501 resultados para Brassica napus
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of ascorbic acid (AA) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) applied by immersion at temperatures of 20 and 40 degrees C on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of minimally processed cabbage, stored under refrigeration. Cabbages were processed in an industrial food processing equipment to be cut in slices with thickness of 3 mm. Slices were immersed in sodium hypochlorite (50 ppm) during 5 minutes for sanitization. After, the following treatments were carried out T1= control (immersion in water during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C); T2= immersion in 1% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T3= immersion in 2% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T4= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T5= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C, T6= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; and T7= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; with four replications each one. After application of treatments, cabbage was centrifuged during one minute, wrapped with polyvinyl chloride, 20 mu m, in trays of expanded polystyrene and maintained in refrigerated environment, at 6 +/- 1 degrees C and 85-90% of relative humidity, during eight days. Little increasing was observed in pH and titratable acidity values and reduction in soluble solids during conservation period on all treatments. Treatment with AA did not differ from control for color and general appearance, while treatment with 2% CaCl2 at 20 degrees C maintained the best quality, with less intensity of browning, best general appearance and purchase intent and least strange odor at the end of evaluation period.
Nanoencapsulation enhances the post-emergence herbicidal activity of atrazine against mustard plants
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cauliflower is one of the most planted vegetable throughout Brazil, being a very profitable crop. The use of denser plantings can increase crop yield and improve financial returns to producers. This study aimed to verify the combination effect of different spacing between plants in row and between rows on the cauliflower 'Piracicaba Precoce’ inflorescences productivity and quality. In the experiment, a randomized block design was used and treatments consisted in three distances between rows (70, 80 and 90 cm) with three distances between plants in row (50, 60 and 70 cm) and four replications. Total productivity and productivity by inflorescences size classes were assessed as well as the quality by checking the inflorescences’ mass. The row density did not change the produced heads quality, although the density between plants reduced the inflorescences size. The spacing 70 x 50 cm, totalizing 28,571 plants per ha, due the higher productivity, greater than 14.0 t ha-1 , and still not compromise the inflorescence size can be recommended to the cauliflower "Piracicaba Precoce” production in the region.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
The present study was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of chlorinated and ozonized water on the physico-chemical characteristics of broccoli, produced under organic and conventional cultivation procedures. Organic and conventional broccolis were subjected to two sanitation treatments, using chlorine and ozone, and were kept under cold storage for seven days. Analyses of pH, titrable acidity, soluble solids and weight loss were performed and the content of Cu, Mn and Zn was determined. In addition, the presence of pesticides was verified. The results show no influence of the cultivation method or the sanitation treatment on sample weight loss. Cultivation methods and sanitizing treatments affected broccoli pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solids during the evaluation period. No differences regarding the metal content on organic and conventional broccoli were observed. Furthermore, the presence of organochlorine compounds, nor other pesticides, was not detected both in organic and conventional vegetables.
The seedling transplanting ages is a factor of great importance because it can affect the quality and yield of plants if the volume of the cell is not compatible with the phenology of seedlings at time of transplantation. The experiment was conducted at São Manuel Experimental farm, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP, from March to August, 2009. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seedling age on cabbage production, hybrid Kenzan. The seedlings were grown in polystyrene trays containing 128 cells. Seedings were done every four days and contained the following treatments: 37, 41, 45, 49 and 53 days after sowing (DAS). The experimental design was randomized blocks, with five replications. On transplantation’s day (11/05/2009), the number of leaves, fresh and dry weight and height, were evaluated to the characterization of seedlings. It was observed that the seedling age had no influence on traits at harvest: number of leaves inside and outside of “head”, fresh weight of shoot and “head”, dry mass of shoot and “head” and length of “heart”.
