953 resultados para Controlled Conditions
To study the effects of temperature, salinity, and life processes (growth rates, size, metabolic effects, and physiological/genetic effects) on newly precipitated bivalve carbonate, we quantified shell isotopic chemistry of adult and juvenile animals of the intertidal bivalve Mytilus edulis (Blue mussel) collected alive from western Greenland and the central Gulf of Maine and cultured them under controlled conditions. Data for juvenile and adult M. edulis bivalves cultured in this study, and previously by Wanamaker et al. (2006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001189), yielded statistically identical paleotemperature relationships. On the basis of these experiments we have developed a species-specific paleotemperature equation for the bivalve M. edulis [T °C = 16.28 (±0.10) - 4.57 (±0.15) {d18Oc VPBD - d18Ow VSMOW} + 0.06 (±0.06) {d18Oc VPBD - d18Ow VSMOW}**2; r**2 = 0.99; N = 323; p < 0.0001]. Compared to the Kim and O'Neil (1997) inorganic calcite equation, M. edulis deposits its shell in isotope equilibrium (d18Ocalcite) with ambient water. Carbon isotopes (d13Ccalcite) from sampled shells were substantially more negative than predicted values, indicating an uptake of metabolic carbon into shell carbonate, and d13Ccalcite disequilibrium increased with increasing salinity. Sampled shells of M. edulis showed no significant trends in d18Ocalcite based on size, cultured growth rates, or geographic collection location, suggesting that vital effects do not affect d18Ocalcite in M. edulis. The broad modern and paleogeographic distribution of this bivalve, its abundance during the Holocene, and the lack of an intraspecies physiologic isotope effect demonstrated here make it an ideal nearshore paleoceanographic proxy throughout much of the North Atlantic Ocean.
This study reports an experimental investigation designed to assess the influence of near-surface moisture contents on permeation properties of alkali-activated slag concrete (AASC). Five different drying periods (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days) and three AASC and normal concretes with compressive strength grades ranging from C30 to C60 were considered. Assessment of moisture distribution was
achieved using 100 mm diameter cores with drilled cavities. Results indicate that air permeability of AASC is very sensitive to the moisture content and its spatial distribution, especially at relative humidity above 65%. To control the influence of moisture on permeation testing, the recommendation of this paper is that AASC specimens should be dried in controlled conditions at 40 C for 10 days prior to testing. It was also concluded from this study that AASC tends to perform less well, in terms of air permeability and sorptivity, than normal concrete for a given strength grade. This conclusion reinforces the need to further examine AASC properties prior to its widespread practical use.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Computer-based tools for assessing micro-longitudinal patterns of cognitive function in older adults
Patterns of cognitive change over micro-longitudinal timescales (i.e., ranging from hours to days) are associated with a wide range of age-related health and functional outcomes. However, practical issues with conducting high-frequency assessments make investigations of micro-longitudinal cognition costly and burdensome to run. One way of addressing this is to develop cognitive assessments that can be performed by older adults, in their own homes, without a researcher being present. Here, we address the question of whether reliable and valid cognitive data can be collected over micro-longitudinal timescales using unsupervised cognitive tests.In study 1, 48 older adults completed two touchscreen cognitive tests, on three occasions, in controlled conditions, alongside a battery of standard tests of cognitive functions. In study 2, 40 older adults completed the same two computerized tasks on multiple occasions, over three separate week-long periods, in their own homes, without a researcher present. Here, the tasks were incorporated into a wider touchscreen system (Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing (NANA)) developed to assess multiple domains of health and behavior. Standard tests of cognitive function were also administered prior to participants using the NANA system.Performance on the two “NANA” cognitive tasks showed convergent validity with, and similar levels of reliability to, the standard cognitive battery in both studies. Completion and accuracy rates were also very high. These results show that reliable and valid cognitive data can be collected from older adults using unsupervised computerized tests, thus affording new opportunities for the investigation of cognitive function.
