945 resultados para Blastomere Cleavage


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Durant la dernière dictature argentine (1976-1983), !a junte militaire organisa le vol de nourrissons, enfants de leurs ennemis, pour qu'ils puissent être élevés dans des familles proches du pouvoir. L'association « Grands-Mères de la Place de Mai » comptabilisa environ 409 vols. Au moment de l'exploration du terrain de récherche, en 2004, une quarantaine avaient été retrouvés dans des familles qui ne connaissaient pas leurs origines tandis qu'une vingtaine étaient dans des familles liées à la junte ; c'est à cette dernière catégorie que s'intéresse ce travail. Durant leur enfance ou à l'âge adulte, ces enfants apprirent un jour la vérité sur leurs origines biologiques et la justice la leur restitua ; c'est pourquoi ils sont dits « restitués ». Cette contribution vise à interroger l'identité individuelle comme une dynamique intime qui s'articule à la filiation et s'insère dans une collectivité, une société. Trois hypothèses l'ont organisée : une première concerne la connaissance des origines biologiques et ses conséquences psychologiques identitaires, qui passe nécessairement par la justice et la société. Une deuxième hypothèse explore les éventelles conséquences traumatiques de l'enlèvement des personnes restituées et de la restitution. Enfin, la troisième hypothèse interroge le rapport de la construction identitaire à la société, qu'elle se fasse par des investissements politiques et associatifs ou par les médias et l'Histoire. Ces hypothèses nourrissent un questionnement sur les liens entre restitution et travail de symbolisation des origines. Sept entretiens semi structurés avec des personnes restituées ont. été menés puis qualitativement analysés dans une perspective que l'on peut référer, de manière large, à une « anthropologique clinique », au croisement d'une psychologie clinique éclairée par la psychanalyse et de l'anthropologie. Au travers d'une analyse approfondie de leur parcours identitaire des personnes enlevées, adoptées et restituées, ce travail se livre à une recherche empirique sur la construction identitaire. Le concept de transmission se trouve mobilisé, qui concerne l'inscription de l'individu dans la subjectivité d'un couple avec le prénom, dans une lignée ou dans un collectif avec le choix professionnel ou les liens avec l'association « Grands-Mères de la Place Mai ». De plus, la thèse apporte une contribution à la compréhension des enjeux du clivage, des blessures primitive et narcissique, des processus d'affiliation et des secrets de famille et propose également de penser, en prolongement, les enjeux de la « défiliation » et de I'« amalgame ». La question du traumatisme, de sa répétition et de son élaboration, ainsi que celle des facteurs de resilience sont également discutées. Ce travail ouvre sur une réflexion plus large du concept d'identité. - During the last dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983), the military junta organized the kidnapping of infants - children of its enemies - in order to raise them in families close to the authorities. The association "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo" estimates that approximately 400 children have been kidnapped in this way. During their childhood, or as adults, they have come to learn the truth about their biological origins, restituted to them by justice: They are therefore known as "restituted" children. At the time of the field research in 2004, around 40 children had been found in families unaware of their origins. About 20 other came from families close to the junta. The present work is particularly interested in the latter category. This contribution investigates the individual identity as an intimate dynamics by examining its articulation with filiation and its insertion within a community, a society. It revolves around three hypotheses: the first concerns the knowledge - necessarily transmitted through justice and society - of biological origins and its psychological consequences on the identity. The second explores the eventually traumatic, consequences of kidnapping and restitution among the restituted persons. Finally, the third hypothesis questions the relation between identity construction and society, whether it is made through political and associative involvements, media or History. These hypotheses lead to the examination of affiliations between restitution and symbolization process of the origins. Seven semi-structured interviews with restituted persons have been conducted and qualitatively analyzed in a perspective that can, in a large sense, be referred to as "clinical anthropology": an approach/intersection between clinical psychology, psychoanalysis and anthropology. Through an in-depth analysis of the identity itinerary of the kidnapped, adopted and restituted persons, this work is conducted as an empirical research on identity construction. For that purpose, it uses the concept of transmission to describe an individual's affiliation with the subjectivity of a couple through the first name, with a lineage or a community through professional choices or through his/her connections with the association "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo". Further, it makes a meaningful contribution to the understanding and implications of the notions of cleavage, of primal and narcissistic wounds, of processes of affiliation and of family secrets. In addition, it also proposes a reflection on and the implication of the notions of "deviation" and "amalgam". The question of trauma, its repetition and elaboration, and of resilience factors are aiso being discussed. This work concludes with results in a iarger consideration of the concept of identity.


