863 resultados para Complicated Grief


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Adequate in-vitro training in valved stents deployment as well as testing of the latter devices requires compliant real-size models of the human aortic root. The casting methods utilized up to now are multi-step, time consuming and complicated. We pursued a goal of building a flexible 3D model in a single-step procedure. We created a precise 3D CAD model of a human aortic root using previously published anatomical and geometrical data and printed it using a novel rapid prototyping system developed by the Fab@Home project. As a material for 3D fabrication we used common house-hold silicone and afterwards dip-coated several models with dispersion silicone one or two times. To assess the production precision we compared the size of the final product with the CAD model. Compliance of the models was measured and compared with native porcine aortic root. Total fabrication time was 3 h and 20 min. Dip-coating one or two times with dispersion silicone if applied took one or two extra days, respectively. The error in dimensions of non-coated aortic root model compared to the CAD design was <3.0% along X, Y-axes and 4.1% along Z-axis. Compliance of a non-coated model as judged by the changes of radius values in the radial direction by 16.39% is significantly different (P<0.001) from native aortic tissue--23.54% at the pressure of 80-100 mmHg. Rapid prototyping of compliant, life-size anatomical models with the Fab@Home 3D printer is feasible--it is very quick compared to previous casting methods.


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Contemporary thoracic and cardiovascular surgery uses extensive equipment and devices to enable its performance. As the specialties develop and new frontiers are crossed, the technology needs to advance in a parallel fashion. Strokes of genius or problem-solving brain-storming may generate great ideas, but the metamorphosis of an idea into a physical functioning tool requires a lot more than just a thinking process. A modern surgical device is the end-point of a sophisticated, complicated and potentially treacherous route, which incorporates new skills and knowledge acquisition. Processes including technology transfer, commercialisation, corporate and product development, intellectual property and regulatory routes all play pivotal roles in this voyage. Many good ideas may fall by the wayside for a multitude of reasons as they may not be marketable or may be badly marketed. In this article, we attempt to illuminate the components required in the process of surgical innovation, which we believe must remain in the remit of the modern-day thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon.


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Avui en dia, Internet permet ampliar l'horitzó d'alguns serveis, donant-los un altre caire més versàtil i còmode pel client final. El fet de posar a disposició del client un servei com el de la dietètica i la nutrició 24 hores al dia i 7 dies a la setmana, sense que perdi el seu valor i continui sent individualitzat, ofereix al client un coaching en aquest terreny i, al negoci, una altra visió del mateix. Així doncs, el principal objectiu és desenvolupar un lloc web, on l'usuari final pugui rebre una valoració dietètica i nutricional del seu estat actual de manera automàtica i, a la vegada, se li aportin els punts on pot millorar i una dieta escaient. Tot i així, la figura del professional en dietètica participarà del procés, ja que sempre existiran casos més complicats que d'altres.


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the Iowa Department of Transportation and the offices of Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Motor Carrier Services, Vehicle Services, and Drivers Services want to make your travels into and through our state safer, legal and less complicated. This book will address and clarify many of the rules and regulations concerning the operation of commercial vehicles in the state of Iowa. However, it is not possible to include every rule and regulation that may apply. If any questions exist, the reader is encouraged to contact other sources, including the agencies listed on page 4 and 5 of this book.


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BACKGROUND: About 30-50% of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) develop fistulae, implying significant disease burden and complicated clinical management. AIM: To assess appropriate use of therapy for fistulizing CD patients enrolled in the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort using criteria developed by the European Panel on the Appropriateness of Crohn's disease Therapy. METHODS: Specific questionnaires were used to gather information on disease and its management. We assessed appropriateness of therapy at enrolment for adult CD patients with one or several fistulae. RESULTS: Two hundred and eighty-eight CD patients had fistulizing disease, of which 80% had complex fistulae and 32% currently had active draining fistulae. Mean age (s.d.) at diagnosis was 27 years (11), 51% males. Of the patients, 78% were judged as having globally an appropriate therapy, which was more often given for complex fistulae (87%) than for simple fistulae (67%). Antibiotics, azathioprine/MP, methotrexate and conservative surgery were almost always appropriate. Anti-tumor necrosis factor α was considered globally appropriate (91%), although most often with an uncertain indication. The 5ASA compounds, steroids and aggressive surgery were most often inappropriate (84%, 58% and 86% respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Formal appropriateness criteria for CD therapy were applied to a national cohort of IBD patients. For more than three-quarters of the patients with fistulizing CD, therapy was globally appropriate.


