968 resultados para Complications of


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Background Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most common type of focal epilepsy in adults and can be successfully cured by surgery. One of the main complications of this surgery however is a decline in language abilities. The magnitude of this decline is related to the degree of language lateralization to the left hemisphere. Most fMRI paradigms used to determine language dominance in epileptic populations have used active language tasks. Sometimes, these paradigms are too complex and may result in patient underperformance. Only a few studies have used purely passive tasks, such as listening to standard speech. Methods In the present study we characterized language lateralization in patients with MTLE using a rapid and passive semantic language task. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study 23 patients [12 with Left (LMTLE), 11 with Right mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (RMTLE)] and 19 healthy right-handed controls using a 6 minute long semantic task in which subjects passively listened to groups of sentences (SEN) and pseudo sentences (PSEN). A lateralization index (LI) was computed using a priori regions of interest of the temporal lobe. Results The LI for the significant contrasts produced activations for all participants in both temporal lobes. 81.8% of RMTLE patients and 79% of healthy individuals had a bilateral language representation for this particular task. However, 50% of LMTLE patients presented an atypical right hemispheric dominance in the LI. More importantly, the degree of right lateralization in LMTLE patients was correlated with the age of epilepsy onset. Conclusions The simple, rapid, non-collaboration dependent, passive task described in this study, produces a robust activation in the temporal lobe in both patients and controls and is capable of illustrating a pattern of atypical language organization for LMTLE patients. Furthermore, we observed that the atypical right-lateralization patterns in LMTLE patients was associated to earlier age at epilepsy onset. These results are in line with the idea that early onset of epileptic activity is associated to larger neuroplastic changes.


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En la última dècada, els esports de muntanya, en qualsevol de les seves modalitats, s’han vist incrementats en nombre de practicants. Aquest fet ha comportat un important augment d’incidència de la hipotèrmia accidental. La hipotèrmia accidental és defineix com un estat patològic caracteritzat per la disminució de la temperatura corporal central per sota dels 35ºC, com a resultat de la incapacitat de l’organisme per generar el calor necessari per garantir el manteniment de les funcions fisiològiques. A través d’aquest estudi es vol demostrar que l’actuació in situ, a través de certes mesures de reescalfament, de la víctima que pateix hipotèrmia, milloren la supervivència i les complicacions secundàries d’aquesta patologia, a més a més d’avaluar l’eficàcia d’aquestes tècniques. És a dir, volem demostrar l’efectivitat de l’aplicació terapèutica extrahospitalaria de les tècniques de reescalfament. Realitzarem un estudi quantitatiu observacional analític de caràcter prospectiu a la zona dels Alps francesos d’una mostra de 237 casos d’hipotèrmia en persones practicants d’esports de muntanya que reuneixin uns criteris d’inclusió i exclusió. Els professionals de rescat aplicaran les mesures de reescalfament prèviament pautades, per les quals hauran estat formats, i enregistraran en el full de recollida de dades tota la informació sobre les variables d’estudi. És un estudi on la intervenció principal es porta a terma al medi natural i que per tant les condicions climatològiques i medioambientals poden actuar com a gran limitador de l’estudi, cal afegir també com a limitació el fet que el participant no vulgui formar part de l’estudi o que el professional de rescat que ha de portar a terme el pla terapèutic no ho faci adequadament.


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Résumé L'hypertension artérielle systémique est répandue dans la population et représente un facteur de risque cardiovasculaire majeur de morbidité et de mortalité. La rétinopathie hypertensive est l'atteinte la plus fréquente. Les signes au fond d'oeil sont la vasoconstriction et des signes indirects d'ischémie localisée de la rétine comme les hémorragies rétiniennes, les exsudats mous et durs. Elle peut contribuer à l'aggravation de la rétinopathie diabétique. Les complications oculaires fréquentes sont les hémorragies sous-conjonctivales et les occlusions veineuses. Plus rares mais plus graves sont les neuropathies optiques ischémiques et les occlusions artérielles rétiniennes ou choroïdiennes. Un dépistage est conseillé en cas d'hypertension mal contrôlée ou aiguë, de diabète, ou de toutes autres plaintes visuelles récentes. Abstract Systemic hypertension is widely spread in the general population. It is recognised as a major risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Hypertensive retinopathy is the most common manifestation. Initial changes are retinal arteriolar vasoconstriction and findings such as flame or blot hemorrhages, cotton wool spots and hard exsudates resulting from localised retinal ischemia. Ocular complications of high blood pressure (HBP) are subconjunctival hemorrhages and retinal vein occlusions. Hypertensive retinopathy contributes to worsening of diabetic retinopathy. Less common but more threatening are ischemic optic neuropathy and retinal arterial occlusions. Screening is recommended in case of severe systemic hypertension, diabetes, or any complain of recent visual disturbances.


