884 resultados para Consumer health information
In this paper we present results from two choice experiments (CE), designed to take account of the different negative externalities associated with pesticide use in agricultural production. For cereal production, the most probable impact of pesticide use is a reduction in environmental quality. For fruit and vegetable production, the negative externality is on consumer health. Using latent class models we find evidence of the presence of preference heterogeneity in addition to reasonably high willingness to pay (WTP) estimates for a reduction in the use of pesticides for both environmental quality and consumer health. To place our WTP estimates in a policy context we convert them into an equivalent pesticide tax by type of externality. Our tax estimates suggest that pesticide taxes based on the primary externality resulting from a particular mode of agricultural production are a credible policy option that warrants further consideration.
Functional foods is an often-used term applied to dietary ingredients that serve to improve consumer health. Over the last few decades, these foods have gained in popularity with sales continuing to increase rapidly. Recent scientific, and some lay, reports have shown the popularity of both probiotics and prebiotics. These serve to elicit changes in the gut microbiota composition that increase populations of purported beneficial gut bacterial genera, for example, lactobacilli or bifidobacteria. Probiotics use live microbial feed additions, whereas prebiotics target indigenous flora components. As gastrointestinal disorders are prevalent in terms of human health, both probiotics and prebiotics serve an important role in the prophylactic management of various acute and chronic gut derived conditions. Examples include protection from gastroenteritis and some inflammatory conditions.
The discipline now called Solid State Nuclear Track Detection (SSNTD) dates back to 1958 and has its roots in the United Kingdom. Its strength stems chiefly from factors such as its simplicity, small geometry, permanent maintenance of the nuclear record and other diversified applications. A very important field with exciting applications reported recently in conjuction with the nuclear track technique is nanotechnology, which has applications in biology, chemistry, industry, medicare and health, information technology, biotechnology, and metallurgical and chemical technologies. Nanotechnology requires material design followed by the study of the quantum effects for final produced applications in sensors, medical diagnosis, information technology to name a few. We, in this article, present a review of past and present applications of SSNTD suggesting ways to apply the technique in nanotechnology, with special reference to development of nanostructure for applications utilising nanowires, nanofilters and sensors.
Aim: To determine the prevalence and nature of prescribing errors in general practice; to explore the causes, and to identify defences against error. Methods: 1) Systematic reviews; 2) Retrospective review of unique medication items prescribed over a 12 month period to a 2% sample of patients from 15 general practices in England; 3) Interviews with 34 prescribers regarding 70 potential errors; 15 root cause analyses, and six focus groups involving 46 primary health care team members Results: The study involved examination of 6,048 unique prescription items for 1,777 patients. Prescribing or monitoring errors were detected for one in eight patients, involving around one in 20 of all prescription items. The vast majority of the errors were of mild to moderate severity, with one in 550 items being associated with a severe error. The following factors were associated with increased risk of prescribing or monitoring errors: male gender, age less than 15 years or greater than 64 years, number of unique medication items prescribed, and being prescribed preparations in the following therapeutic areas: cardiovascular, infections, malignant disease and immunosuppression, musculoskeletal, eye, ENT and skin. Prescribing or monitoring errors were not associated with the grade of GP or whether prescriptions were issued as acute or repeat items. A wide range of underlying causes of error were identified relating to the prescriber, patient, the team, the working environment, the task, the computer system and the primary/secondary care interface. Many defences against error were also identified, including strategies employed by individual prescribers and primary care teams, and making best use of health information technology. Conclusion: Prescribing errors in general practices are common, although severe errors are unusual. Many factors increase the risk of error. Strategies for reducing the prevalence of error should focus on GP training, continuing professional development for GPs, clinical governance, effective use of clinical computer systems, and improving safety systems within general practices and at the interface with secondary care.
In this paper we briefly describe the results of a 3 year project examining the use of Health Information Technologies (e.g., electronic patient record systems) to deliver integrated care. In particular, we focus on one group of patient (the frail elderly) and efforts to design an e-health supported healthcare pathway (the frail elderly pathway – FEP). The aim of FEP is to bring together clinicians and staff from health and social care and allow them to share patient information. Our findings show that progress in delivering a fully-supported and working FEP has been slow, not least because of the difficulties experienced by healthcare staff in using current IT systems. In addition, there are many strategic and technical issues which remain unresolved (e.g., systems interoperability).