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Objectives This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.


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Urgent reoperative transapical aortic valve-in-valve has never been proposed as a treatment option in case of a failed transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) or in case of worsening of an existing paravalvular leak, if this complication occurs right after, or a few days after, the primary transapical aortic valve implantation. Experienced surgeons should argue that after a transapical TAVI, the apex is damaged and fragile, with a high risk of irreparable ventricular tears and life-threatening bleeding if a second transapical procedure is scheduled during the acute phase. Nevertheless, if the patient is inoperable and the vascular status, including the ascending aorta, limits alternative accesses, the urgent reoperative transapical valve-in-valve becomes an alternative. We illustrate, for the first time ever, our experience with an 81-year old female patient who underwent a transapical (TA) TAVI with a Sapien? XT 23 mm. The day after the procedure, the patient haemodynamically worsened in combination with a worsening of a known (grade 1-2) paravalvular leak. Thus, on postoperative day two, an urgent transapical valve-in-valve was performed, and a second Sapien? XT 23 mm was placed, with an excellent haemodynamic result and absence of leak. The redo apical access did not appear very complicated and the postoperative recovery was uneventful.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases are commonly complicated by weight and bone loss. We hypothesized that IL-15, a pro-inflammatory cytokine expressed in colitis and an osteoclastogenic factor, could play a central role in systemic and skeletal complications of inflammatory bowel diseases. We evaluated the effects of an IL-15 antagonist, CRB-15, in mice with chronic colitis induced by oral 2% dextran sulfate sodium for 1 week, followed by another 1% for 2 weeks. During the last 2 weeks, mice were treated daily with CRB-15 or an IgG2a control antibody. Intestinal inflammation, disease severity, and bone parameters were evaluated at days 14 and 21. CRB-15 improved survival, early weight loss, and colitis clinical score, although colon damage and inflammation were prevented in only half the survivors. CRB-15 also delayed loss of femur bone mineral density and trabecular microarchitecture. Bone loss was characterized by decreased bone formation, but increased bone marrow osteoclast progenitors and osteoclast numbers on bone surfaces. CRB-15 prevented the suppression of osteoblastic markers of bone formation, and reduced osteoclast progenitors at day 14, but not later. However, by day 21, CRB-15 decreased tumor necrosis factor α and increased IL-10 expression in bone, paralleling a reduction of osteoclasts. These results delineate the role of IL-15 on the systemic and skeletal manifestations of chronic colitis and provide a proof-of-concept for future therapeutic developments.


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Los nuevos hábitos de consumo de medios en el marco de la convergencia digital están propiciando un cambio en las estrategias de los medios de comunicación. Mientras unos usuarios siguen prefiriendo la radio, la televisión y la prensa tradicional para informarse otros participan de la experiencia digital en internet (blogs, redes sociales...) y dispositivos móviles, etc. En este panorama es complicado precisar dónde nace y termina el contenido o hasta qué punto es la participación del usuario quien (re) construye la información; así los contenidos mutan y se diluyen en varios soportes. En este contexto, la prensa local también vive las consecuencias del nuevo paradigma y asume los retos del reacomodo del sector ante la nueva realidad. Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones del estudio cualitativo con entrevistas en profundidad a los responsables de medios locales en Cataluña sobre sus usuarios, contenidos y soportes en el marco de la convergencia digital.


