995 resultados para Burser, Joachim, 1583-1639


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Den här boken handlar om framtidens television och vissa marknadsförings- och upphovsrättsliga spörsmål som aktualiseras i samband med nya former av televisionssändningar. TV-tekniken har utvecklats mycket under de senaste åren, och det är framförallt sändningstekniken som har genomgått de största förändringarna. Tyngdpunkten i detta arbete har lagts på förmedling av TV-sändningar över Internet med hjälp av P2P-tekniken (peer-to-peer) och vilka marknadsförings- och upphovsrättsliga spörsmål detta aktualiserar. Den nya förmedlingstekniken möjliggör en rad nya marknadsföringsmetoder, och i boken behandlas hur dessa metoder förhåller sig till nuvarande marknadsföringsrättsliga reglering. Förmedling av upphovsrättsskyddat material över Internet har inneburit ett flertal reformer av gällande upphovsrättslagstiftning i syfte att stärka rättsinnehavarnas ensamrätt. En viktig fråga som boken behandlar är hur gällande upphovsrättslagstiftning skall tolkas i förhållande till nya distributionsformer över Internet. I boken tas även upp frågor i anknytning till problemet med att en stor del av det material som förmedlas över Internet sker utan rättsinnehavarens samtycke, vilket innebär en ekonomisk förlust för rättsinnehavaren. I boken framläggs alternativa lösningar för hur förmedlingen över Internet kan tilldela rättsinnehavaren ekonomisk ersättning, trots att förmedlingen är avgiftsfri.


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Vanhat ja ontot puut ovat tärkeä elinympäristö monelle lahopuusta riippuvaiselle eliölajille. Onttoihin puihin on erikoistunut suuri määrä myös vaarantuneita ja harvinaisia hyönteislajeja, jotka elävät puun onkalon seinämillä tai onkalon pohjalle kerääntyvässä orgaanisessa aineksessa, ns. mulmissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä kolmesta pyydystyypistä (ikkuna-, vuoka- ja kuoppapyydys) soveltuu parhaiten onttojen puiden lahopuukovakuoriaisten pyyntiin. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli kartoittaa hyönteisnäytteiden ensimmäiseen laboratoriokäsittelyyn vaadittua aikaa. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana vanhoja rungostaan onttoutuneita lehmuksia, tammia ja vaahteroita pääkaupunkiseudun puisto- ja kartanoalueilta. Puiden onkaloiden sisään aseteltiin ikkuna-, vuoka- ja kuoppapyydyksiä, kaksi kutakin tyyppiä ja ne tyhjennettiin kolmen viikon välein touko-heinäkuussa 2006. Pyydyksiä oli siis yhteensä 90 per pyyntijakso. Kun näytteistä eroteltiin halutut hyönteislahkot (mukaanlukien kovakuoriaiset) niiden käsittelyyn käytetty aika kirjattiin ylös. Aineistosta tunnistettiin yhteensä 3825 kovakuoriaisyksilöä ja 212 lajia, joista lahopuusta riippuvaisia oli yhteensä 3398 yksilöä ja 121 lajia. Ikkunapyydyksissä esiintyi yhteensä 1639 yksilöä ja 140 lajia, vuokapyydyksissä 1506 yksilöä ja 134 lajia, kuoppapyydyksissä 680 yksilöä ja 111 lajia. Näytteiden käsittelyaikojen keskiarvot olivat 48,3 minuuttia ikkunapyydykselle, 65,5 minuuttia vuokapyydykselle ja 34,1 kuoppapyydykselle. Lajistokoostumuksen huomioiva ?-diversiteetti erosi huomattavasti pyydysten välillä, se oli 36,5 % ikkuna- ja vuokapyydysten välillä, 13,1 % ikkuna- ja kuoppapyydysten välillä ja 14,2 % vuoka- ja kuoppapyydysten välillä. Ikkuna- ja vuokapyydysten välillä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa saproksyylilajien (p<0,05), -yksilöiden (p<0,05) tai käsittelyaikojen (p<0,05) keskiarvoissa. Ikkuna- ja vuokapyydyksillä saatiin keskimäärin selvästi enemmän saproksyylilajeja ja –yksilöitä kuoppapyydykseen verrattuna. Kuoppapyydyksellä saatiin kokonaisyksilömäärään verrattuna suhteellisesti vähemmän saproksyylejä (59 %) kuin ikkuna- (69 %) ja vuokapyydyksillä (71 %). Ikkunapyydykset olivat tehokkain pyydystyyppi vertailtaessa pyydysten keräämää saproksyyliyksilömäärää suhteessa aineiston käsittelyn vaatimaan aikaan. Tehokkuus (yksilöä minuutissa) ikkunapyydykselle oli 0,74, vuokapyydykselle 0,43 ja kuoppapyydykselle 0,21. Ikkunapyydyksiä ei ole aikaisemmin käytetty puun onkalon sisällä hyönteisiä pyydettäessä vaan ne ovat aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa roikkuneet onkalon ulkopuolella. Ikkunapyydykset kuitenkin toimivat erinomaisesti myös onkaloiden sisällä. Ikkuna- sekä vuokapyydys toimivatkin selkeästi paremmin lahopuukovakuoriaisten pyynnissä verrattuna kuoppapyydykseen, jonka poisjättäminen olisi kuitenkin tuottanut huomattavasti lajiköyhemmän aineiston. Mahdollisimman monimuotoisen onttojen puiden lahopuukovakuoriaislajiston keräämiseksi tulisi käyttää ikkuna- tai vuokapyydyksiä yhdessä kuoppapyydysten kanssa.


