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The Las Vegas gaming arena was one of the most severely affected consumeroriented industries to be impacted by the recent economic recession. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of relational benefits on customers’ behavioral loyalty in the Las Vegas gaming industry. This study particularly took a comparative approach and examined the relational impact during the economic recession and after the economic recession. Secondary data was obtained and regression analysis was performed to test the study hypothesis. The findings of this study revealed the economic recession impact on the Las Vegas gaming industry, as well as valuable insights for effective utilization of relational benefits to increase customer loyalty.
This flyer promotes the event "The Urban Insurrection against Batista: The Life and Times of José Antonio Echeverria, A Symposium".
In aquatic systems refuge habitats increase resistance to drying events and are necessary for maintaining populations in disturbed environments. However, reduced water availability and altered flow regimes threaten the existence and function of these habitats. To test refuge function I conducted a capture-mark-recapture (CMR) study, integrating citizen science angler sampling into fisheries-independent methods. The objectives of this study were twofold: 1) To determine the contribution of citizen science anglers to improving CMR research, and 2.) to quantify apparent survival of Florida Largemouth Bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus, in a coastal refuge habitat across multiple years of drying severity. The inclusion of angler sampling was determined to be an effective and feasible method for increasing capture probability. Apparent survival of Florida Bass varied among hydrologic periods with lowest survival when marshes functionally dried (< 10 cm). Overall mortality from drying events increased with the duration of marsh drying upstream.
The period from 1874 to 1901 was a time of significant transition in the economic and political life of Newfoundland. Twenty years into responsible government and with Confederation on the backburner, the colony’s politicians turned their attention to economic diversification, landward development and carving out the island’s place in the British Empire. The period saw both economic prosperity and retrenchment; the construction of a trans-insular railway; the adoption of policies to foster agriculture, forestry, manufacturing and mining; and diplomatic efforts to resolve France’s outstanding claims on the northwest coast of the island. At the same time, the government made an attempt to intervene directly in its primary industry, the fisheries. It created a Fisheries Commission in 1889 that recommended conservation measures and artificial propagation as ways to restore the health of some of the island’s fish stocks. They also proposed new methods of curing, packaging and marketing Newfoundland’s cod, as well as a complete overhaul of the truck system. A major player in both the public and private debates surrounding all of these subjects was the Reverend Moses Harvey. Along with being minister of the Free Church of Scotland in St. John’s, Harvey was one of Newfoundland’s most active promoters in the late nineteenth century. He served as the media mouthpiece for both Prime Minister William Whiteway and Prime Minister Robert Thorburn; editing the Evening Mercury – the official organ of the Liberal Party and then the Reform Party – from 1882 to 1883 and 1885 until 1890. As well, Harvey wrote regular columns on Newfoundland issues for newspapers in London, New York, Boston, Montreal, Toronto, and Halifax. He also produced numerous books, articles, encyclopedia entries, and travel guides outlining the island’s attractions and its vast economic potential. In short, Harvey made a significant contribution in shaping the way residents and the outside world viewed Newfoundland during this period. This thesis examines late nineteenth-century Newfoundland through the writing of Moses Harvey. The biographical approach offers a fuller, more nuanced account of some of the major historical themes of the period including the politics of progress, opening up the interior, railway construction and attitudes toward the fisheries. It also provides an insider’s prospective on what led to some of the major political decisions, policy positions or compromises taken by the Whiteway and Thorburn governments. Finally, a more detailed review of Harvey’s work exposes the practical and political differences that he had with people like D.W. Prowse and Bishop Michael Howley. While these so-called “boomers” in Newfoundland’s historiography agreed on broad themes, they parted ways over what should be done with the fisheries and how best to channel the colony’s growing sense of nationalism.
This thesis explores the ritual of prayer among Muslim immigrants in the city of St. John's, NL. Immigration across national, cultural, religious, and ethnic borders is a moment in an individual's life marked by significant change. My premise is that in such contexts the relatively conservative nature of religious ritual can supply much-needed continuity, comfort, and consolation for individuals living through the immigrant experience. As well, ritual forms are often put under stress when transferred to a considerably different place and cultural context, where “facts on the ground” may be obstacles to traditional and familiar ritual forms. Changes to the understanding or practice of ritual are common in new cultural and geographic situations, and ritual itself often becomes not merely a means of social identification and cohesion, but a practical tool in processing change - in the context of immigration, in learning to live in a new community. St. John's is a lively and historic city and while Muslim immigrants may be a small group within it they nevertheless contribute to the city's energy and atmosphere. This thesis endeavours to better understand the life stories of ten of these newcomers to St. John's, focusing on their religious backgrounds and lives. In particular, this thesis seeks to better understand the place of prayer in the immigrant experience.
