degree of crustal contamination. However, the isotopic values for the La Verde site (87Sr/86Sr = 0.708784 and 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512640) may indicate the involvement of a more evolved crustal component.
A stable isotope (13C)-labeling experiment was performed to quantify the importance of bacterial carbon as a food source for an Arctic deep-sea nematode community. Bacterial functional groups were isotopically enriched with 13C-glucose, 13C-acetate, 13C- bicarbonate, and 13C-amino acids injected into sediments collected from 1280 m depth at 79uN, 6uE, west of Svalbard. Incorporation of the 13C label into bacterial phospholipid-derived fatty acids (PLFAs) and nematodes in the top 5 cm of the sediment was monitored over a 7-d period. The 13C dynamics of nematodes was fitted with a simple isotope turnover model to derive the importance of the different bacterial functional groups as carbon sources for the nematodes. The different substrates clearly labeled different bacterial groups as evidenced by differential labeling of the PLFA patterns. The deep-sea nematode community incorporated a very limited amount of the label, and the isotope turnover model showed that the dynamics of the isotope transfer could not be attributed to bacterivory. The low enrichment of nematodes suggests a limited passive uptake of injected 13C-labeled substrates. The lack of accumulation suggests that the injected 13C-labeled dissolved organic carbon compounds are not important as carbon sources for deep-sea nematodes. Since earlier studies with isotopically enriched algae also found limited uptake by nematodes, the food sources of deep-sea nematodes remain unclear.
Rates of sedimentation of pelagic sediments in the South Atlantic have been determined using the ionium/thorium methodology. Values of the order of several millimeters per thousand years for sediments were found in the deposits in the valleys of the mid-Atlantic ridge. The equatorial deposits showed higher rates of accumulation than the corresponding deposits at higher latitudes, probably reflecting the added influx of materials to the sea floor from tropical rivers through the equatorial current systems. The deposits in the ridge valleys showed marked changes in sedimentation rates at about 115,000 years ago, at which time the present rates changed from higher to lower values. The ridge sediments were composed primarily of continentally derived materials, and there were no indications of solid phases being derived from the weathering of the ridge itself or from volcanic activity. The equatorial samples have mineral assemblages which are distinctly different from those in deposits at higher latitudes and which probably are indicative of contributions of materials from tropical weathering processes.
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 207, on the Demerara Rise in the western tropical North Atlantic, recovered multiple Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sections containing an ejecta layer. Sedimentological, geochemical, and paleontological changes across the boundary closely match patterns expected for a mass extinction caused by a single impact. A normally graded, ~2-cm-thick bed of spherules that is interpreted as a primary air-fall deposit of impact ejecta occurs between sediments of the highest Cretaceous Plummerita hantkeninoides foraminiferal zone and the lowest Paleogene P0 foraminiferal zone. There are no other spherule layers in the section. In addition to extinction of Cretaceous taxa, foraminiferal abundance drops from abundant to rare across the boundary. Ir concentrations reach a maximum of ~1.5 ppb at the top of the spherule bed, and the Ir anomaly is associated with enrichment in other siderophile elements. We attribute the unusually well-preserved and relatively simple stratigraphy to the fact that Demerara Rise was close enough (~4500 km) to the Chicxulub impact site to receive ~2 cm of ejecta, yet was far enough away (and perhaps sheltered by the curve of northern South America) to have been relatively unaffected by impact-induced waves.
Knowledge-based radiation treatment is an emerging concept in radiotherapy. It
mainly refers to the technique that can guide or automate treatment planning in
clinic by learning from prior knowledge. Dierent models are developed to realize
it, one of which is proposed by Yuan et al. at Duke for lung IMRT planning. This
model can automatically determine both beam conguration and optimization ob-
jectives with non-coplanar beams based on patient-specic anatomical information.
Although plans automatically generated by this model demonstrate equivalent or
better dosimetric quality compared to clinical approved plans, its validity and gener-
ality are limited due to the empirical assignment to a coecient called angle spread
constraint dened in the beam eciency index used for beam ranking. To eliminate
these limitations, a systematic study on this coecient is needed to acquire evidences
for its optimal value.
To achieve this purpose, eleven lung cancer patients with complex tumor shape
with non-coplanar beams adopted in clinical approved plans were retrospectively
studied in the frame of the automatic lung IMRT treatment algorithm. The primary
and boost plans used in three patients were treated as dierent cases due to the
dierent target size and shape. A total of 14 lung cases, thus, were re-planned using
the knowledge-based automatic lung IMRT planning algorithm by varying angle
spread constraint from 0 to 1 with increment of 0.2. A modied beam angle eciency
index used for navigate the beam selection was adopted. Great eorts were made to assure the quality of plans associated to every angle spread constraint as good
as possible. Important dosimetric parameters for PTV and OARs, quantitatively
ecting the plan quality, were extracted from the DVHs and analyzed as a function
of angle spread constraint for each case. Comparisons of these parameters between
clinical plans and model-based plans were evaluated by two-sampled Students t-tests,
and regression analysis on a composite index built on the percentage errors between
dosimetric parameters in the model-based plans and those in the clinical plans as a
function of angle spread constraint was performed.
Results show that model-based plans generally have equivalent or better quality
than clinical approved plans, qualitatively and quantitatively. All dosimetric param-
eters except those for lungs in the automatically generated plans are statistically
better or comparable to those in the clinical plans. On average, more than 15% re-
duction on conformity index and homogeneity index for PTV and V40, V60 for heart
while an 8% and 3% increase on V5, V20 for lungs, respectively, are observed. The
intra-plan comparison among model-based plans demonstrates that plan quality does
not change much with angle spread constraint larger than 0.4. Further examination
on the variation curve of the composite index as a function of angle spread constraint
shows that 0.6 is the optimal value that can result in statistically the best achievable
In order to examine the spatial distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) in recent sediments related to environmental conditions in the water column, thirty-two surface sediment samples from the NW African upwelling region (20-32°N) were investigated. Relative abundances of the dinocyst species show distinct regional differences allowing the separation of four hydrographic regimes. (1) In the area off Cape Ghir, which is characterized by most seasonal upwelling and river discharge, Lingulodinium machaerophorum strongly dominates the associations which are additionally characterized by cysts of Gymnodinium nolleri, cysts of Polykrikos kofoidii and cysts of Polykrikos schwartzii. (2) Off Cape Yubi, a region with increasing perennial upwelling, L. machaerophorum, Brigantedinium spp., species of the genus Impagidinium and cysts of Protoperidinium stellatum occur in highest relative abundances. (3) In coastal samples between Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi, Gymnodinium catenatum, species of the genus Impagidinium, Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Operculodinium centrocarpum, cysts of P. stellatum and Selenopemphix nephroides determine the species composition. (4) Off Cape Blanc, where upwelling prevails perennially, and at offshore sites, heterotrophic dinocyst species show highest relative abundances. A Redundancy Analysis reveals fluvial mud, sea surface temperature and the depth of the mixed layer in boreal spring (spring) as the most important parameters relating to the dinocyst species association. Dinocyst accumulation rates were calculated for a subset of samples using well-constrained sedimentation rates. Highest accumulation rates with up to almost 80.000 cysts cm**-2 ky**-1 were found off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi reflecting their eutrophic upwelling filaments. A Redundancy Analysis gives evidence that primary productivity and the input of fluvial mud are mostly related to the dinocyst association. By means of accumulation rate data, quantitative cyst production of individual species can be considered independently from the rest of the association, allowing autecological interpretations. We show that a combined interpretation of relative abundances and accumulation rates of dinocysts can lead to a better understanding of the productivity conditions off NW Africa.