994 resultados para Crucé, Emeric, 1590?-1648.


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New Findings

What is the central question of this study?Exercise performance is limited during hypoxia by a critical reduction in cerebral and skeletal tissue oxygenation. To what extent an elevation in systemic free radical accumulation contributes to microvascular deoxygenation and the corresponding reduction in maximal aerobic capacity remains unknown.What is the main finding and its importance?We show that altered free radical metabolism is not a limiting factor for exercise performance in hypoxia, providing important insight into the fundamental mechanisms involved in the control of vascular oxygen transport.

Exercise performance in hypoxia may be limited by a critical reduction in cerebral and skeletal tissue oxygenation, although the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We examined whether increased systemic free radical accumulation during hypoxia would be associated with elevated microvascular deoxygenation and reduced maximal aerobic capacity (). Eleven healthy men were randomly assigned single-blind to an incremental semi-recumbent cycling test to determine  in both normoxia (21% O2) and hypoxia (12% O2) separated by a week. Continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy was employed to monitor concentration changes in oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin in the left vastus lateralis muscle and frontal cerebral cortex. Antecubital venous blood samples were obtained at rest and at  to determine oxidative (ascorbate radical by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy), nitrosative (nitric oxide metabolites by ozone-based chemiluminescence and 3-nitrotyrosine by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and inflammatory stress biomarkers (soluble intercellular/vascular cell adhesion 1 molecules by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Hypoxia was associated with increased cerebral and muscle tissue deoxygenation and lower  (P < 0.05 versus normoxia). Despite an exercise-induced increase in oxidative–nitrosative–inflammatory stress, hypoxia per se did not have an additive effect (P > 0.05 versus normoxia). Consequently, we failed to observe correlations between any metabolic, haemodynamic and cardiorespiratory parameters (P > 0.05). Collectively, these findings suggest that altered free radical metabolism cannot explain the elevated microvascular deoxygenation and corresponding lower  in hypoxia. Further research is required to determine whether free radicals when present in excess do indeed contribute to the premature termination of exercise in hypoxia.


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This article explores what the recovery of 2008 TC3 in the form of the Almahata Sitta meteorites may tell us about the source region of ureilites in the main asteroid belt. An investigation is made into what is known about asteroids with roughly the same spectroscopic signature as 2008 TC3. A population of low-inclination near-Earth asteroids is identified with spectra similar to 2008 TC3. Five asteroid families in the Main Belt, as well as a population of ungrouped asteroids scattered in the inner and central belts, are identified as possible source regions for this near-Earth population and 2008 TC3. Three of the families are ruled out on dynamical and spectroscopic grounds. New near-infrared spectra of 142 Polana and 1726 Hoffmeister, lead objects in the two other families, also show a poor match to Almahata Sitta. Thus, there are no Main Belt spectral analogs to Almahata Sitta currently known. Space weathering effects on ureilitic materials have not been investigated, so that it is unclear how the spectrum of the Main Belt progenitor may look different from the spectra of 2008 TC3 and the Almahata Sitta meteorites. Dynamical arguments are discussed, as well as ureilite petrogenesis and parent body evolution models, but these considerations do not conclusively point to a source region either, other than that 2008 TC3 probably originated in the inner asteroid belt.


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To estimate the heritability of peripheral refraction in Chinese children and adolescents.


The authors examined 72 monozygotic (MZ) twins and 48 dizygotic (DZ) twins aged 8 to 20 years from a population-based twin registry. Temporal and nasal peripheral refraction, each 40° from the visual axis, and axial refraction were measured using an autorefractor. Relative peripheral refractive error (RPRE) was defined as the peripheral refraction minus the axial refraction. Heritability was assessed by structural equation modeling after adjustment for age and sex.


The mean and SD of temporal refraction (T(40)), nasal refraction (N(40)), RPRE-T(40), RPRE-N(40), and T(40)-N(40) asymmetry were -0.27 ± 2.0 D, 0.36 ± 2.19 D, 1.18 ± 1.39 D, 1.80 ± 1.69 D, and -0.62 ± 1.58 D, respectively. The intraclass correlations for T(40) refraction, N(40) refraction, RPRE-T(40), RPRE-N(40), and T(40)-N(40) asymmetry were 0.87, 0.83, 0.65, 0.74, and 0.58 for MZ pairs and 0.49, 0.42, 0.30, 0.41, and 0.32 for DZ pairs, respectively. A model with additive genetic and unique environmental effects was the most parsimonious, with heritability values estimated as 0.84, 0.76, 0.63, 0.70, and 0.55, respectively, for the peripheral refractive parameters.


Additive genetic effects appear to explain most of the variance in peripheral refraction and relative peripheral refraction when adjusting for the effects of axial refraction.