Our approach emphasizes on the importance of the first forms of salt springs exploitation meant to obtain recrystallized salt for the development of prehistoric human communities within the continental inlands of Europe. Although it does not compare with the monumental dimension of World Heritage, the exploitation of some salt springs in Eastern Romania goes back around 8 millennia; they may be the oldest such exploitations in the world, as proven by 14C calibrated data. What differentiates Romanian salt springs from other famous similar areas in Europe is the continuity of exploitation and utilization of natural brine. Actually, these resilient behaviours explain the creation of a whole and complex universe of salt, which also represents a unique point of reference within the intangible World Heritage. It is through this association in variable proportions between tangible (non-monumental) and intangible that these salt springs comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation can be considered elements of World Heritage. Today, important personalities in the fields of archaeology, anthropology and history posit that salt is a major reference for the development of the entire umanity. Obviously, the breakthrough of this idea requires awareness efforts targeting, on one hand, local communities in those areas wand, on the other, national and international scientific and cultural environments concerned with the World Heritage. In this context, a proper motivation is the fact that the last two decades have witnessed an intensification of research on salt, which turned this topic one of the major themes within European archaeology and ethno-archaeology. In terms of local community awareness concerning the importance of salt springs in the economic development of a (micro) area over time, it is worth underlining mostly the specialists’ efforts of presenting this topic in the media. Moreover, the impact of a recent initiative of the two museums in the area (Piatra Neamț and Târgu Neamț)—establishing distinct sections that represent, by using museum-inspired means, both archaeological vestiges and traditional practices of natural brine exploitation and utilization—will prove its extent in time. Certain local authorities and private entrepreneurs have pinpointed that valorising tourist areas comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation in Romania is an imminent issue. The greatest challenge is finding a balance between the civilization improvements (upgraded access roads, upgrading operating areas, etc.) and thep rotection of still-alive traditional practices of salt exploitation and use, within rural areas. Certain local authorities and private entrepreneurs have pinpointed that valorising tourist areas comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation in Romania will become, sooner or later, an imminent issue. The greatest challenge is finding a balance between the civilization improvements (upgraded access roads, upgrading operating areas, etc.) and the protection of still-alive traditional practices of salt exploitation and use, within rural areas.
El drama migratorio del cual está siendo Europa testigo en estas últimas semanas es en parte el resultado de una falta de políticas comunitarias en relación a este tema, hecho del cual, en los últimos años, se han hecho eco multitud de medios. Europa, y en especial los países del Mediterráneo, ha experimentado un incremento sustancial en el número de inmigrantes que llegan a sus costas en condiciones cada vez más deplorables y arriesgando gravemente su integridad física. Este hecho está principalmente motivado por el aumento y la intensidad de los conflictos bélicos en países de África y Oriente próximo. En el caso de Malta, un diminuto archipiélago ubicado entre los territorios de Libia y Sicilia, el cambio en la tendencia migratoria que se produjo en 2002 le hizo pasar de ser un país de emigrantes a un país receptor de inmigrantes. Este cambio dio como resultado la aparición de grupos y partidos anti-inmigración, como Azzjoni Nazzjonali, y de un sentimiento de preocupación frente a la llegada de inmigrantes que crece de manera constante según se refleja en encuestas europeas (véase Eurobarometer 82-83). Desde el punto de vista lingüístico, el discurso discriminatorio empleado por los medios de comunicación, organismos y figuras políticas ha sido ampliamente estudiado dentro de la rama del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (Charteris-Black, 2006; Fairclough, 1989, Reisigl & Wodak, 2001; Santa Ana, 1999; Van Dijk, 1984, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2006, Van Leeuwen & Wodak, 1999). En los últimos años, se ha potenciado el uso de un enfoque cognitivo en el análisis de este tipo de discursos. Dicho enfoque utiliza elementos tomados de la lingüística cognitiva para explicar cómo la representación de eventos y participantes en el discurso atiende, o está motivada por la