822 resultados para Church work with children.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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This project was undertaken jointly with a project supported by the Iowa Corn Promotion Board. Together the projects aimed at producing the organic acids, propionic acid and acetic acid, by fermentation. The impacts were to provide agriculturally-based alternatives to production of these acids, currently produced mainly as petrochemicals. The potentially high-demand use for acetic acid is as the "acetate" in Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA), the non-corrosive road deicer. Fermentation was, however, far from being an economically acceptable alternative. Gains were made in this work toward making this a feasible route. These advances included (1) development of a variant strain of propionibacteria capable of producing higher concentrations of acids; (2) comparison of conditions for several ways of cultivating free cells and establishment of the relative benefits of each; (3) achievement of the highest productivity in fermentations using immobilized cells; (4) identification of corn steep liquor as a lower cost substrate for the fermentation; (5) application of a membrane extraction system for acid recovery and reduction of product inhibition; and (6) initial use of more detailed economic analysis of process alternatives to guide in the identification of where the greatest payback potential is for future research. At this point, the fermentation route to these acids using the propionibacteria is technically feasible, but economically unfeasible. Future work with integration of the above process improvements can be expected to lead to further gains in economics. However, such work can not be expected to make CMA a less expensive deicer than common road salt.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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The number of HIV-infected persons with children and caregiving duties is likely to increase. From this statement, the present study was designed to establish how HIV infected caregivers organise their parenting routines and to determine their support needs. A further aim was to ascertain caregivers' perception of conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children. Finally, it sought to determine the extent to which the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity is influenced by the required support and their children's perceived conspicuous behaviours. The study design was observational and cross-sectional. Sampling was based on the 7 HIV Outpatient Clinics associated with the national population-based Swiss HIV Cohort Study. It focused on persons living with HIV who are responsible for raising children below the age of 18. A total of 520 caregivers were approached and 261 participated. An anonymous, standardised, self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analysed using descriptive statistical procedures and backward elimination multiple regression analysis. The 261 respondents cared for 406 children and adolescents under 18 years of age; the median age was 10 years. The caregivers' material resources were low. 70% had a net family income in a range below the median of Swiss net family income and 30% were dependent on welfare assistance. 73% were undergoing treatment with 86% reporting no physical impairments. The proportion of single caregivers was 34%. 92% of the children were living with their HIV infected caregivers. 80% of the children attended an institution such as a school or kindergarten during the day. 89% of the caregivers had access to social networks providing support. Nevertheless, caregivers required additional support in performing their parenting duties and indicated a need for assistance on the material level, in connection with legal problems and with participation in the labour market. 46% of the caregivers had observed one or more conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children, which indicates a challenging situation. However, most of these caregivers assessed their parenting activity very favourably. Backward elimination multiple regression analysis indicated that a smaller number of support needs, younger age of the eldest child and fewer physical impairments on the part of the caregiver enhance the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity. Physicians should speak to caregivers living with HIV about their parenting responsibilities and provide the necessary scope for this subject in their consultation sessions. Physicians are in a position to draw their patients' attention to the services available to them.


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By expressing an array of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), fibroblasts play an important role in stimulating and modulating the response of the innate immune system. The TLR3 ligand polyriboinosinic acid-polyribocytidylic acid, poly(I:C), a mimic of viral dsRNA, is a vaccine adjuvant candidate to activate professional antigen presenting cells (APCs). However, owing to its ligation with extracellular TLR3 on fibroblasts, subcutaneously administered poly(I:C) bears danger towards autoimmunity. It is thus in the interest of its clinical safety to deliver poly(I:C) in such a way that its activation of professional APCs is as efficacious as possible, whereas its interference with non-immune cells such as fibroblasts is controlled or even avoided. Complementary to our previous work with monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs), here we sought to control the delivery of poly(I:C) surface-assembled on microspheres to human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs). Negatively charged polystyrene (PS) microspheres were equipped with a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) corona through electrostatically driven coatings with a series of polycationic poly(L-lysine)-graft-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers, PLL-g-PEG, of varying grafting ratios g from 2.2 up to 22.7. Stable surface assembly of poly(I:C) was achieved by incubation of polymer-coated microspheres with aqueous poly(I:C) solutions. Notably, recognition of both surface-assembled and free poly(I:C) by extracellular TLR3 on HFFs halted their phagocytic activity. Ligation of surface-assembled poly(I:C) with extracellular TLR3 on HFFs could be controlled by tuning the grafting ratio g and thus the chain density of the PEG corona. When assembled on PLL-5.7-PEG-coated microspheres, poly(I:C) was blocked from triggering class I MHC molecule expression on HFFs. Secretion of interleukin (IL)-6 by HFFs after exposure to surface-assembled poly(I:C) was distinctly lower as compared to free poly(I:C). Overall, surface assembly of poly(I:C) may have potential to contribute to the clinical safety of this vaccine adjuvant candidate.


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Objetivos: Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) analizar las desigualdades de género en la salud en la población asalariada, de 25 a 64 años, casada o que vive en pareja en Cataluña y 2) examinar las desigualdades de género en la relación entre las exigencias de la esfera doméstica y familiar, las horas de trabajo remunerado y la salud.Métodos: Los datos proceden de la Encuesta de Salud de Cataluña de 2006 (ESCA 2006). La población analizada fueron hombres y mujeres entre 25 y 64 años, asalariados y que convivían en pareja (N =4.537). Las variables dependientes fueron el estado de salud percibido, la salud mental, el consumo de psicofármacos y las horas de sueño. Las variables explicativas fueron el número de horas de trabajo remunerado, número de personas en el hogar, la convivencia con menores de 12 años, la convivencia con personas entre 65 y 74 años, la convivencia con personas mayores de 74 años y, tener una persona contratada para realizar trabajo doméstico.Resultados: Convivir con menores de 12 años se asoció negativamente con mala salud y con consumo de psicofármacos en las mujeres; que el consumo de psicofármacos en mujeres estaba relacionado positivamente con la convivencia con personas entre 65 y 74 años y con la convivencia con mayores de 74 años (aOR: 2,60; 95% IC: 1,41-4,80 y aOR: 2,93; 95% IC: 1,58-5,44 respectivamente) y en los dos sexos los largos horarios de trabajo se asociaron con problemas de salud mental aunque en mayor proporción en hombres.Conclusión: La combinación de las exigencias familiares y las horas de trabajo remunerado se asocia con diversos indicadores de salud con diferentes patrones en hombres y en mujeres.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.


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A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.