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The start of university is presented as a crucial stage in the life of the student. If, on the one hand, it is a period of increased autonomy and freedom, on the other, it is a period that also increases the sense of responsibility and self discipline. In this study, based on a quantitative approach, we identified the main risk situations experienced by freshmen at the University of Evora, by applying a questionnaire developed for this purpose and the Beck inventory. Key findings are highlighted, such as the consumption of harmful substances (tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs), whose values exceed the average population. The consumption of alcoholic beverages begins early and is continuous and excessive. Also, the presence of symptoms compatible with dysphoria and depression is noted in about 9% of students. Self-medication practices were found in 58.7% of the freshmen. Our findings reveal the need for preventive intervention by health professionals, due to these young people’s great exposure to health risks.


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O ingresso na universidade apresenta-se como uma fase crucial na vida do estudante, fase em que há aumento da autonomia e liberdade, do sentido de responsabilidade e a da autodisciplina, mas propicia mais acesso aos riscos à saúde. Como o objetivo de identificar as situações de risco experenciadas pelos caloiros de Universidade de Évora, desenvolveu-se um estudo quantitativo cujos dados foram coletados mediante a aplicação de um questionário e do inventário de Beck. Destaca-se o consumo de substâncias nocivas (tabaco, álcool e drogas ilícitas), cujos valores superam a média da população portuguesa e a presença de sintomatologia compatível com disforia e depressão em cerca de 9% dos estudantes. Verificou-se a prática da auto-medicação em 58,7% dos ingressantes. Os achados deste estudo revelam a necessidade de uma intervenção preventiva por parte dos profissionais de saúde devido a alta exposição aos riscos de saúde destes jovens.


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Dissertação de mest., Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2007


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Les caractéristiques physiques des granulats ont une forte influence sur la performance du béton, y compris l'ouvrabilité du béton, la zone de transition, le module d'élasticité, la résistance mécanique, etc. Comparativement aux bétons conventionnels vibrés, les bétons fluides à rhéologie adapté (BFRA) beaucoup plus complexes, doivent présenter une bonne stabilité (résistance à la ségrégation), une bonne rhéologie et les résistances mécaniques souhaitées. Le choix des granulats joue un rôle majeur pour l'obtention de ces différentes propriétés. Une meilleure compréhension de l'influence des caractéristiques physiques sur la performance des BFRA est nécessaire pour leur optimisation afin d'obtenir un bon rapport performance-coût. L'objectif principal de cette étude est de comprendre l'influence des propriétés physiques des granulats (forme, densité, granulométrie, module de finesse, et la quantité de particules plates ou allongées) sur la demande en superplastifiant, la rhéologie et les propriétés mécaniques des BFRA. Les types de bétons étudiés sont les bétons autoplaçants (BAP) destinés à la construction de bâtiments, les bétons semi-autoplaçants (BSAP) destinés pour la construction et la réparation des infrastructures et les BAP destinés à la préfabrication. Quatre rapports sable/granulat total (S/G), deux sables composés (manufacturé et naturel) au laboratoire de différentes finesses (MF = 2,5 et MF = 3) et un sable naturel provenant d'usines ont été utilisés. L'influence de la compacité granulaire, du type de sable (naturel vs manufacturé) et de la teneur en fines du squelette granulaire sur les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques des BFRA est étudiée. Douze mélanges de BSAP ont été formulés à cet effet. L'influence du type de granulométrie (continue ou discontinue), du diamètre nominal maximal des gros granulats (10, 14 et 20 mm) et de la forme des gros granulats (roulé, aplati et allongé) sur les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques des BFRA ont été étudiées. Quatre types de gros granulats provenant de l'industrie et sept gros granulats reconstitués en laboratoire ont été utilisés pour prendre en compte tous ces paramètres. Les résultats montrent que la compacité granulaire est une donnée importante à prendre en compte pour la formulation d'un BFRA (BAP ou BSAP). Cette étude a également montré que les particules fines de diamètres inférieurs à 315 [micro]m sont celles qui influencent les paramètres rhéologiques des BSAP. Pour un rapport E/L constant et un diamètre d'étalement fixe, l'augmentation de la teneur de particules passant le tamis 315 [micro]m augmente la viscosité plastique, diminue le seuil de cisaillement et augmente la stabilité statique des bétons. Cette étude préconise l'utilisation des granulats concassés de granulométrie continue contenant des particules équidimensionnelles pour améliorer les propriétés rhéologiques des bétons. Enfin, grâce à cette étude, la production des BAP dans les industries connaîtra une avancée majeure par un choix stratégique des granulats. Les industries pourront notamment faire une utilisation optimale des superplastifiants, adapter la rhéologie des BAP (viscosité plastique et seuil de cisaillement) au type de BAP tout en conservant leurs caractéristiques mécaniques. Cette étude bien que scientifique, répond en d'autres termes aux besoins de l'industrie car elle propose un bon rapport performance-coût des BAP.


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Tese de doutoramento, História (História Moderna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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A supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is an integrated platform that incorporates several components and it has been applied in the field of power systems and several engineering applications to monitor, operate and control a lot of processes. In the future electrical networks, SCADA systems are essential for an intelligent management of resources like distributed generation and demand response, implemented in the smart grid context. This paper presents a SCADA system for a typical residential house. The application is implemented on MOVICON™11 software. The main objective is to manage the residential consumption, reducing or curtailing loads to keep the power consumption in or below a specified setpoint, imposed by the costumer and the generation availability.