conceptualización mental de dichos eventos y participantes (Charteris-Black, 2006; Hart, 2011; Musolff, 2012; Núñez-Perucha, 2011; O’Brien, 2003; Santa Ana, 1999; Van Dijk, 1992, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2006; Wodak, 2006). El Análisis Crítico del Discurso es una disciplina cuyo principal objetivo es analizar cómo ciertos fenómenos sociales que se basan en relaciones de abuso de poder y dominación se representan en el discurso de las denominadas élites (Van Dijk, 2001). Muchos de estos discursos atienden a lo que en lingüística se ha denominado discurso de discriminación, en donde un grupo dominante ejerce poder sobre otro mediante el uso de diversas herramientas discursivas. Generalmente, estos estudios sobre discursos de discriminación se han centrado en fenómenos como el machismo o el racismo. Dentro de este último campo, cabe destacar el trabajo de Van Dijk en el análisis del discurso del racismo y del discurso de la inmigración (Van Dijk, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006). El presente trabajo se centra en analizar cómo la prensa maltesa ha representado el fenómeno de la inmigración y a los inmigrantes desde 2005 hasta 2015. Dentro de esta línea temporal, se presta especial atención al día 2 de abril de 2013. Esta es la fecha en la que la Associated Press, una organización de prensa independiente con subscriptores alrededor del mundo, decidió incluir un importante cambio léxico en su manual de estilo. El motivo del mismo era modificar el uso del adjetivo “ilegal” recomendando su uso para referirse exclusivamente a acciones (ej. Inmigración ilegal) pero nunca para referirse a individuos (ej. Inmigrante ilegal). Nuestro estudio pretende identificar hasta qué punto esta medida se ha puesto en práctica en los periódicos malteses y qué repercusiones ha tenido su incorporación en la representación de los inmigrantes y la inmigración. Para ello, se ha seleccionado como caso de estudio uno de los periódicos en lengua inglesa más leídos en el archipiélago, Times of Malta. El estudio se ha centrado en el análisis de un total de treinta artículos de opinión repartidos de manera homogénea (quince y quince) en dos corpus. El primer corpus contiene artículos pertenecientes a un periodo de tiempo que va desde 2005 hasta la fecha en la cual el cambio léxico de la Associated Press fue publicado, es decir, el 2 de abril de 2013. Por otro lado, el segundo corpus contiene artículos desde el 2 de abril de 2013 hasta mediados de 2015. Para agilizar y facilitar el análisis de los artículos, se ha hecho uso del programa llamado WordSmith Tools, el cual está especializado en el trabajo con corpus. Este programa se utilizó principalmente para analizar la representación semántica de los distintos participantes y eventos. Los resultados del análisis demuestran que el periódico ha aplicado el cambio léxico sugerido por la Associated Press al no encontrarse ningún ejemplo de “inmigrante ilegal” o “migrante ilegal” a partir del 2 de abril de 2013. En estos mismos resultados también se aprecia una representación más positiva de la figura del inmigrante en el segundo corpus, dónde el inmigrante abandona la categoría léxica de “criminal” para comenzar a ser visto cada vez más como la víctima. También a nivel léxico, se puede observar cómo los autores tienden a usar cada vez más el término “migrante” en lugar de “inmigrante”. A pesar de que este último continúa siendo el término más utilizado para referirse a la persona que llega desde otro país, el significativo incremento del uso de la palabra “migrante” en el segundo corpus es llamativo y puede deberse a que la palabra “inmigrante” haya adquirido connotaciones negativas por su repetido uso junto al adjetivo “ilegal”. De entre las estrategias discursivas empleadas en la representación de la sociedad maltesa, cabe destacar dos. Por un lado, tenemos el uso de la victimización, mediante la cual la población maltesa aparece como una víctima frente a la inmigración, que es vista como una amenaza, al mismo tiempo que Malta es también víctima de la falta de apoyo internacional. En segundo lugar, es también común encontrar artículos en donde el autor destaca las cualidades positivas de la sociedad maltesa, especialmente su generosidad. Esta última estrategia es lo que Van Dijk denomina national self-glorifiation (2000:220; 2006:738). En cuanto al uso de las metáforas, el cambio es menos significativo. En general, ambos corpus muestran ejemplos de metáforas en las que el inmigrante aparece conceptualizado como parte de un fenómeno natural incontrolable, un invasor o un organismo dispuesto a infectar o dañar de algún modo el país. En el segundo corpus, sin embargo, desaparecen las metáforas en las que el inmigrante se percibe como un animal inferior, que sí aparecían en el primer corpus. Esto supone un cambio positivo. Hasta este punto hemos resumido los cambios en la representación de los inmigrantes. Respecto al modo en el cual el