960 resultados para Cowie, Isaac
[Bible. A.T. (hébreu-français). 1831-1851]
[Bible. A.T. (hébreu-français). 1831-1851]
O conceito de derivada tem grande importância pelas suas inúmeras aplicações na Matemática, na Física e nas outras ciências. O estudo do conceito de derivada começou com Pierre de Fermat no século XVII, foi reformulado por Isaac Newton e Gottfried Leibniz no século XVIII, e formalizado em termos ainda hoje em vigor, por Augustin Cauchy e Karl Weierstrass no século XIX. Contudo ainda hoje o conceito de derivada constitui objecto de investigação e de estudo, desde o Ensino Secundário, por parte daqueles que estudam ou ensinam a disciplina de Matemática. Considerando a importância do Cálculo Diferencial na formaçãomatemática e para a continuação dos estudos que encaramos o desafio de trabalhar esse tema considerado um instrumento cada vez mais indispensável pela aplicabilidade aos mais diversos campos da ciência. Acreditamos que com este trabalho estamos a dar um modesto contributo para o ensino/aprendizagem da Matemática e em particular para o ensino e a aprendizagem das derivadas. Intitulado "As derivadas: potencialidades e ensino no terceiro ciclo", o trabalho será desenvolvido tendo em vista os seguintes objectivos gerais: - Apresentar uma abordagem teórica de suporte ao ensino das derivadas; - Clarificar (especificar) as potencialidades das derivadas e das técnicas de derivação na resolução de problemas matemáticos, físicos e outros; - Caracterizar a abordagem proposta nos programas oficiais para o ensino das derivadas no terceiro ciclo do Ensino Secundário em Cabo Verde; - Apresentar sugestões metodológicas para o ensino das derivadas no terceiro ciclo do Ensino Secundário.
[Acte. 1620-02-14]
Six individuals of the palm A. phalerata, in Poconé floodplains of Mato Grosso, were sprayed with a synthetic pyrethroid (0.25% concentration) in order to study the biomass, diversity, and richness of the canopy arthropods. A total of 17,188 (238.7±80.6 ind./m²) arthropods belonging to 22 Orders, was collected in a 72 m² funnel area. Two hours after spraying, 58.9% of the total number fell into the funnels, 37.6% was obtained by shaking the trees, and finally, 3.5% after cutting and washing all the palm leaves. The Coleoptera (27.4%), Hymenoptera-Formicidae (19.0%), Collembola (13.6%), Psocoptera (10.7%), Diptera (9.0%) and Araneae (6.4%) were the predominant. The total biomass was 15.1 g dry weight (0.4mg/m²; 0.13+0.04/tree). A total of 4,715 beetles representing 48 families and 326 morphospecies were obtained. Tenebrionidae (22.9%), Curculionidae (22.0%), Carabidae (10.9%) and Staphylinidae (7.9%) were the most abundant, while Curculionidae (44 spp.), Staphylinidae (40 spp.) and Chrysomelidae (34 spp.) presented the largest number of morphospecies. Herbivores (37.5%) were the dominant in the trophic guilds of adult Coleoptera, followed by predators (35.4%), fungivores (14.6%), and saprophages (12.5%). Although most arthropod Orders were represented in all the palms sampled, analysis of variance showed no significant differences in their composition, however there was a significant difference in their frequency of occurrence.
Rhopalophorini is primarily a New World group. Of the 23 known genera, 19 were described from the Neotropical region. A cladistic analysis of the American genera was carried out with 91 morphological characters. The genera Ozodes Audinet-Serville and Lissozodes Bates, recently transferred to Necydalopsini, were included in the analysis in order to investigate their relationships with the Rhopalophorini. The results suggested that their shared similarities with the Rhopalophorini are symplesiomorphies at the level considered in the analysis, so they are maintained in Necydalopsini, and Neozodes Zajciw, indicated as the sister group of Ozodes, is herein transferred to this tribe. In the same way, Elaphopsis Audinet-Serville is transferred to Ibidionini. Rhopalophorini, as defined in the present work, is a monophyletic group and includes 17 American genera. Within Rhopalophorini, Argyrodines + Parozodes constitute the basalmost group, and Cycnoderus is the sister group of the two major clades formed, one by Ischionodonta, Disaulax, Cosmisoma, Closteropus and Gurubira, and the other, by Rhopalophora, Coremia, Merocoremia, Dirocoremia, Thalusia and Lathusia; the relationships of Rhopalophorella, Rhopalina and Muxbalia remain inconclusive. A phylogenetic classification of Rhopalophorini at the genus level is proposed.
