979 resultados para Arc Magmas


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Hydrothermal Mn-oxide crusts have been removed from the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge, the first such hydrothermal deposits to be reported in the S.W. Pacific island arc. In several respects the deposits are similar to hydrothermal Mn-crusts from oceanic spreading centre settings. They are limited in areal extent, comprise well-crystalline birnessite and generally display extreme fractionation of Mn from Fe. They are strongly depleted in many elements compared to hydrogenous Mn deposits but are comparatively enriched in Li, Zn, Mo and Cd. The Group IA and Group IIA metals show strong intercorrelations and the behaviour of Mg in the purest samples may indicate the extent to which normal seawater has influenced the composition of the deposits. Certain aspects of the deposits are not typical of hydrothermal Mn deposits. In particular at least some of the crusts have developed on a sediment or unconsolidated talus substrate. Some crusts, or specific layers within some crusts, display a chemical composition which suggests a significant input from normal seawater.


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Igneous rocks from the Philippine tectonic plate recovered on Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 31, 58 and 59 have been analyzed for Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios. Samples include rocks from the West Philippine Basin, Daito Basin and Benham Rise (40-60 m.y.), the Palau-Kyushu Ridge (29-44 m.y.) and the Parece Vela and Shikoku basins (17-30 m.y.). Samples from the West Philippine, Parece Vela and Shikoku basins are MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalt)-like with 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7026 - 0.7032, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51300 - 0.51315, and 206Pb/204Pb = 17.8 - 18.1. Samples from the Daito Basin and Benham Rise are OIB (oceanic island basalt)-like with 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7038 - 0.7040, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51285 - 0.51291 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.8 - 19.2. All of these rocks have elevated 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb compared to the Northern Hemisphere Regression Line (NHRL) and have delta207Pb values of 0 to +6 and delta208Pb values of +32 to +65. Lavas from the Palau-Kyushu Ridge, a remnant island arc, have 87Sr/86Sr = 7032 - 0.7035, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51308 - 0.51310 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.4 - 18.5. Unlike the basin magmas erupted before and after them, these lavas plot along the NHRL and have Pb-isotope ratios similar to modern Pacific plate MORB's. This characteristic is shared by other Palau-Kyushu Arc volcanic rocks that have been sampled from submerged and subaerial portions of the Mariana fore-arc. At least four geochemically distinct magma sources are required for these Philippine plate magmas. The basin magmas tap Source 1, a MORB-mantle source that was contaminated by EMI (enriched mantle component 1 (Hart, 1988, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90131-8)) and Source 2, an OIB-like mantle source with some characteristics of EMII (enriched mantle component 2 (Hart, 1988)). The arc lavas are derived from Source 3, a MORB-source or residue mantle including Sr and Pb from the subducted oceanic crust, and Source 4, MORB-source or residue mantle including a component with characteristics of HIMU (mantle component with high U/Pb (Hart, 1988)). These same sources can account for many of the isotopic characteristics of recent Philippine plate arc and basin lavas. The enriched components in these sources which are associated with the DUPAL anomaly were probably introduced into the asthenosphere from the deep mantle when the Philippine plate was located in the Southern Hemisphere 60 m.y.b.p.


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In this paper allivalites, coarse- and giant-textured olivine-anorthite rocks occurring as separate blocks in the eruption products of many volcanoes from the frontal part of the Kuril-Kamchatka Arc are under consideration. New data are reported on petrography, mineralogy, and composition of melt inclusions in minerals from ten allivalite samples collected at Ksudach, Ilinsky, Zavaritsky, Kudryavy, and Golovnin Volcanoes. Crystallization temperatures of allivalite minerals were estimated as 970-1080°C at melt water content of 3.0-3.5 wt % and oxygen fugacity NNO=1-2. Genetic connection was established between compositions of melt inclusions and interstitial glasses in allivalites and volcanic rocks. Cumulate nature of allivalites was demonstrated. Using mass balance calculations, degree of fractionation of primary melts during formation of cumulate layers was estimated for various volcanoes as 22-46%.


