873 resultados para Culture, suicide, and the human condition


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Vad händer i tidvattenzonen? Var gÃ¥r gränsen mellan land och hav, vad händer i tidvattenzonen och vem ansvarar fÃr detta? I västra Indiska oceanen (VIO) kan avstÃ¥ndet mellan den lägsta nivÃ¥n fÃr lÃ¥gvattnet och den hÃgsta nivÃ¥n fÃr hÃgvattnet vara flera kilometer och nivÃ¥skillnaderna upp till 6 meter och detta skapar ett stort och fÃränderligt omrÃ¥de. Syftet med min avhandling är att Ãka fÃrstÃ¥elsen fÃr tidvattenzonen i tropiska och subtropiska västra Indiska oceanen. Sammanfattningsvis visar mina studier att det finns ett mycket stort värde i den komplexa tidvattenzonen, men ocksÃ¥ att det här omrÃ¥det hotas frÃ¥n bÃ¥de land och hav, genom t.ex. Ãverexploatering, erosion och fÃroreningar. Uttnyttjandet av tidvattenzonen är stort och min avhandling har visat att aktiviteter sÃ¥som fiske i form av plocking av musslor och andra ryggradslÃsa djur och hamnaktiviteter pÃ¥verkar den biologiska mÃ¥ngfalden negativt, vilket leder till fÃrsämrad levnadsstandard fÃr resursutnyttjande människor i regionen. FÃr att fÃrbättra situationen krävs det mer forskning, miljÃÃvervakning och bättre fÃrvaltning av tidvattenzonen. Experter i regionen har rangordnat fÃrslag pÃ¥ fÃrvaltningsstrategier som skulle kunna testas fÃr att fÃrbättra miljÃn och skapa ett mer hÃ¥llbart nyttjande. Avhandlingen visar även att det är mÃjligt att använda fjärranalysteknik sÃ¥som satellitbildsanalys fÃr att kvantifiera mängden sjÃgräsvegetation (i form av biomassa), vilket kan ha stor betydelse fÃr att fÃrbättra storskalig miljÃÃvervakning av kustnära naturtyper (habitat). I avhandlingsarbetet har jag använt mig av ett multidisciplinärt tillvägagÃ¥ngssätt och använt metoder sÃ¥som ekologisk och biologisk provtagning, intervjuer, observationer, diskussionsgrupper, frÃ¥geformulär och fjärranalys. Resultaten presenterade i denna avhandling ger en Ãkad kunskap om tidvattenzonen i utvecklingsländerna inom VIO-regionen som kan användas fÃr att initiera och fortsätta att utveckla hÃ¥llbara fÃrvaltningsstrategier av biologiska resurser.


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Since the 1990âs, the Internet has played a central role in our daily lives. The Internet is an integral part of our personal, business, family, research, entertainment, academic and social life. However, there are social implications in using the Internet that are dependent on categories such as gender, age, ethnicity and cultural attributes. This social aspect can play a detrimental role in the expression of human anxiety on the Internet. An anxiety is a complex phenomenon that requires further elaboration. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to investigate human anxiety, or specifically, whether Internet anxiety can be conceptualized and measured. This thesis utilizes literature, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and a triangulation validation approach to conceptualize and measure the Internet anxiety phenomenon. In particular, the aim is to explore anxiety levels of Internet participants to develop and validate an Internet anxiety scale based on earlier research on Internet anxiety. The results of the dissertation present a two phase study. In Phase I, a smaller set of studies were conducted with a limited sample size. In Phase II, the research topic was investigated using 385 participants. Based on a number of studies or experiments, the state-of-the-art discovered in this thesis is creation, design, and validation of two scales, the Self-Assessment Scale (SAS) and a Modified Internet Anxiety Scale (MIAS) for measuring usersâ anxieties on the Internet. The result of this dissertation is a conceptualization and measurement of various types of Internet anxiety and measurement of affective feelings of users on the Internet. As a proof-of-concept of measuring Internet anxiety, this thesis describes the authorâs implementation of three sets of tools: MyAnxiety, introducing Internet anxieties types; Intelligentia, for collecting Internet anxieties types; and MyIAControl tool, implemented as a browser plug-in, for measuring affective feelings of users on the Internet. Conclusions drawn from the results show that these empirically validated scales and tools might be useful for researchers and practitioners in understanding and measuring the Internet anxiety phenomenon further.


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Reading the human Y chromosome: the emerging DNA markers and human genetic history.