To understand the mechanisms that trigger changes in chlorophyll a and species composition in the phytoplankton of the surf-zone at Cassino Beach (RS), we performed two short nutrient-enrichment experiments (4–5 days each) during the summer and winter of 2010. Seawater was incubated under controlled conditions of temperature (summer 25± 3 °C, winter 18±1 °C), salinity (summer 28, winter 26) and irradiance (100 μmol m−2 s−1 ). Dissolved inorganic nutrients were added in various concentrations in the summer (silicate, Si; nitrate, N; phosphate, P) and winter (N, P) experiments. Samples were taken daily for cell counts and chlorophyll a analysis. In both experiments, chlorophyll a values and cell density showed a significant increase (mainly diatoms) in the treatments with nitrate addition, regardless of the proportion added. In the summer experiment, the largest chlorophyll a increase, approximately threefold (31.5 to 89.5 μg L−1 ), was observed in the NP treatment due to the growth of Asterionellopsis glacialis (Castracane) Round, Skeletonema tropicum Cleve, Thalassiosira sp. Cleve and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Peragallo. The maximum growth was obtained in the SiNP treatment for S. tropicum (μ=0.7), Thalassiosira (μ= 1.9) and Pseudo-nitzschia (μ= 1.3) and in the SiN treatment for A. glacialis (μ= 1.0). In the winter experiment, the chlorophyll a content increased 4.2 and 5.5 times, respectively, in the N and NP treatments (maxima 38.8 μg L−1 and 31.5 μg L−1 ), where A. glacialis (μ= 1.7–1.9) and Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reimann & J.C. Lewin (μ= 1.0–1.96) showed the highest amount of growth. These results indicate that nitrate is the most important nutrient controlling phytoplankton chlorophyll a at sandy Cassino Beach. However, the responses of different species to enrichment during the summer and winter indicated that other factors also played a role. A. glacialis, present during both seasons, presented the highest growth rate during the winter, whereas during the summer it was independent of nutrient enrichment but coincided with the lowest growth of S. tropicum. This finding suggested the occurrence of allelopathic interactions between these species. During the summer, multi-enrichment (SiNP) favoured the best growth of S. tropicum, Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and Thalassiosira sp. These results indicated that the phytoplankton composition and diversity in the surf zone of Cassino Beach are shaped by the availability of silicate and phosphorus as well as by the availability of nitrate.
This work presents interactions between quantitative and qualitative river freshwater inputs and the shellfish farming (oyster and mussel) in the Pertuis Charentais. The quantity of freshwater (i.e. salinity) seems to have a weak influence on the shellfish farming contrarily to its quality determined by particulate and dissolved matters contained in the water. In autumn and winter, large precipitations have a "globally positive" effect amending the coastal ecosystem. Associated dissolved nutriments and the organic matter largely determine the quality of the coming spring growth for bred shellfish, itself controlling in turn the annual yield efficiencies. However, in winter their effects are postponed because of strong mineral load, low luminosity and temperature, then limiting the primary production. The spring contributions, directly linked to territorial practices, agriculture and tourism are more variable in quantity and quality from one year to another. They often correspond to high-risk inflows since numerous substances from anthropogenic watersheds can be found diluted in the coastal zone as in the Pertuis Charentais. Their impacts on in situ estuarine ecosystems are still poorly known since these substances are mainly studied and estimated in laboratory in controlled conditions. Several studies showed anthropogenic contaminations (i.e. cadmium, pesticides) could have significant direct or indirect effects on shellfish farming. For instance, the "summer" mortalities between 1990 and 2000 in the South of the Marennes-Oléron bay (MOB), that induced environmental and physiological oyster disorders, could be linked to pesticide effects, measured during consecutive years on the oyster bed of Ronce Perquis in the South of the MOB. The weak results from the spring larval rearing of the IFREMER experimental hatchery in the South of the bay, and chromosomal abnormalities measured on the stocks of wild oysters of the Pertuis could confirm a high-risk spring environment for the shellfish farming. In summer terrestrial inputs are reduced by low precipitations, anthropogenic water removals (drinking water, irrigation) and by plant evapotranspiration. Consequently certain years, a significant salinity increase in water masses of the Pertuis Charentais is observed. However, based on long-term observations, the significant interannual variability noticed in freshwater contributions constitutes one of the most important facts of these last years. When contributions are weak (i.e. 1991 and 2011), the mean annual salinity is 34.5 in the MOB. To the contrary, other years (i.e. 1977, 1981, 1983 and 1988), the mean salinity reduced to 30.5 shows the significant freshwater contributions to the bay. Elsewhere, particularly in the mediterranean region, oyster breeding water conditions characterized by high salinity values show the freshwater does not seem to be necessary for biological functions of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Indeed, the oyster embryonic life in particular is well adapted to high salinity values as long as trophic resources are substantial and temperatures remain high. These two factors firstly condition the embryonic survival before the water salinity. Besides, in the Pertuis Charentais, wind conditions and the geographical bloodstock position rather determine the success of the larvae capture than seawater physic-chemical conditions. Finally, a misunderstanding still remains on summer freshwater contributions to the oyster larvae food supply.
Animal-associated microbiotas form complex communities, which are suspected to play crucial functions for their host fitness. However, the biodiversity of these communities, including their differences between host species and individuals, has been scarcely studied, especially in case of skin-associated communities. In addition, the intraindividual variability (i.e. between body parts) has never been assessed to date. The objective of this study was to characterize skin bacterial communities of two teleostean fish species, namely the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), using a high-throughput DNA sequencing method. In order to focus on intrinsic factors of host-associated bacterial community variability, individuals of the two species were raised in controlled conditions. Bacterial diversity was assessed using a set of four complementary indices, describing the taxonomic and phylogenetic facets of biodiversity and their respective composition (based on presence/absence data) and structure (based on species relative abundances) components. Variability of bacterial diversity was quantified at the interspecific, interindividual and intraindividual scales. We demonstrated that fish surfaces host highly diverse bacterial communities, whose composition was very different from that of surrounding bacterioplankton. This high total biodiversity of skin-associated communities was supported by the important variability, between host species, individuals and the different body parts (dorsal, anal, pectoral and caudal fins).
O trabalho desenvolvido centrou-se na preparação da acreditação NP EN ISO/IEC 17025 do Laboratório de Metrologia da empresa Frilabo para prestação de serviços na área das temperaturas, no ensaio a câmaras térmicas e na calibração de termómetros industriais. Considerando o âmbito do trabalho desenvolvido, são abordados nesta tese conceitos teóricos sobre temperatura e incertezas bem como considerações técnicas de medição da temperatura e cálculo de incertezas. São também referidas considerações sobre os diferentes tipos de câmaras térmicas e termómetros. O texto apresenta os documentos elaborados pelo autor sobre os procedimentos de ensaio a câmaras térmicas e respetivo procedimento de cálculo da incerteza. Também estão presentes neste texto documentos elaborados pelo autor sobre os procedimentos de calibração de termómetros industriais e respetivo procedimento de cálculo da incerteza. Relativamente aos ensaios a câmara térmicas e calibração de termómetros o autor elaborou os fluxogramas sobre a metodologia da medição da temperatura nos ensaios, a metodologia de medição da temperatura nas calibrações, e respetivos cálculos de incertezas. Nos diferentes anexos estão apresentados vários documentos tais como o modelo de folha de cálculo para tratamento de dados relativos ao ensaio, modelo de folha de cálculo para tratamento de dados relativo às calibrações, modelo de relatório de ensaio, modelo de certificado de calibração, folhas de cálculo para gestão de clientes/equipamentos e numeração automática de relatórios de ensaio e certificados de calibração que cumprem os requisitos de gestão do laboratório. Ainda em anexo constam todas as figuras relativas à monitorização da temperatura nas câmara térmicas como também as figuras da disposição dos termómetros no interior das câmaras térmicas. Todas as figuras que aparecem ao longo do documento que não estão referenciadas são da adaptação ou elaboração própria do autor. A decisão de alargar o âmbito da acreditação do Laboratório de Metrologia da Frilabo para calibração de termómetros, prendeu-se com o facto de que sendo acreditado como laboratório de ensaios na área das temperaturas, a realização da rastreabilidade dos padrões de medida internamente, permitiria uma gestão de recursos otimizada e rentabilizada. A metodologia da preparação de todo o processo de acreditação do Laboratório de Metrologia da Frilabo, foi desenvolvida pelo autor e está expressa ao longo do texto da tese incluindo dados relevantes para a concretização da referida acreditação nos dois âmbitos. A avaliação de todo o trabalho desenvolvido será efetuada pelo o organismo designado IPAC (Instituto Português de Acreditação) que confere a acreditação em Portugal. Este organismo irá auditar a empresa com base nos procedimentos desenvolvidos e nos resultados obtidos, sendo destes o mais importante o Balanço da Melhor Incerteza (BMI) da medição também conhecido por Melhor Capacidade de Medição (MCM), quer para o ensaio às câmaras térmicas, quer para a calibração dos termómetros, permitindo desta forma complementar os serviços prestados aos clientes fidelizados à Frilabo. As câmaras térmicas e os termómetros industriais são equipamentos amplamente utilizados em diversos segmentos industriais, engenharia, medicina, ensino e também nas instituições de investigação, sendo um dos objetivos respetivamente, a simulação de condições específicas controladas e a medição de temperatura. Para entidades acreditadas, como os laboratórios, torna-se primordial que as medições realizadas com e nestes tipos de equipamentos ostentem confiabilidade metrológica1, uma vez que, resultados das medições inadequados podem levar a conclusões equivocadas sobre os testes realizados. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios a câmaras térmicas e nas calibrações de termómetros, são considerados bons e aceitáveis, uma vez que as melhores incertezas obtidas, podem ser comparadas, através de consulta pública do Anexo Técnico do IPAC, com as incertezas de outros laboratórios acreditados em Portugal. Numa abordagem mais experimental, pode dizer-se que no ensaio a câmaras térmicas a obtenção de incertezas mais baixas ou mais altas depende maioritariamente do comportamento, características e estado de conservação das câmaras, tornando relevante o processo de estabilização da temperatura no interior das mesmas. A maioria das fontes de incerteza na calibração dos termómetros são obtidas pelas características e especificações do fabricante dos equipamentos, que se traduzem por uma contribuição com o mesmo peso para o cálculo da incerteza expandida (a exatidão de fabricante, as incertezas herdadas de certificados de calibração, da estabilidade e da uniformidade do meio térmico onde se efetuam as calibrações). Na calibração dos termómetros as incertezas mais baixas obtêm-se para termómetros de resoluções mais baixas. Verificou-se que os termómetros com resolução de 1ºC não detetavam as variações do banho térmico. Nos termómetros com resoluções inferiores, o peso da contribuição da dispersão de leituras no cálculo da incerteza, pode variar consoante as características do termómetro. Por exemplo os termómetros com resolução de 0,1ºC, apresentaram o maior peso na contribuição da componente da dispersão de leituras. Pode concluir-se que a acreditação de um laboratório é um processo que não é de todo fácil. Podem salientar-se aspetos que podem comprometer a acreditação, como por exemplo a má seleção do ou dos técnicos e equipamentos (má formação do técnico, equipamento que não seja por exemplo adequado à gama, mal calibrado, etc…) que vão efetuar as medições. Se não for bem feita, vai comprometer todo o processo nos passos seguintes. Deve haver também o envolvimento do todos os intervenientes do laboratório, o gestor da qualidade, o responsável técnico e os técnicos, só assim é que é possível chegar à qualidade pretendida e à melhoria contínua da acreditação do laboratório. Outro aspeto importante na preparação de uma acreditação de um laboratório é a pesquisa de documentação necessária e adequada para poder tomar decisões corretas na elaboração dos procedimentos conducentes à referida. O laboratório tem de mostrar/comprovar através de registos a sua competência. Finalmente pode dizer-se que competência é a palavra chave de uma acreditação, pois ela manifesta-se nas pessoas, equipamentos, métodos, instalações e outros aspetos da instituição a que pertence o laboratório sob acreditação.