Seis palmeiras de Attalea phalerata foram amostradas durante a fase aquática (cheia) no Pantanal de Mato Grosso (fevereiro/2001), utilizando-se a metodologia de nebulização de copas "canopy fogging". Este estudo objetivou avaliar a composição, distribuição espacial, guildas comportamentais, biomassa e sazonalidade da comunidade de Araneae em copas dessa palmeira que forma adensamentos monodominantes, típicos nessa região. Um total de 1326 aranhas foram coletadas em 99 m² de área amostral (13,4 + 8,2 indivíduos/m²), representando 20 famílias, sendo Salticidae e Araneidae as mais abundantes. A biomassa total de 704 aranhas em três palmeiras correspondeu a 0.6172 mg de peso seco (0,0123+ 0,04 mg/m²). Dez guildas comportamentais demonstraram a coexistência de diferentes espécies em um mesmo habitat. Representantes de Salticidae, Oonopidae e Ctenidae dominaram entre as caçadoras, e Araneidae e Dictynidae, dentre as tecelãs. A análise de distribuição espacial demonstrou que a maior abundância de aranhas ocorreu na região central da copa, provavelmente devido à quantidade de recursos disponíveis nesse local. A comparação desses resultados com aqueles obtidos durante o período de seca, demonstra diferenças sazonais influenciadas pelo pulso de inundação, principalmente com relação à composição das famílias amostradas entre os períodos de seca e cheia.
Três indivíduos da palmeira Attalea phalerata Mart (Arecaceae) foram amostrados durante a fase aquática (cheia) no Pantanal de Mato Grosso (fevereiro/2001) utilizando-se a metodologia de nebulização de copas "canopy fogging". Este estudo objetivou avaliar a diversidade, hábitos alimentares e a distribuição espacial da comunidade de Formicidae em copas dessa palmeira que forma adensamentos monodominantes, típicos nessa região. Cada palmeira foi nebulizada uma única vez e realizadas três coletas subseqüentes. Um total de 966 formigas, pertencentes a 6 subfamílias, 13 tribos e 29 espécies foram amostradas em 49 m² de área amostral (19,7±52,7 indivíduos/m²) representando 3,9% do total de artrópodes obtidos. Myrmicinae foi a subfamília mais representativa, com 6 tribos e 14 espécies, destacando-se Solenopsidini com 5 espécies. Formicinae foi a segunda subfamília mais abundante com 3 tribos e 8 espécies. Pheidole sp. 2 foi dominante na amostragem geral (284 indivíduos; 29,4% da captura total) seguida por Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) crassus (182 individuos; 18,8%) e Crematogaster (Orthocrema) sp. 1 pr. quadriformis (119 individuos; 12,3%). Os índices de diversidade foram consideráveis (H'=2,185; D= 0,835) apesar de demonstrarem baixos valores de equitabilidade (0,649 e 0,248, respectivamente). Este resultado demonstra a heterogeneidade da comunidade de Formicidae associada à copa dessa palmeira. A análise da distribuição espacial desmonstrou que a maior abundância e riqueza de Formicidae ocorrem na região central da copa, próximo ao caule.
Terrestrial arthropods from tree canopies in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. This study represents a contribution to the knowledge of the diversity of arthropods associated to the canopy of Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae). Three trees individuals were sampled during two seasonal periods in this region: a) by spraying one tree canopy during high water (February); b) by fogging two tree canopies during low water (September/October). The 15,744 arthropods (183.2±38.9 individuals/m²) obtained from all three trees (86 m²) represented 20 taxonomic orders, 87.1% were Insecta, and 12.9% Arachnida. The dominant groups were Hymenoptera (48.5%; 88.9 individuals/m²), mostly Formicidae (44.5%; 81.4 individuals/m²), followed by Coleoptera (14.0%; 25.5 individuals/m²) and Araneae (10.2%; 19.5 individuals/m²), together representing 62.5% of the total catch. Fourteen (70%) of all orders occurred on three trees. Dermaptera, Isoptera, Neuroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were collected from only one tree. Of the total, 2,197 adult Coleoptera collected (25.5±11.3 individuals/m²), 99% were assigned to 32 families and 256 morphospecies. Nitidulidae (17.9% of the total catch; 4.6 individuals/m²), Anobiidae (16.7%; 4.3 individuals/m²), Curculionidae (13.2%; 3.4 individuals/m²) and Meloidae (11.4%; 2.9 individuals/m²) dominated. The communitiy of adult Coleoptera on V. divergens indicated a dominance of herbivores (37.8% of the total catch, 127 spp.) and predators (35.2%, 82 spp.), followed by saprophages (16.2%, 32 spp.) and fungivores (10.8%, 15 spp.). The influence of the flood pulse on the community of arboreal arthropods in V. divergens is indicated by the seasonal variation in evaluated groups, causing changes in their structure and composition.
Haggadah de pâque, texte avec version italienne et commentaire abrégé de l'explication d'Isaac Abravanel. Une préface à ce même commentaire, par Juda Arié de Modène, se trouve tête de volume, accompagnant les prescriptions rituelles de la fête de pâque. Ecrit par Elie ben Ascher Malakhi Cohen en l'an 5544 de la Création, à Padoue. Titre rouge et noir entouré d'un triple cadre, les deux lignes externes en lignes ornées, et le cadre médiant constitué de verset de l'Exode (II, 17-19). Dessins à la plume sur chaque page, et initiales enluminées. Grande ériture arrée vocalisée pour le texte, rubrique des vignettes en petit module. Commentaire en écriture rabbinique italienne. A la fin du manuscrit la version allemande du poème un cabri.
Recueil important de piyutim en hébreu et en arabe, dont un nombre important est inédit. Ils sont l'oeuvre de payitanim marocains pour la plupart. Les deux f. volants contiennent 2 piyyutim en l'honneur de Rabbi Isaac ben Walid de Tétouan. Les f. 1-13 contiennent l'index alphabétique des piyutim.
The swimming behavior exhibited by specimens of L. fasciatus and O. uniformis was analyzed frame-by-frame with video observation recorded with a digital camera, attached to a stereomicroscope. Adults of O. uniformis, an aquatic insect, swim with all three pairs of legs. During the process of swimming the majority of the abdomen and rostrum remain submerged, part of the fore and hind tibiae remain above the surface, while the mid tibiae remain submerged. The mesothoracic legs, during the power-stroke stage, provide the greatest thrust while the metathoracic legs provide the least forward propulsion. The prothoracic legs, extended forward, help to direct the swimming. The semi-aquatic specie L. fasciatus shows the same swimming style as O. uniformis, that is, with movement of all the three pairs of legs; the mesothoracic legs are responsible for the main propulsion. The insect body remains on the water surface during the process of swimming, while the legs remain submerged. Both species complete a swimming cycle in 0.33 and 0.32 seconds, respectively, with an average speed of 1.38 cm/s and a maximum and minimum swimming duration time of 11.15 and 5.05 minutes, respectively, for L. fasciatus. The swimming behavior exhibited by O. uniformis and L. fasciatus corresponds to the style known as a breast strokelike maneuver. This is the first record of this kind of swimming for both species here observed and increases to seven the number of genera of Curculionidae exhibiting this behavior.
Firms compete by choosing both a price and a design from a family of designs thatcan be represented as demand rotations. Consumers engage in costly sequential searchamong firms. Each time a consumer pays a search cost he observes a new offering. Anoffering consists of a price quote and a new good, where goods might vary in the extentto which they are good matches for the consumer. In equilibrium, only two design-styles arise: either the most niche where consumers are likely to either love or loathethe product, or the broadest where consumers are likely to have similar valuations. Inequilibrium, different firms may simultaneously offer both design-styles. We performcomparative statics on the equilibrium and show that a fall in search costs can lead tohigher industry prices and profits and lower consumer surplus. Our analysis is relatedto discussions of how the internet has led to the prevalence of niche goods and the"long tail" phenomenon.
Presenta las estadísticas del desembarque de las especies marinas en cantidad y valor, incluye información estadística sobre producción industrial, consumo fresco, inversiones y comercio exterior, referida a la actividad pesquera marítima.