927 resultados para Computer-assisted image processing


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In humans, touching the skin is known to activate, among others, the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex on the postcentral gyrus together with the bilateral parietal operculum (i.e. the anatomical site of the secondary somatosensory cortex). But which brain regions beyond the postcentral gyrus specifically contribute to the perception of touch remains speculative. In this study we collected structural magnetic resonance imaging scans and neurological examination reports of patients with brain injuries or stroke in the left or right hemisphere, but not in the postcentral gyrus as the entry site of cortical somatosensory processing. Using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping, we compared patients with impaired touch perception (i.e. hypoaesthesia) to patients without such touch impairments. Patients with hypoaesthesia as compared to control patients differed in one single brain cluster comprising the contralateral parietal operculum together with the anterior and posterior insular cortex, the putamen, as well as subcortical white matter connections reaching ventrally towards prefrontal structures. This finding confirms previous speculations on the 'ventral pathway of somatosensory perception' and causally links these brain structures to the perception of touch.


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We present a method for segmenting white matter tracts from high angular resolution diffusion MR. images by representing the data in a 5 dimensional space of position and orientation. Whereas crossing fiber tracts cannot be separated in 3D position space, they clearly disentangle in 5D position-orientation space. The segmentation is done using a 5D level set method applied to hyper-surfaces evolving in 5D position-orientation space. In this paper we present a methodology for constructing the position-orientation space. We then show how to implement the standard level set method in such a non-Euclidean high dimensional space. The level set theory is basically defined for N-dimensions but there are several practical implementation details to consider, such as mean curvature. Finally, we will show results from a synthetic model and a few preliminary results on real data of a human brain acquired by high angular resolution diffusion MRI.


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In this paper we face the problem of positioning a camera attached to the end-effector of a robotic manipulator so that it gets parallel to a planar object. Such problem has been treated for a long time in visual servoing. Our approach is based on linking to the camera several laser pointers so that its configuration is aimed to produce a suitable set of visual features. The aim of using structured light is not only for easing the image processing and to allow low-textured objects to be treated, but also for producing a control scheme with nice properties like decoupling, stability, well conditioning and good camera trajectory


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Image registration is an important component of image analysis used to align two or more images. In this paper, we present a new framework for image registration based on compression. The basic idea underlying our approach is the conjecture that two images are correctly registered when we can maximally compress one image given the information in the other. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we show that the image registration process can be dealt with from the perspective of a compression problem. Second, we demonstrate that the similarity metric, introduced by Li et al., performs well in image registration. Two different versions of the similarity metric have been used: the Kolmogorov version, computed using standard real-world compressors, and the Shannon version, calculated from an estimation of the entropy rate of the images


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An objective analysis of image quality parameters was performed for a computed radiography (CR) system using both standard single-side and prototype dual-side read plates. The pre-sampled modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) for the systems were determined at three different beam qualities representative of pediatric chest radiography, at an entrance detector air kerma of 5 microGy. The NPS and DQE measurements were realized under clinically relevant x-ray spectra for pediatric radiology, including x-ray scatter radiations. Compared to the standard single-side read system, the MTF for the dual-side read system is reduced, but this is offset by a significant decrease in image noise, resulting in a marked increase in DQE (+40%) in the low spatial frequency range. Thus, for the same image quality, the new technology permits the CR system to be used at a reduced dose level.