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TMPRSS3 encodes a transmembrane serine protease that contains both LDLRA and SRCR domains and is mutated in non-syndromic autosomal recessive deafness (DFNB8/10). To study its function, we cloned the mouse ortholog which maps to Mmu17, which is structurally similar to the human gene and encodes a polypeptide with 88% identity to the human protein. RT-PCR and RNA in situ hybridization on rat and mouse cochlea revealed that Tmprss3 is expressed in the spiral ganglion, the cells supporting the organ of Corti and the stria vascularis. RT-PCR on mouse tissues showed expression in the thymus, stomach, testis and E19 embryos. Transient expression of wild-type or tagged TMPRSS3 protein showed a primary localization in the endoplasmic reticulum. The epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium channel (ENaC), which is expressed in many sodium-reabsorbing tissues including the inner ear and is regulated by membrane-bound channel activating serine proteases (CAPs), is a potential substrate of TMPRSS3. In the Xenopus oocyte expression system, proteolytic processing of TMPRSS3 was associated with increased ENaC mediated currents. In contrast, 6 TMPRSS3 mutants (D103G, R109W, C194F, W251C, P404L, C407R) causing deafness and a mutant in the catalytic triad of TMPRSS3 (S401A), failed to undergo proteolytic cleavage and activate ENaC. These data indicate that important signaling pathways in the inner ear are controlled by proteolytic cleavage and suggest: (i) the existence of an auto-catalytic processing by which TMPRSS3 would become active, and (ii) that ENaC could be a substrate of TMPRSS3 in the inner ear.


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Notch pathway is crucial for stem/progenitor cell maintenance, growth and differentiation in a variety of tissues. Using a transgenic cell ablation approach, we found in our previous study that cells expressing Notch1 are crucial for prostate early development and re-growth. Here, we further define the role of Notch signaling in regulating prostatic epithelial cell growth and differentiation using biochemical and genetic approaches in ex vivo or in vivo systems. Treatment of developing prostate grown in culture with inhibitors of gamma-secretase/presenilin, which is required for Notch cleavage and activation, caused a robust increase in proliferation of epithelial cells co-expressing cytokeratin 8 and 14, lack of luminal/basal layer segregation and dramatically reduced branching morphogenesis. Using conditional Notch1 gene deletion mouse models, we found that inactivation of Notch1 signaling resulted in profound prostatic alterations, including increased tufting, bridging and enhanced epithelial proliferation. Cells within these lesions co-expressed both luminal and basal cell markers, a feature of prostatic epithelial cells in predifferentiation developmental stages. Microarray analysis revealed that the gene expression in a number of genetic networks was altered following Notch1 gene deletion in prostate. Furthermore, expression of Notch1 and its effector Hey-1 gene in human prostate adenocarcinomas were found significantly down-regulated compared to normal control tissues. Taken together, these data suggest that Notch signaling is critical for normal cell proliferation and differentiation in the prostate, and deregulation of this pathway may facilitate prostatic tumorigenesis.