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The fate of subducted sediment and the extent to which it is dehydrated and/or melted before incorporation into arc lavas has profound implications for the thermo-mechanical nature of the mantle wedge and models for crustal evolution. In order to address these issues, we have undertaken the first measurements of 10Be and light elements in lavas from the Tonga-Kermadec arc and the sediment profile at DSDP site 204 outboard of the trench. The 10Be/9Be ratios in the Tonga lavas are lower than predicted from flux models but can be explained if (a) previously estimated sediment contributions are too high by a factor of 2-10, (b) the top 1-22 m of the incoming sediment is accreted, (c) large amounts of sediment erosion are proposed, or (d) the sediment component takes several Myr longer than the subducting plate to reach the magma source region beneath Tonga. The lavas form negative Th/Be-Li/Be arrays that extend from a depleted mantle source composition to lower Th/Be and Li/Be ratios than that of the bulk sediment. Thus, these arrays are not easily explained by bulk sediment addition and, using partition coefficients derived from experiments on the in-coming sediment, we show that they are also unlikely to result from fluid released during dehydration of the sediment (or altered oceanic crust). However, partial melts of the dehydrated sediment residue formed at ~800 °C during the breakdown of amphibole +/- plagioclase and in the absence of cordierite have significantly lowered Th/Be ratios. The lava arrays can be successfully modelled as 10-15% partial melts of depleted mantle after it has been enriched by the addition of 0.2-2% of these partial melts. Phase relations suggest that this requires that the top of the subducting crust reaches temperatures of ~800 °C by the time it attains ~ 80 km depth which is in excellent agreement with the results of recent numerical models incorporating a temperature-dependent mantle viscosity. Under these conditions the wet basalt solidus is also crossed yet there is no recognisable eclogitic signal in the lavas suggesting that on-going dehydration or strong thermal gradients in the upper part of the subducting plate inhibit partialmelting of the altered oceanic crust.


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The benthic foraminifer fauna at Sumisu Rift Sites 790 and 791 indicates that a deep open-ocean (>2300 m) or a basin with open-ocean access existed between 1.1 and 0.7 Ma at the time of the initiation of rifting. The appearance of a low- to medium-oxygen fauna (1600-2300 m) between 0.7 and 0.5 Ma suggests that the open-ocean access may have been terminated at this time because of the development of volcanoes and rift flank uplifts around the basin. The occurrence of low-oxygen faunas at 0.03 Ma suggests a secondary closing of the basin. The lower bathyal benthic faunas from lower Pliocene sediments of rift margin Site 788 suggest about 0.6-1.6 km of total basement uplift. This uplift may have led to the formation of the major hiatus between 2.3 and <0.3 Ma. The faunal changes of benthic foraminifers at Sites 792 and 793 in the forearc basin document a shallowing water depth from below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) (about 3.5 km) in the late early Oligocene to the present depths of 1800 and 2975 m, respectively. These data suggest about 1 km of total basement uplift in the inner part of the forearc basin (Site 792) and about 0.6 km total basement subsidence in the central part of the forearc basin (Site 793) since about 31 Ma. The former uplift led to a thinner sediment accumulation (800 m) and the latter subsidence to a thicker sediment accumulation (1400 m) at these sites. Faunal changes of benthic foraminifers observed in Sites 782 and 786 sequences drilled at the outer-arc high document a deepening water depth from 1.3 to 2.1 km in late Eocene to the present depth of about 3 km. These data suggest about 1.1-1.9 and 1.3-2.1 km of total basement subsidence at Sites 786 and 782, respectively. These results indicate total basement uplift in the inner part of the Bonin arc-trench system since late Oligocene and total basement subsidence in the outer part of the system since late Eocene. The last occurrence (LO) of Stilostomella spp. and Pleurostomella spp. and the first occurrence (F0) of Bulimina aculeata d'Orbigny occurred consistently at 0.7 Ma at all three arc proximal sites (790,791, and 792). This fact is taken to suggest a change of water mass, from one originating from the central part of the ocean to that originating from ocean-margin areas at that time.