fenómeno de la inmigración aparece representado en los periódicos, también encontramos cambios importantes. A nivel léxico, el cambio que mencionábamos relativo a los términos “inmigrante” y “migrante” también se produce a la hora de nombrar este fenómeno social. De este modo, la palabra “migración” es más usada en el segundo corpus que en el primero, aunque sigue ocupando el segundo lugar por detrás de la palabra “inmigración”. En cuanto a los contenidos, se puede observar un cambio positivo hacia una mayor concienciación social. Por ejemplo, vemos cómo en el segundo corpus en ocasiones se pide una respuesta estatal a temas como la integración de los inmigrantes o el racismo entre la sociedad, mientras que en el primer corpus la integración era una labor del inmigrante y el racismo era un tema incómodo. En el segundo corpus también encontramos la queja más clara hacia el uso de centros de detención en la isla. En el primer corpus, aunque algunos autores manifestaban su disconformidad con las condiciones en las cuales los inmigrantes vivían dentro de los centros de detención, todos asumían que tener dichos centros era una medida necesaria. Esta especie de consenso social y político acerca del uso de centros de detención se consigue mediante el empleo de herramientas discursivas que representen la inmigración como una amenaza de la cual hay que protegerse (negative other-presentation Van Dijk, 2000:221; 2006:738). En resumen, podemos decir que este trabajo muestra una progresión en el discurso de inmigración en Malta hacia una representación más positiva y amable del inmigrante y de la inmigración. Aunque las limitaciones de este estudio hacen imposible establecer una relación única y directa entre los cambios experimentados por el periódico y el cambio léxico sugerido por la Associated Press, lo cierto es que la descriminalización de los inmigrantes a nivel léxico (mediante la supresión de términos como “ilegal” o “detenidos”) ha influido de manera positiva en el tono y la forma en que este periódico se refiere al fenómeno social de la inmigración
This paper details methodologies that have been explored for the fast proofing of on-chip architectures for Circular Dichroism techniques. Flow-cell devices fabricated from UV transparent Quartz are used for these experiments. The complexity of flow-cell production typically results in lead times of six months from order to delivery. Only at that point can the on-chip architecture be tested empirically and any required modifications determined ready for the next six month iteration phase. By using the proposed 3D printing and PDMS moulding techniques for fast proofing on-chip architectures the optimum design can be determined within a matter of hours prior to commitment to quartz chip production.
Characterization of the defined MDC types and compilation of MDC initiation times (excel-file 19 kB)
Mud accumulates on continental shelves under a variety of environmental conditions and results in a diverse formation of mud depocenters (MDCs). Their three-dimensional architectures have been in the focus of several recent studies. Due to some terminological confusion concerning MDCs, the present study sets out to define eight individual MDC types in terms of surface sediment distribution and internal geometry. Under conditions of substantial sediment supply, prodeltas (distal zones off river deltas; triangular sheets), subaqueous deltas (disconnected from deltas by strong normal-to-shore currents; wedge-like clinoforms), and mud patches (scattered distribution) and mud blankets (widespread covers) are formed. Forced by hydrodynamic conditions, mud belts in the strict sense (detached from source; elongated bodies), and shallow-water contourite drifts (detached from source; growing normal to prevailing current direction; triangular clinoforms) develop. Controlled by local morphology, mud entrapments (in depressions, behind morphological steps) and mud wedges (triangular clinoforms growing in flow direction) are deposited. Shelf mud deposition took place (1) during early outer-shelf drowning (~14 ka), (2) after inner-shelf inundation to maximum flooding (9.5-6.5 ka), and (3) in sub-recent times (<2 ka). Subsequent expansion may be (1) concentric, in cases where the depocenter formed near the fluvial source, (2) uni-directional, extending along advective current transport paths, and (3) progradational, forming clinoforms that grow either parallel or normal to the bottom current direction. Classical mud belts may be initiated around defined nuclei, the remote sites of which are determined by seafloor morphology rather than the location of the source. From a stratigraphic perspective, mud depocenters coincide with sea-level highstand-related, shelf-wide condensed sections. They often show a conformable succession from transgressive to highstand systems tract stages.
Data archives with raw data of burrowing times and proportions of succesfully burrowed clams.