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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and clinical symptoms associated with sharp mandibular bone irregularities (SMBI) after lower third molar extraction and to identify possible risk factors for this complication. Study Design: A mixed study design was used. A retrospective cohort study of 1432 lower third molar extractions was done to determine the incidence of SMBI and a retrospective case-control study was done to determine potential demographic and etiologic factors by comparing those patients with postoperative SMBI with controls. Results: Twelve SMBI were found (0.84%). Age was the most important risk factor for this complication. The operated side and the presence of an associated radiolucent image were also significantly related to the development of mandibular bone irregularities. The depth of impaction of the tooth might also be an important factor since erupted or nearly erupted third molars were more frequent in the SMBI group. Conclusions: SMBI are a rare postoperative complication after lower third molar removal. Older patients having left side lower third molars removed are more likely to develop this problem. The treatment should be the removal of the irregularity when the patient is symptomatic


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Aikuispotilaan kotisyntyisen keuhkokuumeen etiologinen diagnostiikka mikrobiologisilla pikamenetelmillä Tausta. Keuhkokuume on vakava sairaus, johon sairastuu Suomessa vuosittain n. 60 000 aikuista. Huolimatta siitä, että taudin hoito on kehittynyt, siihen liittyy yhä merkittävä, 6-15%:n kuolleisuus. Alahengitystieinfektion aiheuttajamikrobien tunnistaminen on myös edelleen haasteellista. Tavoitteet. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa hoidettujen aikuispotilaiden keuhkokuumeen etiologiaa sekä selvittää uusien mikrobiologisten pikamenetelmi¬en hyödyllisyyttä taudinaiheuttajan toteamisessa. Aineisto. Osatöiden I ja III aineisto koostui 384 Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalaan infektio-osastolla hoidetusta keuhkokuumepotilaasta. Osatyössä I tutkittiin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja¬mikrobeja käyttämällä perinteisten menetelmien lisäksi antigeeniosoitukseen ja PCR-tekniikkaan perustuvia pikamenetelmiä. Osatyö II käsitti 231 potilaasta koostuvan alaryhmän, jossa tutkittiin potilaiden nielun limanäytteestä rinovirusten ja enterovirusten esiintyvyyttä. Osatyössä III potilailta tutkittiin plasman C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) pitoisuus ensimmäisten viiden sairaalahoitopäi¬vän aikana. Laajoja tilastotieteellisiä analyysejä käyttämällä selvitettiin CRP:n käyttökelpoisuutta sairauden vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa ja komplikaatioiden kehittymisen ennustamisessa. Osatyössä IV 68 keuhkokuumepotilaan sairaalaan tulovaiheessa otetuista näytteistä määritettiin neutrofiilien pintareseptorien ekspressio. Osatyössä V analysoitiin sisätautien vuodeosastoilla vuosina 1996-2000 keuhkokuumepotilaille tehtyjen keuhkohuuhtelunäytteiden laboratoriotutkimustulokset. Tulokset. Keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi 209 potilaalta, aiheuttajamikrobeja löydettiin kaikkiaan 230. Näistä aiheuttajista 135 (58.7%) löydettiin antigeenin osoituksella tai PCR-menetelmillä. Suu¬rin osa, 95 (70.4%), todettiin pelkästään kyseisillä pikamenetelmillä. Respiratorinen virus todettiin antigeeniosoituksella 11.1% keuhkokuumepotilaalla. Eniten respiratorisia viruksia löytyi vakavaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta (20.3%). 231 keuhkokuumepotilaan alaryhmässä todettiin PCR-menetelmällä picornavirus 19 (8.2%) potilaalla. Respiratorinen virus löytyi tässä potilasryh¬mässä kaiken kaikkiaan 47 (20%) potilaalta. Näistä 17:llä (36%) löytyi samanaikaisesti bakteerin aiheuttama infektio. CRP-tasot olivat sairaalaan tulovaiheessa merkitsevästi korkeammat vakavaa keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat III-V) sairastavilla potilailla kuin lievää keuhkokuumetta (PSI-luokat I-II) sairastavilla potilailla (p <0.001). Yli 100 mg/l oleva CRP-taso neljän päivän kuluttua sairaa¬laan tulosta ennusti keuhkokuumeen komplikaatiota tai huonoa hoitovastetta. Neutrofiilien komple¬menttireseptorin ekspressio oli pneumokokin aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla merkitse¬västi korkeampi kuin influenssan aiheuttamaa keuhkokuumetta sairastavilla. BAL-näytteistä vain yhdessä 71:stä (1.3%) todettiin diagnostinen bakteerikasvu kvantitatiivisessa viljelyssä. Uusilla menetelmilläkin keuhkokuumeen aiheuttaja löytyi vain 9.8% BAL-näytteistä. Päätelmät. Uusilla antigeeniosoitus- ja PCR-menetelmillä keuhkokuumeen etiologia voidaan saada selvitettyä nopeasti. Lisäksi näitä menetelmiä käyttämällä taudin aiheuttajamikrobi löytyi huomattavasti suuremmalta osalta potilaista kuin pelkästään tavanomaisia menetelmiä käyttämällä. Pikamenetelmien hyödyllisyys vaihteli taudin vaikeusasteen mukaan. Respiratorinen virus löytyi huomattavan usein keuhkokuumetta sairastavilta potilailta, ja näiden potilaiden taudinkuva oli usein vaikea. Tulovaiheen korkeaa CRP-tasoa voidaan käyttää lisäkeinona arvioitaessa keuhkokuumeen vaikeutta. CRP on erityisen hyödyllinen arvioitaessa hoitovastetta ja riskiä komplikaatioiden ke¬hittymiseen. Neutrofiilien komplementtireseptorin ekspression tutkiminen näyttää lupaavalta pi¬kamenetelmältä erottamaan bakteerien ja virusten aiheuttamat taudit toisistaan. Antimikrobihoitoa saavilla potilailla BAL-tutkimuksen löydökset olivat vähäiset ja vaikuttivat hoitoon vain harvoin.


