939 resultados para Austral Collection
Au Québec, l'intérêt des chercheurs pour la scène éditoriale de la littérature pour la jeunesse grandit constamment. Nous avons cependant constaté l'absence de travaux sur un phénomène permettant d'accroître la diversité de cette littérature : l'édition de poésie. Bien que marginale et méconnue, cette production participe à la légitimation de la littérature pour la jeunesse en y introduisant un genre littéraire consacré. En matière de littérature pour la jeunesse, et particulièrement lorsqu'il s'agit de poésie, la médiation effectuée par le milieu scolaire représente un enjeu incontournable. Le premier chapitre dresse le portrait historique des liens établis entre le milieu scolaire et celui de la littérature pour la jeunesse depuis le XlXe siècle au Québec. La réflexion porte ensuite sur les programmes scolaires adoptés avec la réforme de l'éducation des années 2000, qui proposent de donner à l'enseignement un ancrage culturel. Dès lors, l'initiation des élèves à une littérature soutenue, issue d'une «culture seconde», devient un apprentissage essentiel. L'intérêt porté à une littérature pour la jeunesse plus exigeante crée un contexte favorable à l'édition de poésie pour la jeunesse. Le deuxième chapitre, qui porte sur la période 1993-2007, met en lumière le phénomène éditorial qui prend de l'ampleur, surtout après 2000. Outre l'analyse de ce corpus, il s'agit de retracer l'histoire de cette production laissée dans l'ombre jusqu'à ce jour. L'arrivée de la collection «Poésie» de La courte échelle en 2002 marque un moment charnière de l'édition de poésie pour la jeunesse. Le troisième chapitre du mémoire présente les stratégies éditoriales que cette collection a suscitées. Ainsi, La courte échelle a fait appel à des poètes reconnus et à des artistes visuels légitimés. La collection «Poésie» utilise des stratégies propres à la littérature pour la jeunesse, comme la conception de fiches pédagogiques visant le marché scolaire, mais ne se restreint pas à ce public. Le paratexte épuré, tout comme les titres des recueils qui évoquent des thématiques universelles, signalent que l'éditeur tente également de rejoindre un lectorat adulte.
The study of electricity markets operation has been gaining an increasing importance in last years, as result of the new challenges that the electricity markets restructuring produced. This restructuring increased the competitiveness of the market, but with it its complexity. The growing complexity and unpredictability of the market’s evolution consequently increases the decision making difficulty. Therefore, the intervenient entities are forced to rethink their behaviour and market strategies. Currently, lots of information concerning electricity markets is available. These data, concerning innumerous regards of electricity markets operation, is accessible free of charge, and it is essential for understanding and suitably modelling electricity markets. This paper proposes a tool which is able to handle, store and dynamically update data. The development of the proposed tool is expected to be of great importance to improve the comprehension of electricity markets and the interactions among the involved entities.
One of the most important measures to prevent wild forest fires is the use of prescribed and controlled burning actions as it reduce the fuel mass availability. The impact of these management activities on soil physical and chemical properties varies according to the type of both soil and vegetation. Decisions in forest management plans are often based on the results obtained from soil-monitoring campaigns. Those campaigns are often man-labor intensive and expensive. In this paper we have successfully used the multivariate statistical technique Robust Principal Analysis Compounds (ROBPCA) to investigate on the sampling procedure effectiveness for two different methodologies, in order to reflect on the possibility of simplifying and reduce the sampling collection process and its auxiliary laboratory analysis work towards a cost-effective and competent forest soil characterization.
This article deals with a real-life waste collection routing problem. To efficiently plan waste collection, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors and only then can routing problems be solved in each sector. Three diverse situations are described, resulting in three different new models. In the first situation, there is a single point of waste disposal from where the vehicles depart and to where they return. The vehicle fleet comprises three types of collection vehicles. In the second, the garage does not match any of the points of disposal. The vehicle is unique and the points of disposal (landfills or transfer stations) may have limitations in terms of the number of visits per day. In the third situation, disposal points are multiple (they do not coincide with the garage), they are limited in the number of visits, and the fleet is composed of two types of vehicles. Computational results based not only on instances adapted from the literature but also on real cases are presented and analyzed. In particular, the results also show the effectiveness of combining sectorization and routing to solve waste collection problems.
For efficient planning of waste collection routing, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors. The real case under consideration is the municipality of Monção, in Portugal. Waste collection involves more than 1600 containers over an area of 220 km2 and a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. This is mostly a rural area where the population is distributed in small villages around the 33 boroughs centres (freguesia) that constitute the municipality. In most freguesias, waste collection is usually conducted 3 times a week. However, there are situations in which the same collection is done every day. The case reveals some general and specific characteristics which are not rare, but are not widely addressed in the literature. Furthermore, new methods and models to deal with sectorization and routing are introduced, which can be extended to other applications. Sectorization and routing are tackled following a three-phase approach. The first phase, which is the main concern of the presentation, introduces a new method for sectorization inspired by Electromagnetism and Coulomb’s Law. The matter is not only about territorial division, but also the frequency of waste collection, which is a critical issue in these types of applications. Special characteristics related to the number and type of deposition points were also a motivation for this work. The second phase addresses the routing problems in each sector: new Mixed Capacitated Arc Routing with Limited Multi-Landfills models will be presented. The last phase integrates Sectoring and Routing. Computational results confirm the effectiveness of the entire novel approach.
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia no âmbito de Bolsa de Doutoramento (SFRH/BD/86280/2012)
A presente dissertação pretende analisar a luta contra a pobreza na Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC), através do estudo do “Caso de Moçambique, 1987 – 2000”. Este estudo analisa também aspetos pertinentes para a Regionalização do Sistema Internacional, dando maior enfase ao surgimento da SADC, os seus obstáculos e a Segurança na região. Relativamente à luta contra a pobreza na Região, Moçambique tem como posição que o combate à pobreza é a forma de luta pela segurança, pois considera um risco existirem “pessoas que vegetam na pobreza e serem facilmente recrutados por grupos interessados em por em causa a segurança mundial, aliás a pobreza provou que é uma ameaça sistémica e sistemática à paz mundial” (Teleinforma 27/09/2013). Neste contexto, este trabalho enfoca o Plano de Ação para a Redução da Pobreza Absoluta (PARPA), estudando o caso do Fundo para o Desenvolvimento Local, vulgo 7 milhões de meticais em Moçambique, alocados anualmente aos Distritos e Municípios. Da pesquisa efetuada verifica-se que, a forma usada para a atribuição do Fundo para o Desenvolvimento Local aos camponeses, não tem sido a mais criteriosa, razão pela qual não reembolsam, depois dos prazos estabelecidos. Nota-se ainda, existência de fraca capacidade de controlo de aplicação pela entidade gestora. Como tal, conclui-se que o Governo tem agido como Banco, vocação que não lhe é competente. Assim, se propõe: a) Criação de um Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Local onde cada Distrito teria um Gabinete de Apoio e Monotorização ao Fundo. b) O Gabinete assessoraria os camponeses na promoção dos produtos de forma a rentabilizar os projetos, devido a fraca sensibilização das comunidades locais na gestão do fundo, na elaboração de projetos que possam ser elegíveis ao financiamento bancário.