We analyze democratic equity in council voting games (CVGs). In a CVG, a voting body containing all members delegates decision-making to a (time-varying) subset of its members, as describes, e.g., the relationship between the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). We develop a theoretical framework for analyzing democratic equitability in CVGs at both the country and region levels, and for different assumptions regarding preference correlation. We apply the framework to evaluate the equitability of the UNSC, and the claims of those who seek to reform it. We find that the individual permanent members are overrepresented by between 21.3 times (United Kingdom) and 3.8 times (China) from a country-level perspective, while from a region perspective Eastern Europe is the most heavily overrepresented region with more than twice its equitable representation, and Africa the most heavily underrepresented. Our equity measures do not preclude some UNSC members from exercising veto rights, however.
Don Draper (Mad Men, Matthew Weiner, AMC: 2007-2015) actively colaborates in the birth and consolidationof a model of consumer society without realizing the enormous lie he is telling himself. Tony Soprano(The Sopranos, David Chase, HBO: 1999-2007) desperately grasps the wreckage of that ideal imageof effort and self-improvement which is not only disappearing but was actually never coherent or real.This article does a comparative textual, sociological, and discursive analysis these two characters as arepresentation of the evolution of the discourse of capitalism in the second half of the 20th century, that is,the artificiality of the hegemonic discourse of “pursuit of happiness” as the main myth in post-war NorthAmerican neoliberalism.
Cultural landscapes are the product of innumerable changes wrought by generations in order to meet their aspirations, vanities, ambitions and weaknesses (Sudjic 2006: p.326). The inescapable nature of architecture makes it the ideal vehicle for those in power to manifest their authority, taste and will in the landscape by the buildings and monuments they construct and conserve and also the historical events and myths they commemorate and disseminate.
In the 1960s, many Yugoslav landscapes were altered by the construction of abstract Partisan spomenik (monuments) which dominated the skylines of former battle sites. This paper will discuss the how the collapse of Socialist ‘regime of memory’ and Yugoslavia has left these landscapes as legacies of a lost world of yesterday. It will consider how changing values are reflected by physical landscape changes and also by how and which critical events are commemorated.
Foliar phosphorus application enhances nutrient balance and growth of phosphorus deficient sugarcane
Although it is well known that nutrient imbalance in shoot tissues may impair plant performance, the interactive effect between foliar phosphorus (P) application and varying P availability in the rooting medium on the nutritional status of sugarcane has not been well studied. To fill this research gap, four sugarcane varieties (IAC91-1099, IACSP94-2101, IACSP94-2094 and IACSP95-5000) were evaluated using a combination of two concentrations of P in nutrient solution (P-deficient, PD = 0.02 mmol L^(−1) and P-sufficient, PS = 0.5 mmol L^(−1)) and foliar P application (none and 0.16 mol L^(−1)). The spray was applied until drip point three times during the experiment with 15 days intervals, after which the plants were harvested to quantify growth and shoot concentration of nitrogen (N), P, magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S) and manganese (Mn). The responses of sugarcane plants to foliar P spray at different levels of P supply in the rooting medium was not genotype-dependent. It was demonstrated for the averaged values across varieties, that foliar P application enhanced sugarcane performance under low P, as revealed by improvements of leaf area and dry matter production of shoot and root of PD plants. Under P limitation we also observed diminished shoot concentration of N, P, Mg, S and increased concentration of Mn. However, foliar P spray increased the concentrations of N, P, S and reduced shoot Mn. Furthermore, shoot P:N, P:Mg, P:S, P:Mn and Mg:Mn concentration ratios exhibited a positive relationship with shoot dry matter production. In conclusion, low P supply in the rooting medium impairs nutrient balance in shoot tissues of sugarcane at early growth; however, this effect was ameliorated by foliar P application which merits further study under field conditions.
One aspect of the ICCS study's measurement of young people's citizen competence is 'civic engagement'. In this article it is argued that even though the study's assessment captures important aspects of young people's civic engagement, too strong educational reliance on it may contribute to meagreness in the educaitonal assignment to see to an engaged citizenry. By providing deeper insight into the ICCS study's assessment rationale, and by presenting qualitatively derived examples of young people's civic engagement, it is suggested that in order to see to fruitful ways of approaching the educational task of providing for young people's civic engagement, we need to maintain openness to different depictions of civic engagement. Among them those that matter as such for the young people themselves in and through the social and material practices they take part in.