955 resultados para Butte Elks Club
In this issue...M-Day, Theta Tau, Robert H. Hoy, Professor McAshcan, Student Wives Club, tennis, Junior Prom, Copper Guards, E.I.T. Examination, Coed Room, Student Union Building
In this issue...Geological Society of America, Hawaii, Mineral Club, Philipsburg, Montana, Copper Guards, Montana Power, Antonio C. Pastor, Coach Ed Simonich
In this issue...Stanley Bosch, homecoming, Naranche Stadium, NROTC, Petroleum Engineering, Magma annual, Platter Chatter, Masonic ballroom, International Club, Kelley Hemmert
In this issue...International Club, Circle K Club, The Anaconda Company, Sigma Rho, Y.M.C.A., Michael Hickey, Marcus Daly, Continental Oil Company, Student Union Building
In this issue...St. James Nursing School, Maria Schmalz, Intramural basketball, Henry Ford Museum, Aro Club, Dr. Nile, Y.M.C.A., Bob Laughlin, Marcus Daly
In this issue...Coed Dance, Student Wives Club, Dandy Larson, Intramurals, Coach Ed Simonich, Custer Battlefield, The Anaconda Company, Father Rossi, Montana Power
In this issue...Books for Korea, International Club, U. S. Army, March of Dimes, Bob Knievel, Clark Park, speed skating, Butte Civic Center, Martin White, hockey, Russia
In this issue...Miners hockey, SUB, M Club, Scandia Hall, Canyon Ferry Lake, Georgetown Lake, Orediggers, coffee shop, Metal's Bank, U.S. Mint, Mine Rescue and First Aid
In this issue...Copper Lounge, Small Business Administration, Copper Guards, Marcus Daly, cheating, Student Wive's Club, Red Rooster, Frank Larvie, M- Day
The manganese minerals occur in the peripheral zone of the Butte district with quartz in veins, which at depth contain galena and sphalerite closely associated with silver-bearing minerals. The manganese oxides are all oxidation products formed by weathering of primary rhodochrosite or rhodonite.
In this issue...Homecoming, M-Club, Sandy Mannix, Dr. Henry G. Fisk, Mineral Club, Hebgen Lake Earthquake, West Yellowstone, Dr. Vernon Griffiths, Pan American Petroleum
in this issue...Anaconda Company Scholarship, Marie Sullivan, Veteran's Day, Magma, Mineral Club, Pat Stevens, greyhound Bus Company, international Club, Africa
In this issue...Nuclear Reactor Testing Station, Arco, Idaho, Wesley club, Northern Pacific Railroad, Newman Club, geology, Russell Barthell, Main Hall, Thanksgiving, Montana Power
In this issue...Maimstrom Air Force Base, Newman Club, Coach Ed Simonich, Harvest Ball, glaciers, New York Stock Exchange, Montana Power, Christmas, Bill Tiddy
In this issue...Ping Pong, Silver Bells Formal, Wives Bridge Club, Georgetown Lake, Trumpeter Swans, hockey, Silver Bow County, anaconda Company, hunting, Sputnik