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La mort i el procés de morir són fets quotidians en les persones grans i, conseqüentment, en els centres sociosanitaris, on bona part de les persones usuàries són d’edat avançada. Tot i que es tracta d’un fenomen natural que s’inclou dins del cicle vital de les persones, en la nostra societat la mort encara provoca rebuig, por, ansietat, tristesa i inquietud. En aquest marc, les estudiants1 d’infermeria són un col·lectiu que poden patir especialment l’impacte de la mort. Primer, perquè com a membres de la societat tenen interioritzat el codi social preestablert envers aquest tema i, segon, perquè durant la seva formació estan en contacte amb persones que estan al final de la vida i poden presenciar vivències de mort. En el primer període de pràctiques dels estudis d’infermeria, les estudiants han de fer front a diverses situacions del dia a dia fins aleshores desconegudes. Els conflictes interpersonals amb l'equip de treball i la inseguretat sobre les habilitats i les competències professionals són alguns dels aspectes que acostumen a viure amb més tensió. Tot i això, el que més impacte els provoca és la cura de les persones al final de la vida. Davant d'una situació de tensió, la persona viu un component estressor, que suposa el punt d’inflexió. A partir d’aquí s’activen els components adaptatius, que és el que emocionalment fa que la persona pugui fer front a aquesta situació estressant. A més, hi ha un component de suport, que són les ajudes que té. Segons com es treballi el component adaptatiu farà que la persona reaccioni en un futur de forma més automàtica i inconscient o, al contrari, que la persona respongui de forma més conscient i intencionada. El present treball està concebut per comprendre quins elements psicosocials – components estressors i components de suport– poden afectar a les estudiants que presencien la vivència de la mort de malalts geriàtrics terminals en el primer període de pràctiques en un centre sociosanitari. S’ha dissenyat un estudi descriptiu transversal quantitatiu, de caràcter exploratori, per tal de descriure la freqüència i algunes característiques psicosocials al voltant de la mort en estudiants d'infermeria en el seu primer període de pràctiques, tant a nivell personal com a nivell professional. La mostra de l'estudi són 65 estudiants, la majoria són dones d'entre els 18 i els 29 anys –més d’un 90%–. Els resultats indiquen que un 80% dels futurs professionals estudiats han patit la mort d’alguna persona significativa al llarg de la seva vida; d'aquests, gairebé un de cada quatre presenta dol complicat. Quant a la vivència de mort en les pràctiques, el 83% l'ha experimentat. Tot i aquest elevat percentatge, no totes les experiències tenen una connotació negativa. En prop de la meitat dels casos, les morts són percebudes com una experiència enriquidora i natural. Els components estressors més impactants que les estudiants han viscut durant les pràctiques per la mort d’alguna persona malalta són: la reacció de la família del finat, el patiment que es genera al seu voltant, algun signe o símptoma físic experimentat pel malalt al final del procés, i la pròpia reacció emocional. Els components de suport expressats són: saber gestionar les pròpies emocions, tenir més formació sobre relació d’ ajuda i empatia, tenir més formació en control de símptomes i comunicació, per atendre usuaris –tant malalts com familiars- i que algú els informés i orientés en el procés. Altres resultats a tenir en compte són que la població estudiada té més preocupació o inquietud per la mort i el procés de morir de la persona estimada i menys per la pròpia mort. A més, tot i que la meitat no hagués escollit geriatria com opció a les primeres pràctiques clíniques, gairebé tot el grup estudiat ho recomanaria després d'haver viscut l'experiència. Les implicacions pràctiques d'aquest estudi porten a pensar que es pot reorientar la informació i preparació que es dóna a les estudiants d’infermeria abans del primer contacte amb la realitat dels centres sociosanitaris, així com també el paper de formació i suport que pot fer tant la persona tutora de pràctiques com les infermeres de referència dels diferents centres. En conclusió, caldria dissenyar estratègies formatives i de suport entorn a la preparació psicològica personal de l’estudiant; entorn a l’acompanyament, les cures pal·liatives i el dol; i valorar la seva eficiència en el futur.


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The Ombudsman helps citizens understand and maneuver through the often complicated depths and layers of government. In many cases, assistants facilitate citizen dialogue with an agency, explain the reasons for laws or policies, recommend revisions to unfair policies or unreasonable decisions, and resolve disputes informally. In some cases, the Ombudsman will pursue more formal investigations, take sworn testimony, and issue public reports. Here, in this periodic newsletter, you’ll find a small sampling of the ombudsman’s work over the previous two months. If you need help resolving a problem with state or local government, please see our contact information at the bottom of the page.