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Tourette syndrome is a childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorder with a high prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity and obsessive-compulsive disorder co-morbidities. Structural changes have been found in frontal cortex and striatum in children and adolescents. A limited number of morphometric studies in Tourette syndrome persisting into adulthood suggest ongoing structural alterations affecting frontostriatal circuits. Using cortical thickness estimation and voxel-based analysis of T1- and diffusion-weighted structural magnetic resonance images, we examined 40 adults with Tourette syndrome in comparison with 40 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Patients with Tourette syndrome showed relative grey matter volume reduction in orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate and ventrolateral prefrontal cortices bilaterally. Cortical thinning extended into the limbic mesial temporal lobe. The grey matter changes were modulated additionally by the presence of co-morbidities and symptom severity. Prefrontal cortical thickness reduction correlated negatively with tic severity, while volume increase in primary somatosensory cortex depended on the intensity of premonitory sensations. Orbitofrontal cortex volume changes were further associated with abnormal water diffusivity within grey matter. White matter analysis revealed changes in fibre coherence in patients with Tourette syndrome within anterior parts of the corpus callosum. The severity of motor tics and premonitory urges had an impact on the integrity of tracts corresponding to cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical connections. Our results provide empirical support for a patho-aetiological model of Tourette syndrome based on developmental abnormalities, with perturbation of compensatory systems marking persistence of symptoms into adulthood. We interpret the symptom severity related grey matter volume increase in distinct functional brain areas as evidence of ongoing structural plasticity. The convergence of evidence from volume and water diffusivity imaging strengthens the validity of our findings and attests to the value of a novel multimodal combination of volume and cortical thickness estimations that provides unique and complementary information by exploiting their differential sensitivity to structural change.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a transverse electromagnetic (TEM), a circularly polarized (CP) (birdcage), and a 12-channel phased array head coil at the clinical field strength of B0 = 3T in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), signal homogeneity, and maps of the effective flip angle alpha. MATERIALS AND METHODS: SNR measurements were performed on low flip angle gradient echo images. In addition, flip angle maps were generated for alpha(nominal) = 30 degrees using the double angle method. These evaluation steps were performed on phantom and human brain data acquired with each coil. Moreover, the signal intensity variation was computed for phantom data using five different regions of interest. RESULTS: In terms of SNR, the TEM coil performs slightly better than the CP coil, but is second to the smaller 12-channel coil for human data. As expected, both the TEM and the CP coils show superior image intensity homogeneity than the 12-channel coil, and achieve larger mean effective flip angles than the combination of body and 12-channel coil with reduced radio frequency power deposition. CONCLUSION: At 3T the benefits of TEM coil design over conventional lumped element(s) coil design start to emerge, though the phased array coil retains an advantage with respect to SNR performance.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Recent developments of magnetic resonance imaging enabled free-breathing coronary MRA (cMRA) using steady-state-free-precession (SSFP) for endogenous contrast. The purpose of this study was a systematic comparison of SSFP cMRA with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo and spiral cMRA. METHODS: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP-, T2-prepared gradient-echo- and T2-prepared spiral cMRA was performed in 18 healthy swine (45-68 kg body-weight). Image quality was investigated subjectively and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. RESULTS: SSFP cMRA allowed for high quality cMRA during free breathing with substantial improvements in SNR, CNR and vessel sharpness when compared with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo imaging. Spiral imaging demonstrated the highest SNR while image quality score and vessel definition was best for SSFP imaging. CONCLUSION: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP cMRA is a promising new imaging approach for high signal and high contrast imaging of the coronary arteries with improved vessel border definition.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the potential of free-breathing 3D steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging with radial k-space sampling for coronary MR-angiography (MRA), coronary projection MR-angiography and coronary vessel wall imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared 3D SSFP sequence (TR = 6.1 ms, TE = 3.0 ms, flip angle = 120 degrees, field-of-view = 360 mm(2)) with radial k-space sampling (384 radials) was implemented for coronary MRA. For projection coronary MRA, this sequence was combined with a 2D selective aortic spin tagging pulse. Coronary vessel wall imaging was performed using a high-resolution inversion-recovery black-blood 3D radial SSFP sequence (384 radials, TR = 5.3 ms, TE = 2.7 ms, flip angle = 55 degrees, reconstructed resolution 0.35 x 0.35 x 1.2 mm(3)) and a local re-inversion pulse. Six healthy volunteers (two for each sequence) were investigated. Motion artifact level was assessed by two radiologists. Results: In coronary MRA, the coronary lumen was displayed with a high signal and high contrast to the surrounding lumen. Projection coronary MRA demonstrated selective visualization of the coronary lumen while surrounding tissue was almost completely suppressed. In coronary vessel wall imaging, the vessel wall was displayed with a high signal when compared to the blood pool and the surrounding tissue. No visible motion artifacts were seen. Conclusion: 3D radial SSFP imaging enables coronary MRA, coronary projection MRA and coronary vessel wall imaging with a low motion artifact level.