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The human immunoglobulin lambda variable locus (IGLV) is mapped at chromosome 22 band q11.1-q11.2. The 30 functional germline v-lambda genes sequenced untill now have been subgrouped into 10 families (V<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font>1 to V<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font>10). The number of V<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font> genes has been estimated at approximately 70. This locus is formed by three gene clusters (VA, VB and VC) that encompass the variable coding genes (V) responsible for the synthesis of lambda-type Ig light chains, and the J<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font>-C<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font> cluster with the joining segments and the constant genes. Recently the entire variable lambda gene locus was mapped by contig methodology and its one- megabase DNA totally sequenced. All the known functional V-lambda genes and pseudogenes were located. We screened a human genomic DNA cosmid library and isolated a clone with an insert of 37 kb (cosmid 8.3) encompassing four functional genes (IGLV7S1, IGLV1S1, IGLV1S2 and IGLV5a), a pseudogene (V<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font>A) and a vestigial sequence (vg1) to study in detail the positions of the restriction sites surrounding the V<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font> genes. We generated a high resolution restriction map, locating 31 restriction sites in 37 kb of the VB cluster, a region rich in functional V<FONT FACE="Symbol">l</font> genes. This mapping information opens the perspective for further RFLP studies and sequencing


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The human immune system is constantly interacting with the surrounding stimuli and microorganisms. However, when directed against self or harmless antigens, these vital defense mechanisms can cause great damage. In addition, the understanding the underlying mechanism of several human diseases caused by aberrant immune cell functions, for instance type 1 diabetes and allergies, remains far from being complete. In this Ph.D. study these questions were addressed using genome-wide transcriptomic analyses. Asthma and allergies are characterized by a hyperactive response of the T helper 2 (Th2) immune cells. In this study, the target genes of the STAT6 transcription factor in naïve human T cells were identified with RNAi for the first time. STAT6 was shown to act as a central activator of the genes expression upon IL-4 signaling, with both direct and indirect effects on Th2 cell transcriptome. The core transcription factor network induced by IL-4 was identified from a kinetic analysis of the transcriptome. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease influenced by both the genetic susceptibility of an individual and the disease-triggering environmental factors. To improve understanding of the autoimmune processes driving pathogenesis in the prediabetic phase in humans, a unique series of prospective whole-blood RNA samples collected from HLA-susceptible children in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) study was studied. Changes in different timewindows of the pathogenesis process were identified, and especially the type 1 interferon response was activated early and throughout the preclinical T1D. The hygiene hypothesis states that allergic diseases, and lately also autoimmune diseases, could be prevented by infections and other microbial contacts acquired in early childhood, or even prenatally. To study the effects of the standard of hygiene on the development of neonatal immune system, cord blood samples from children born in Finland (high standard of living), Estonia (rapid economic growth) and Russian Karelia (low standard of living) were compared. Children born in Russian Karelia deviated from Finnish and Estonian children in many aspects of the neonatal immune system, which was developmentally more mature in Karelia, resembling that of older infants. The results of this thesis offer significant new information on the regulatory networks associated with immune-mediated diseases in human. The results will facilitate understanding and further research on the role of the identified target genes and mechanisms driving the allergic inflammation and type 1 diabetes, hopefully leading to a new era of drug development.


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It has been estimated that infection with the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica kills more than 50,000 people a year. Central to the pathogenesis of this organism is its ability to directly lyse host cells and cause tissue destruction. Amebic lesions show evidence of cell lysis, tissue necrosis, and damage to the extracellular matrix. The specific molecular mechanisms by which these events are initiated, transmitted, and effected are just beginning to be uncovered. In this article we review what is known about host cell adherence and contact-dependent cytolysis. We cover the involvement of the actin cytoskeleton and small GTP-binding proteins of the p21rho-family in the process of cell killing and phagocytosis, and also look at how amebic interactions with molecules of the extracellular matrix contribute to its cytopathic effects.


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Water channels or aquaporins (AQPs) have been identified in a large variety of tissues. Nevertheless, their role in the human gastrointestinal tract, where their action is essential for the reabsorption and secretion of water and electrolytes, is still unclear. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structure and function of water channels expressed in the human colon. A cDNA fragment of about 420 bp with a 98% identity to human AQP3 was amplified from human stomach, small intestine and colon by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and a transcript of 2.2 kb was expressed more abundantly in colon than in jejunum, ileum and stomach as indicated by Northern blots. Expression of mRNA from the colon of adults and children but not from other gastrointestinal regions in Xenopus oocytes enhanced the osmotic water permeability, and the urea and glycerol transport in a manner sensitive to an antisense AQP3 oligonucleotide, indicating the presence of functional AQP3. Immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence studies in human colon revealed that the AQP3 protein is restricted to the villus epithelial cells. The immunostaining within these cells was more intense in the apical than in the basolateral membranes. The presence of AQP3 in villus epithelial cells suggests that AQP3 is implicated in water absorption across human colonic surface cells.