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Five compounds, viz. 1,1'-ferrocenediyldiethylidene bis(thiocarbonohydrazide) (DAFT), 1,1-diacetylferrocene disemicarbazone (DAFS), 1,1-diacetylferrocenebenzoyl hydrazone (FDBAH), 1,1-diacetylferrocene-p-nitrobenzoyl hydrazone (FDNBAH), and p-toluenesulfonic acid 1,1'-ferrocenediyldiethylidene dihydrazide (TFDD) were found to be bonding agents as well as burning-rate modifiers for the ammonium perchlorate + hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene system. The tensile strength and percentage elongation significantly increased in the presence of these bonding agents (except FDBAH). The bonding agents generally did not adversely affect the slurry viscosity during processing. The bonding sites were located by infrared spectroscopy, supported by determination of the dissolution kinetics of the bonding agents and scanning electron microscopy. The bonding agents did not undergo any side-reactions with the curing agents.


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Five compounds, viz. 1,1'-ferrocenediyldiethylidene bis(thiocarbonohydrazide) (DAFT), 1,1-diacetylferrocene disemicarbazone (DAFS), 1,1-diacetylferrocenebenzoyl hydrazone (FDBAH), 1,1-diacetylferrocene-p-nitrobenzoyl hydrazone (FDNBAH), and p-tolenesulfonic acid, 1,1'-ferrocenediyldiethylidene dihydrazide (TFDD) were found to be bonding agents as well as burning-rate modifiers for the ammonium perchlorate + hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene system. The tensile strength and percentage elongation significantly increased in the presence of these bonding agents (except FDBAH). The bonding agents generally did not adversely affect the slurry viscosity during processing. The bonding sites were located by infrared spectroscopy, supported by determination of the dissolution kinetics of the bonding agents and scanning electron microscopy. The bonding agents did not undergo any side-reactions with the curing agents.