The purpose of treating seeds chemically is to eradicate their pathogens and/or protect them against soil pathogens, mainly by germination time. However, there is little research on vegetables investigating the effect of this treatment on seed quality. Therefore, this study evaluates the effects of Carboxin + Thiram doses on germination and vigor of three lots of broccoli seeds, as well as on the incidence of fungi in treated seed. The 15 treatments were evaluated in a factorial system (3x5), with the first factor consisting of three lots of 'Avenger' broccoli seeds (lots 82744, 82745 and 82749), and the second factor consisting of five doses (0, 0.04, 0.06, 0.10 and 0.12% of a.i.) of Carboxin + Thiram fungicide (commercial name Vitavax-Thiran). The germination and seed vigor were evaluated, in addition to the presence of pathogens in seeds after treatment (blotter test). All lots showed high levels of germination and vigor. The lot 82749, however, showed higher value in plug test in substrate emergence (99%) than lot 82745 (95%). Regarding the treatment with Carboxin + Thiram, no changes in germination average (98%) and vigor were noticed (average for the first germination count, length, and dry weight of seedling, plug test at 10 days after sowing of 97%, 4.9 cm, 4.0 mg and 96%, respectively), showing that this fungicide, in the evaluated doses, does not affect the quality of broccoli seeds. As to seeds health, the pathogens Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. were detected, in addition to saprophytic species such as Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, and Rhizopus. The higher incidence of Fusarium spp. was noticed in lot 82744, and the lowest in lot 82749. As to Penicillium spp., lot 82479 was the most contaminated. Regarding other fungi, the general incidence was very low and there was no difference between lots and doses used.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to further address the modulation of signaling pathways of stress responses and their relation to hormones, we used the ethylene-insensitive Never ripe (Nr) and the auxin-insensitive diageotropica (dgt) tomato mutants. The two mutants and the control Micro-Tom (MT) cultivar were grown over a 40-day period in the presence of Cd (0.2 mM CdCl2 and 1 mM CdCl2). Lipid peroxidation, leaf chlorophyll, praline content, Cd content and antioxidant enzyme activities in roots, leaves and fruits were determined. The overall results indicated that the MT genotype had the most pronounced Cd damage effects while Nr and dgt genotypes might withstand or avoid stress imposed by Cd. This fact may be attributed, at least in part, to the fact that the known auxin-stimulated ethylene production is comprised in dgt plants. Conversely, the Nr genotype was more affected by the Cd imposed stress than dgt, which may be explained by the fact that Nr retains a partial sensitivity to ethylene. These results add further information that should help unraveling the relative importance of ethylene in regulating the cell responses to stressful conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Erros médicos preveníveis(EMP) em hospitais excedem às mortes causadas por acidentes automobilísticos, câncer de mama e AIDS. O Institute of Medicine estima até 98.000 mortes causadas por EMP. O risco é aumentado quando os EMPs ocorrem em pacientes criticamente enfermos ou com medicações que variam com o peso do paciente. A demora da primeira prescrição é uma preocupação em UTI. Fadiga e sobrecarga podem comprometer a segurança numa UTI pediátrica. Objetivos: Comparar a funcionalidade de um Sistema Especialista(SE) experimental com a prescrição médica convencional Materiais/Métodos: Após termo de consentimento, pediatras de um hospital universitário são convidados a fazer a prescrição de 10 itens medicamentosos completos(soro de manutenção, adenosina, adrenalina, atropina, difenilhidantoína, vancomicina , ceftadizima, anfotericina_B, dobutamina, fentanil) para uma criança hipotética. Comparou-se a prescrição convencional com a prescrição feita no SE, após um treinamento prévio de 2 minutos. Uma equipe(médicos, enfermeiras e farmacêuticas) avaliaram os EMPs. Comparações feitas pelo X2, teste exato de fisher, teste t-student pareado ou Wilconson, quando aplicáveis. Significância considerada: p<0.05. Resultados:13 médicos residentes e 7 assistentes participaram do estudo com tempo médio de formação de 10,1+/-9 anos . Constatados 57 casos de EMP (9 ilegibilidades, 23 omissões, 6 erros de dose, 14 erros de diluição e 5 erros de velocidade de infusão) pela prescrição convencional comparado com 1 duplicação de medicação na prescrição por SE(p<0,001). O tempo médio de prescrição dos 10 medicamentos utilizando a abordagem ONE TOUCH do SE foi de 22,4 +/- 5,6 segundos_[13-36 segundos] e estava significantemente abaixo do tempo de prescrição convencional (média:557 +/- 164 segundos; p=0,00088). O tempo médio de prescrição com SE foi 27 vezes(IC95% 21,5- 32,5)) mais rápido que a convencional com economia de 89,1 minutos em uma UTI de 10 leitos. Conclusão:Embora não infalível, o uso de SE requer pouco tempo de treinamento e resulta em significante diminuição de erros e sobrecarga de trabalho.