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Rhoptry-associated protein 2 (RAP2) is known to be discharged from rhoptry onto the membrane surface of infected and uninfected erythrocytes (UEs) ex vivo and in vitro and this information provides new insights into the understanding of the pathology of severe anemia in falciparum malaria. In this study, a hexahistidine-tagged recombinant protein corresponding to residues 5-190 of the N-terminal of Plasmodium falciparum RAP2 (rN-RAP2) was produced using a new method of solubilization and purification. Expression was induced with D-lactose, a less expensive alternative inducer to the more common isopropyl-²-D-thio-galactopyranosidase. The recombinant protein was purified using two types of commercially-available affinity columns, iminodiacetic and nitrilotriacetic. rN-RAP2 had immunogenic potential, since it induced high titers of anti-RAP2 antibodies in mice. These antibodies recognized full-length RAP2 prepared from Triton X-100 extracts from two strains of P. falciparum. In fact, the antibody recognized a 29-kDa product of RAP2 cleavage as well as 82 and 70-kDa products of RAP1 cleavage. These results indicate that the two antigens share sequence epitopes. Our expressed protein fragment was shown to contain a functional epitope that is also present in rhoptry-derived ring surface protein 2 which attaches to the surface of both infected and UEs and erythroid precursor cells in the bone marrow of malaria patients. Serum from malaria patients who developed anemia during infection recognized rN-RAP2, suggesting that this protein fragment may be important for epidemiological studies investigating whether immune responses to RAP2 exacerbate hemolysis in falciparum malaria patients.


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Because the diagnostic tools for predicting whether an early cleavage stage embryo can lead to a viable pregnancy are still elusive, transfer of more than one embryo remains quite common. However, the only way to reduce multiple pregnancies, considered as the main adverse effect of assisted reproductive technology, is to transfer a single embryo. In countries such as Switzerland and Germany, the law allows cryopreservation only at the 2-pronuclear stage. This restricts considerably the possibility of selecting the embryos to be transferred. Therefore, a good cryopreservation program at the 2-pronuclear stage is an essential tool to optimize the efficiency of in vitro fertilization (IVF). We therefore recommend the Cumulated Singleton Delivery Rate (CUSIDERA) as a measure of standard IVF efficiency. This rate averages approximately 23.5% when calculated over the last 10 years in our unit and reaches a value above 35% for patients with more than 10 zygotes. Elective single-embryo transfers and the decrease of iatrogenic multiple pregnancies in IVF remain dependent on better prognostic tools for the appropriate selection of patients, gametes, and zygotes.


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Members of the high temperature requirement A (HtrA) family of chaperone proteases have been shown to play a role in bacterial pathogenesis. In a recent report, we demonstrated that the gene ML0176, which codes for a predicted HtrA-like protease, a gene conserved in other species of mycobacteria, is transcribed by Mycobacterium leprae in human leprosy lesions. In the present study, the recombinant ML0176 protein was produced and its enzymatic properties investigated. M. lepraerecombinant ML0176 was able to hydrolyse a variety of synthetic and natural peptides. Similar to other HtrA proteins, this enzyme displayed maximum proteolytic activity at temperatures above 40°C and was completely inactivated by aprotinin, a protease inhibitor with high selectivity for serine proteases. Finally, analysis of M. leprae ML0176 specificity suggested a broader cleavage preference than that of previously described HtrAs homologues. In summary, we have identified an HtrA-like protease in M. lepraethat may constitute a potential new target for the development of novel prophylactic and/or therapeutic strategies against mycobacterial infections.