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Eu3+ (8 mol%) activated gadolinium oxide nanorods have been prepared by hydrothermal method without and with surfactant, cityl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) studies reveal that the as-formed product is in hexagonal Gd(OH)(3):Eu phase and subsequent heat treatment at 350 and 600 degrees C transforms the sample to monoclinic GdOOH:Eu and cubic Gd2O3:Eu phases, respectively. The structural data and refinement parameters for cubic Gd2O3:Eu nanorods were calculated by the Rietveld refinement. SEM and TEM micrographs show that as-obtained Gd(OH)(3):Eu consists of uniform nanorods in high yield with uniform diameters of about 15 nm and lengths of about 50-150 nm. The temperature dependent morphological evolution of Gd2O3:Eu without and with CTAB surfactant was studied. FTIR studies reveal that CTAB surfactant plays an important role in converting cubic Gd2O3:Eu to hexagonal Gd(OH)(3):Eu. The strong and intense Raman peak at 489 cm(-1) has been assigned to A(g) mode, which is attributed to the hexagonal phase of Gd2O3. The peak at similar to 360 cm(-1) has been assigned to the combination of F-g and E-g modes, which is mainly attributed to the cubic Gd2O3 phase. The shift in frequency and broadening of the Raman modes have been attributed to the decrease in crystallite dimension to the nanometer scale as a result of phonon confinement. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the classical problem of homogenization of elliptic operators in arbitrary domains with periodically oscillating coefficients is considered. Using Bloch wave decomposition, a new proof of convergence is furnished. It sheds new light and offers an alternate way to view the classical results. In a natural way, this method leads us to work in the Fourier space and thus in a framework dual to the one used by L. Tartar [Problemes d'Homogeneisation dans les Equations aux: Derivees Partielles, Cours Peccot au College de Prance, 1977] in his method of homogenization. Further, this technique offers a nontraditional way of calculating the homogenized coefficients which is easy to implement in the computer.


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Temperature dependence of the intra-molecular vibrational modes Of C-60 in the quasi-1D polymeric RbC60, across the low temperature transition at similar to50 K, has been probed through infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopies. With the lowering of temperature, the split IR modes of RbC60 are seen to harden but below 50 K a small but definitive signature of an anomalous softening is observed. In addition, the background IR transmission shows an increase below 50 K with the opening of a well defined gap in the electronic spectrum. The implications of these results, along with those of Raman measurements, are discussed in terms of the interaction of intra-molecular phonons with electrons and spin excitations in the system. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Polypyrrole was synthesized by chemical oxidation of pyrrole in water containing various sulphonic acids like toluene sulphonic acid (TSA), sulphosalicylic acid (SSA), and camphor sulphonic acid (CSA), as well as a combination of each sulphonic acid with sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate (NaDBS) to investigate the effect of doping on conductivity, yield, and processability of the conducting polymer. Free-standing blend films of polypyrrole and plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were obtained by casting an homogeneous suspension of the two polymers in tetrahydrofuran. The maximum conductivity of the blend film is similar to 0.3 S/cm, corresponding to a weight fraction of 0.16 w/w polypyrrole. The blend film is semiconducting in the range 300-10 K. A TG-DTA scan indicates the blend film to be amorphous with a stepwise decomposition process similar to pristine PVC. The choice of a dual dopant system during synthesis and the plasticised polymer during subsequent processing were keys to obtaining homogeneous high-quality films. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A new and efficient approach to construct a 3D wire-frame of an object from its orthographic projections is described. The input projections can be two or more and can include regular and complete auxiliary views. Each view may contain linear, circular and other conic sections. The output is a 3D wire-frame that is consistent with the input views. The approach can handle auxiliary views containing curved edges. This generality derives from a new technique to construct 3D vertices from the input 2D vertices (as opposed to matching coordinates that is prevalent in current art). 3D vertices are constructed by projecting the 2D vertices in a pair of views on the common line of the two views. The construction of 3D edges also does not require the addition of silhouette and tangential vertices and subsequently splitting edges in the views. The concepts of complete edges and n-tuples are introduced to obviate this need. Entities corresponding to the 3D edge in each view are first identified and the 3D edges are then constructed from the information available with the matching 2D edges. This allows the algorithm to handle conic sections that are not parallel to any of the viewing directions. The localization of effort in constructing 3D edges is the source of efficiency of the construction algorithm as it does not process all potential 3D edges. Working of the algorithm on typical drawings is illustrated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single and two-stage Pulse Tube Cryocoolers (PTC) have been designed, fabricated and experimentally studied. The single stage PTC reaches a no-load temperature of similar to 29 K at its cold end, the two-stage PTC reaches similar to 2.9 K in its second stage cold end and similar to 60 K in its first stage cold end. The two-stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler provides a cooling power of similar to 250 mW at 4.2 K. The single stage system uses stainless steel meshes along with Pb granules as its regenerator materials, while the two-stage PTC uses combinations of Pb along with Er3Ni/HoCu2 as the second stage regenerator materials. Normally, the above systems are insulated by thermal radiation shields and mounted inside a vacuum chamber which is maintained at high vacuum. To evaluate the performance of these systems in the possible conditions of loss of vacuum with and without radiation shields, experimental studies have been performed. The heat-in-leak under such severe conditions has been estimated from the heat load characteristics of the respective stages. The experimental results are analyzed to obtain surface emissivities and effective thermal conductivities as a function of interspace pressure.