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The interaction of plasminogen, tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase with a clinical strain of Helicobacter pylori was studied. Plasminogen bound to the surface of H. pylori cells in a concentration-dependent manner and could be activated to the enzymatic form, plasmin, by t-PA. Affinity chromatography assays revealed a plasminogen-binding protein of 58.9 kDa in water extracts of surface proteins. Surface-associated plasmin activity, detected with the chromogenic substrate CBS 00.65, was observed only when plasminogen and an exogenous activator were added to the cell suspension. The two physiologic plasminogen activators, t-PA and urokinase, were also shown to bind to and remain active on the surface of bacterial cells. epsilon-Aminocaproic acid caused partial inhibition of t-PA binding, suggesting that the kringle 2 structure of this activator is involved in the interaction with surface receptors. The activation of plasminogen by t-PA, but not urokinase, strongly depended on the presence of cells and a 25-fold enhancer effect on the initial velocity of activation by t-PA compared to urokinase was established. Furthermore, a relationship between cell concentration and the initial velocity of activation was demonstrated. These findings support the concept that plasminogen activation by t-PA on the bacterial surface is a surface-dependent reaction which offers catalytic advantages.


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In the present paper we discuss the development of "wave-front", an instrument for determining the lower and higher optical aberrations of the human eye. We also discuss the advantages that such instrumentation and techniques might bring to the ophthalmology professional of the 21st century. By shining a small light spot on the retina of subjects and observing the light that is reflected back from within the eye, we are able to quantitatively determine the amount of lower order aberrations (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia) and higher order aberrations (coma, spherical aberration, etc.). We have measured artificial eyes with calibrated ametropia ranging from +5 to -5 D, with and without 2 D astigmatism with axis at 45º and 90º. We used a device known as the Hartmann-Shack (HS) sensor, originally developed for measuring the optical aberrations of optical instruments and general refracting surfaces in astronomical telescopes. The HS sensor sends information to a computer software for decomposition of wave-front aberrations into a set of Zernike polynomials. These polynomials have special mathematical properties and are more suitable in this case than the traditional Seidel polynomials. We have demonstrated that this technique is more precise than conventional autorefraction, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 0.1 µm for a 4-mm diameter pupil. In terms of dioptric power this represents an RMSE error of less than 0.04 D and 5º for the axis. This precision is sufficient for customized corneal ablations, among other applications.


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The human adrenal cortex, involved in adaptive responses to stress, body homeostasis and secondary sexual characters, emerges from a tightly regulated development of a zone-specific secretion pattern during fetal life. Its development during fetal life is critical for the well being of pregnancy, the initiation of delivery, and even for an adequate adaptation to extra-uterine life. As early as from the sixth week of pregnancy, the fetal adrenal gland is characterized by a highly proliferative zone at the periphery, a concentric migration accompanied by cell differentiation (cortisol secretion) and apoptosis in the central androgen-secreting fetal zone. After birth, a strong reorganization occurs in the adrenal gland so that it better fulfills the newborn's needs, with aldosterone production in the external zona glomerulosa, cortisol secretion in the zona fasciculata and androgens in the central zona reticularis. In addition to the major hormonal stimuli provided by angiotensin II and adrenocorticotropin, we have tested for some years the hypotheses that such plasticity may be under the control of the extracellular matrix. A growing number of data have been harvested during the last years, in particular about extracellular matrix expression and its putative role in the development of the human adrenal cortex. Laminin, collagen and fibronectin have been shown to play important roles not only in the plasticity of the adrenal cortex, but also in cell responsiveness to hormones, thus clarifying some of the unexplained observations that used to feed controversies.


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Our objective was to determine whether the presence of the human leukocyte antigen HLA-DRB1 locus is associated with production of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP Abs) and to what extent they are associated with increased susceptibility to and severity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Egyptian patients. Twenty-nine RA patients gave informed consent to participate in a case-control study that was approved by the Ain Shams University Medical Ethics Committee. RA disease activity and severity were determined using the simplified disease activity index and Larsen scores, respectively. We used a wide scale national study on the pattern of HLA typing in normal Egyptians as a control study. Anti-CCP Abs and HLA-DRB1 typing were determined for all subjects. The alleles most strongly associated with RA were HLA-DRB1 [*01 , *04 and *06] (41.4%). RA patients with serum anti-CCP Ab titers above 60 U/mL had a significantly higher frequency of HLA-DRB1*01 (58.3%) and HLA-DRB1*04 alleles (83.3%). Significant positive correlations were found between serum and synovial anti-CCP Ab titer, RA disease activity, and severity (r = 0.87, 0.66 and 0.63, respectively; P < 0.05). HLA-DRB1 SE+ alleles [*01 and *04] were highly expressed among Egyptian RA patients. The presence of these alleles was associated with higher anti-CCP Ab titer, active and severe RA disease. Early determination of HLA-DRB1 SE+ alleles and serum anti-CCP Ab could facilitate the prediction of the clinical course and prognosis of RA when first evaluated leading to better disease control.