649 resultados para Bal, Mieke
Background and Objective. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a known anti-inflammatory therapy. Herein we studied the effect of LLLT on lung permeability and the IL-1 beta level in LPS-induced pulmonary inflammation. Study Design/Methodology. Rats were divided into 12 groups (n = 7 for each group). Lung permeability was measured by quantifying extravasated albumin concentration in lung homogenate, inflammatory cells influx was determined by myeloperoxidase activity, IL-1P in BAL was determined by ELISA and IL-1P mRNA expression in trachea was evaluated by RT-PCR. The rats were irradiated on the skin over the upper bronchus at the site of tracheotomy after LPS. Results. LLLT attenuated lung permeability. In addition, there was reduced neutrophil influx, myeloperoxidase activity and both IL-1 beta in BAL and IL-1 beta mRNA expression in trachea obtained from animals subjected to LPS-induced inflammation. Conclusion. LLLT reduced the lung permeability by a mechanism in which the IL-1 beta seems to have an important role.
Female sex hormones (FSHs) exert profound regulatory effects on the course of lung inflammation due to allergic and non-allergic immune responses. As pollution is one of the pivotal factors to induce lung dysfunction, in this study we investigated the modulatory role of FSHs on lung inflammation after a formaldehyde (FA) exposure. For this purpose, lung and systemic inflammatory responses were evaluated in terms of leukocytes countings in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), peripheral blood and bone marrow lavage from 7-day ovariectomized (OVx) and Sham-OVx rats subjected to FA inhalation for 3 consecutive days. The hypothesized link between effects of FSHs on expression of adhesion molecules and mast cells degranulation was also studied. Once exposed to FA, Sham-OVx rats increased the number of total cells recovered in BAL and of leukocytes in peripheral blood, and decreased the counts in bone marrow. By contrast, in OVx rats upon FA exposure there was a reduction of the total cells counts in BAL and of blood leukocytes: lung expressions of ICAM-1 and Mac-1 were depressed, but the number of bone marrow cells did not vary. Estradiol treatment of OVx rats increased the total cells in BAL and decreased the number of blood leukocytes, whereas the number of bone marrow cell remained unaltered. Progesterone treatment, in turn increased the total cells in BAL and blood leukocytes, but decreased the number of bone marrow cells. OVx rats exposed to FA developed tracheal hyperresponsiveness to methacholine (MCh). A similarly altered response was found between the tracheal segments of Sham-OVx rats after FA exposure and that found in tracheae of naive rats. Estradiol treatment prevented FA-induced tracheal hyperresponsiveness to MCh whereas progesterone was ineffective in this regard. In addition, OVx rats upon FA exposure significantly increased both, the ability of mast cell degranulation and serum corticosterone levels. In conclusion, it was found that FSHs act by distinct control mechanisms on FA-induced lung inflammation and tracheal hyperresponsiveness, since at low circulating levels of FSHs (such as those after OVx) there is some resistance to the development of a lung inflammatory response, but the cholinergic tracheal responsiveness is exacerbated. Our data also help to understand the involvement of FSHs on mast cells activity after pollutants exposure and add information regarding the role of FSHs on the mechanisms related to endothelium-leukocyte interactions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). One strategy to treat allergic diseases is the development of new drugs. Flavonoids are compounds derived from plants and are known to have antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. To investigate whether the flavonoid kaempferol glycoside 3-O-[beta-D-glycopiranosil-(1 -> 6)-alpha-L-ramnopiranosil]-7-O-alpha-L-ramnopiranosil-kaempferol (GRRK) would be capable of modulating allergic airway disease (AAD) either as a preventive (GRRK P) or curative (GRRK C) treatment in an experimental model of asthma. At weekly intervals, BALB/c mice were subcutaneously (sc) sensitized twice with ovalbumin (OVA)/alum and challenged twice with OVA administered intranasally. To evaluate any preventive effects GRRK was administered 1 h (hour) before each OVA-sensitization and challenge, while to analyze the curative effects mice were first sensitized with OVA, followed by GRRK given at day 18 through 21. The onset: of AAD was evaluated 24 h after the last OVA challenge. Both treatments resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in total leukocyte and eosinophil counts in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL). GRRK also decreased CD4(+), B220(+), MHC class II and CD40 molecule expressions in BAL cells. Histology and lung mechanic showed that GRRK suppressed mucus production and ameliorated the AHR induced by OVA challenge. Furthermore, GRRK impaired Th2 cytokine production (IL-5 and IL-13) and did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. These findings demonstrate that GRRK treatment before or after established allergic lung disease down-regulates key asthmatic features. Therefore. GRRK has a potential clinical use for the treatment of allergic asthma. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Glypican-3 (GPC3) is a proteoglycan involved in migration, proliferation and cell survival modulation in several tissues. There are many reports demonstrating a downregulation of GPC3 expression in some human tumors, including mesothelioma, ovarian and breast cancer. Previously, we determined that GPC3 reexpression in the murine mammary adenocarcinoma LM3 cells induced an impairment of their in vivo invasive and metastatic capacities together with a higher susceptibility to in vitro apoptosis. Currently, the signaling mechanism of GPC3 is not clear. First, it was speculated that GPC3 regulates the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling system. This hypothesis, however, has been strongly challenged. Recently, several reports indicated that at least in some cell types GPC3 serves as a selective regulator of Wnt signaling. Here we provide new data demonstrating that GPC3 regulates Wnt pathway in the metastatic adenocarcinoma mammary LM3 cell line. We found that GPC3 is able to inhibit canonical Wnt signals involved in cell proliferation and survival, as well as it is able to activate non canonical pathway, which directs cell morphology and migration. This is the first report indicating that breast tumor cell malignant properties can be reverted, at least in part, by GPC3 modulation of Wnt signaling. Our results are consistent with the potential role of GPC3 as a metastasis suppressor.
Este estudo aborda o emprego de estratégias interculturais para conseguir competitividade organizacional em diferentes situações, tais como fusões alianças para negócios internacionais, servIços a clientes internacionais e comércio exterior. Em busca desse objetivo, a pesquisa de campo foi realizada em cinco diferentes organizações, entre as quaIs duas são instituições de ensmo, nas quaIs estudantes em comércio e negócios internacional foram entrevistados individualmente e em grupos. Nessa busca por fundamentos para postura educacional e habilidades interculturais, Simón Bolívar foi considerado urna inspiração, em especial devido à sua preocupação com o mútuo entendimento entre as nações latino-americanas, uma questão que está nas raízes de qualquer possibilidade de superar desafios interculturais. Além disso, os ideais daquele reconhecido líder emergem fortemente, quando essas nações estão decididas a estabelecer o MERCOSUL. As conclusões deste estudo não simplesmente mostram que esforços interculturais estão atualmente presentes nas estratégias de gestão e de negócios nas organizações e grupos enfocados, mas também encontra uma orientação, o que em termos fenomenológicos é um sentido voltado á compreensão intercultural, a qual é vista como uma atitude básica para fusões e negócios internacionais serem bem sucedidos.
O objetivo da Dissertação é analisar as diferentes formas como revistas brasileiras sobre a temática infância (Crescer em Família, Pais & Filhos e Meu Nenê e Família) operam discursivamente na constituição das identidades de gênero na infância. Para a realização da análise, foram utilizados, como referencial teórico, os Estudos Culturais e algumas contribuições dos Estudos de Gênero, entendendo-se gênero como as possíveis formas de se viver a feminilidade e a masculinidade, enfatizando seu caráter contingente, transitório e social. As revistas em questão foram escolhidas na medida em que desempenham uma função pedagógica, ensinando mães e pais a como agir com suas/seus filhas/filhos, como devem vesti-los, que ambientes e brinquedos lhes devem proporcionar, assim produzindo subjetividades, identidades e saberes. Foram analisadas 53 edições dos anos de 2000 a 2002, das quais foram selecionadas as matérias que envolvessem questões de gênero dentro da faixa etária dos 0 a 6 anos – a chamada primeira infância. As análises foram agrupadas em quatro temáticas - 1) artigos sobre decoração de quartos de bebê e crianças, 2) matérias sobre brinquedos, 3) matérias sobre moda infantil e 4) matérias sobre educação, saúde, alimentação, etc. Através delas buscaram-se tanto as recorrências quanto os deslocamentos e rupturas nos discursos dominantes. Observou-se como os comportamentos femininos e masculinos são vistos de forma dicotomizada na maioria dos textos e como os discursos das áreas biológicas e psi são os que legitimam tais posições Dessa forma, as características dos sujeitos femininos pressupostas remetiam, em sua maioria, ao espaço doméstico, à maternidade e à sedução, enquanto as características dos sujeitos masculinos remetiam à prática de esportes e às ações ligadas a carros e armas. Observou-se, ainda, uma maior flexibilidade quanto a comportamentos, esportes, estilos e cores de roupas permitidos às meninas; em relação aos meninos, a prática de atividades como balé, brincar com boneca, vestir-se de bailarina e usar a cor rosa continuam sendo vistas como problemáticas.