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva distriktssköterskans erfarenhet av hälsosamtal avseende levnadsvanor med patienter som lever med övervikt eller fetma. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats utfördes via enkätfrågor som var beskrivande med öppna svarsalternativ. I studien deltog fem distriktssköterskor som arbetade på vårdcentral i Dalarna eller på Gotland. Genom fenomenografisk design analyserades data. Resultat: Resultatet läggs fram genom två beskrivningskategorier; Evidensbaserade metoder som innehöll uppfattningsgrupperna; Utredning och behandling samt Bejaka patientens resurser. Beskrivningskategorin Omgivnings faktorer, hade uppfattningsgrupperna; Frekvensen av hälsosamtal samt Pedagogiskt förhållningssätt. Användning av evidensbaserade verktyg såsom midjemått och midja/höftkvot var låg bland distriktssköterskorna, men body mass index (BMI) samt motiverande samtal (MI) användes flitigt. Patienter söker ofta för andra besvär (högt blodtryck, ledbesvär) som kan återkopplas till kroppsvikten. Distriktssköterskorna erfarenhet var att det är svårt att komma tillrätta med viktproblem där motivation till viktnedgång var stark i början hos patienten men att den avtar. Dessa svårigheter kan bero på depression, skuld och skam hos patienterna. Slutsats: För att patienter med övervikt och fetma ska få den ultimata behandlingen krävs mer tid och resurser från hälso- och sjukvården då det kan vara en lång process att gå ner i vikt. Motivationen har en avgörande roll samt användning av evidensbaserade verktyg.
As tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) estão presentes nas mais diversas áreas e atividades cotidianas, mas, em que pesem as ações de governos e instituições privadas, a informatização da saúde ainda é um desafio em aberto no Brasil. A situação atual leva a um questionamento sobre as dificuldades associadas à informatização das práticas em saúde, assim como, quais efeitos tais dificuldades têm causado à sociedade Brasileira. Com objetivo de discutir as questões acima citadas, esta tese apresenta quatro artigos sobre processo de informação da saúde no Brasil. O primeiro artigo revisa a literatura sobre TIC em saúde e baseado em duas perspectivas teóricas – estudos Europeus acerca dos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde (SIS) nos Países em Desenvolvimento e estudos sobre Informação e Informática em Saúde, no âmbito do Movimento da Reforma Sanitária –, formula um modelo integrado que combina dimensões de análise e fatores contextuais para a compreensão dos SIS no Brasil. Já o segundo artigo apresenta os conceitos e teóricos e metodológicos da Teoria Ator-Rede (ANT), uma abordagem para o estudo de controvérsias associadas às descobertas científicas e inovações tecnológicas, por meio das redes de atores envolvidos em tais ações. Tal abordagem tem embasado estudos de SI desde 1990 e inspirou as análises dois artigos empíricos desta tese. Os dois últimos artigos foram redigidos a partir da análise da implantação de um SIS em um hospital público no Brasil ocorrida entre os anos de 2010 e 2012. Para a análise do caso, seguiram-se os atores envolvidos nas controvérsias que surgiram durante a implantação do SIS. O terceiro artigo se debruçou sobre as atividades dos analistas de sistema e usuários envolvidos na implantação do SIS. As mudanças observadas durante a implantação do sistema revelam que o sucesso do SIS não foi alcançado pela estrita e técnica execução das atividades incialmente planejadas. Pelo contrário, o sucesso foi construído coletivamente, por meio da negociação entre os atores e de dispositivos de interessamento introduzidos durante o projeto. O quarto artigo, baseado no conceito das Infraestruturas de Informação, discutiu como o sistema CATMAT foi incorporado ao E-Hosp. A análise revelou como a base instalada do CATMAT foi uma condição relevante para a sua escolha durante a implantação do E-Hosp. Além disso, descrevem-se negociações e operações heterogêneas que aconteceram durante a incorporação do CATMAT no sistema E-Hosp. Assim, esta tese argumenta que a implantação de um SIS é um empreendimento de construção coletiva, envolvendo analistas de sistema, profissionais de saúde, políticos e artefatos técnicos. Ademais, evidenciou-se como os SIS inscrevem definições e acordos, influenciando as preferências dos atores na área de saúde.