The black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera is a protandrous hermaphrodite species. Its economic value has led to the development of controlled hatchery reproduction techniques, although many aspects remain to be optimized. In order to understand reproductive mechanisms and their controlling factors, two independent experiments were designed to test hypotheses of gametogenesis and sex ratio control by environmental and hormonal factors. In one, pearl oysters were exposed under controlled conditions at different combinations of temperature (24 and 28°C) and food level (10,000 and 40,000 cells mL−1); whereas in the other, pearl oysters were conditioned under natural conditions into the lagoon and subjected to successive 17β-estradiol injections (100 μg per injection). Gametogenesis and sex ratio were assessed by histology for each treatment. In parallel, mRNA expressions of nine marker genes of the sexual pathway (pmarg-foxl2, pmarg-c43476, pmarg-c45042, pmarg-c19309, pmarg-c54338, pmarg-vit6, pmarg-zglp1, pmarg-dmrt, and pmarg-fem1-like) were investigated. Maximum maturation was observed in the treatment combining the highest temperature (28°C) and the highest microalgae concentration (40,000 cells mL−1), where the female sex tended to be maintained. Injection of 17β-estradiol induced a significant increase of undetermined stage proportion 2 weeks after the final injection. These results suggest that gametogenesis and gender in adult pearl oysters can be controlled by environmental factors and estrogens. While there were no significant effects on relative gene expression, the 3-gene-pair expression ratio model of the sexual pathway of P. margaritifera, suggest a probable dominance of genetic sex determinism without excluding a mixed sex determination mode (genetic + environmental)
Gas-liquid two-phase flow is very common in industrial applications, especially in the oil and gas, chemical, and nuclear industries. As operating conditions change such as the flow rates of the phases, the pipe diameter and physical properties of the fluids, different configurations called flow patterns take place. In the case of oil production, the most frequent pattern found is slug flow, in which continuous liquid plugs (liquid slugs) and gas-dominated regions (elongated bubbles) alternate. Offshore scenarios where the pipe lies onto the seabed with slight changes of direction are extremely common. With those scenarios and issues in mind, this work presents an experimental study of two-phase gas-liquid slug flows in a duct with a slight change of direction, represented by a horizontal section followed by a downward sloping pipe stretch. The experiments were carried out at NUEM (Núcleo de Escoamentos Multifásicos UTFPR). The flow initiated and developed under controlled conditions and their characteristic parameters were measured with resistive sensors installed at four pipe sections. Two high-speed cameras were also used. With the measured results, it was evaluated the influence of a slight direction change on the slug flow structures and on the transition between slug flow and stratified flow in the downward section.
Survival of the free-living mycetophagous form of Deladenus siricidicola, the major biological control agent of Sirex woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, was tested in known (Pinus taeda) and predicted novel (P. elliottii subsp. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis) hybrid host taxa. Trials were established in the field to simulate nematode dispersal both naturally by infected wasps and following commercial inoculation, as well as in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Nematodes showed reduced survival in hybrid pine compared with P. taeda for all tree-associated treatments, but performed equivalently in petri-dish bioassays containing substrate of each taxon. Growth of Amylostereum areolatum, the food source of D. siricidicola was lower on plates containing ground hybrid substrate than on plates containing ground P. taeda. Some physical differences were found between taxa, including differences in bordered pit diameters, tracheid widths, and basic density, but these did not consistently explain reduced performance. More plant secondary compounds (predominantly oleoresins) were present in hybrid taxa than in P. taeda, and in standing trees compared with felled trees. Our results suggested that D. siricidicola may not be as effective in hybrid pine taxa for the biological control of S. noctilio as it is in its current known host taxa, possibly because of reduced growth of its food source, A. areolatum in hybrid pine.
Bunodosoma cangicum é uma anêmona-do-mar que habita a faixa intermarés nas regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil. Assim como outros animais característicos destes locais, esta espécie de anêmona enfrenta diariamente as mudanças nos parâmetros ambientais decorrentes do ciclo de marés, os quais podem variar conforme a estação do ano. Estas mudanças podem alterar o metabolismo oxidativo dos animais destes habtats, que pode também ser influenciado pelas diferentes estações ao longo do ano. Portanto, a influência de dois períodos distintos durante o ano além da exposição ao ar sobre parâmetros oxidativos (Capacidade antioxidante total contra radicais peroxil - ACAP, atividade da glutamato cisteína ligase - GCL, conteúdo de glutationa reduzida - GSH e nível de perxidação lipídica - LPO) foi avaliada em anêmonas-do-mar coletadas em situação de submersão ou de emersão em um perío do frio e um quente (final de inverno/começo de primavera e início de outono). A resposta destes parâmetros, bem como do conteúdo de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e de adenosina trifosfato (ATP), também foi avaliada em animais submetidos diariamente à exposição ao ar (3 h) em laboratório por 30 dias. Com relação aos parâmetros oxidativos considerando apenas os diferentes períodos do ano, uma maior atividade da GCL foi observada durante o período mais frio, assim como um maior nível de LPO neste mesmo período. Com relação à exposição ao ar, no que diz respeito às defesas antioxidantes, em animais coletados em emersão foi observado uma maior atividade da GCL durante o período quente, além de uma maior ACAP e um menor conteúdo de GSH em anêmonas-do-mar coletadas, tanto no período frio como quente. Com relação aos danos oxidativos, um maior nível de LPO foi encontrado em anêmonas-do-mar coletadas durante emersão no período mais (outono). De forma geral, não foi observado um padrão de variação dos parâmetros oxidativos em função da hora do dia, evidenciando-se apenas uma diminuição na ACAP e um aumento da GSH, em torno das 13h, em animais coletados durante a estação mais quente. As 7 anêmonas-do-mar expostas ao ar sob condições controladas de laboratório mostraram variações transitórias da ACAP (aumento) e do conteúdo de GSH (redução) após a reoxigenação. Estes resultados indicam que alguns parâmetros oxidativos de B. cangicum apresentam variação sazonal enquanto outros são afetados pela exposição ao ar. No entanto, o padrão de resposta destes parâmetros é diferente em campo e em laboratório, sugerindo que os parâmetros controlados em laboratório, tais como temperatura, fotoperíodo e iluminação, modificam a resposta do metabolismo oxidativo de B. cangicum à exposição ao ar em campo.
