962 resultados para Corrosion behavior
One of the main trends in workplace aggression research is studying its antecedents. But the literature also reveals that some predictors remain understudied, like organizational change [1]. Additionally, possible mediators of this relationship were not investigated. The main objective of this research is studding the mediating effect of the leader political behavior (soft and hard version) on the relationship between organizational change and workplace aggression. Participants representing a wide variety of jobs across many organizations were surveyed. The measures used in this research are an Organizational Change Questionnaire climate of change, processes, and readiness [2], a Workplace Aggression Scale [e.g. 3, 4] and a Political Behavior Questionnaire [5]. The results of the study and its theoretical and practical implications will be presented and discussed.
The scope of this paper is to adapt the standard mean-variance model of Henry Markowitz theory, creating a simulation tool to find the optimal configuration of the portfolio aggregator, calculate its profitability and risk. Currently, there is a deep discussion going on among the power system society about the structure and architecture of the future electric system. In this environment, policy makers and electric utilities find new approaches to access the electricity market; this configures new challenging positions in order to find innovative strategies and methodologies. Decentralized power generation is gaining relevance in liberalized markets, and small and medium size electricity consumers are also become producers (“prosumers”). In this scenario an electric aggregator is an entity that joins a group of electric clients, customers, producers, “prosumers” together as a single purchasing unit to negotiate the purchase and sale of electricity. The aggregator conducts research on electricity prices, contract terms and conditions in order to promote better energy prices for their clients and allows small and medium customers to benefit improved market prices.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 308 (2003) 73–78
We address the problem of coordinating two non-holonomic mobile robots that move in formation while transporting a long payload. A competitive dynamics is introduced that gradually controls the activation and deactivation of individual behaviors. This process introduces (asymmetrical) hysteresis during behavioral switching. As a result behavioral oscillations, due to noisy information, are eliminated. Results in indoor environments show that if parameter values are chosen within reasonable ranges then, in spite of noise in the robots communi- cation and sensors, the overall robotic system works quite well even in cluttered environments. The robots overt behavior is stable and smooth.
Bifunctional Pt-HMOR catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation of various desilicated MOR obtained by alkaline treatment using NaOH concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 M. The zeolite structural changes upon modification were investigated by several techniques including powder X-ray diffraction,Al-27 and Si-29 MAS-NMR spectroscopy, N-2 adsorption, pyridine adsorption followed by infrared spectroscopy and the catalytic model reaction of m-xylene transformation. For low alkaline concentration the zeolite acidity is preserved, along with a slight increase of the volume correspondent to the larger micropores due to the removal of extra-framework debris already existent at the parent zeolite. At higher NaOH concentrations there is a significant loss of crystalinity and acidity as well as the formation of mesoporosity. The characterization of the metal function shows similar patterns for Pt-HMOR and Pt-M/0.1 samples, with Pt particles located mainly inside the inner porosity. In contrast, large Pt particles become visible at the intercrystalline mesoporosity of MOR crystals developed during the desilication treatments at severe alkaline conditions. The catalytic results obtained for n-hexane hydroisomerization showed an improved selectivity for dibranched over monobranched isomers for Pt-M/0.1 sample, likely due to the preservation of the support acidity and the slight enlargement of the micropores. This work is a new example in which the mesoporous development does not improve the catalytic efficiency of the zeolites, whereas mild alkaline desilication might be considered as an effective solution to produce customized catalysts with enhanced performance for a given application. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mg alloys can be used as bioresorsable metallic implants. However, the high corrosion rate of magnesium alloys has limited their biomedical applications. Although Mg ions are essential to the human body, an excess may cause undesirable health effects. Therefore, surface treatments are required to enhance the corrosion resistance of magnesium parts, decreasing its rate to biocompatible levels and allowing its safe application as bioresorbable metallic implants. The application of biocompatible silane coatings is envisaged as a suitable strategy for retarding the corrosion process of magnesium alloys. In the current work, a new glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTMS) based coating was tested on AZ31 magnesium substrates subjected to different surface conditioning procedures before coating deposition. The surface conditioning included a short etching with hydrofluoric acid (HF) or a dc polarisation in alkaline electrolyte. The silane coated samples were immersed in Hank's solution and the protective performance of the coating was studied through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The EIS data was treated by new equivalent circuit models and the results revealed that the surface conditioning process plays a key role in the effectiveness of the silane coating. The HF treated samples led to the highest impedance values and delayed the coating degradation, compared to the mechanically polished samples or to those submitted to dc polarisation.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the methodological characteristics of the studies selected and assess variables associated with sedentary behavior in Brazilian children and adolescents. METHODS For this systematic review, we searched four electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Knowledge, LILACS, SciELO. Also, electronic searches were applied in Google Scholar. A supplementary search was conducted in the references lists of the included articles and in non-indexed journals. We included observational studies with children and adolescents aged from three to 19 years developed in Brazil, presenting analyses of associations based on regression methods and published until September 30, 2014. RESULTS Of the 255 potential references retrieved by the searches, 49 met the inclusion criteria and composed the descriptive synthesis. In this set, we identified a great number of cross-sectional studies (n = 43; 88.0%) and high methodological variability on the types of sedentary behavior assessed, measurement tools and cut-off points used. The variables most often associated with sedentary behavior were “high levels of body weight” (in 15 out of 27 studies; 55.0%) and “lower level of physical activity” (in eight out of 16 studies; 50.0%). CONCLUSIONS The findings of this review raise the following demands to the Brazilian agenda of sedentary behavior research geared to children and adolescents: development of longitudinal studies, validation of measuring tools, establishment of risk cut-offs, measurement of sedentary behavior beyond screen time and use of objective measures in addition to questionnaires. In the articles available, the associations between sedentary behavior with “high levels of body weight” and “low levels of physical activity” were observed in different regions of Brazil.