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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are carcinogenic. Estimating PCB half-life in the body based on levels in sera from exposed workers is complicated by the fact that occupational exposure to PCBs was to commercial PCB products (such as Aroclors 1242 and 1254) comprised of varying mixtures of PCB congeners. Half-lives were estimated using sera donated by 191 capacitor manufacturing plant workers in 1976 during PCB use (1946-1977), and post-exposure (1979, 1983, and 1988). Our aims were to: (1) determine the role of covariates such as gender on the half-life estimates, and (2) compare our results with other published half-life estimates based on exposed workers. All serum PCB levels were adjusted for PCB background levels. A linear spline model with a single knot was used to estimate two separate linear equations for the first two serum draws (Equation A) and the latter two (Equation B). Equation A gave half-life estimates of 1.74 years and 6.01 years for Aroclor 1242 and Aroclor 1254, respectively. Estimates were 21.83 years for Aroclor 1242 and 133.33 years for Aroclor 1254 using Equation B. High initial body burden was associated with rapid PCB elimination in workers at or shortly after the time they were occupationally exposed and slowed down considerably when the dose reached background PCB levels. These concentration-dependent half-life estimates had a transition point of 138.57 and 34.78 ppb for Aroclor 1242 and 1254, respectively. This result will help in understanding the toxicological and epidemiological impact of exposure to PCBs in humans.


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Niche construction, by which organisms modify the environment in which they live, has been proposed to affect the evolution of many phenotypic traits. But what about the evolution of a niche constructing trait itself, whose expression changes the pattern of natural selection to which the trait is exposed in subsequent generations? This article provides an inclusive fitness analysis of selection on niche constructing phenotypes, which can affect their environment from local to global scales in arbitrarily spatially subdivided populations. The model shows that phenotypic effects of genes extending far beyond the life span of the actor can be affected by natural selection, provided they modify the fitness of those individuals living in the future that are likely to have inherited the niche construction lineage of the actor. Present benefits of behaviors are thus traded off against future indirect costs. The future costs will generally result from a complicated interplay of phenotypic effects, population demography and environmental dynamics. To illustrate these points, I derive the adaptive dynamics of a trait involved in the consumption of an abiotic resource, where resource abundance in future generations feeds back to the evolutionary dynamics of the trait.


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Monitoring the performance is a crucial task for elite sports during both training and competition. Velocity is the key parameter of performance in swimming, but swimming performance evaluation remains immature due to the complexities of measurements in water. The purpose of this study is to use a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) to estimate front crawl velocity. Thirty swimmers, equipped with an IMU on the sacrum, each performed four different velocity trials of 25 m in ascending order. A tethered speedometer was used as the velocity measurement reference. Deployment of biomechanical constraints of front crawl locomotion and change detection framework on acceleration signal paved the way for a drift-free integration of forward acceleration using IMU to estimate the swimmers velocity. A difference of 0.6 ± 5.4 cm · s(-1) on mean cycle velocity and an RMS difference of 11.3 cm · s(-1) in instantaneous velocity estimation were observed between IMU and the reference. The most important contribution of the study is a new practical tool for objective evaluation of swimming performance. A single body-worn IMU provides timely feedback for coaches and sport scientists without any complicated setup or restraining the swimmer's natural technique.


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Une arythmie foetale complique 1 à 2% des grossesses et présente dans 10% des cas un risque majeur de morbidité et de mortalité pour le foetus. Les arythmies les plus fréquentes sont les extrasystoles supraventriculaires (ESSV). Elles sont bénignes et se résolvent spontanément mais nécessitent un suivi visant à exclure un passage en tachycardie supraventriculaire (TSV). Les TSV sont plus rares mais sont fréquemment compliquées de décompensation cardiaque et d'anasarque. Heureusement, elles sont traitables in utero par pharmacothérapie. Nous rapportons ici notre expérience entre 2003 et 2005 avec de telles pathologies : parmi les 26 foetus adressés au Centre de cardiologie du CHUV, à Lausanne, et présentant des ESSV et/ou une TSV, aucun n'a souffert de complication sérieuse. Six ont bénéficié d'un traitement par sotalol en raison de TSV. Fetal arrhythmias form a complicating factor in 1-2% of all pregnancies and in 10% of those cases morbidity or even mortality is encountered. The most frequent occurring arrhythmias are premature atrial contractions (PAC). These are usually benign phenomena which resolve spontaneously, but require some follow-up to exclude the development of supraventricular tachycardias (SVT). SVTs are rare but are frequently complicated by fetal congestive heart failure or even fetal death. Timely prenatal pharmacotherapeutic intervention is generally advised to return to an adequate heart rate, preferably sinus rhythm. This study reports on the local experience with these forms of pathologies: of the 26 fetuses encountered with PAC or/and SVT between 2003 and 2005, none experienced serious complications, while 6 required pharmacotherapeutic intervention with sotalol.