968 resultados para Cochin wetlands
RESUMO Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito combinado de duas unidades de tratamento na remoção de nitrogênio total Kjeldahl (NTK) e fósforo total (PT). As unidades avaliadas receberam alimentação contínua, sendo um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente tipo RAFA, com volume útil de 96 L, seguido de um sistema alagado construído (SAC) com capacidade para 237 L. O experimento foi conduzido em três fases, variando o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) no reator anaeróbio de: 59 h, 19,5 h e 5 h, e no SAC 146 h, 48 h e 13 h, respectivamente, nas fases I, II e III. A carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) aplicada foi de 1,2; 1,3 e 13,0 kg m-3 d-1 de DQO no RAFA, e as taxas de aplicação superficial (TAS) no SAC foram de 120, 130 e 464 kg ha-1d-1 de NTK e 13; 51 e 240 kg ha-1 d-1de PT e de 850; 656 e 6.335 kg ha-1 d-1 de DQO. As eficiências de remoção de NTK e PT no sistema como um todo foram de, aproximadamente, 35%, não havendo diferença significativa entre as fases. Porém, em termos de COV removida, houve maior remoção com o aumento da carga aplicada. As características apresentadas pelo efluente do sistema nas diferentes fases não alcançaram os padrões ambientais para lançamento em cursos de água no Estado de Minas Gerais, dentre as variáveis avaliadas, mas seu potencial nutricional deve ser utilizado para produção agrícola.
RESUMO A colmatação é um fenômeno intrínseco aos sistemas alagados construídos (SACs) utilizados no tratamento de esgotos, sendo decorrente dos mecanismos de remoção de poluentes. Dentre os métodos disponíveis para a avaliação da colmatação, destaca-se o uso de traçadores para a obtenção das condições hidrodinâmicas dos SACs. No entanto, não há um traçador ideal; os salinos, por exemplo, são passíveis de absorção, mecanismo influenciado pelo estádio no qual a planta se apresenta. Assim, objetivou-se, com a realização do trabalho, avaliar a utilização do NaCl para caracterização do grau de colmatação e das condições hidrodinâmicas de SACs de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial, plantado e não plantado, verificar a confiabilidade do uso desse traçador em testes executados durante o estádio de crescimento (após o corte da parte aérea) e o florescimento da taboa (Typha latifolia), além da suscetibilidade de causar danos às plantas. Os resultados indicaram que o NaCl pode ser utilizado para estudos de comparação do grau de colmatação de SACs, inclusive não apresentando danos à taboa. Verificou-se que, após sete anos de operação, a unidade plantada encontra-se mais colmatada e com regime de escoamento mais turbulento. Também foi possível inferir que o corte das plantas propiciou aumento na dispersão no sistema.
RESUMO Na pecuária brasileira, tem-se destacado a suinocultura, cuja produção de carne foi apontada como a terceira maior do mundo, e como contrapartida os sistemas produtivos são, potencialmente, poluidores do ambiente. Os sistemas anaeróbios têm sido utilizados para tratamento de água residuária suinícola, necessitando de complementação para diminuir as cargas de nutrientes e reúso agrícola. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito combinado de duas unidades de tratamento na remoção de matéria orgânica, na forma de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), sendo um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente tipo RAFA com volume útil de 96 L, seguido de um sistema alagado construído (SAC) com capacidade para 237 L. O experimento foi conduzido em três fases, variando-se o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) no reator anaeróbio, de 59 h, 19,5 h e 5 h, e no SAC, 146 h, 48 h e 13 h, respectivamente, nas fases 1, 2 e 3. A carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) aplicada foi de 1,2; 1,3 e 13,0 kg m-3d-1 de DQO, e as taxas de aplicação superficial (TAS) no SAC foram de 850; 656 e 6335 kg ha-1 d-1 de DQO. As unidades combinadas removeram 0,07; 0,07 e 0,96 kg d-1 de DQO total e 0,03; 0,07 e 0,14 kg d-1 de DQO solúvel. As características apresentadas pelo efluente do sistema, nas diferentes fases, não alcançaram os padrões ambientais para lançamento em cursos de água, dentre as variáveis avaliadas.