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The ability to generate appropriate defense responses is crucial for the survival of an organism exposed to pathogenesis-inducing insults. However, the mechanisms that allow tissues and organs to cope with such stresses are poorly understood. Here we show that caspase-3-knockout mice or caspase inhibitor-treated mice were defective in activating the antiapoptotic Akt kinase in response to various chemical and environmental stresses causing sunburns, cardiomyopathy, or colitis. Defective Akt activation in caspase-3-knockout mice was accompanied by increased cell death and impaired survival in some cases. Mice homozygous for a mutation in RasGAP that prevents its cleavage by caspase-3 exhibited a similar defect in Akt activation, leading to increased apoptosis in stressed organs, marked deterioration of their physiological functions, and stronger disease development. Our results provide evidence for the relevance of caspase-3 as a stress intensity sensor that controls cell fate by either initiating a RasGAP cleavage-dependent cell resistance program or a cell suicide response.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: In insulin-secreting cells, activation of the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway triggers apoptosis. Whereas JNK1 and JNK2 are ubiquitously produced, JNK3 has been described exclusively in neurons. This report aims to characterise the expression and role in apoptosis of the three JNK isoforms in insulin-secreting cells exposed to cytokines. METHODS: Sections of human and mouse pancreases were used for immunohistochemistry studies with isoform-specific anti-JNK antibodies. Human, pig, mouse and rat pancreatic islets were isolated by enzymatic digestion and RNA or protein extracts were prepared. RNA and protein levels were determined by quantitative RT-PCR and western blotting respectively, using JNK-isoform-specific primers and isoform-specific antibodies; activities of the three JNK isoforms were determined by kinase assays following quantitative immunoprecipitation/depletion of JNK3. JNK silencing was performed with small interfering RNAs and apoptotic rates were determined in INS-1E cells by scoring cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. RESULTS: JNK3 and JNK2 mRNAs are the predominant isoforms expressed in human pancreatic islets. JNK3 is nuclear while JNK2 is also cytoplasmic. In INS-1E cells, JNK3 knockdown increases c-Jun levels and caspase-3 cleavage and sensitises cells to cytokine-induced apoptosis; in contrast, JNK1 or JNK2 knockdown is protective. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In insulin-secreting cells, JNK3 plays an active role in preserving pancreatic beta cell mass from cytokine attacks. The specific localisation of JNK3 in the nucleus, its recruitment by cytokines, and its effects on key transcription factors such as c-Jun, indicate that JNK3 is certainly an important player in the transcriptional control of genes expressed in insulin-secreting cells.


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The prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), which naturally persists in rodents, represents a model for HIV, HBV, and HCV. Cleavage of the viral glycoprotein precursor by membrane-bound transcription factor peptidase, site 1 (Mbtps1 or site-1 protease), is crucial for the life cycle of arenaviruses and therefore represents a potential target for therapy. Recently, we reported a viable hypomorphic allele of Mbtps1 (woodrat) encoding a protease with diminished enzymatic activity. Using the woodrat allele, we examine the role of Mbtps1 during persistent LCMV infection. Surprisingly, Mbtps1 inhibition limits persistent but not acute viral infection and is associated with an organ/cell type-specific decrease in viral titers. Analysis of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells from woodrat mice supports their specific role in resolving persistent viral infection. These results support in vivo targeting of Mbtps1 in the treatment of arenavirus infections and demonstrate a critical role for dendritic cells in persistent viral infections.


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Apoptosis is induced by the cleavage of a subset of cellular proteins by proteases of the caspase family. Numerous (hundreds) caspase substrates have been described but only for a few of them is the function of their cleavage by caspases well understood. In this review, apoptosis and caspases will first be introduced. The main focus will then be directed to the caspase substrates, the actual "workers" doing the job of mediating and regulating the apoptotic process. The caspase substrates whose functions upon cleavage have been carefully investigated and those that are potentially involved in neurodegenerative diseases will be discussed in detail.


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GB virus B (GBV-B), which is hepatotropic in experimentally infected small New World primates, is a member of the Hepacivirus genus but phylogenetically relatively distant from hepatitis C virus (HCV). To gain insights into the role and specificity of hepaciviral nonstructural protein 2 (NS2), which is required for HCV polyprotein processing and particle morphogenesis, we investigated whether NS2 structural and functional features are conserved between HCV and GBV-B. We found that GBV-B NS2, like HCV NS2, has cysteine protease activity responsible for cleavage at the NS2/NS3 junction, and we experimentally confirmed the location of this junction within the viral polyprotein. A model for GBV-B NS2 membrane topology was experimentally established by determining the membrane association properties of NS2 segments fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) and their nuclear magnetic resonance structures using synthetic peptides as well as by applying an N-glycosylation scanning approach. Similar glycosylation studies confirmed the HCV NS2 organization. Together, our data show that despite limited amino acid sequence similarity, GBV-B and HCV NS2 proteins share a membrane topology with 3 N-terminal transmembrane segments, which is also predicted to apply to other recently discovered hepaciviruses. Based on these data and using trans-complementation systems, we found that intragenotypic hybrid NS2 proteins with heterologous N-terminal membrane segments were able to efficiently trans-complement an assembly-deficient HCV mutant with a point mutation in the NS2 C-terminal domain, while GBV-B/HCV or intergenotypic NS2 chimeras were not. These studies indicate that virus- and genotype-specific intramolecular interactions between N- and C-terminal domains of NS2 are critically involved in HCV morphogenesis. IMPORTANCE: Nonstructural protein 2 (NS2) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a multifunctional protein critically involved in polyprotein processing and virion morphogenesis. To gain insights into NS2 mechanisms of action, we investigated whether NS2 structural and functional features are conserved between HCV and GB virus B (GBV-B), a phylogenetically relatively distant primate hepacivirus. We showed that GBV-B NS2, like HCV NS2, carries cysteine protease activity. We experimentally established a model for GBV-B NS2 membrane topology and demonstrated that despite limited sequence similarity, GBV-B and HCV NS2 share an organization with three N-terminal transmembrane segments. We found that the role of HCV NS2 in particle assembly is genotype specific and relies on critical interactions between its N- and C-terminal domains. This first comparative analysis of NS2 proteins from two hepaciviruses and our structural predictions of NS2 from other newly identified mammal hepaciviruses highlight conserved key features of the hepaciviral life cycle.


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Résumé Les caspases sont des protéases essentielles lors de l'induction de l'apoptose ou pour la maturation de certaines cytokines. Elles peuvent être divisées en deux groupes: les caspases initiatrices, qui sont les premières activées lors d'un signal pro-apoptotique, et les caspases effectrices, qui sont activées par les caspases initiatrices et sont responsables du clivage et de la dégradation des substrats cellulaires. Les caspases initiatrices sont activées dans des complexes de haut poids moléculaire: l'apoptosome pour la caspase-9 et le DISC pour la caspase-8. La caspase-2 est également une caspase initiatrice qui contient un domaine CARD. Cependant son mécanisme d'activation n'est pas encore connu. Lors de cette étude, nous avons découvert et caractérisé le complexe qui permet l'activation de la caspase-2. Ce complexe, appelé le PIDDosome, est composé de PIDD/LRDD, de la protéine adaptatrice RAIDD et de la protéase caspase-2. L'expression forcée de PIDD induit l'activation constitutive de la caspase-2. Cela entraîne la mort ou la sensibilisation à la mort des cellules selon la lignée étudiée. Cet effet est expliqué par une perte du potentiel de membrane de la mitochondrie, certainement dû à un effet direct de la caspase-2. Peu de choses sont connues sur PIDD: c'est une protéine contenant un domaine DD qui peut être induite par p53. Nous avons caractérisé PIDD et montré qu'elle est exprimée de façon ubiquitaire. PIDD est constitutivement auto-clivée environ au milieu de la protéine, ce qui génère deux fragments qui restent liés l'un à l'autre. Le fragment N-terminal a une activité régulatrice et le C-terminal une activité effectrice. De plus, PIDD peut se déplacer entre le cytoplasme et le noyau. Enfin, nous avons découvert que PIDD est également impliquée dans l'induction de NF¬ -κB en réponse à des dommages à l'ADN. PIDD est responsable de la modification par sumo de NEMO, étape nécessaire à l'induction de NF-κB après des dommages à l'ADN. Ainsi PIDD semble être à l'intersection de la décision que prend la cellule entre survivre et réparer les dommages, ou entrer en apoptose. Summary Caspases are a family of proteases that fulfill varied and often critical roles in mammalian apoptosis or proteolytic activation of cytokines. Caspases can be divided into two sub-groups: initiator caspases, which are the first activated after a pro-apoptotic signal, and effector caspases, which are activated by initiator caspases and that are responsible for the cleavage and degradation of cellular components. Initiator caspases are activated in high molecular weight platforms such as the apoptosome for caspase-9 or the DISC for caspase-8. Caspase-2 is a CARD-containing initiator caspase whose mechanism of activation was not yet known. In this study we have identified an activating platform for caspase-2. This high molecular weight complex, called the PIDDosome, is composed of PIDD/LRDD, the adaptor protein RAIDD and caspase-2. Constitutive expression of PIDD led to constitutive activation of caspase-2, which in some cell lines was sufficient to induce cell death while in others it merely sensitizes. Active caspase-2 was found to disturb directly the mitochondria by inducing a partial loss of the transmembrane potential. Very little was known on PIDD. It can be induce by p53 and inhibition of its expression by antisense oligonucleotides diminishes p53-dependent apoptosis. We decided to further characterize PIDD function and expression. PIDD possesses seven LRR, two Zu5 domains and one DD. It is ubiquitously expressed and appears to be constitutively cleaved by auto- processing into two main fragments equal in size. The two fragments remain bound to one another and constitute a regulatory N-terminal fragment and an active C-terminal fragment. In addition, PIDD can shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Finally, investigating the possible relevance of new interaction partners, we found that PIDD is implicated in DNA damage-induced NF- κB. PIDD binds to RIP1 and to NEMO. In response to DNA damage, PIDD translocates to the nucleus and mediates sumo- modification of NEMO, a necessary step in DNA damage-induced NF-κB. All together these results raise the possibility that PIDD acts as a molecular switch between proliferation and repair, and apoptosis following DNA damage.


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SUMMARY Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are non-voltage gated sodium channels. They are activated by rapid extracellular acidification and generate an inactivating inward current. Four ASIC genes have been cloned: ASIC1, 2, 3 and 4, with variants a and b for ASIC1and AS1C2. ASICs are expressed in neurons of the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). In the CNS, ASICs have a role in learning, memory, as well as in neuronal death in ischemia. In the PNS, ASICs are involved in the perception of acid-induced pain, as well as in mechanoperception. In one part of my thesis project, we addressed the question of the mechanism of regulation of ASIC1 a by the serine protease trypsin at the molecular level. Trypsin modifies the function of ASIC1 a but not of ASIC1b. In order to identify the channel region responsible for this effect, we created chimeras between ASIC1 a and 1b. Subsequently, to identify the exact trypsin target(s), we mutated predicted trypsin sites in the region identified by the chimera. In the second part of a project, we investigated the role of ASICs at the cellular level, in neuronal signaling. Using the whole-cell patch clamp in hippocampal neuronal culture, we studied the potential involvement of ASICs in action potential (AP) generation. In the first part of the thesis work, we showed that trypsin modifies ASIC1a function: it shifts the pH activation and the steady-state inactivation curve towards more acidic values and accelerates the time course of the channel recovery from inactivation. We also showed that trypsin cleaves ASIC1a and that the functional effect and a channel cleavage correlate. In the inactivated state, channels cannot be modified by trypsin. Cleavage occurs in a channel region that is also important for inactivation of all ASICs; a part of this region is critical for the inhibition of ASIC1 a by the spider toxin Psalmotoxin1. In the second part of the thesis work, we showed that ASIC activity can modulate AP generation. ASIC activity by itself can induce trains of APs. In situations in which this activity by itself is not sufficient to induce APs, it can contribute to AP generation. During high neuronal activity, ASIC activity can block already existing trains of APs. In conclusion, depending on the activity of neuron in a particular moment, ASICs can differently modulate AP generation; they can induce, facilitate or inhibit APs. We also showed that trypsin changes the capability of ASICs to modulate AP generation by shifting the pH dependence to more acidic values, which adapts channel gating to pH conditions which may occur in pathological conditions such as ischemia. Our finding that trypsin modifies ASIC1 a function identifies a novel pharmacological tool, and proposes a mechanism of ASIC1a regulation that may have a physiological importance. The identification of the exact site of trypsin action gives insight to the molecular mechanisms of ASIC regulation. This work proposes a role in modulation of AP generation for ASICs in the CNS. RESUME Les canaux ASIC sont les canaux ioniques activés par l'acidification rapide extracellulaire. Activés, ils génèrent un courant entrant qui inactive en présence de stimulus acide. Quatre gènes ASIC ont été clonés, ASIC1, 2, 3 et 4, avec les variants a et b pour ASIC1 et 2. Les ASICs sont exprimés dans les neurones du système nerveux central (SNC) et périphérique (SNP). Dans le SNC, les ASIC ont un rôle dans le mémoire, apprentissage et la mort neuronale dans t'ischémie. Dans le SNP, ils ont un rôle dans la perception de la douleur et méchanosensation. Dans une partie de mon projet de thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes de la régulation d'ASIC1a par la sérine-protéase trypsine au niveau moléculaire. La trypsine modifie la fonction d'ASIC1a et pas ASIC1b. Nous avons créé les chimères entre ASIC1 a et 1 b, afin d'identifier la région du canal responsable pour l'effet. Pour identifier le(s) site(s) exactes de l'action de la trypsine, nous avons muté les sites potentiels de la trypsine dans la région identifiée par les chimères. Dans la deuxième partie du projet, nous avons étudié le rôle des ASICs au niveau cellulaire. En utilisant la technique du patch clamp dans les cultures des neurones de l'hippocampe, nous avons étudié l'implication des ASICs dans la génération des potentiels d'action (PA). Nous avons montré que la trypsine agit sur le canal ASIC1a ; elle décale l'activation et « steady-state » inactivation vers les valeurs plus acides, et elle raccourcit le temps du « recovery » du canal. La trypsine coupe ASIC1a sur le résidu K145 et l'effet fonctionnel et la coupure corrèlent. Nous avons identifié la région du canal responsable pour l'inactivation de tous les ASICs ; une partie de cette région est responsable pour ['inhibition d'ASIC1 a par la Psalmotoxinel . Nous avons montré que les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs. L'activité des ASICs peut induire les trains des PAs. Quand l'activité des ASICs n'est pas suffisante pour induire le PA, elle peut contribuer à sa génération. Pendant l'activité neuronale forte, l'activité des ASICs peut bloquer les trains des PAs qui existent déjà. En conclusion, dépendant de l'activité neuronale, les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs différemment ; ils peuvent induire, faciliter ou inhiber les PAs. La trypsine change la capacité des ASICs de moduler les PAs. Après l'action de la trypsine, les ASICs peuvent moduler la génération des PAs dans les conditions légèrement acides, suivies par les fluctuations du pH acide, qui peuvent exister dans l'ischémie. Le fait que la trypsine agit sur ASIC1a définit l'outil pharmacologique et propose le mécanisme de la régulation d'ASICI a qui pourrait avoir l'importance physiologique. L'identification du site de l'action de la trypsine éclaircit les mécanismes moléculaires de la régulation des ASICs. Cette étude propose un rôle des ASICs dans la modulation de la génération des PAs. Résumé pour le public large Les neurones sont les cellules de système nerveux dont la fonction est la signalisation. Comme toutes les autres cellules, les neurones ont une membrane qui sépare l'intérieur du milieu extérieur. Cette membrane est imperméable pour des particules chargées (ions). Dans cette membrane existent les protéines spécifiques, « canaux », qui permettent le transport des ions d'un côté de la membrane à l'autre, comme réponse aux stimuli différents. Ce transport des ions à travers la membrane génère un courant, qu'on peut mesurer. Ce courant est la base de la communication entre les neurones, ou, ce qu'on appelle la signalisation neuronale. Quand ce courant est suffisamment grand, il permet la génération du potentiel d'action, qui est le message principal de communication neuronale. Les canaux ASIC (acid-sensing ion channel), que nous étudions dans le laboratoire, sont activés par les acides. Les acides sont relâchés dans beaucoup de situations dans le système nerveux. Les ASIC ont été découverts récemment (en 1996), et nous ne connaissons pas encore très bien toutes les fonctions de ces canaux. Nous savons qu'ils ont un rôle dans le mémoire, apprentissage, la sensation de la douleur et l'infarctus cérébral. Dans la première partie de ce projet de thèse, nous avons voulu mieux comprendre comment fonctionnent ces canaux. Pour faire ça, nous avons étudié la régulation des ASICs par une protéine, trypsine, qui coupe le canal ASIC. Nous avons étudié ou exactement la trypsine coupe le canal et quels effets ça produit sur la fonction du canal. Dans la deuxième partie du projet de thèse, nous avons voulu mieux connaître comment le canal fonctionne au niveau de la cellule, comment il interagit avec les autres canaux et si il a un rôle dans la génération des potentiels d'action. Nous avons pu montrer que la trypsine change la fonction du canal, ce qui lui permet de fonctionner différemment. Nous avons aussi déterminé ou exactement ta trypsine coupe le canal. Au niveau de la cellule, nous avons montré que les ASIC peuvent moduler la génération des potentiels d'action, étant, dépendant de l'activité du neurone, soit activateurs, soit inhibiteurs. La trypsine est une molécule qui peut être libérée dans le système nerveux pendant certaines conditions, comme l'infarctus cérébral. A cause de ça, les connaissances que la trypsine agit sur le anal ASIC pourraient être important physiologiquement. La connaissance de l'endroit exacte ou la trypsine coupe le canal nous aide à mieux comprendre la relation structure-fonction du canal. La modulation de la génération des potentiels d'actions par les ASIC indique que ces canaux peuvent avoir un rôle important dans la signalisation neuronale.


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Human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) is a trypsin-like serine protease expressed predominantly in the prostate epithelium. Recently, hK2 has proven to be a useful marker that can be used in combination with prostate specific antigen for screening and diagnosis of prostate cancer. The cleavage by hK2 of certain substrates in the proteolytic cascade suggest that the kallikrein may be involved in prostate cancer development; however, there has been very little other progress toward its biochemical characterization or elucidation of its true physiological role. In the present work, we adapt phage substrate technology to study the substrate specificity of hK2. A phage-displayed random pentapeptide library with exhaustive diversity was generated and then screened with purified hK2. Phages displaying peptides susceptible to hK2 cleavage were amplified in eight rounds of selection and genes encoding substrates were transferred from the phage to a fluorescent system using cyan fluorescent protein (derived from green fluorescent protein) that enables rapid determination of specificity constants. This study shows that hK2 has a strict preference for Arg in the P1 position, which is further enhanced by a Ser in P'1 position. The scissile bonds identified by phage display substrate selection correspond to those of the natural biological substrates of hK2, which include protein C inhibitor, semenogelins, and fibronectin. Moreover, three new putative hK2 protein substrates, shown elsewhere to be involved in the biology of the cancer, have been identified thus reinforcing the importance of hK2 in prostate cancer development.


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Viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a ubiquitous intracellular "alert signal" used by cells to detect viral infection and to mount anti-viral responses. DsRNA triggers a rapid (complete within 2-4 h) apoptosis in the highly-susceptible HeLa cell line. Here, we demonstrate that the apical event in this apoptotic cascade is the activation of procaspase 8. Downstream of caspase 8, the apoptotic signaling cascade bifurcates into a mitochondria-independent caspase 8/caspase 3 arm and a mitochondria-dependent, caspase 8/Bid/Bax/Bak/cytochrome c arm. Both arms impinge upon, and activate, procaspase 9 via two different cleavage sites within the procaspase 9 molecule (D330 and D315, respectively). This is the first in vivo demonstration that the "effector" caspase 3 plays an "initiator" role in the regulation of caspase 9. The dsRNA-induced apoptosis is potentiated by the inhibition of protein synthesis, whose role is to accelerate the execution of all apoptosis steps downstream of, and including, the activation of caspase 8. Thus, efficient apoptosis in response to viral dsRNA results from the co-operation of the two major apical caspases (8 and 9) and the dsRNA-activated protein kinase R (PKR)/ribonuclease L (RNase L) system that is essential for the inhibition of protein synthesis in response to viral infection.