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Phase equilibria in the system Tm-Rh-O at 1200 K is established by isothermal equilibration of selected compositions and phase identification after quenching to room temperature. Six intermetallic phases (Tm3Rh, Tm7Rh3, Tm5Rh3, Tm3Rh2, TmRh, TmRh2 +/-delta) and a ternary oxide TmRhO3 are identified. Based on experimentally determined phase relations, a solid-state electrochemical cell is devised to measure the standard free energy of formation of orthorhombic perovskite TmRhO3 from cubic Tm2O3 and beta-Rh2O3 in the temperature range from (900 to 1300) K. The results can be summarized as: Delta G(f,ox)(o) +/- 104/J.mol(-1) = -46474 + 3.925(T/K). Invoking the Neumann-Kopp rule, the standard enthalpy of formation of TmRhO3 from its constituent elements at 298.15 K is estimated as -1193.89 (+/- 2.86) kJ.mol(-1). The standard entropy of TmRhO3 at 298.15 K is evaluated as 103.8 (+/- 1.6) J.mol(-1).K-1. The oxygen potential-composition diagram and three-dimensional chemical potential diagram at 1200 K and temperature-composition diagrams at constant partial pressures of oxygen are computed from thermodynamic data. The compound TmRhO3 decomposes at 1688 (+/- 2) K in pure oxygen and at 1583 (+/- 2) K in air at standard pressure.


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Food industries like biscuit and confectionary use significant amount of fossil fuel for thermal energy. Biscuit manufacturing in India is carried out both by organized and unorganized sector. The ratio of organized to unorganized sector is 60 : 40 (1). The total biscuit manufacturing in the organized sector India in 2008 was about 1.7 million metric tons (1). Accounting for the unorganized sector in India, the total biscuit manufacturing would have been about 2.9 million metric tons/annum. A typical biscuit baking is carried in a long tunnel kiln with varying temperature in different zones. Generally diesel is used to provide the necessary heat energy for the baking purpose, with temperature ranging from 190 C in the drying zone to about 300 C in the baking area and has to maintain in the temperature range of +/- 5 C. Typical oil consumption is about 40 litres per ton of biscuit production. The paper discusses the experience in substituting about 120 lts per hour kiln for manufacturing about 70 tons of biscuit daily. The system configuration consists of a 500 kg/hr gasification system comprising of a reactor, multicyclone, water scrubbers, and two blowers for maintaining the constant gas pressure in the header before the burners. Cold producer gas is piped to the oven located about 200 meters away from the gasifier. Fuel used in the gasification system is coconut shells. All the control system existing on the diesel burner has been suitably adapted for producer gas operation to maintain the total flow, A/F control so as to maintain the temperature. A total of 7 burners are used in different zones. Over 17000 hour of operation has resulted in replacing over 1800 tons of diesel over the last 30 months. The system operates for over 6 days a week with average operational hours of 160. It has been found that on an average 3.5 kg of biomass has replaced one liter of diesel.


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Callithrix jacchus (common marmoset) is a New World primate monkey, used as an animal model in biomedical research. Marmoset-specific follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparation is required to improve superovulation protocols and to develop homologous FSH monitoring assays in these monkeys. In this study, we document the large-scale expression of recombinant marmoset FSH in methylotropic yeast, Pichia pastoris. The recombinant preparation was found to be immunologically active in Western blotting and radioimmunoassay. The preparation displayed receptor binding ability in radioreceptor assay. Based on the receptor binding ability, the yield of fermentation was estimated to be 7.2 mg/L. FSH-induced cAMP assay and estradiol assay revealed that the recombinant hormone is able to induce signal transduction. Both immunological and in vitro biological activity of marmoset FSH was found to be comparable to purified human pituitary FSH, which served as reference hormone for these assays. Thus, the study suggests that a Pichia expression system can be used for large-scale expression of bioactive recombinant marmoset FSH.