This paper reports the occurrence and epidemiology of outbreaks of foot rot and other foot diseases in goats and sheep in the semiarid region of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. Four farms were inspected for the presence of foot lesion in sheep and goats and for environmental conditions, general hygiene, pastures, and disease control measures. The prevalence of foot lesions was 19.41% (170/876) in sheep and 17.99% (52/289) in goats, ranging between 5.77% and 33.85% in different farms. Foot rot was the most common disease, affecting 12.1% of the animals examined (141/1165), but with significantly higher (p<0.05) prevalence in sheep (13.69%) than in goats (7.27%). The frequency of malignant foot rot was also significantly lower (p<0.05) in goats (9.53%) than in the sheep (40.83%). On one farm, Dorper sheep showed significantly higher (p<0.05) prevalence of foot rot (17.5%) than Santa Inês sheep (6.79%), and the number of digits affected was also higher in the former. Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum were isolated from cases of foot rot. White line disease was found in 3.95% of the animals, sole ulcers in 1.29%, foot abscess in 1.03% and hoof overgrowth in 0.5%. The high rainfall at the time of occurrence, grazing in wetlands, clay soils with poor drainage, presence of numerous stony grounds, closure of the flocks in pens at night, and introduction of affected animals were considered predisposing factors for the occurrence of foot diseases.
Six-month-old seedlings of Cytharexyllum myrianthum and Genipa americana, two common tree species in different flood-prone areas in Brazil, were flooded for up to 90 days to compare their survival and growth responses under these conditions. Seedlings of both species were found to be relatively tolerant to flooding but growth responses changed according to treatment and plant species. Growth of G. americana was reduced by flooding, showing a decrease in root and leaf dry mass, root/shoot ratio and height, without showing any adaptive morphological changes. On the other hand, growth of C. myrianthum seedlings was stimulated under flooding conditions, showing an increase in root dry mass, root/shoot ratio, height, stem diameter and some morphological changes in roots and stems, i.e., development of new roots and stem base hypertrophy. These results could be regarded as an experimental corroboration of the field observations, showing that these species could be indicated for restoration programs of some Neotropical wetlands.
Regnellidium diphyllum has its distribution restricted to Southern Brazil and adjoining localities in Uruguay and Argentina. Currently it is on the list of threatened species of Rio Grande do Sul. The conversion of wetlands into agricultural areas or soil contamination by the introduction of waste products and fertilizers may compromise the establishment and survival of this species. Among the pollutants are heavy metals, such as cadmium (Cd). Megaspores were germinated in liquid culture medium, with concentrations 0 (control), 0.39; 0.78; 1.56; 3.12; 6.25; 12.5; 25; 50 and 100 mg L-1 of Cd, starting from a standard solution of Titrisol® at 1000 mg L-1. The increase of Cd in the growth medium to 50 mg L-1 resulted in low germinability (58%), and no germination was observed on 100 mg L-1. In apomictical sporophytes, the growth of primary root and leaf was significantly reduced and no secondary leaf was formed at Cd concentrations of 12.5 and higher than this. The results indicated that R. diphyllum is tolerant to the presence of Cd up to considerably higher concentrations (0.78 mg L-1) than that normally found in unpolluted aquatic ecosystems (0.01 mg L-1), although the sensitivity to higher concentrations might endanger the establishment and permanence of this species in habitats exposed to contamination with this metal.