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El estreptococo del grupo B (EGB) constituye la principal causa de morbimortalidad neonatal y de morbilidad materna durante el embarazo y el posparto. Coloniza el aparato digestivo y el genitourinario en un 10-30% de las gestantes, con una tasa de transmisión vertical del 50%. De entre los recién nacidos colonizados, un 1-2% desarrollará una sepsis grave precoz. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de conocer las estrategias de prevención de la infección neonatal por EGB. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que las recomendaciones para su prevención consisten en el cribado universal prenatal de colonización por EGB mediante cultivo vaginorrectal a las 35-37 semanas, y la administración de profilaxis antibiótica intraparto a todas las embarazadas portadoras.


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El estreptococo del grupo B (EGB) constituye la principal causa de morbimortalidad neonatal y de morbilidad materna durante el embarazo y el posparto. Coloniza el aparato digestivo y el genitourinario en un 10-30% de las gestantes, con una tasa de transmisión vertical del 50%. De entre los recién nacidos colonizados, un 1-2% desarrollará una sepsis grave precoz. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de conocer las estrategias de prevención de la infección neonatal por EGB. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que las recomendaciones para su prevención consisten en el cribado universal prenatal de colonización por EGB mediante cultivo vaginorrectal a las 35-37 semanas, y la administración de profilaxis antibiótica intraparto a todas las embarazadas portadoras.