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New petrographic and compositional data were reported for 143 samples of core recovered from Sites 832 and 833 during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134. Site 832 is located in the center and Site 833 is on the eastern edge of the North Aoba Basin, in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc. This basin is bounded on the east (Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands) and west (Pentecost and Maewo islands) by uplifted volcano-sedimentary ridges associated with collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone west of the arc. The currently active Central Belt volcanic front extends through the center of this basin and includes the shield volcanoes of Aoba, Ambrym, and Santa Maria islands. The oldest rocks recovered by drilling are the lithostratigraphic Unit VII Middle Miocene volcanic breccias in Hole 832B. Lava clasts are basaltic to andesitic, and the dominant phenocryst assemblage is plagioclase + augite + orthopyroxene + olivine. These clasts characteristically contain orthopyroxene, and show a low to medium K calc-alkaline differentiation trend. They are tentatively correlated with poorly documented Miocene calc-alkaline lavas and intrusives on adjacent Espiritu Santo Island, although this correlation demands that the measured K-Ar of 5.66 Ma for one clast is too young, due to alteration and Ar loss. Lava clasts in the Hole 832B Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence are mainly ankaramite or augite-rich basalt and basaltic andesite; two of the most evolved andesites have hornblende phenocrysts. These lavas vary from medium- to high-K compositions and are derived from a spectrum of parental magmas for which their LILE and HFSE contents show a broad inverse correlation with SiO2 contents. We hypothesize that this spectrum results from partial melting of an essentially similar mantle source, with the low-SiO2 high HFSE melts derived by lower degrees of partial melting probably at higher pressures than the high SiO2, low HFSE magmas. This same spectrum of compositions occurs on the adjacent Central Chain volcanoes of Aoba and Santa Maria, although the relatively high-HFSE series is known only from Aoba. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene lava breccias in Hole 833B contain volcanic clasts including ankaramite and augite + olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalt and rare hornblende andesite. These clasts are low-K compositions with flat REE patterns and have geochemical affinities quite different from those recovered from the central part of the basin (Hole 832B). Compositionally very similar lavas occur on Merelava volcano, 80 km north of Site 833, which sits on the edge of the juvenile Northern (Jean Charcot) Trough backarc basin that has been rifting the northern part of the New Hebrides Island Arc since 2-3 Ma. The basal sedimentary rocks in Hole 833B are intruded by a series of Middle Pliocene plagioclase + augite +/- olivine-phyric sills with characteristically high-K evolved basalt to andesite compositions, transitional to shoshonite. These are compositionally correlated with, though ~3 m.y. older than, the high-HFSE series described from Aoba. The calc-alkaline clasts in Unit VII of Hole 832B, correlated with similar lavas of Espiritu Santo Island further west, presumably were erupted before subduction polarity reversal perhaps 6-10 Ma. All other samples are younger than subduction reversal and were generated above the currently subduction slab. The preponderance in the North Aoba Basin and adjacent Central Chain islands of relatively high-K basaltic samples, some with transitional alkaline compositions, may reflect a response to collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone with the arc some 2-4 Ma. This may have modified the thermal structure of the subduction zone, driving magma generation processes to deeper levels than are present normally along the reminder of the New Hebrides Island Arc.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 backarc basin lavas are characterized by anomalously high Au contents (1.0-11.4 ppb) and strongly fractionated relative platinum group element (PGE) abundances (Pd/Ir ratio, approximately 100). The Rh and Ir contents are very low, ranging from below detection (approximately 0.02 ppb) to 0.08 ppb. The Pd and Pt contents range from <0.3 to 4 ppb. Rh, Pd, and Pt values are consistently and significantly higher in Site 836 and 839 samples relative to those from Sites 834 and 835. Major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) data suggest Sites 836 and 839 have a more pronounced arc signature than Sites 834 and 835. No correlation exists between noble metal abundance and indices of alteration or fractionation (e.g., loss on ignition (LOI), Mg#, and Cr or Ni contents), suggesting that measured values and ratios are primary and reflect characteristics of the mantle source. The evaluation of Leg 135 noble metal data with respect to potential mantle-source components is hindered by the lack of data on magmas derived from such sources. However, analyses of the limited available data for the different magma types suggest that the characteristic enrichment of Leg 135 lavas in Au, relative to Pd and Cu, cannot be derived solely from simple MORB-type or ocean-island-type mantle, or mantle depleted by a previous melt extraction event. The Au-enriched signature of the Lau basin lavas could, however, be produced through the addition of a sedimentary component from the downgoing slab. Separation of Au from the PGE occurs within oceanic hydrothermal systems and gold values of the resultant precipitates are 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than other oceanic crustal components. Even small additions of this component from the downgoing oceanic crust to a supra-subduction zone mantle melt could account for the high mean Au/Pd ratios of the Leg 135 samples (Sites 834 and 835, Au/Pd = 5.04; Sites 836 and 839, Au/Pd = 2.26).


