974 resultados para Cervical Auscultation
Smoking has been positively and fruit and vegetable intake has been negatively associated with cervical cancer, the second most common cancer among women worldwide. However, a lower consumption of fruits and reduced serum carotenoids have been observed among smokers. It is not known whether the smoking effect on the risk of cervical neoplasia is modified by a low intake of fruits and vegetables. The present study examined the combined effects of tobacco smoking and diet using a validated FFQ and serum carotenoid and tocopherol levels on cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3) risk in a hospital-based case-control study conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 2003 and 2005. The sample comprised 231 incident, histologically confirmed cases of CIN3 and 453 controls. A low intake (<= 39 g) of dark-green and deep-yellow vegetables and fruits without tobacco smoking had a lesser effect on CIN3 (OR 1.14; 95% CI 0.49, 2.65) than among smokers with higher intake (>= 40 g; OR 1.83; 95% CI 0.73, 4.62) after adjusting for confounders. The OR for the joint exposure of tobacco smoking and low intake of vegetables and fruits was greater (3.86; 95% CI 1.74, 8.57; P for trend < 0.001) compared with non-smokers with higher intake after adjusting for confounding variables and human papillomavirus status. Similar results were observed for total fruit, serum total carotene (including beta-, alpha-and gamma-carotene) and tocopherols. These findings suggest that the effect of nutritional factors on CIN3 is modified by smoking.
Cervical cancer is a leading cancer among women in developing countries. Infection with oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types has been recognized as a necessary cause of this disease. Serum carotenoids and tocopherols have also been associated with risk for cervical neoplasia, but results from previous studies were not consistent. We evaluated the association of serum total carotene and tocopherols, and dietary intakes with the risk of newly diagnosed, histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grades 1, 2, 3 and invasive cancer in a hospital-based case-control study in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The investigation included 453 controls and 4 groups of cases (CIN1, n = 140; CIN2, n = 126; CIN3, n = 231; invasive cancer, n = 108) recruited from two major public clinics between 2003 and 2005. Increasing concentrations of serum lycopene were negatively associated with CIN1, CIN3 and cancer, with odds ratios (OR) (95% CI) for the highest compared to the lowest tertile of 0.53 (0.27-1.00, p for trend = 0.05), 0.48 (0.22-1.04, p for trend = 0.05) and 0.18 (0.06-0.52, p for trend = 0.002), respectively, after adjusting for confounding variables and HPV status. Increasing concentrations of serum alpha- and gamma-tocopherols, and higher dietary intakes of dark green and deep yellow vegetables/fruit were associated with nearly 50% decreased risk of CIN3. These results support the evidence that a healthy and balanced diet leading to provide high serum levels of antioxidants may reduce cervical neoplasia risk in low-income women.
Eugenol is a phenylpropene obtained from the essential oils of plants such as clove and basil which has ample use in dentistry. Eugenol possesses analgesic effects that may be related to the inhibition of voltage-dependent Na(+) channels and/or to the activation of TRPV1 receptors or both. In the present study, electrophysiological parameters were taken from the compound action potentials of the isolated rat sciatic nerve and from neurons of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) impaled with sharp microelectrodes under current-clamp conditions. In the isolated rat sciatic nerve, eugenol inhibited the compound action potential in a concentration-dependent manner. Action potentials recorded from SCG neurons were inhibited by eugenol with an IC(50) of 0.31 mM. At high concentrations (2 mM), during brief applications. eugenol caused significant action potential blockade while it did not interfere with the resting membrane potential or the membrane input resistance. Surprisingly, however, at low eugenol concentrations (0.6 mM), during long time applications, a reversible reduction (by about 50%) in the input membrane resistance was observed, suggesting the possible involvement of a secondary delayed effect of eugenol to reduce neuronal excitability. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The recovery and stability of DNA for the detection and genotyping of HPV in UCM-containing specimens, after exposure to denaturing reagents and stored for up to 2 years were evaluated. Samples were collected from 60 women who had cervical cytology specimens harboring cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 or 3. All samples were stored in UCM and had been frozen at -20 degrees C following the addition of the denaturing reagent (sodium hydroxide) and the removal of the aliquot required for Hybrid Capture 2 testing for the identification of HPV DNA. The samples had been stored for 6, 12 and 24 months (20 samples for each storage time). HPV DNA extraction was performed according to a protocol designed specifically and the presence and quality of DNA was confirmed by human P-globin detection using the consensus primers G73 and G74. HPV DNA was amplified using the consensus primers PGMY09 and PGMY11, and reverse line-blot hybridization was used to detect type-specific amplicons for 37 HPV types. The DNA extracted from the denatured specimen was recovered in 57/60 (95%) of the samples. HPV DNA was detected in 56/57 (98%) of the recovered samples. Twenty-six of the 56 samples recovered (48%) were genotyped successfully. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Several studies indicate that molecular variants of HPV-16 have different geographic distribution and risk associated with persistent infection and development of high-grade cervical lesions. In the present study, the frequency of HPV-16 variants was determined in 81 biopsies from women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III or invasive cervical cancer from the city of Belem, Northern Brazil. Host DNAs were also genotyped in order to analyze the ethnicity-related distribution of these variants. Ninie different HPV-16 LCR variants belonging to four phylogenetic branches were identified. Among these, two new isolates were characterized. The most prevalent HPV-16 variant detected was the Asian-American B-2,followed by the European B-12 and the European prototype. Infections by multiple variants were observed in both invasive cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III cases. The analysis of a specific polymorphism within the E6 viral gene was performed in a subset of 76 isolates. The E6-350G polymorphism was significantly more frequent in Asian-American variants. The HPV-16 variability detected followed the same pattern of the genetic ancestry observed in Northern Brazil, with European, Amerindian and African roots. Although African ancestry was higher among women infected by the prototype, no correlation between ethnical origin and HPV-16 variants was found. These results corroborate previous data showing a high frequency of Asian-American variants in cervical neoplasia among women with multiethnic origin.
O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar in vitro a microinfiltração cervical imediata em restaurações ocluso-proximais de resina composta, onde foram utilizados dois sistemas adesivos (Scotchbond Multi Purpose - 3M; Clearfil Mega Bond - Kuraray) através de uma técnica de baixa intensidade de luz polimerizável. Em cada um dos 11 molares decíduos foram confeccionados dois preparos cavitários ocluso-proximais padronizados (um ocluso-mesial e outro ocluso-distal), com o auxílio de uma ponta diamantada cilíndrica de extremidade plana n°2094, (KG Sorensen), fixada a uma caneta de alta rotação sob refrigeração ar/água. Os sistemas adesivos foram aplicados seguindo as instruções do fabricante, um na cavidade ocluso-mesial e outro na ocluso distal, sendo inserida, posteriormente, uma resina composta híbrida (Z250 - 3M) pela técnica incremental LUTZ (1986). O primeiro incremento foi inserido na parede cervical da caixa proximal (sentido horizontal) e fotopolimerizado (fotopolimerizador VIPTM - Bisco) a uma intensidade de 100 mW/cm2 por 60 segundos. Dois outros incrementos foram inseridos diagonalmente na porção vestibular e lingual/palatina, a uma intensidade de 200 mW/cm2, também pelo tempo de 60 segundos. As restaurações foram submetidas a acabamento e polimento com o auxílio de um bisturi lâmina n°12 e com discos Sof-lex Pop-on (3M). Após o acabamento, foi realizada a impermeabilização, em seguida os dentes foram imersos em solução azul de metileno a 0,5% por um período de 24 horas, sendo posteriormente seccionados longitudinalmente no sentido mésio-distal para avaliação da penetração do corante, usando para tal o estereo-microscópio. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística através dos testes Qui-quadrado e o teste não-paramétrico U de Mann-Whitney. Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois sistemas adesivos testados, podendo-se concluir que a utilização deste protocolo restaurador de cavidades ocluso-proximais com resina composta em molares decíduos resultou em baixos níveis de microinfiltração cervical imediata.
Resumo não disponível.
Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia da colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Colposcópica Internacional de 2002. Métodos: 3040 pacientes de população geral foram rastreadas para patologia cervical através de exame citopatológico, captura híbrida para HPV de alto risco e inspeção cervical. As colposcopias que resultaram em biópsia (n=468) executadas no rastreamento e acompanhamento destas pacientes foram gravadas, revistas por dois colposcopistas cegados e incluídas para análise. Resultados: Os observadores apresentaram excelente concordância (Kappa=0.843) no relato dos achados pela nova nomenclatura. A colposcopia apresentou sensibilidade de 86% e especificidade de 30.3% em diferenciar colo normal de colo anormal (LSIL, HSIL ou carcinoma); quando a colposcopia objetivava diferenciar colo normal ou LSIL de HSIL ou carcinoma, apresentou sensibilidade de 61.1% e especificidade de 94.4%. Os achados colposcópicos classificados como “maiores” pela nova classificação apresentaram valores preditivos positivos elevados para HSIL. Presença do achado colposcópico na zona de transformação e tamanho da lesão estavam associados a HSIL. Bordas externas definidas, associação de múltiplos achados distintos e presença de zona iodo negativa não estavam relacionados à gravidade das lesões. Conclusão: A colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Internacional de 2002 mostra-se um bom método de rastreamento, mas como método diagnóstico apresenta falhas, não podendo substituir a avaliação histológica. A categorização em achados colposcópicos “maiores” e “menores” apresentada pela nova classificação é adequada. Na realização da colposcopia, é importante também que a lesão seja situada em relação à zona de transformação e que seu tamanho seja indicado, já que estes foram fatores associados a lesões de alto grau.
Este estudo apresenta o método utilizado e os resultados obtidos na avaliação dos efeitos, na musculatura cervical, de duas facas de corte de frango, de mesma forma e tamanho com cabos confeccionados com dois materiais diferentes (emborrachado, ou SOFT e de polipropileno ou PP). A comparação foi feita com base nos resultados da eletromiografia sensitiva (Myovision) da coluna cervical de dez funcionários voluntários de uma empresa de processamento de aves no Rio Grande do Sul. O protótipo de cabo SOFT mostrou uma menor tensão muscular na coluna cervical em comparação com o protótipo com cabo de polipropileno, o que pode impactar na sensação de maior conforto de manuseio da faca com cabo SOFT.
Cancer is a term used to represent a set of more than 100 diseases, including malignant tumors from different locations. The malignancies are the second leading cause of death in the population, representing approximately 17% of deaths of known cause. Strategies that induce differentiation have had limited success in the treatment of established cancers. In this work, a lectin purified from the marine sponge Cinachyrella apion (CaL) was evaluated due to its hemolytic, cytotoxic and antiproliferative properties, besides the ability to induce cell death via apoptosis in tumor cells. The antiproliferative activity of CaL was tested against cell lines, with the highest inhibition of tumor growth for HeLa, reducing cell growth at a dose dependent manner, with a concentration of 10 μg/mL. The hemolytic activity and toxicity against peripheral blood cells were tested using the concentration of IC50 for both trials and twice the IC50 for analysis in flow cytometry, indicating that CaL is not toxic to these cells. To assess the mechanism of cell death caused by CaL in HeLa cells, we performed flow cytometry and western blotting. The results showed the lectin probably induces cell death by apoptosis activation by pro-apoptotic protein Bax, promoting mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, cell cycle arrest in S phase, with accumulation of cells of approximately 57% in this phase, and acting as both dependent and/or independent of caspases pathway. These results suggest that CaL has the potential to be used as drug treatment against cancer.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this study the main question investigated was the number and size of both binucleate and mononucleate superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons and, whether post-natal development would affect these parameters. Twenty left SCGs from 20 male pacas were used. Four different ages were investigated, that is newborn (4 days), young (45 days), adult (2 years), and aged animals (7 years). By using design-based stereo-logical methods, that is the Cavalieri principle and a physical disector combined with serial sectioning, the total volume of ganglion and total number of mononucleate and binucleate neurons were estimated. Furthermore, the mean perikaryal (somal) volume of mononucleate and binucleate neurons was estimated using the vertical nucleator. The main findings of this study were a 154% increase in the SCG volume, a 95% increase in the total number of mononucleate SCG neurons and a 50% increase in the total volume of SCG neurons. In conclusion, apart from neuron number, different adaptive mechanisms may coexist in the autonomic nervous system to guarantee a functional homeostasis during ageing, which is not always associated with neuron losses. Anat Rec, 292:966-975, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.