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The treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has shifted from the exposure of the aorta artery in an open repair technique to a small groin cut in an endovascular repair. Recently, a percutaneous access for endovascular repair has appeared. This new technique aims to minimize the complications of the common femoral artery exposure, the patient discomfort and the length of hospitalizationObjectives: To compare the proportion of discharged patients within the first 48 postoperative hours of two common femoral artery accesses for endovascular repair of AAA: the open exposure technique and the percutaneous technique. Secondary objectives include to evaluate the total procedure time, the femoral access complications, the need for extra analgesia and the patient satisfaction and groin discomfort of the two techniquesDesign: Randomized controlled trial conducted between 2014 and 2017Participants: Patients diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysm with elective endovascular repair indication


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The rectal prolapse is very common in children under 3 years old. Rectal mucosae herniated in to the anal canal. The ethiologic causes are diarrhea, intestinal parasitosis, obstipation and desnutrition. The effort during the defecation, prolonged diarrhea and obstipation are important contribucting factors. The treatment in the majority of cases is medical treating factors like desnutrition, diarrheia and parasitosis. The authors report a case of a 3-month-old child with chronic diarrhea, severe desnutrition and recurrent rectal prolapse with perforation hole. This is a rare complication and considerations are made regarding the management of the case.


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This is a case report about a seven year-old child who arrived at Emergency Department of Hospital da Restauração with gunshot wound on precordial area and clinical signs of cardiac tamponade. The roentgenogram showed 27 retained pellets in cardiac area. Thoracotomy was performed and repaired a cardiac wound in right ventricule. The patient developed conduction disturbance and valvar defect, but was discharged on the tenth postoperative day. Diagnosis, treatment and complications of retained projectiles are discussed.


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A 32-year-old woman was referred to our institution for a pelvic mass. She was asymptomatic and was found to have a mass on rectal examination. Magnetic resonance showed a large solid-cystic mass and the patient underwent complete surgical excision with pathologic findings suggesting retrorectal cyst-hamartoma. Tailgut cysts (or retrorectal cystic hamartomas) are rare congenital lesions settled in the retrorectal (presacral) space. They are made up of cysts lined by multiple types of epithelium, often predominantly mucin-secreting. The lesion requires complete surgical excision to prevent complications of recurrence, infection or carcinomatous degeneration.


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Various options for surgical treatment of morbid obesity have been developed with varying results: vertical banded gastroplasty with intestinal by-pass, disabsorptive surgeries and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. Although all of them have been effective in weight loss, lower rates of early and late postoperative complications have been described in some procedures. Laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric banding (LASGB) has a similar principle as vertical banded gastroplasty and it is a minimally invasive procedure, with low systemic and operative problems, but not free of them. We report two rare cases of this complications of LASGB.


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A 54 - year-old male returned 14 years after a gunshot wound to the chest with intermitent hemoptysis that progressed to frank pulmonary hemorrhage. The complications of retained intrapulmonary foreign body are briefly reviewed.


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For oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses, there are required procedures to create the bone volume needed for installation of the implants. Thus, bone grafts from intraoral or extraoral donor sites represent a very favorable opportunity. This study aimed to review the literature on the subject, seeking to discuss parameters for the indications, advantages and complications of techniques for autogenous bone grafts.


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ABSTRACTObjective:to analyze the associated factors with empyema in patients with post-traumatic retained hemothorax.Methods:prospective observational study. Data were collected in patients undergoing PD during emergency duty. Variables analyzed were age, sex, mechanism of injury, side of the chest injury, intrathoracic complications of RH, laparotomy, specific injuries, rib fractures, trauma scores, days to diagnosis, diagnostic method of RH, primary indication of PD, initial volume drained, length of the first tube removal, surgical procedure. Cumulative incidence of empyema, pneumonia and pulmonary contusion and the proportion of patients with empyema or without empyema in each category of each variable analyzed were obtained.Results: the cumulative incidence of PD among trauma patients was 1.83% and the RH among those with PD was 10.63%. There were 20 cases of empyema (32.8%). Most were male in the age from 20 to 29, victims of injury by firearm on the left side of the thorax. The incidence of empyema in patients with injury by firearms was lower compared to those with stab wound or blunt trauma; higher among those with drained volume between 300 and 599 ml. The median hospital lenght of stay was higher among those with empyema.Conclusion:the incidence of PD was 1.83% and RH was 10.63%, these results are consistent with the low severity of the patients involved in this study and consistent with the literature. The incidence of empyema proved to be negatively associated with the occurrence of injury by firearms and positively associated with a drained volume between 300 and 599 ml, compared with lower or higher volumes.