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H. ostrearia isolates (HO-R and HO-BM) showed also the highest differences in the bacterial structure [3] as the result of specific metabolomics profiles. The non-targeted metabolomic investigation showed that these profiles were more distinct in case of bacteria-alga associations than for the H. ostrearia monoculture Here we present a Q-TOF LC/MS metabolomic fingerprinting approach [3]: - to investigate differential metabolites of axenic versus non axenic H. ostrearia cultures. - to focus on the specific metabolites of a bacterial surrounding associated with the activation or inhibition of the microalga growing. The Agilent suite of data processing software makes feature finding, statistical analysis, and identification easier. This enables rapid transformation of complex raw data into biologically relevant metabolite information.
The marine diatom Haslea ostrearia [1] produces a water-soluble blue-pigment named marennine [2] of economic interest. But the lack of knowledge of the ecological conditions, under which this microalga develops in its natural ecosystem, more especially bacteria H. ostrearia interactions, prevents any optimization of its culture in well-controlled conditions. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed by PCR-TTGE before and after the isolation of H. ostrearia cells recovered from 4 localities, to distinguish the relative part of the biotope and the biocenose and eventually to describe the temporal dynamic of the structure of the bacterial community at two time-scales. The differences in genetic fingerprints, more especially high between two H. ostrearia isolates (HO-R and HO-BM) showed also the highest differences in the bacterial structure [3] as the result of specific metabolomics profiles. The non-targeted metabolomic investigation showed that these profiles were more distinct in case of bacteria-alga associations than for the H. ostrearia monoculture Here we present a Q-TOF LC/MS metabolomic fingerprinting approach [3]: - to investigate differential metabolites of axenic versus non axenic H. ostrearia cultures. - to focus on the specific metabolites of a bacterial surrounding associated with the activation or inhibition of the microalga growing. The Agilent suite of data processing software makes feature finding, statistical analysis, and identification easier. This enables rapid transformation of complex raw data into biologically relevant metabolite information.
The failure of materials is always an unwelcome event for several reasons: human lives are put in danger, economic losses, and interference in the availability of products and services. Although the causes of failures and behaviour of materials can be known, the prevention of such a condition is difficult to be guaranteed. Among the failures, wear abrasion by the low voltage is the kind of failure that occurs in more equipment and parts industry. The Plants Sucroalcooleiras suffer significant losses because of such attrition, this fact that motivated their choice for the development of this work. For both, were considered failures in the swing hammers desfibradores stopped soon after the exchange provided in accordance with tonnage of cane processed, then were analyzed by the level of wear testing of rubber wheel defined by the standard ASTM G65-91.The failures were classified as to the origin of the cause and mechanism, moreover, were prepared with samples of welding procedures according to ASME code, sec. IX as well, using the technique of thermal spraying to analyze the performance of these materials produced in laboratories, and compares them with the solder used in the plant. It was observed that the bodies-of-proof prepared by the procedure described as welding, and the thermal spraying the results of losing weight have been minimized significantly compared to the preparations in the plant. This is because the use of techniques more appropriate and more controlled conditions of the parameters of welding. As for the thermal spraying, this technique has presented a satisfactory result, but requires the use of these coatings in the best condition for real affirmation of the results