Scorpaena plumieri venomous fish inflicted severe injuries in humans characterized by systemic effects and cardiovascular abnormalities. Although cardiotoxic and hypotensive effects induced in rats by this venom have been studied, little is known about their effect on bronchial epithelial permeability and airway inflammation in mice. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether the intraplantar or intraperitoneal injection of S. plumieri venom results in systemic response, and whether this event initiates acute lung injure. We found that BALB/c mice developed neutrophilic infiltrates, areas of lung hemorrhage and alveolar macrophage activation within 24 h after injection with S. plumieri venom. These histopathological changes were associated with an early increase in BAL fluid protein and early induction of cytokines, chemokines and matrix metaloproteinases, followed by a later increase in BAL fluid neutrophils. These findings provide clear evidence that the injection of S. plumieri venom in footpad or peritoneal cavity of mice results in venom deposition in the airway and initiates a sustained inflammatory response in the lungs. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Natural killer (NK) cell activity was evaluated after the initiation and promotion steps in a medium-term multi-organ bioassay for carcinogenesis. NK cell activity was assessed in vitro by Cr-51 release assay at the 4th and 30th weeks of the experiment. Male Wistar rats were sequentially initiated with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN i.p.), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN drinking water), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU i.p.), dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine (DHPN drinking water) and N,N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH s.c.) at subcarcinogenic doses for 4 weeks (DMBDD initiation). One group was evaluated at the 4th week and the other was maintained without any further treatment until the 30th week. Two initiated groups were exposed through the diet to 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) or phenobarbital (PB), from the 6th until the 30th week, Five additional groups were studied to evaluate the effects of each initiator on NK activity. All groups submitted to initiation only, initiation plus promotion, or promotion only, developed significantly more preneoplastic lesions than the untreated control group. The main target organs for tumor development in the initiated animals n ere the liver and the colon, irrespective of treatment with 2-AAF or PB. NK cell activity was not affected bal exposure to genotoxic carcinogens after initiation, at the 4th week. Treatments only with PB or 2-AAF did not change NK cell activity, However, decreased NK cell activity was registered in the group only initiated with DMBDD and in the group given DMBDD+2-AAF. This late depression of NK cell activity at the 30th week could be related to the production of suppressing molecules by the tumor cells.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of mechanical ventilation (MV) of high-oxygen concentration in pulmonary dysfunction in adult and elderly rats. Methods: Twenty-eight adult (A) and elderly (E), male rats were ventilated for 1 hour (G-AV1 and G-EV1) or for 3 hours (G-AV3 and G-EV3). A and E groups received a tidal volume of 7 mL/kg, a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H2O, respiratory rate of 70 cycles per minute, and an inspiratory fraction of oxygen of 1. We evaluated total protein content and malondialdehyde in bronchoalveolar lavages (BAL) and performed lung histomorphometrical analyses. Results: In G-EV1 animals, total protein in BAL was higher (33.0 +/- 1.9 mu g/mL) compared with G-AV1 (23.0 +/- 2.0 mu g/mL). Upon 180 minutes of MV, malondialdehyde levels increased in elderly (G-EV3) compared with adult (G-AV3) groups. Malondialdehyde and total proteins in BAL after 3 hours of MV were higher in elderly group than in adults. In G-EV3 group we observed alveolar septa dilatation and significative increase in neutrofiles number in relation to adult group at 60 and 180 minutes on MV. Conclusion: A higher fraction of inspired oxygen in short courses of mechanical ventilation ameliorates the parameters studied in elderly lungs.
Extracts of Coleus bal barbatus B. have been used in folk medicine to interrupt pregnancy. In order to evaluate if this plant interferes with embryo implantation or with the normal development of the concepts, pregnant Wistar rats were treated with increasing doses (220, 440 and 880 mg/kg per day) of a hydroalcoholic extract of C. barbatus. The rats received the extract by gavage from days 0 to 5 of pregnancy (preimplantation period) or 6 to 15 (organogenic period). Control groups received distilled water during the same periods: the animals were killed at term for the evaluation of maternal and fetal parameters. The results showed that the treatment with 880 mg/kg per day of the extract of C. barbatus before embryo implantation caused delayed fetal development and an anti-implantation effect, which justifies the popular use of this extract with abortive purposes. After embryo implantation delayed development associated with maternal toxicity was observed in the fetuses of the group which received 880 mg/kg per day. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)