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Dystonia is associated with impaired somatosensory ability. The electrophysiological method of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can be used for noninvasive stimulation of the human cortex and can alter cortical excitability and associated behavior. Among others, rTMS can alter/improve somatosensory discrimation abilities, as shown in healthy controls. We applied 5Hz-rTMS over the left primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in 5 patients with right-sided writer's dystonia and 5 controls. We studied rTMS effects on tactile discrimination accuracy and concomitant rTMS-induced changes in hemodynamic activity measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Before rTMS, patients performed worse on the discrimination task than controls even though fMRI showed greater task-related activation bilaterally in the basal ganglia (BG). In controls, rTMS led to improved discrimination; fMRI revealed this was associated with increased activity of the stimulated S1, bilateral premotor cortex and BG. In dystonia patients, rTMS had no effect on discrimination; fMRI showed similar cortical effects to controls except for no effects in BG. Improved discrimination after rTMS in controls is linked to enhanced activation of S1 and BG. Failure of rTMS to increase BG activation in dystonia may be associated with the lack of effect on sensory discrimination in this group and may reflect impaired processing in BG-S1 connections. Alternatively, the increased BG activation seen in the baseline state without rTMS may reflect a compensatory strategy that saturates a BG contribution to this task.


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A new quantitative approach of the mandibular sexual dimorphism, based on computer-aided image analysis and elliptical Fourier analysis of the mandibular outline in lateral view is presented. This method was applied to a series of 117 dentulous mandibles from 69 male and 48 female individuals native of Rhenish countries. Statistical discriminant analysis of the elliptical Fourier harmonics allowed the demonstration of a significant sexual dimorphism in 97.1% of males and 91.7% of females, i.e. in a higher proportion than in previous studies using classical metrical approaches. This original method opens interesting perspectives for increasing the accuracy of sex identification in current anthropological practice and in forensic procedures.


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MRI tractography is the mapping of neural fiber pathways based on diffusion MRI of tissue diffusion anisotropy. Tractography based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) cannot directly image multiple fiber orientations within a single voxel. To address this limitation, diffusion spectrum MRI (DSI) and related methods were developed to image complex distributions of intravoxel fiber orientation. Here we demonstrate that tractography based on DSI has the capacity to image crossing fibers in neural tissue. DSI was performed in formalin-fixed brains of adult macaque and in the brains of healthy human subjects. Fiber tract solutions were constructed by a streamline procedure, following directions of maximum diffusion at every point, and analyzed in an interactive visualization environment (TrackVis). We report that DSI tractography accurately shows the known anatomic fiber crossings in optic chiasm, centrum semiovale, and brainstem; fiber intersections in gray matter, including cerebellar folia and the caudate nucleus; and radial fiber architecture in cerebral cortex. In contrast, none of these examples of fiber crossing and complex structure was identified by DTI analysis of the same data sets. These findings indicate that DSI tractography is able to image crossing fibers in neural tissue, an essential step toward non-invasive imaging of connectional neuroanatomy.


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Black-blood MR coronary vessel wall imaging may become a powerful tool for the quantitative and noninvasive assessment of atherosclerosis and positive arterial remodeling. Although dual-inversion recovery is currently the gold standard, optimal lumen-to-vessel wall contrast is sometimes difficult to obtain, and the time window available for imaging is limited due to competing requirements between blood signal nulling time and period of minimal myocardial motion. Further, atherosclerosis is a spatially heterogeneous disease, and imaging at multiple anatomic levels of the coronary circulation is mandatory. However, this requirement of enhanced volumetric coverage comes at the expense of scanning time. Phase-sensitive inversion recovery has shown to be very valuable for enhancing tissue-tissue contrast and for making inversion recovery imaging less sensitive to tissue signal nulling time. This work enables multislice black-blood coronary vessel wall imaging in a single breath hold by extending phase-sensitive inversion recovery to phase-sensitive dual-inversion recovery, by combining it with spiral imaging and yet relaxing constraints related to blood signal nulling time and period of minimal myocardial motion.


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Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a powerful noninvasive technique with high soft-tissue contrast for the visualization of the coronary anatomy without X-ray exposure. Due to the small dimensions and tortuous nature of the coronary arteries, a high spatial resolution and sufficient volumetric coverage have to be obtained. However, this necessitates scanning times that are typically much longer than one cardiac cycle. By collecting image data during multiple RR intervals, one can successfully acquire coronary MR angiograms. However, constant cardiac contraction and relaxation, as well as respiratory motion, adversely affect image quality. Therefore, sophisticated motion-compensation strategies are needed. Furthermore, a high contrast between the coronary arteries and the surrounding tissue is mandatory. In the present article, challenges and solutions of coronary imaging are discussed, and results obtained in both healthy and diseased states are reviewed. This includes preliminary data obtained with state-of-the-art techniques such as steady-state free precession (SSFP), whole-heart imaging, intravascular contrast agents, coronary vessel wall imaging, and high-field imaging. Simultaneously, the utility of electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) for the visualization of the coronary arteries is discussed.