1000 resultados para Busqueda documental automatizada
En una buena cantidad de oportunidades investigadores procedieron desde las ciencias sociales a estudios de cine. Algunos se sirvieron del cine como fuente de la historia, sin profundizar en un análisis inmanente de los films. ¿Es posible producir una teoría del cine que aúne las pretensiones historiográficas y sociológicas con las nociones formales de la realización cinematográfica documental? Podemos ensayar una respuesta en forma de pregunta: ¿es posible pensar al cine documental sin tener en cuenta a la sociedad y su historia -el factor que se interpone entre los textos fílmicos y los modelos de representación-? El objetivo de este trabajo es introducir algunas cuestiones problemáticas en el estudio del cine documental como un registro que discurre entre el arte y la ciencia alimentándose de ambos. En ese sentido, es posible proceder a un estudio del cine documental argentino que supere la recuperación de películas como fuentes, para considerarlas también como agentes de la historia. En los modelos de representación del cine documental puede estar la llave de entrada al estudio del cine mediante abordajes metodológico-conceptuales múltiples para un registro tramado por intereses artísticos y científicos
Fil: Paredes, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Estudo sobre a realização de documentários no contexto do movimento sindical brasileito dos anos 1970 e 1980. O objetivo é analisar os processos cinematográficos de realização, embates e jogos de representação nas narrativas sobre os trabalhadores industriais urbanos nos documentários realizados por cineastas que se propuseram a intervir e representar os novos movimentos sociais que ressurgem no contexto da abertura política brasileira. O recorte de análise é a imagem do trabalhador urbano dentro ou fora do contexto de greve, símbolo máximo da sua representação política, ressurgimento e impacto social. A metodologia consiste na codificação dos elementos narrativos visuais e na análise de conteúdo para, posteriormente, através do confronto entre as declarações colhidas em entrevistas com seus realizadores, verificar de que forma essas imagens construíram um discurso sobre o trabalhador que acabou sendo utilizado como instrumentos de comunicação alternativa e afirmação de identidade pelos próprios envolvidos.
Welding is one of the most employed process for joining steel pipes. Although, manual welding is still the most used one, mechanized version and even automatized one have increased its demand. Thus, this work deals with girth welding of API 5L X65 pipes with 8” of nominal diameter and 8.0 mm thickness, beveled with V-30º narrow gap. Torch is moved by a bug carrier (mechanized welding) and further the parameters are controlled as a function of angular position (automatized welding). Welding parameters are presented for filling the joint with two-passes (root and filling/capping passes). Parameters for the root pass were extracted from previous author´s work with weldments carried out in plates, but validated in this work for pipe welding. GMAW processes were assessed with short-circuit metal transfer in both conventional and derivative modes using different technologies (RMD, STT and CMT). After the parameter determination, mechanical testing was performed for welding qualification (uniaxial tension, face and root bending, nick break, Charpy V-notch impact, microhardness and macrograph). The initially obtained results for RMD and CMT were acceptable for all testing and, in a second moment, also for the STT. However, weld beads carried out by using the conventional process failed and revealed the existence of lack of fusion, which required further parametrization. Thus, a Parameter-Variation System for Girth Welding (SVP) was designed and built to allow varying the welding parameters as a function of angular position by using an inclinometer. The parameters were set for each of the three angular positions (flat, vertical downhill and overhead). By using such equipment and approach, the conventional process with parameter variation allowed reducing the welding time for joint accomplishment of the order of 38% for the root pass and 30% for the filling/capping pass.
One of the most common forms of reuse is through API usage. However, one of the main challenges to effective usage is an accessible and easy to understand documentation. Several papers have proposed alternatives to make more understandable API documentation, or even more detailed. However, these studies have not taken into account the complexity of understanding of the examples to make these documentations adaptable to different levels of experience of developers. In this work we developed and evaluated four different methodologies to generate tutorials for APIs from the contents of Stack Overflow and organizing them according to the complexity of understanding. The methodologies were evaluated through tutorials generated for the Swing API. A survey was conducted to evaluate eight different features of the generated tutorials. The overall outcome of the tutorials was positive on several characteristics, showing the feasibility of the use of tutorials generated automatically. In addition, the use of criteria for presentation of tutorial elements in order of complexity, the separation of the tutorial in basic and advanced parts, the nature of tutorial to the selected posts and existence of didactic source had significantly different results regarding a chosen generation methodology. A second study compared the official documentation of the Android API and tutorial generated by the best methodology of the previous study. A controlled experiment was conducted with students who had a first contact with the Android development. In the experiment these students developed two tasks, one using the official documentation of Android and using the generated tutorial. The results of this experiment showed that in most cases, the students had the best performance in tasks when they used the tutorial proposed in this work. The main reasons for the poor performance of students in tasks using the official API documentation were due to lack of usage examples, as well as its difficult use.
El Servicio de Documentación Multimedia (MULTIDOC 3.0) dependiente de la Sección Departamental/Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (http://www.multidoc.es) fue creado en junio de 1993. Con patente número M 2202582 registrada con fecha 20.5.1999 en el Boletín Oficial de la Propiedad Industrial (BOPI, 1.7.1999), no ha dejado de desarrollar actividades académico-investigadoras de forma ininterrumpida hasta la actualidad: proyectos de investigación, publicaciones electrónicas, revistas, portales, canales, blogs, presencia en redes sociales generales y especializadas; con actuaciones en todos estos años en el ámbito de la formación, congresos, asociaciones, producción multimedia propia, difusión informativa, gozando de un buen posicionamiento.
BIBLIORed3.0 es una web universitaria administrada y mantenida en la Universidad Complutense (Servicio Documentación Multimedia del Dpto. Biblioteconomía y Documentación) dedicada a proporcionar información y documentación multimedia en y sobre cine, periodismo, publicidad, radio, televisión, internet-web social y gestión de información en medios de comunicación (documentación informativa) en el ámbito fundamentalmente de archivos, bibliotecas, centros-servicios de documentación y servicios especializados universitarios, en acceso abierto y proyección iberoamericana, en la idea de convertirse en una red social propia. BIBLIORed3.0 dispone de dominio propio en Internet e ISSN 2386-8880 (asignado por BNE-Biblioteca Nacional de España, 26.01.2015).