987 resultados para Buck-Boost Converter
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Cover title.
Grid connected PhotoVoltaic (PV) inverters fall into three broad categories — Central, String and Module Integrated Converers (MICs). MICs offer any avantaes in performance and flexibility, but are at a cost disadvantage. Two alternative novel approaches proposed by the author — cascaded dc-dc MICs and bypass dc-dc MICs — integrate a simple non-isolated intelligent dc-dc converter with each PV module to provide the advantages of dc-ac MICs at a lower cost. A suitable universal 150W 5A dc-dc converter design is presented based on two interleaved MOSFET half bridges. Testing shows Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) keeps losses under 1W for bi-directional power flows up to 15W between two adjacent 12V PV modules for the bypass application, and efficiencies over 94% for most of the operational power range for the cascaded converter application. Based on the experimental results, potential optimizations to further reduce losses are discussed.
Validation of a light-weight approach to knowledge-based re-engineering by a COBOL-to-Java converter
Resumo: O colonialismo produziu diversos discursos sobre as culturas locais, sendo que o discurso dos missionários é uma de suas variantes e, por sua vez, neste discurso estão inclusas as etnografias missionárias. Apresentamos uma leitura crítica de duas etnografias missionárias produzidas nas até então colônias portuguesas, os territórios de Angola e Moçambique. A primeira, intitulada Usos e costumes dos bantos: a vida duma tribo sulafricana, cujo autor é o missionário Henri-Alexandre Junod (1863-1934); a segunda, intitulada Etnografia do sudoeste de Angola, cujo autor é o missionário Carlos Estermann (1896- 1976). Problematizamos a relação entre a ação missionária, o colonialismo português e as culturas locais dos territórios de Angola e Moçambique, através da análise destas etnografias missionárias. Destacamos que estas etnografias, além de apresentarem a riqueza das formas de vida das sociedades nativas, sinalizam como se efetivaram as negociações entre estes missionários em suas práticas de missionação e seus interlocutores nativos.
The advent of the harmonic neutralised shunt Converter Compensator as a practical means of reactive power compensation in power transmission systems has cleared ground for wider application of this type of equipment. An experimental 24-pulse voltage sourced convector has been successfully applied in controlling the terminal power factor of a 1.5kW, 240V three phase cage rotor induction motor, whose winding has been used in place of the usual phase shifting transformers. To achieve this, modifications have been made to the conventional stator winding of the induction machine. These include an unconventional phase spread and facilitation of compensator connections to selected tapping points between stator coils to give a three phase winding with a twelve phase connection to the twenty four pulse converter. Theoretical and experimental assessments of the impact of these modifications and attachment of the compensator have shown that there is a slight reduction in the torque developed at a given slip and in the combined system efficiency. There is also an increase in the noise level, also a consequence of the harmonics. The stator leakage inductance gave inadequate coupling reactance between the converter and the effective voltage source, necessitating the use of external inductors in each of the twelve phases. The terminal power factor is fully controllable when the induction machine is used either as a motor or as a generator.