Cedrela odorata L. (Meliaceae) occurs in the Atlantic forest, Amazon rain forest, riparian forest of the country, and wetlands, which demand species adapted to their water conditions. Studies in ecological wood anatomy demonstrated that weather factors' variations have direct influence on the wood anatomical structure and that the fragmentation of the natural habitats is a direct cause of the edge effect which alters the abiotic aspects of the location, interfering consequently in its vegetation. A comparative analysis of 20 anatomical quantitative features of the wood structure was performed in populations of Cedrela odorata growing inside and on the edge of the swamp forest and granulometric analysis was made on the soil. The quantitative data were submitted to the Mann-Whitney's nonparametric test, presenting a statistically significant value decrease in the eleven wood features mean for the specimens growing in the edge of swamp forest.
Hajoaminen kaatopaikalla tapahtuu fysikaalisten, kemiallisten ja biologisten prosessien avulla. Nämä prosessit voivat kestää vuosista jopa vuosikymmeniin. Näiden prosessien kehittymistä ajan saatossa kuvataan jätetäytön eri hajoamisvaiheiden avulla. Kaatopaikan eri toiminnoista syntyvät vesivirrat ovat laadultaan ja määrältään hyvin erilaisia. Suotovesi syntyy jätetäytön läpi suotautuvasta vedestä ja on yleisesti ottaen suurin kaatopaikkavesien kuormituksen aiheuttaja. Suotoveden sisältämien pitoisuuksien tiedetään laskevan kun jätteen loppusijoitus on lopetettu ja kun jätetäyttö on suljettu pintarakentein. Mitä pidemmälle jätetäytön hajoaminen on edennyt, sitä pienemmät suotoveden pitoisuudet ovat. Hyvä käytäntö on erottaa erityyppiset kaatopaikkavedet toisistaan ja käsitellä ne niiden vaatimalla tavalla. Diplomityön tarkoitus on löytää ympäristöystävällisin ja taloudellisin keino suljetun jätetäytön suotovesien sekä muiden vähintään yhtä laimeiden kaatopaikkavesien käsittelemiseksi. Vertailtavia käsittelymenetelmiä ovat kunnallisella jätevedenpuhdistamolla ja juurakkopuhdistamolla käsittely. Työn tulos on, että eri tyyppisillä juurakkopuhdistamoilla voidaan tehokkaasti käsitellä kaatopaikkavesiä. Empiirisen osan tarkastelu osoittaa, että hyvin pienien haitta-aine- ja ravinnepitoisuuksien käsittelyssä juurakkopuhdistamo on ympäristöystävällisempi sekä taloudellisempi kunnalliseen jätevedenpuhdistamoon verrattuna.
[Prospectus. Estampes. Cochin, Charles-Nicolas II. 1758]
Thecamoebian (testate amoeba) species diversity and assemblages in reclamation wetlands and lakes in northeastern Alberta respond to chemical and physical parameters associated with oil sands extraction. Ecosystems more impacted by OSPM (oil sands process-affected material) contain sparse, low-diversity populations dominated by centropyxid taxa and Arcella vulgaris. More abundant and diverse thecamoebian populations rich in difflugiid species characterize environments with lower OSPM concentrations. These shelled protists respond quickly to environmental change, allowing year-to-year variations in OSPM impact to be recorded. Their fossil record thus provides corporations with interests in the Athabasca Oil Sands with a potential means of measuring the progression of highlyimpacted aquatic environments to more natural wetlands. Development of this metric required investigation of controls on their fossil assemblage (e.g. seasonal variability, fossilization potential) and their biogeographic distribution, not only in the constructed lakes and wetlands on the oil sands leases, but also in natural environments across Alberta.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal along Chippewa Creek in Thorold Township. Identified structures and features associated with the Canal include the towing path, float bridge, and the waterway itself. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include a road allowance between Lot 213 and 214, Chippewa Creek, an unnamed creek, and the Old Canal. Wetlands adjacent to Chippewa Creek are illustrated. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 213 and 214, Samuel Hill, and Duncan Coleman. The boundary of the land deeded to Coleman is outlined in blue.
Translation of L'abolition de l'esclavage. Work crowned by the Institute of France (Académie française)