997 resultados para Commutative Ring Theory
We analyze the low frequency absorption cross section of minimally coupled massless scalar fields by different kinds of charged static black holes in string theory, namely the D1–D5 system in d=5 and a four dimensional dyonic four-charged black hole. In each case we show that this cross section always has the form of some parameter of the solution divided by the black hole Hawking temperature. We also verify in each case that, despite its explicit temperature dependence, such quotient is finite in the extremal limit, giving a well defined cross section. We show that this precise explicit temperature dependence also arises in the same cross section for black holes with string \alpha' corrections: it is actually induced by them.
OBJECTIVE: To describe a surgical procedure utilizing a malleable bovine pericardium ring in mitral valve repair and clinical and echodopplercadiographic results. METHODS: Thirty-two (25 female and 7 male) patients, aged between 9 and 66 (M=36.4±17.2) years, were studied over a 16-month period, with 100% follow-up. In 23 (72%) of the patients, the mitral approach was the only one applied; 9 patients underwent associated operations. The technique applied consisted of measuring the perimeter of the anterior leaflet and implanting, according to this measurement, a flexible bovine pericardium prosthesis for reinforcement and conformation of the posterior mitral annulus, reducing it to the perimeter of the anterior leaflet with adjustment of the valve apparatus. RESULTS: The patient survival ratio was 93.8%, with 2 (6.2%) fatal outcomes, one from unknown causes, the other due to left ventricular failure. Only one reoperation was performed. On echodopplercardiography, 88% of the patients had functional recovery of the mitral valve (50% without and 38% with mild insufficiency and no hemodynamic repercussions). Of four (12%) of the remaining patients, 6% had moderate and 6% had seigre insufficiency. Twenty-eight percent of class II patients and 72% of class III patients passed into classes I (65%), II (32%), and III (3%), according to NYHA classification criteria. CONCLUSION: Being flexible, the bovine pericardium ring fit perfectly into the valve annulus, taking into account its geometry and contractility. Valve repair was shown to be reproducible, demonstrating significant advantages during patient evolution, which did not require anticoagulation measures.
Mitral valvuloplasty is efficient for repairing mitral valve disease with few complications. In some cases, obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract may occur due to systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve. We report the case of a patient with this complication and a pressure gradient between the left ventricle and the aorta of 130 mm Hg after mitral valvuloplasty with implantation of a Gregori's ring. The management was clinical with suspension of the vasoactive drugs and introduction of a beta-blocker. Two years after the surgery, the patient is asymptomatic and has a normal life.
Este proyecto se enmarca en la utlización de métodos formales (más precisamente, en la utilización de teoría de tipos) para garantizar la ausencia de errores en programas. Por un lado se plantea el diseño de nuevos algoritmos de chequeo de tipos. Para ello, se proponen nuevos algoritmos basados en la idea de normalización por evaluación que sean extensibles a otros sistemas de tipos. En el futuro próximo extenderemos resultados que hemos conseguido recientemente [16,17] para obtener: una simplificación de los trabajos realizados para sistemas sin regla eta (acá se estudiarán dos sistemas: a la Martin Löf y a la PTS), la formulación de estos chequeadores para sistemas con variables, generalizar la noción de categoría con familia utilizada para dar semántica a teoría de tipos, obtener una formulación categórica de la noción de normalización por evaluación y finalmente, aplicar estos algoritmos a sistemas con reescrituras. Para los primeros resultados esperados mencionados, nos proponemos como método adaptar las pruebas de [16,17] a los nuevos sistemas. La importancia radica en que permitirán tornar más automatizables (y por ello, más fácilmente utilizables) los asistentes de demostración basados en teoría de tipos. Por otro lado, se utilizará la teoría de tipos para certificar compiladores, intentando llevar adelante la propuesta nunca explorada de [22] de utilizar un enfoque abstracto basado en categorías funtoriales. El método consistirá en certificar el lenguaje "Peal" [29] y luego agregar sucesivamente funcionalidad hasta obtener Forsythe [23]. En este período esperamos poder agregar varias extensiones. La importancia de este proyecto radica en que sólo un compilador certificado garantiza que un programa fuente correcto se compile a un programa objeto correcto. Es por ello, crucial para todo proceso de verificación que se base en verificar código fuente. Finalmente, se abordará la formalización de sistemas con session types. Los mismos han demostrado tener fallas en sus formulaciones [30], por lo que parece conveniente su formalización. Durante la marcha de este proyecto, esperamos tener alguna formalización que dé lugar a un algoritmo de chequeo de tipos y a demostrar las propiedades usuales de los sistemas. La contribución es arrojar un poco de luz sobre estas formulaciones cuyos errores revelan que el tema no ha adquirido aún suficiente madurez o comprensión por parte de la comunidad. This project is about using type theory to garantee program correctness. It follows three different directions: 1) Finding new type-checking algorithms based on normalization by evaluation. First, we would show that recent results like [16,17] extend to other type systems like: Martin-Löf´s type theory without eta rule, PTSs, type systems with variables (in addition to systems in [16,17] which are a la de Bruijn), systems with rewrite rules. This will be done by adjusting the proofs in [16,17] so that they apply to such systems as well. We will also try to obtain a more general definition of categories with families and normalization by evaluation, formulated in categorical terms. We expect this may turn proof-assistants more automatic and useful. 2) Exploring the proposal in [22] to compiler construction for Algol-like languages using functorial categories. According to [22] such approach is suitable for verifying compiler correctness, claim which was never explored. First, the language Peal [29] will be certified in type theory and we will gradually add funtionality to it until a correct compiler for the language Forsythe [23] is obtained. 3) Formilizing systems for session types. Several proposals have shown to be faulty [30]. This means that a formalization of it may contribute to the general understanding of session types.