Basaltic rocks are the main component of the oceanic upper crust, thus of potential interest for water and geothermal resources, storage of CO2 and volcanic edifice stability. In this work, we investigated experimentally the mechanical behavior and the failure modes of a porous basalt, with an initial connected porosity of 18%. Results were acquired under triaxial compression experiments at confining pressure in the range of 25-200 MPa on water saturated samples. In addition, a purely hydrostatic test was also performed to reach the pore collapse critical pressure P*. During hydrostatic loading, our results show that the permeability is highly pressure dependent, which suggests that the permeability is mainly controlled by pre-existing cracks. When the sample is deformed at pressure higher than the pore collapse pressure P*, some very small dilatancy develops due to microcracking, and an increase in permeability is observed. Under triaxial loading, two modes of deformation can be highlighted. At low confining pressure (Pc < 50 MPa), the samples are brittle and shear localization occurs. For confining pressure > 50 MPa, the stress-strain curves are characterized by strain hardening and volumetric compaction. Stress drops are also observed, suggesting that compaction may be localized. The presence of compaction bands is confirmed by our microstructure analysis. In addition, the mechanical data allows us to plot the full yield surface for this porous basalt, which follows an elliptic cap as previously observed in high porosity sandstones and limestones.
O aço inoxidável é um material de alta durabilidade e resistência, utilizado nos mais diversos setores comerciais. O conhecimento das suas características e propriedades é essencial para uma escolha mais seletiva e vantajosa. Pretende‐se com este trabalho, estudar as propriedades mecânicas, a resistência ao desgaste e o comportamento, em ambientes mais agressivos de três tipos de aços inoxidáveis duplex, produzidos pela OUTOKUMPU e comercialmente conhecidos pelas designações LDX 2101, SAF 2507 e o SAF 2205. Para tal efeito foram realizados ensaios de Dureza Vickers, antes e após dobragem; ensaios de tracção em duas diferentes situações: seguindo a norma NP EN 10002‐ 1:2006 e após a realização de alguns ciclos de carga e descarga; ensaio de Impacto à temperatura ambiente e após arrefecimento criogénico; ensaio de resistência à corrosão. Também foi feito o estudo de resistência ao desgaste com base na técnica de micro‐abrasão por esfera rotativa e o estudo metalográfico. Foi também objetivo deste trabalho, relacionar o uso dos referidos aços duplex e as consequências que esse uso tem para o meio ambiente, bem como o seu comportamento quando exposto a condições extremas. Para tal, foram colocadas amostras dos referidos aços, em dois tipos de solos com condições de humidade e acidez diferentes analisando o seu estado após imersão em solo com condições controladas durante 272 dias.
Mg alloys are very susceptible to corrosion in physiological media. This behaviour limits its widespread use in biomedical applications as bioresorbable implants, but it can be controlled by applying protective coatings. On one hand, coatings must delay and control the degradation process of the bare alloy and, on the other hand, they must be functional and biocompatible. In this study a biocompatible polycaprolactone (PCL) coating was functionalised with nano hydroxyapatite (HA) particles for enhanced biocompatibility and with an antibiotic, cephalexin, for anti-bacterial purposes and applied on the AZ31 alloy. The chemical composition and the surface morphology of the coated samples, before and after the corrosion tests, were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and Raman. The results showed that the presence of additives induced the formation of agglomerates and defects in the coating that resulted in the formation of pores during immersion in Hanks' solution. The corrosion resistance of the coated samples was studied in Hank's solution by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results evidenced that all the coatings can provide corrosion protection of the bare alloy. However, in the presence of the additives, corrosion protection decreased. The wetting behaviour of the coating was evaluated by the static contact angle method and it was found that the presence of both hydroxyapatite and cephalexin increased the hydrophilic behaviour of the surface. The results showed that it is possible to tailor a composite coating that can store an antibiotic and nano hydroxyapatite particles, while allowing to control the in-vitro corrosion degradation of the bioresorbable Mg alloy AZ31. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study exotic patterns appearing in a network of coupled Chen oscillators. Namely, we consider a network of two rings coupled through a “buffer” cell, with Z3×Z5 symmetry group. Numerical simulations of the network reveal steady states, rotating waves in one ring and quasiperiodic behavior in the other, and chaotic states in the two rings, to name a few. The different patterns seem to arise through a sequence of Hopf bifurcations, period-doubling, and halving-period bifurcations. The network architecture seems to explain certain observed features, such as equilibria and the rotating waves, whereas the properties of the chaotic oscillator may explain others, such as the quasiperiodic and chaotic states. We use XPPAUT and MATLAB to compute numerically the relevant states.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
We introduce a simple model for a biaxial nematic liquid crystal. This consists of hard spheroids that can switch shape between prolate (rodlike) and oblate (platelike) subject to an energy penalty Δε. The spheroids are approximated as hard Gaussian overlap particles and are treated at the level of Onsager's second-virial description. We use both bifurcation analysis and a numerical minimization of the free energy to show that, for additive particle shapes, (i) there is no stable biaxial phase even for Δε=0 (although there is a metastable biaxial phase in the same density range as the stable uniaxial phase) and (ii) the isotropic-to-nematic transition is into either one of two degenerate uniaxial phases, rod rich or plate rich. We confirm that even a small amount of shape nonadditivity may stabilize the biaxial nematic phase.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade Ciências da Conservação, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia