1000 resultados para Beta hCG livre


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010


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O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a determinação da água livre em diversas substâncias puras pelo método baseado no uso da estufa comum a 100-105ºC (método clássico) e pelo método que usa 20 polegadas (ou 50 mm de mercúrio) de vácuo a 50°C. As substâncias empregadas foram cloreto de sódio, sulfato de cálcio dihidratado, ortofosfato monocálcico monohidratado, ortofosfato bicálcico dihidratado, ortofosfato monácido de amônio e uréia cristalizada. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o método que usa estufa a vácuo a 50°C apresenta uma tendência de retirar apenas a água livre das substâncias estudadas. Por outro lado, o método clássico que emprega estufa comum a 100-105°C, além da água livre, retira também uma fração variável da água de hidratação ou de cristalização das substâncias que a contém.


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O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a perda de pêso de diversos fertilizantes simples e misturas de fertilizantes, quando submetidos a dois métodos de determinação da água livre: o método baseado no uso de estufa comum, na faixa térmica de 100-105°C (método clássico), e o método da estufa a vácuo, que usa temperatura de 50°C, associada a baixa pressão (20 polegadas de mercúrio de vácuo). Os resultados obtidos pelo método clássico foram mais elevados que os determinados através do método da estufa a vácuo, tanto para os fertilizantes simples como para as misturas. Nos fertilizantes simples a diferença entre os resultados dos dois métodos foi mais acentuada nos materiais que possuiam componentes hidratados. Nas misturas, as maiores diferenças ocorreram naquelas que continham uréia em sua composição.


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Os autores apresentam neste trabalho os resultados de experimento de enraizamento de estacas de amoreira (Morus alba L., var. Catânia 1) com o emprego de hormônio vegetal sintético, ácido Beta indolacético (100 ppm) e soluções de cloreto de cálcio (2,5 5,00 10,00 iônios Ca++/1.000 ml) . Aquela variedade, uma das mais produtiva em folhas que por sua vez se apresentam mais ricas em elementos nutritivos à alimentação do bicho-da-seda (Bombyx mori L.), dificilmente se propaga pela estaquia natural, o que impede seu cultivo no sistema de "cepo". Depois das estacas da amoreira (Morus alba L., var. Catânia 1) terem sido preparadas e tratadas durante 24 horas em vasilhames de polietileno, foram no dia 24 de outubro de 1973, plantadas na posição invertida em substrato ,areia grossa lavada) contido em estufim. A retirada das estacas e consequentemente a conclusão do experimento, verificou-se 110 dias após seu plantio.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2015


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Royal Brompton Hospital, Londres, Regne Unit, durant octubre i novembre del 2006.Els beneficis de la estimulació beta-adrenèrgica en pacients amb lesió pulmonar aguda (LPA) són coneguts, però no es disposa de dades sobre el possible efecte antiinflamatori. El condensat d'aire exhalat (CAE) és una tècnica no-invasiva de recollida de mostres del tracte respiratori inferior, podent ser útil en la monitorització de patologies respiratòries. S’ha usat marcadors biològics en el CAE de pacients ventilats mecànicament amb LPA per estudiar el possible efecte antiinflamatori que el salbutamol hi podria exercir. El CAE va ser recollit abans i després de l'administració de salbutamol inahalat. Inmediatament després es va mesurar la conductivitat i el pH abans i després de la desgasificació amb heli. Es va mesurar la concentració de nitrits i nitrats. Les mostres varen ser liofilitzades i guardades a -80ºC. La concentració de leucotriè B4 es va mesurar després de la reconstitució de la mostra. Els resultats s'expressen com a mitjana (error estàndard de la mostra). No s'han detectat diferències entre els valors de CAE basals dels pacients amb LPA i els de referència de la població sana de Barcelona. Es conclou doncs que el CAE és una tècnica no invasiva que pot ser usada en la monitorització de paceints ventilats mecànicament. El salbutamol inhalat incrementa de manera significativa el pH del CAE dels paceints amb LPA, tot i que un efecte directe de la inhalació de slabutamol no pot ser desestimat.


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T lymphocytes reactive with the product of the Mlsa-allele of the minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) locus use a predominant T-cell receptor beta-chain variable gene segment (V beta 6). Such V beta 6-bearing T cells are selectively eliminated in the thymus of Mlsa-bearing mice, consistent with a model in which tolerance to self antigens is achieved by clonal deletion.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), originally identified as a cytokine secreted by T lymphocytes, was found recently to be both a pituitary hormone and a mediator released by immune cells in response to glucocorticoid stimulation. We report here that the insulin-secreting beta cell of the islets of Langerhans expresses MIF and that its production is regulated by glucose in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. MIF and insulin colocalize by immunocytochemistry within the secretory granules of the pancreatic islet beta cells, and once released, MIF appears to regulate insulin release in an autocrine fashion. In perifusion studies performed with isolated rat islets, immunoneutralization of MIF reduced the first and second phase of the glucose-induced insulin secretion response by 39% and 31%, respectively. Conversely, exogenously added recombinant MIF was found to potentiate insulin release. Constitutive expression of MIF antisense RNA in the insulin-secreting INS-1 cell line inhibited MIF protein synthesis and decreased significantly glucose-induced insulin release. MIF is therefore a glucose-dependent, islet cell product that regulates insulin secretion in a positive manner and may play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.


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Current in vitro fertilisation (IVF) practice requires synchronisation between the¦environment of cultured oocytes and embryos and the surroundings to what they would have¦been exposed to in vivo. Commercial, sequential media follow this requirement but their exact¦composition is not available. We have compared two widely used IVF culture media systems using¦the two choriocarcinoma cell lines JEG-3 and BeWo. The two hormones hCG and progesterone¦were determined in the culture supernatants as endpoints. In both cell lines, but in a more¦pronounced way in JEG-3, progesterone rather than hCG production was stimulated, and a¦higher hormone release was observed in the fertilisation than in the cleavage media. Differences¦between manufacturers were small and did not favour one system over the other. We conclude¦that both sequential media systems can be equally well used in current IVF laboratory practice.¦© 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The lymphatic vasculature is important for the regulation of tissue fluid homeostasis, immune response, and lipid absorption, and the development of in vitro models should allow for a better understanding of the mechanisms regulating lymphatic vascular growth, repair, and function. Here we report isolation and characterization of lymphatic endothelial cells from human intestine and show that intestinal lymphatic endothelial cells have a related but distinct gene expression profile from human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells. Furthermore, we identify liprin beta1, a member of the family of LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase-interacting proteins, as highly expressed in intestinal lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro and lymphatic vasculature in vivo, and show that it plays an important role in the maintenance of lymphatic vessel integrity in Xenopus tadpoles.


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Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a family of polymers composed primarily of R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids. These polymers have properties of biodegradable thermoplastics and elastomers. Medium-chain-length PHAs (MCL-PHAs) are synthesized in bacteria by using intermediates of the beta-oxidation of alkanoic acids. To assess the feasibility of producing MCL-PHAs in plants, Arabidopsis thaliana was transformed with the PhaC1 synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa modified for peroxisome targeting by addition of the carboxyl 34 amino acids from the Brassica napus isocitrate lyase. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that the modified PHA synthase was appropriately targeted to leaf-type peroxisomes in light-grown plants and glyoxysomes in dark-grown plants. Plants expressing the PHA synthase accumulated electron-lucent inclusions in the glyoxysomes and leaf-type peroxisomes, as well as in the vacuole. These inclusions were similar to bacterial PHA inclusions. Analysis of plant extracts by GC and mass spectrometry demonstrated the presence of MCL-PHA in transgenic plants to approximately 4 mg per g of dry weight. The plant PHA contained saturated and unsaturated 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids ranging from six to 16 carbons with 41% of the monomers being 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 3-hydroxyoctenoic acid. These results indicate that the beta-oxidation of plant fatty acids can generate a broad range of R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates that can be used to synthesize MCL-PHAs.


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Fatty acid degradation in most organisms occurs primarily via the beta-oxidation cycle. In mammals, beta-oxidation occurs in both mitochondria and peroxisomes, whereas plants and most fungi harbor the beta-oxidation cycle only in the peroxisomes. Although several of the enzymes participating in this pathway in both organelles are similar, some distinct physiological roles have been uncovered. Recent advances in the structural elucidation of numerous mammalian and yeast enzymes involved in beta-oxidation have shed light on the basis of the substrate specificity for several of them. Of particular interest is the structural organization and function of the type 1 and 2 multifunctional enzyme (MFE-1 and MFE-2), two enzymes evolutionarily distant yet catalyzing the same overall enzymatic reactions but via opposite stereochemistry. New data on the physiological roles of the various enzymes participating in beta-oxidation have been gathered through the analysis of knockout mutants in plants, yeast and animals, as well as by the use of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis from beta-oxidation intermediates as a tool to study carbon flux through the pathway. In plants, both forward and reverse genetics performed on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have revealed novel roles for beta-oxidation in the germination process that is independent of the generation of carbohydrates for growth, as well as in embryo and flower development, and the generation of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid and the signal molecule jasmonic acid.