I vegetali appartenenti alla famiglia delle Brassicaceae, sono ricchi di molecole biologicamente attive note per le numerose proprietà salutari. L’effetto di un estratto di germogli di cavolo nero toscano (TBCSE) è stato investigato, in termini chemiopreventivi, sugli enzimi epatici del metabolismo degli xenobiotici e antiossidanti, in ratti trattati con TBCSE. I risultati hanno mostrato un complesso pattern di modulazione, con una prevalente inibizione, del sistema citocromo P450-dipendente, e induzioni significative degli enzimi di fase II (glutatione transferasi e glucuronosiltransferasi) e antiossidanti (catalasi, NAD(P)H:chinone reduttasi, glutatione reduttasi e perossidasi). Successivamente, l’effetto di TBCSE è stato studiato nei confronti delle alterazioni provocate da un’alimentazione iperlipidica nel ratto. Il trattamento si è dimostrato efficace nel contrastare gli effetti deleteri dei grassi presenti nella dieta, come l’iperlipidemia, l’aumento del peso corporeo e del fegato, l’indebolimento delle attività degli enzimi antiossidanti e del potenziale detossificante a livello epatico. Complessivamente, TBCSE emerge essere un promettente prodotto nutraceutico con potenziali effetti chemiopreventivi, e da impiegare come strategia alimentare per contrastare gli effetti correlati ad una dieta iperlipidica. Il consumo di dosi sovralimentari di molecole isolate dalle Brassicaceae, tramite per esempio integratori dietetici, come strategia alimentare preventiva, potrebbe tuttavia rappresentare un rischio per la salute. La potenziale tossicità del sulforafane, glucorafanina, indolo-3-carbinolo, e 3,3'-diindolimetano, è stata valutata in epatociti primari di ratto. La citotossicità e l’induzione di stress ossidativo, osservate a concentrazioni non lontane da quelle che potrebbero essere raggiunte in vivo, insieme ad una forte modulazione dell’espressione genica, riguardante principalmente il metabolismo degli xenobiotici, risposte ad alterazioni dello stato ossidoredutivo, eventi di riparazione del DNA e di proteine, induzione dell’apoptosi, e meccanismi (co)cancerogeni, sottolineano la potenzialità di queste molecole di determinare un rischio tossicologico, in seguito ad un’assunzione prolungata e ad alte dosi.
La dissertazione ha riguardato l’analisi di sostenibilità di un sistema agronomico per la produzione di olio vegetale a fini energetici in terreni resi marginali dall’infestazione di nematodi. Il processo indagato ha previsto il sovescio di una coltura con proprietà biofumiganti (brassicacea) coltivata in precessione alla specie oleosa (soia e tabacco) al fine di contrastare il proliferare dell’infestazione nel terreno. Tale sistema agronomico è stato confrontato attraverso una analisi di ciclo di vita (LCA) ad uno scenario di coltivazione della stessa specie oleosa senza precessione di brassica ma con l’utilizzo di 1-3-dicloropropene come sistema di lotta ai nematodi. Allo scopo di completare l’analisi LCA con una valutazione dell’impatto sull’uso del suolo (Land use Impact) generato dai due scenari a confronto, sono stati costruiti due modelli nel software per il calcolo del Soil Conditioning Index (SCI), un indicatore quali-quantitativo della qualità del terreno definito dal Dipartimento per l’Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti d’America (USDA).