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A number of intensely altered, dark xenoliths with palimpsest quench textures were recorded within altered dacitic host rocks at Site 1189 (Roman Ruins, PACMANUS) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 193. Several of these displayed puzzling marginal fringes, apparently of altered plagioclase with variolitic texture, protruding into adjacent host rocks. Despite their alteration, the xenoliths were interpreted as fragments of rapidly chilled, possibly olivine-bearing basalts incorporated into the dacitic magmas either within the crustal plumbing system or during eruption at the seafloor (figures F15, F16, F17, F42, and F43 in Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.193.104.2002). An additional example of formerly spinifex-textured xenolith, the first from Site 1188 (Snowcap) and the first from the upper cristobalite-bearing zone of alteration, has been revealed by postcruise studies. Furthermore, a pristine sample of the parent lithology has been found within a dredge haul (MD-138, Binatang-2000 Cruise of Franklin; 3°43.60'S, 151°40.35'E, 1688 meters below sea level) from the Satanic Mills hydrothermal field at PACMANUS, near ODP Site 1191. The purpose of this report is to document these discoveries and thereby to confirm and build on shipboard interpretations. To my knowledge, similar xenoliths have never before been found in modern island arc or backarc volcanic sequences. Spinifex textures are most common in Archean komatiites, some of which are bimodally associated with calc-alkaline felsic volcanic rocks.


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We present newly acquired trace element compositions for more than 300 zircon grains in 36 gabbros formed at the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ridges. Rare earth element patterns for zircon from modern oceanic crust completely overlap with those for zircon crystallized in continental granitoids. However, plots of U versus Yb and U/Yb versus Hf or Y discriminate zircons crystallized in oceanic crust from continental zircon, and provide a relatively robust method for distinguishing zircons from these environments. Approximately 80% of the modern ocean crust zircons are distinct from the field defined by more than 1700 continental zircons from Archean and Phanerozoic samples. These discrimination diagrams provide a new tool for fingerprinting ocean crust zircons derived from reservoirs like that of modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) in both modern and ancient detrital zircon populations. Hadean detrital zircons previously reported from the Acasta Gneiss, Canada, and the Narryer Gneiss terrane, Western Australia, plot in the continental granitoid field, supporting hypotheses that at least some Hadean detrital zircons crystallized in continental crust forming magmas and not from a reservoir like modern MORB.


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Gridded multibeam bathymetry from Poseidon cruise 408 and Pelagia cruises 64PE350 and 64PE351 within the Jeddah Transect Project. The raw-data were post-processed and gridded at a resolution of 30 m with QPS Fledermaus Pro. For smaller file size and better handling 11 tiles were created with GlobalMapper (5 columns, 5 lines).


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We provide the first exploration of thallium (Tl) abundances and stable isotope compositions as potential tracers during arc lava genesis. We present a case study of lavas from the Central Island Province (CIP) of the Mariana arc, supplemented by representative sedimentary and altered oceanic crust (AOC) inputs from ODP Leg 129 Hole 801 outboard of the Mariana trench. Given the large Tl concentration contrast between the mantle and subduction inputs coupled with previously published distinctive Tl isotope signatures of sediment and AOC, the Tl isotope system has great potential to distinguish different inputs to arc lavas. Furthermore, CIP lavas have well-established inter island variability, providing excellent context for the examination of Tl as a new stable isotope tracer. In contrast to previous work (Nielsen et al., 2006b), we do not observe Tl enrichment or light epsilon 205Tl (where epsilon 205Tl is the deviation in parts per 10,000 of a sample 205Tl/203Tl ratio compared to NIST SRM 997 Tl standard) in the Jurassic-aged altered mafic ocean crust subducting outboard of the Marianas (epsilon 205Tl = - 4.4 to 0). The lack of a distinctive epsilon 205Tl signature may be related to secular changes in ocean chemistry. Sediments representative of the major lithologies from ODP Hole Leg 129 801 have 1-2 orders of magnitude of Tl enrichment compared to the CIP lavas, but do not record heavy signatures (epsilon 205Tl = - 3.0 to + 0.4), as previously found in similar sediment types (epsilon 205Tl > + 2.5; Rehkämper et al., 2004). We find a restricted range of epsilon 205Tl = - 1.8 to - 0.4 in CIP lavas, which overlaps with MORB. One lava from Guguan falls outside this range with epsilon 205Tl = + 1.2. Coupled Cs, Tl and Pb systematics of Guguan lavas suggests that this heavy Tl isotope composition may be due to preferential degassing of isotopically light Tl. In general, the low Tl concentrations and limited isotopic range in the CIP lavas is likely due to the unexpectedly narrow range of epsilon 205Tl found in Mariana subduction inputs, coupled with volcaniclastic, rather than pelagic sediment as the dominant source of Tl. Much work remains to better understand the controls on Tl processing through a subduction zone. For example, Tl could be retained in residual phengite, offering the potential exploration of Cs/Tl ratios as a slab thermometer. However, data for Tl partitioning in phengite (and other micas) is required before developing this application further. Establishing a database of Tl concentrations and stable isotopes in subduction zone lavas with different thermal parameters and sedimentary inputs is required for the future use of Tl as a subduction zone tracer.