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The idea behind creating this special issue on real world applications of intelligent tutoring systems was to bring together in a single publication some of the most important examples of success in the use of ITS technology. This will serve as a reference to all researchers working in the area. It will also be an important resource for the industry, showing the maturity of ITS technology and creating an atmosphere for funding new ITS projects. Simultaneously, it will be valuable to academic groups, motivating students for new ideas of ITS and promoting new academic research work in the area.


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A presente investigação problematiza a natureza da relação que se estabelece entre as organizações culturais e os seus públicos e verifica se as especificidades das organizações que pertencem à Rede Nacional de Teatros e Cineteatros, lançada em 1999 pelo então Ministro da Cultura, Manuel Maria Carrilho, favorecem a interação no seio da esfera pública. Atendendo a que o indivíduo só adquire consciência de si quando se situa num contexto estruturado pela comunicação, a prática das organizações culturais tem de ser organizada de forma participativa, o que quer dizer que a relação organização/públicos não pode ser de carácter instrumental, mas dialógica, baseada na partilha de expectativas de comportamento intersubjetivamente válidas. Analisando as propostas realizadas por cada uma das organizações, nos três primeiros anos de atividade, foi possível determinar que, dependendo do tipo de envolvimento promovido pela organização, a experiência estética pode ser absorvida pela vida quotidiana. Quando a organização estabelece vínculos duradouros e exigentes, através do acesso, construção e debate do saber, consegue contribuir para a edificação da identidade social e propicia a reflexão sobre as situações do Mundo da Vida.


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The tribological response of multilayer micro/nanocrystalline diamond coatings grown by the hot filament CVD technique is investigated. These multigrade systems were tailored to comprise a starting microcrystalline diamond (MCD) layer with high adhesion to a silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramic substrate, and a top nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) layer with reduced surface roughness. Tribological tests were carried out with a reciprocating sliding configuration without lubrication. Such composite coatings exhibit a superior critical load before delamination (130–200 N), when compared to the mono- (60–100 N) and bilayer coatings (110 N), considering ∼10 µm thick films. Regarding the friction behaviour, a short-lived initial high friction coefficient was followed by low friction regimes (friction coefficients between 0.02 and 0.09) as a result of the polished surfaces tailored by the tribological solicitation. Very mild to mild wear regimes (wear coefficient values between 4.1×10−8 and 7.7×10−7 mm3 N−1 m−1) governed the wear performance of the self-mated multilayer coatings when subjected to high-load short-term tests (60–200 N; 2 h; 86 m) and medium-load endurance tests (60 N; 16 h; 691 m).


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This paper presents the design methodology for the creation of corrugated horn antennas for the CosmoGal satellite. The mission will collect the radiation of the cosmic microwave background, by a radiometer in three different radio astronomy frequency bands (10.6-10.7GHz; 15.35-15.4GHz; 23.6-24GHz). It is discussed the design of several types of horns, simulated with the CST software. The best result points to a choked Gaussian corrugated horn antenna, with directivity of 23 dBi, side lobes 35 dB below and cross polarization better than -45 dB. Plus, with the advantage of having a small dimension, with a total length of only 7.43λ © 2014 IEEE.


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The present study aims to characterize ultrafine particles emitted during gas metal arc welding of mild steel and stainless steel, using different shielding gas mixtures, and to evaluate the effect of metal transfer modes, controlled by both processing parameters and shielding gas composition, on the quantity and morphology of the ultrafine particles. It was found that the amount of emitted ultrafine particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent from the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and the heat input of the Welding process. The emission of airborne ultrafine particles increases with the current intensity as fume formation rate does. When comparing the shielding gas mixtures, higher emissions were observed for more oxidizing mixtures, that is, with higher CO2 content, which means that these mixtures originate higher concentrations of ultrafine particles (as measured by number of particles. by cubic centimeter of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more hazardous condition regarding welders exposure.


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Micro-abrasion wear tests with ball-cratering configuration are widely used. Sources of variability are already studied by different authors and conditions for testing are parameterized by BS EN 1071-6: 2007 standard which refers silicon carbide as abrasive. However, the use of other abrasives is possible and allowed. In this work, ball-cratering wear tests were performed using four different abrasive particles of three dissimilar materials: diamond, alumina and silicon carbide. Tests were carried out under the same conditions on a steel plate provided with TiB2 hard coating. For each abrasive, five different test durations were used allowing understanding the initial wear phenomena. Composition and shape of abrasive particles were investigated by SEM and EDS. Scar areas were observed by optical and electronic microscopy in order to understand the wear effects caused by each of them. Scar geometry and grooves were analyzed and compared. Wear coefficient was calculated for each situation. It was observed that diamond particles produce well-defined and circular wear scars. Different silicon carbide particles presented dissimilar results as consequence of distinct particle shape and size distribution.